856 resultados para Master degree formation program


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This paper proposes a comparison of skill formation in Germany and Britain over the last decades. Taking historical trends into account, the two cases can be regarded as representing different types of skill production regimes. Institu-tional features include a relatively low degree of standardization of training and a larger amount of on-the-job training in Britain. In Germany, post-compulsory training has been conducted predominantly within the dual system of vocational training, underlining the vocational specificity of a large part of the labor market. As a consequence, international differences in individual skill investments, transitions from school to work and other life-course patterns can be observed. At least in Britain, however, the situation seems to have changed considerably during the 1990s. The paper argues that the divergence in more recent developments can still be understood as an expression of historical path-dependency given the traditional connections between the post-compulsory training system and the broader societal context in which it is embedded. These concern, in particular, links with the system of general and academic education as the basis for – and also a possible competitor with – vocational training; links with the labor market as they are indicated by specific skill requirements and returns to qualifications; and, links with the order of social stratification in the form of the selective acquisition and the social consequences of these qualifications. The links manifest themselves as typical individual-level consequences and decisions. Founded on the basis of these distinctions, the aim of this paper is to investigate the preceding conditions for recent developments in the qualification systems of Britain and Germany, which have adapted to specific challenges during the last decades.


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Extension of the vertebrate body results from the concerted activity of many signals in the posterior embryonic end. Among them, Wnt3a has been shown to play relevant roles in the regulation of axial progenitor activity, mesoderm formation and somitogenesis. However, its impact on axial growth remains to be fully understood. Using a transgenic approach in the mouse, we found that the effect of Wnt3a signaling varies depending on the target tissue. High levels of Wnt3a in the epiblast prevented formation of neural tissues, but did not impair axial progenitors from producing different mesodermal lineages. These mesodermal tissues maintained a remarkable degree of organization, even within a severely malformed embryo. However, from the cells that failed to take a neural fate, only those that left the epithelial layer of the epiblast activated a mesodermal program. The remaining tissue accumulated as a folded epithelium that kept some epiblast-like characteristics. Together with previously published observations, our results suggest a dose-dependent role for Wnt3a in regulating the balance between renewal and selection of differentiation fates of axial progenitors in the epiblast. In the paraxial mesoderm, appropriate regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was required not only for somitogenesis, but also for providing proper anterior-posterior polarity to the somites. Both processes seem to rely on mechanisms with different requirements for feedback modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, once segmentation occurred in the presence of high levels of Wnt3a in the presomitic mesoderm, but not after permanent expression of a constitutively active form of β-catenin. Together, our findings suggest that Wnt3a/β-catenin signaling plays sequential roles during posterior extension, which are strongly dependent on the target tissue. This provides an additional example of how much the functional output of signaling systems depends on the competence of the responding cells.


