972 resultados para Marriage counseling


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El presente trabajo analiza los conocimientos, opiniones y actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios sobre sus compañeros con discapacidad. La integración educativa y social de estos estudiantes es objeto de preocupación y estudio en todo el sistema educativo español, incluida la enseñanza superior en la que 21.942 universitarios con discapacidad se encontraban matriculados en el curso 2013-2014. El estudio se realiza en el marco de dos Proyectos de Innovación Educativa[1] de la Universidad de Málaga en los que se examinaron las actitudes del personal docente e investigador, el alumnado en general y el alumnado con discapacidad de esta institución. En este artículo se recogen las perspectivas de los estudiantes sin discapacidad, necesarias para medir el grado de aceptación dentro de las aulas universitarias. Se empleó una encuesta suministrada mediante correo electrónico a la totalidad de la población de estudiantes de la Universidad de Málaga (N= 32.464). El tamaño de la muestra fue de 620 estudiantes, por lo que trabajamos con un margen de error del 3,9% para la estimación de los porcentajes con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Los datos, analizados mediante análisis estadístico, visibilizan la importancia de un elevado grado de información y conocimiento así como de una experiencia directa con la discapacidad. Ambas circunstancias se traducen en actitudes más positivas y favorables. Tan solo el 20% de los alumnos manifestó haber recibido en alguna ocasión cualquier tipo de información sobre este asunto por parte de la Universidad; no obstante, la mayoría valora positivamente la presencia de alumnos con discapacidad en la Universidad, la posibilidad de contar ellos como compañeros de clase y el enriquecimiento que supone esta convivencia dentro del aula. Se discuten posibles acciones para mejorar las actitudes hacia los estudiantes con discapacidad. Además, se plantea incluir una perspectiva que promueva el empoderamiento de estos estudiantes. [1] PIE 10-135 y PIE 13-103.


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Objective: To establish the extent of psychological problems among patients who require orthognathic treatment. Materials and Methods: Five aspects of psychological functioning were assessed for 162 patients who required orthognathic treatment and compared with 157 control subjects.

Results: Analysis of variance did not detect any significant difference in the five psychological scores recorded for the skeletal II, skeletal III, and control groups. The proportion of subjects with one or more psychological measure beyond the normal range was 27% for skeletal II subjects, 25% for skeletal III subjects, and 26% for control subjects. One skeletal II subject (1.5%), three skeletal III subjects (3%), and five control subjects (3%) required referral for psychological counseling.

Conclusions: The orthognathic patients did not differ significantly from the control subjects in their psychological status. © 2010 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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In this article, I examine Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women as a response to the particular religio-political context in the years surrounding 1621. The onset of the Thirty Years War in 1618 and the subsequent humiliation of James' son-in-law Frederick, Elector of Palatine, the vexed question of a possible Catholic marriage for Charles, Prince of Wales, the ever present difficulty of Anglo-Catholic relations, particularly with Spain, as well as growing religious factionalism within the Church of England between Calvinists and Arminians: all contributed towards a culturally febrile atmosphere, one to which, as I will argue, Middleton was well placed to respond. Given Middleton's Calvinistic beliefs, I suggest that Women Beware Women offers an acerbic examination of contemporary debates concerning human will, especially women's will, as well as promoting a sceptically apocalyptic anti-Catholic agenda throughout. I also examine the religious language and imagery used to construct Bianca as the whore of Babylon, and argue that her emergence and fall offer a political commentary on the precarious position of the English Church around 1621.


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This review article reveals a long-standing gender bias in academic and policy research on adolescent pregnancy, which has led to the neglect of adolescent men's perspectives. The review summarizes the available literature on adolescent men's attitudes in relation to pregnancy occurrence and pregnancy outcomes in the context of addressing three questions: (1) What are adolescent men's attitudes to an adolescent pregnancy? (2) What are adolescent men's attitudes in relation to pregnancy outcomes? (3) What explanations are offered for the identified attitudes to adolescent pregnancy and resolution? The review establishes a foundation for future quantitative and qualitative research on adolescent men's perspectives. It emphasizes that a greater understanding of adolescent men's perspectives could lead to a re-framing of adolescent pregnancy away from being seen solely as a woman's issue. Furthermore, it is argued that the inclusion of adolescent men would lead to more effective adolescent pregnancy prevention and counseling programmes.


