989 resultados para Makkonen, Anna: Kadonnut kangas


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O consenso atual para o tratamento do pé equino-varo congénito é o tratamento conservador pelo método de Ponseti. A transposição do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha é uma cirurgia que pode ser usada no tratamento da recidiva dinâmica do pé equino-varo congénito que se caracteriza pelo reaparecimento do varosupinação. Foram revistos 37 casos de pé equino-varo, idiopático (33) e não idiopático (4) de 29 crianças de ambos os sexos com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 8 anos que apresentavam recidiva de pé equino-varo com reaparecimento do varo-supinação de 2005 a 2008. Os doentes foram submetidos a correção cirúrgica com transposição do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha. A avaliação clínica dos resultados foi feita com um follow-up mínimo de 6 meses. A avaliação pós operatória revelou bons resultados em 31 pés intervencionados. Quanto aos outros casos, 3 mantiveram uma supinação ligeira do pé sem dor ou limitação funcional e em 3 casos o resultado final foi mau. A transferência do tendão tibial anterior para a terceira cunha apresenta bons resultados na recidiva do pé equino-varo congénito.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the serum viral load in chronically infected Hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients and to investigate the distribution of HBV genotypes in São Paulo city. Quantitative HBV-DNA assays and HBV genotyping have gained importance for predicting HBV disease progression, have been employed for assessing infectivity, for treatment monitoring and for detecting the emergence of drug resistance. Twenty-nine Brazilian patients with suspected chronic hepatitis B were studied, using real time PCR for viral load determination and direct DNA sequencing for the genotyping. The serology revealed chronic HBV infection in 22 samples. The HBV-DNA was positive in 68% samples (15/22). The phylogenetic analysis disclosed that eleven patients were infected with HBV genotype A, two with genotype F and two with genotype D. Thus, the genotype A was the most prevalent in our study.


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The objective of this study was to describe a pseudo-outbreak of C. difficile in a hospital, following a change in the method used to detect the toxin. In February 2002, there were two cases of CDAD and in March 7 occurred, coinciding with a change of the test (from detection of toxin A to toxin A/B). An outbreak was suspected. Active surveillance and education of staff were started. A CDAD case was defined as a patient with acute onset of diarrhea (³ three episodes of liquid stools) and a positive stool test. They were classified as hospital or community-acquired. Stool samples were also collected for C. difficile culture and isolates were typed using AP-PCR. From March 2002 through December 2003 there were 138 cases of CDAD: 70% were hospital-acquired and among the 30% with CDAD present on admission, most (81%) came directly from the community (50% had no history of hospitalization). Fifty-two percent of hospital-acquired CDAD and 94% of cases on admission had already used antibiotics. The incidence of CDAD in hospitalized patients during surveillance was 3.3 per 1000 patient-admissions. The incidence of CDAD present on admission was 6.1/1000 patients. Sixteen isolates were typed and presented 13 different profiles. In conclusion, the CDAD increase in our study occurred due to change in diagnostic methods and not due to an outbreak, as suspected initially. The incidence in hospitalized patients was much lower than in reported outbreaks. There were 13 molecular types suggesting that an outbreak did not occur. CDAD was largely community-acquired.


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INTRODUCTION: In HIV-infected patients, colonization of the oral cavity by potential pathogenic yeast may lead to development of systemic fungemia. We evaluated the prevalence of yeast in the oral cavity of Brazilian HIV-positive patients and verified whether or not the species characterized were enzymatically active. Furthermore, the species identified were tested for their susceptibility to antifungal treatment. METHODS: Patient saliva and oropharyngeal candidiasis samples were collected from 60 seropositive HIV patients and identified by the API20C system. Enzymatic activity was evaluated by the production of proteinase and phospholipase. Susceptibility to antifungal treatments were determined using the broth microdilution method. RESULTS: the most commonly isolated species were C. albicans (51.56%) followed by non-albicans Candida species (43.73%), Trichosporon mucoides (3.12%) and Kodamaea ohmeri (1.56%). Oral colonization by association of different species was observed in 42% of the patients. Enzymatic activity was verified in most of species isolated, except for C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae and C. guilliermondii. Resistance to Fluconazole and Amphotericin B was observed in isolates of C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and K. ohmeri. CONCLUSION: HIV-positive patients are orally colonized by single or multiple species of yeast that are occasionally resistant to Fluconazole or Amphotericin B.


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SUMMARYStenotrophomonas maltophilia contains a novel chromosomally-encoded qnr gene named Smqnr that contributes to low intrinsic resistance to quinolone. We described Smqnr in 13 clinical isolates of S. maltophilia from two Brazilian hospitals, over a 2-year period. The strains were identified by API 20 NE (bioMérieux, France). Susceptibility by microdilution method to trimetroprim/sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, minocycline, ceftazidime, chloramphenicol and ticarcillin/clavulanate was performed according to CLSI. PCR detection of Smqnr gene was carried out. The sequence of Smqnr was compared with those deposited in GenBank. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of all strains was performed. Thirteen Smqnr positives isolates were sequenced and three novel variants of Smqnr were identified. All 13 Smqnr isolates had distinguishable patterns by PFGE. This is the first report of Smqnr in S. maltophilia isolated in Brazil.