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Relatório de estágio, apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de educação de infância e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Enquadramento:A formação continuada é entendida como a formação recebida por for-mandos já profissionalizados e com uma vida ativa, tendo como base a adaptação contínua para a mudança de conhecimentos, técnicas e condições de trabalho, melhorando as quali-ficações profissionais e, por conseguinte, a sua promoção profissional e social. Objetivos: O objetivo geral foi avaliar o impacto do programa de formação continuada, oferecido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Maceió-AL aos professores de educa-ção física, no período de 2005 a 2011. Os objetivos específicos foram:caracterizar o perfil do grupo pesquisado, compreender os itinerários formativos e identificar os principais fato-res profissionais e sociais na formação realizada. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo transversal descritivo de natureza quantitativa, com a seleção dos participantes elaborada com base no rol das unidades escolares que atendem a educação básica. A amostra final foi de 48 professores licenciados e concursados na área de educação física, por amostragem baseada em agrupamento e com aplicação de questio-nários de perguntas fechadas e abertas para coleta de dados, revelando: qual a modalidade de formação preferida, a participação do professor no programa de formação, principais motivações para participação, principais efeitos alcançados e qual a satisfação na formação realizada. Resultados: Entre as modalidades de formação analisadas a preferida foi a ‘oficina’com uma percentagem de 42,35%, seguida pelo ‘círculos de estudo’ com 24,71%. Os motivos referidos como muito importante pelos professores para a participação na formação foram os ‘emancipatórios’ com 66,67% e logo após motivos ‘pedagógicos’em 54,17%. Os três principais aspectos positivos na formação, mencionados pelos participantes foram a quali-dade do formador (16,60%), partilhar experiências (15,35%) e conviver/recordar colegas (14,11%). Quanto aos aspectos negativos indicados apontam duração da formação (22,58%), horário da formação (20,43%) e local da formação (15,05%). O grau de satisfa-ção quanto as dimensões exploradas (instrução, gestão/organização, clima relacional e dis-ciplina) na formação os professores encontram-se satisfeitos variando entre 43,75% e 66,67% para os diferentes itens das dimensões. Conclusão: Considerações finais apontam a frequência maior do género feminino, os pro-fessores com experiência profissional de 15 a 29 anos de atuação no magistério, e vincula-ção expressiva com outra instituição de ensino. Quanto aos itinerários formativos elegeram a modalidade formativa oficina como a preferida; quanto aos aspectos positivos valoriza-ram a qualidade do formador e negativo a duração da formação. Principalmente nas dimensões de instrução e gestão/organização da prática docente. A formação continuada da SEMED contribuiu satisfatoriamente para a prática educativa dos professores de educação física ao longo deste período. Palavras-chave: Formação continuada, educação física, professor.


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Relatório de Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Enfermagem Médico-cirúrgica


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Réalisée sous la codirection de l'Université de Montréal (Anthropologie) et de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Aménagement du territoire)


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We examined sediments from Neogene and Quaternary sections of the Benguela and Oman upwelling systems (DSDP Site 532, ODP Sites 723 and 722) to determine environmental and geochemical factors which control and limit pyrite formation in organic-carbon-rich marine sediments. Those samples from the upwelling sites, which contained low to moderate concentrations of total organic carbon (0.7%-3%), had C/S ratios typical of normal marine sediments, i.e., around 2.8. In these sediments, TOC availability probably limited pyrite formation. Results that do not conform with accepted models were found for the sediments high in TOC (3^0-12.4%). The organic matter was of marine origin and contained considerable pyrolytic hydrocarbons, a fact that we take as a sign of low degradation, yet significant concentrations of dissolved sulfate coexisted with it (> 5 mmol/L in the case of Sites 532 and 723). Detrital iron was probably not limiting in either case, because the degree of pyritization was always less than 0.65. Therefore, controls on sulfate reduction and pyrite formation in the organic matter-rich sediments do not appear to conform simply to generally accepted diagenetic models. The data from these thermally immature, old, and organic-rich marine sediments imply that (1) the total reduced sulfur content of organic-rich marine upwelling sediments rarely exceeds an approximate boundary of 1.5% by weight, (2) the C/S ratio of these sediments is not constant and usually much higher than the empirical values proposed for marine sediments. We conclude that sedimentary pyrite formation in upwelling sediments is limited by an as yet unknown factor, and that caution is advised in using C/S ratios and C vs. S diagrams in paleoenvironmental reconstructions for organic-rich sediments.


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Secondary carbonate minerals were recovered within the basalts at both ODP Sites 768 and 770 in the Sulu and Celebes seas. Petrographic and X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that the carbonates are calcites. Other alteration products recognized in the thin sections are smectites, iron oxides, and gypsum. The 13C values of carbonates from both sites range from 1.6 per mil to 2.3 per mil, which are indicative of inorganic carbonate formation with no contributions from 13C-depleted sources such as oxidized organic carbon or methane. The oxygen isotopes at Site 770 range from 30.8 per mil to 31.6 per mil, which indicates a pervasive circulation of cold seawater (9° to 12°C) during alteration of the Celebes Sea basalts. In contrast, carbonates associated with Site 768 basalts have less positive d18O values (21.0 per mil to 27.3 per mil). A lighter 18O isotopic signature indicates the formation of secondary calcite at either higher temperatures or in a system closed to seawater. The rapidly deposited pyroclastic flows at Site 768 would have limited water access to the crust very soon after its formation, which leads us to speculate that the carbonates in the Sulu Sea basalts were formed by isotopically modified fluids resulting from basalt alteration in a closed system.