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Historians of Ireland have devoted considerable attention to the Presbyterian origins of modern Irish republicanism in the 1790s and their overwhelming support for the Union with Great Britain in the 1880s. On the one hand, it has been argued that conservative politics came to dominate nineteenth-century Presbyterianism in the form of Henry Cooke who combined conservative evangelical religion with support for the established order. On the other hand, historians have long acknowledged the continued importance of liberal and radical impulses amongst Presbyterians. Few historians of the nineteenth century have attempted to bring these two stories together and to describe the relationship between the religion and politics of Presbyterians along the lines suggested by scholars of Presbyterian radicalism in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. This article argues that a distinctive form of Presbyterian evangelicalism developed in the nineteenth century that sought to bring the denomination back to the theological and spiritual priorities of seventeenth-century Scottish and Irish Presbyterianism. By doing so, it encouraged many Presbyterians to get involved in movements for reform and liberal politics. Supporters of ‘Covenanter Politics’ utilised their denominational principles and traditions as the basis for political involvement and as a rhetoric of opposition to Anglican privilege and Catholic tyranny. These could be the prime cause of Presbyterian opposition to the infringement of their rights, such as the marriage controversy and the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in the early 1840s, and they could also be employed as a language of opposition in response to broader social and political developments, such as the demands for land reform stimulated by the agricultural depression that accompanied the Famine. Despite their opposition to ascendancy, however, the Covenanter Politics of Presbyterian Liberals predisposed them towards pan-protestant unionism against the threat of ‘Rome Rule’.


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BRCA1/2 test decliners/deferrers have received almost no attention in the literature and this is the first study of this population in the United Kingdom. The aim of this multicenter study is to examine the attributes of a group of individuals offered predictive genetic testing for breast/ovarian cancer predisposition who did not wish to proceed with testing at the time of entry into this study. This forms part of a larger study involving 9 U.K. centers investigating the psychosocial impact of predictive genetic testing for BRCA1/2. Cancer worry and reasons for declining or deferring BRCA1/2 predictive genetic testing were evaluated by questionnaire following genetic counseling. A total of 34 individuals declined the offer of predictive genetic testing. Compared to the national cohort of test acceptors, test decliners are significantly younger. Female test decliners have lower levels of cancer worry than female test acceptors. Barriers to testing include apprehension about the result, traveling to the genetics clinic, and taking time away from work/family. Women are more likely than men to worry about receiving less screening if found not to be a carrier. The findings do not indicate that healthy BRCA1/2 test decliners are a more vulnerable group in terms of cancer worry. However, barriers to testing need to be discussed in genetic counseling.


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To understand the work experiences of men who sexually offend against children, the authors conducted a qualitative study on a sample of 8 outpatients in mandated treatment. The results, based on both interview and quantitative data, highlighted the reciprocal influence of work and sexual offending and ways in which the offense affected participants' psychosocial and career stability. Participants who were rated as making the most favorable progress by their therapists ranked work as less salient than home and family, leisure, and community service, although they were relatively satisfied with their current jobs. Work was more salient than other life roles, but less satisfying for participants who were making less progress in treatment. Participants reported a loss of job security and career status, as well as restricted opportunities for vocational change and advancement.


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Objective: This Study aimed to assess the levels of adherence in a sample of hypertensive patients being cared for in primary care in Northern Ireland and to explore the impact of depressive symptoms and medication beliefs on medication adherence.


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BACKGROUND: Current evidence supports the use of exercise-based treatment for chronic low back pain that encourages the patient to assume an active role in their recovery. Walking has been shown it to be an acceptable type of exercise with a low risk of injury. However, it is not known whether structured physical activity programmes are any more effective than giving advice to remain active.

METHODS/DESIGN: The proposed study will test the feasibility of using a pedometer-driven walking programme, as an adjunct to a standard education and advice session in participants with chronic low back pain. Fifty adult participants will be recruited via a number of different sources. Baseline outcome measures including self reported function; objective physical activity levels; fear-avoidance beliefs and health-related quality of life will be recorded. Eligible participants will be randomly allocated under strict, double blind conditions to one of two treatments groups. Participants in group A will receive a single education and advice session with a physiotherapist based on the content of the 'Back Book'. Participants in group B will receive the same education and advice session. In addition, they will also receive a graded pedometer-driven walking programme prescribed by the physiotherapist. Follow up outcomes will be recorded by the same researcher, who will remain blinded to group allocation, at eight weeks and six months post randomisation. A qualitative exploration of participants' perception of walking will also be examined by use of focus groups at the end of the intervention. As a feasibility study, treatment effects will be represented by point estimates and confidence intervals. The assessment of participant satisfaction will be tabulated, as will adherence levels and any recorded difficulties or adverse events experienced by the participants or therapists. This information will be used to modify the planned interventions to be used in a larger randomised controlled trial.

DISCUSSION: This paper describes the rationale and design of a study which will test the feasibility of using a structured, pedometer-driven walking programme in participants with chronic low back pain.



