959 resultados para Martin-Parry Corporation
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G01563
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G01564
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G01565
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G01961
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03051
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03052
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G04083
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G04194
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G04195
by A. Löwy
In an age of medical advances and specialization, Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) helped found the discipline of neurology and in 1882 was appointed the first professor of Diseases of the Nervous System in France. As an investigator with broad interests and vast knowledge Charcot contributed to several other disciplines. An early mentor and dominant figure in Charcot's formative years was Pierre Rayer (1793-1867), famous for his seminal contributions to the study of the kidney, who gifted Charcot with his passion for clinical pathological correlations and likely a yearning for the study of kidney diseases. Famous for the clarity and incisiveness of his formal teaching presentations, Charcot lectured on the kidney at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris in 1877. Translated into English and published as a book titled Lectures on Bright's Disease, they became widely accessible and quoted in the literature through the present. In addition, at a time that he was already concentrating on the study of neurological disorders, Charcot maintained his life-long interest in the kidney and published original studies on the pathological changes of the kidney in gout and experimental lead poisoning, as well as supporting a study of hysterical ischuria by his students.
ExxonMobil, a Fortune 500 oil and gas corporation, has a global workforce with employees assigned to projects in areas at risk for infectious diseases, particularly malaria. As such, the corporation has put in place a program to protect the health of workers and ensure their safety in malaria endemic zones. This program is called the Malaria Control Program (MCP). One component of this program is the more specific Malaria Chemoprophylaxis Compliance Program (MCCP), in which employees enroll following consent to random drug testing for compliance with the company's chemoprophylaxis requirements. Each year, data is gathered on the number of employees working in these locations and are selected randomly and tested for chemoprophylaxis compliance. The selection strives to test each eligible worker once per year. Test results that come back positive for the chemoprophylaxis drug are considered "detects" and tests that are negative for the drug and therefore show the worker is non-compliant at risk for severe malaria infection are considered "non-detect". ^ The current practice report used aggregate data to calculate statistics on test results to reflect compliance among both employees and contractors in various malaria-endemic areas. This aggregate, non-individualized data has been compiled and reflects the effectiveness and reach of ExxonMobil's Malaria Chemoprophylaxis Compliance Program. In order to assess compliance, information on the number of non-detect test results was compared to the number of tests completed per year. The data shows that over time, non-detect results have declined in both employee and contractor populations, and vary somewhat by location due to size and scope of the MCCP implemented in-country. Although the data indicate a positive trend for the corporation, some recommendations have been made for future implementation of the program.^
Pese a los indicios que podrían encontrarse en la filosofía griega, la noción de persona es de origen netamente cristiano y no pudo haber sido formulada sino dentro de ese horizonte de pensamiento. El hombre ha sido creado a imagen de Dios y es persona porque, en primer término, Dios lo es. Aquí se enlazan, durante el medioevo, las cuestiones antropológicas y teológicas (trinitarias y cristológicas). Un ejemplo paradigmático se encuentra en las Sentencias de Pedro Lombardo y sus comentadores, entre los que hemos reparado especialmente en Tomás de Aquino. En este contexto, “naturaleza" (divina o humana) y “persona" son nociones íntimamente vinculadas, pues es propio de tales naturalezas el existir y manifestarse como seres personales. Esa relación, sin embargo, se pierde durante la modernidad, época en que persona y naturaleza se vuelven términos antagónicos. Martin Heidegger, agudo crítico de esa transformación en la historia del pensar, propone una concepción de lo humano que, no obstante su “ateísmo metodológico", finalmente parece aproximarse a la noción cristiana de persona.
Fil: Rodríguez, Armando.