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The sedimentary succession drilled at Sites 840 and 841 on the Tonga forearc allows the sedimentary evolution of the active margin to be reconstructed since shortly after the initiation of subduction during the mid Eocene. Sedimentation has been dominated by submarine fan deposits, principally volcaniclastic turbidites and mass-flows derived from the volcanic arc. Volcaniclastic sedimentation occurred against a background of pelagic nannofossil sedimentation. A number of upward-fining cycles are recognized and are correlated to regional tectonic events, such as the rifting of the Lau Basin at 5.6 Ma. Episodes of sedimentation dating from 16.0 and 10.0 Ma also correlate well with major falls in eustatic sea level and may be at least partially caused by the resulting enhanced erosion of the arc edifice. The early stages of rifting of the Lau Basin are marked by the formation of a brief hiatus at Site 840 (Horizon A), probably a result of the uplift of the Tonga Platform. Controversy exists as to the degree and timing of the uplift of Site 840 before Lau Basin rifting, with estimates ranging from 2500 to 300 m. Structural information favors a lower value. Breakup of the Tonga Arc during rifting resulted in deposition of dacite-dominated, volcaniclastic mass flows, probably reflecting a maximum in arc volcanism at this time. A pelagic interval at Site 840 suggests that no volcanic arc was present adjacent to the Tonga Platform from 5.0 to 3.0 Ma. This represents the time between separation of the Lau Ridge from the Tonga Platform and the start of activity on the Tofua Arc at 3.0 Ma. The sedimentary successions at both sites provide a record of the arc volcanism despite the reworked nature of the deposits. Probe analyses of volcanic glass grains from Site 840 indicate a consistent low-K tholeiite chemistry from 7.0 Ma to the present, possibly reflecting sediment sourcing from a single volcanic center over long periods of time. Trace and rare-earth-element (REE) analyses of basaltic glass grains indicate that thinning of the arc lithosphere had begun by 7.0 Ma and was the principle cause of a progressive depletion of the high-field-strength (HFSE), REE, and large-ion-lithophile (LILE) elements within the arc magmas before rifting. Magmatic underplating of the Tofua Arc has reversed this trend since that time. Increasing fluid flux from the subducting slab since basin rifting has caused a progressive enrichment in LILEs. Subduction erosion of the underside of the forearc lithosphere has caused continuous subsidence and tilting toward the trench since 37.0 Ma. Enhanced subsidence occurred during rifting of the South Fiji and Lau basins. Collision of the Louisville Ridge with the trench has caused no change in the nature of the sedimentation, but it may have been responsible for up to 300 m of uplift at Site 840.


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We have measured the concentrations of (1) pore-water sulfide and (2) solid-phase pyrite, iron monosulfide (=acid volatile sulfide), elemental sulfur, and extractable and nonextractable organic ("kerogen") sulfur in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 680 and 686. Pore-water sulfide defines classic "bell-shaped" profiles. Maximum concentrations of 6 to 12 mM occur where sulfate is exhausted, or is most depleted, at depths between 15 and 50 mbsf. Sulfide resulting from bacterial sulfate reduction reacts in three ways: (1) some is reoxidized to elemental sulfur in surface sediments; (2) some reacts with detrital iron minerals to form iron monosulfide and pyrite, primarily in the top meter or two of the sediment; and (3) some reacts with, and is incorporated into, kerogen. Incorporation of reduced sulfur into kerogen occurs over the top 15 m of the sediment at both Sites 680 and 686, after the main phase of pyrite formation. Up to 45% of the total sedimentary sulfur is organically bound, and concentrations of 12 wt% sulfur are reached in the kerogen. These values are like those measured in lithologically similar, but more deeply buried, sediments from the Monterey Formation.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-46).


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"Prepared for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."