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The ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasiaclefting syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by heterozygous mutations in the p63 gene, a transcription factor belonging to the p53 family. The majority of cases of ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia syndrome are caused by de novo mutations and are therefore sporadic in approximately 60% of patients. The substitution of arginine to histidine (R279H), due to a c.836G>A mutation in exon 7 of the p63 gene, represents 55% of the identified mutations and is considered a mutational hot spot. A quantitative and sensitive real-time PCR was performed to quantify both wild-type and R279H alleles in DNA extracted from peripheral blood and RNA from cultured epithelial cells. Standard curves were constructed for both wild-type and mutant probes. The sensitivity of the assay was determined by generating serial dilutions of the DNA isolated from heterozygous patients (50% of alleles mutated) with wild-type DNA, thus obtaining decreasing percentages of p63 R279H mutant allele (50%, 37.5%, 25%, 12.5%, 10%, 7.5%, 5%, 2.5%, and 0.0%). The assay detected up to 1% of the mutant p63. The high sensitivity of the assay is of particular relevance to prenatal diagnosis and counseling and to detect therapeutic effects of drug treatment or gene therapy aimed at reducing the amount of mutated p63. © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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“Understanding Human Dignity” aims to help the reader make sense of current debates about the meaning and implications of the idea of “human dignity.” The concept of human dignity has probably never been so omni-present in everyday speech, or so deeply embedded in political and legal discourse. In debates on torture, abortion, same-sex marriage, and welfare reform, appeals to dignity are seldom hard to find. The concept of dignity is not only a prominent feature of political debate, but also, and increasingly, of legal argument. Indeed, courts tell us that human dignity is the foundation of all human rights. But the more important it is, the more contested it seems to have become. There has, as a result, been an extraordinary explosion of scholarly writing about the concept of human dignity in law, political philosophy, and theology. This book aims to reflect on these intra-disciplinary debates about dignity in law, philosophy, history, politics, and theology, through a series of edited essays from specialists in these fields, explored the contested concept in its full richness and complexity.


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Purpose: Patients living with cancer identify family physicians (FPs; ie, primary care physicians) as a preferred resource for supportive cancer care (SCC), either through direct provision or referral. However, little research exists on the specific role FPs play in addressing these needs. Methods: A mailed survey was sent to all FPs in a health care region in Ontario, Canada, to determine their current and preferred roles in the specific provision of SCC to patients with cancer who have been newly diagnosed or are at the end of life. Results: Completed surveys were received from 84 (64%) of 183 eligible FPs. Most practitioners reported providing for their patients' various SCC needs. However, clear gaps were demonstrated in psychosocial and nutritional counseling and in providing information about SCC services. FPs were satisfied with their current role reported in SCC coordination, although the type of role varied; FPs who were asked about their end-of-life patients tended to see themselves as part of coordinating teams, whereas FPs asked about their recently diagnosed patients were more likely to defer this responsibly to a third party. Conclusion: This study identified gaps in the provision of psychosocial and informational care to patients with cancer that may result in unmet needs. In general, FPs do not see themselves as primarily responsible for coordinating patients' SCC and do not wish to assume this role. Accordingly, models that involve FPs as team members in SCC coordination are more feasible for reducing patient need. Copyright © 2010 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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The purpose of this study was to examine differences in asthma management among families with a child who has moderate to severe asthma. Half of the 50 families chosen for study had participated in an intensive in-patient asthma treatment program and half had participated in an out-patient day camp. Two broad categories of outcome were examined - illness and self-management skills. Families who participated in the in-patient program exhibited a pattern of illness behaviours which indicated asthma symptoms were better managed in comparison to those families that participated in the out-patient program. It was also observed that children who participated in the in-patient program had a tendency to feel more positive about having asthma with the more self-management behaviours they practised. On the other hand, children from the out-patient program reported a more negative attitude about having asthma with the more self-management behaviours they practised.


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Purpose: To describe the occurrence of geographic atrophy in patients with retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP). Methods: Demographics, visual acuity, color fundus photographs, fluorescein and indocyanine green angiograms, and fundus autofluorescence and near-infrared autofluorescence images were reviewed in 53 patients (66 eyes) with RAP. Results: Of 53 treatment-naive eyes, 19 (36%) had atrophy at baseline. Of 66 eyes, 57 (86%) developed de novo atrophy or enlargement of preexisting areas of atrophy during the follow-up (median, 17 months; range, 3-53 months) after treatment. Areas of atrophy were observed at the site of the RAP (58 of 66 eyes, 88%) of a previously existing pigment epithelial detachment (18 of 44 eyes; 41%) and elsewhere (43 of 66 eyes, 65%). At presentation, RAP was found to be frequently associated with increased autofluorescence at the fovea because of cystoid macular edema (36 of 53 eyes, 68%) and reduced autofluorescence because of hard exudation (38 of 53 eyes, 72%) and intraretinal hemorrhages (32 of 53 eyes, 60%). Background reticular (39%) and homogeneous (36%) autofluorescence were most commonly observed. Conclusion: Geographic atrophy occurs frequently in patients with RAP after treatment. This information, if confirmed in other cohorts, would be valuable for the counseling of patients with this disease and for the understanding of the pathogenesis of this condition and its progression after treatment. Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams &Wilkins.