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Aim: The objective was to describe an outbreak of bloodstream infections by Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) in bone marrow transplant and hematology outpatients.Methods: On February 15, 2008 a Bcc outbreak was suspected. 24 cases were identified. Demographic and clinical data were evaluated. Environment and healthcare workers' (HCW) hands were cultured. Species were determined and typed. Reinforcement of hand hygiene, central venous catheter (CVC) care, infusion therapy, and maintenance of laminar flow cabinet were undertaken. 16 different HCWs had cared for the CVCs. Multi-dose heparin and saline were prepared on counter common to both units.Findings: 14 patients had B. multivorans(one patient had also B. cenopacia), six non-multivorans Bcc and one did not belong to Bcc. Clone A B. multivorans occurred in 12 patients (from Hematology); in 10 their CVC had been used on February 11/12. Environmental and HCW cultures were negative. All patients were treated with meropenem, and ceftazidime lock-therapy. Eight patients (30%) were hospitalized. No deaths occurred. After control measures (multidose vial for single patient; CVC lock with ceftazidime; cleaning of laminar flow cabinet; hand hygiene improvement; use of cabinet to store prepared medication), no new cases occurred.Conclusions: This polyclonal outbreak may be explained by a common source containing multiple species of Bcc, maybe the laminar flow cabinet common to both units. There may have been contamination by B. multivorans (clone A) of multi-dose vials.


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We describe the rate of incidence of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) in hematologic and patients undergone stem cell transplant (HSCT) at HC-FMUSP, from January 2007 to June 2011, using two denominators 1,000 patient and 1,000 days of neutropenia and the risk factors associated with the severe form of the disease and death. The ELISA method (Ridascreen-Biopharm, Germany) for the detections of toxins A/B was used to identify C. difficile. A multivariate analysis was performed to evaluate potential factors associated with severe CDAD and death within 14 days after the diagnosis of CDAD, using multiple logistic regression. Sixty-six episodes were identified in 64 patients among 439 patients with diarrhea during the study period. CDA rate of incidence varied from 0.78 to 5.45 per 1,000 days of neutropenia and from 0.65 to 5.45 per 1,000 patient-days. The most common underlying disease was acute myeloid leukemia 30/64 (44%), 32/64 (46%) patients were neutropenic, 31/64 (45%) undergone allogeneic HSCT, 61/64 (88%) had previously used antibiotics and 9/64 (13%) have severe CDAD. Most of the patients (89%) received treatment with oral metronidazole and 19/64 (26%) died. The independent risk factors associated with death were the severe form of CDAD, and use of linezolid.


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Introdução: A osteomielite crónica leva a uma alteração do padrão de crescimento ósseo da criança, não só pela doença em si, como pelos procedimentos efectuados para o seu tratamento. O objectivo deste trabalho é descrever as deformidades encontradas, o tratamento realizado e resultados obtidos, numa população de crianças com osteomielite crónica. Material e Métodos: Foram revistos os casos de crianças com sequelas de osteomielite crónica dos ossos longos tratadas na nossa instituição entre 2008 e 2011, utilizando fixadores externos. Num total de 6 doentes, (7 ossos), 3 apresentavam sequelas a nível da tíbia e 2 do fémur e 1 na tíbia e fémur. O tempo médio decorrido entre o episódio de osteomielite e a correcção da sequela foi de 10 anos. Em 3 doentes(4 ossos) a deformidade era uma hipometria do membro afectado (Grupo 1), em 2 casos tratava-se de um desvio axial (Grupo 2) e num dos casos tratava-se de uma hipometria com desvio axial associado (Grupo 3). As dificuldades encontradas durante o tratamento foram classificadas segundo Paley (problemas, obstáculos, complicações) Resultados: No Grupo 1 foram realizadas 5 cirurgias. Procedeu-se a correcção da deformidade realizando um alongamentocom fixador circular (4 cirurgias) ou fixador monolateral (1 cirurgia). Foi possível alongar em média 52mm, com um índice de alongamento de 4,7 dias/mm, a taxa de dificuldades foi de 100%(4 problemas e 1 obstáculo). Foi possível obter uma correcção satisfatória em 2 casos. No Grupo 2 foram realizadas 3 cirurgias. Procedeu-se a correcção da deformidade por osteotomia e osteotaxia com fixador externo circular. A correcção angular foi em média 23º e o tempo de fixador foi em média 187 dias, a taxa de dificuldades foi de 33%(1 obstáculo). Foi possível obter uma correcção satisfatória nos dois casos. No Grupo 3 foi realizada 1 cirurgia. Procedeu‐se à ressecção do sequestro e transporte ósseo com fixador externo circular. O índice de alongamento foi de 3,5dias/mm, a taxa de dificuldades foi de 200%(2 complicações). Obteve-se uma correcção satisfatória da deformidade. Discussão: O número limitado de casos deve-se a estarmos a analisar apenas os doentes que foram tratados com fixadores externos, doentes que à partida apresentava sequelas mais graves da osteomielite, que impediam a utilização de outras técnicas. A alta taxa de dificuldades poderá ser explicada pela complexidade das deformidades e por reactivações da osteomielite crónica. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o tratamento das sequelas da osteomielite na população pediátrica é um desafio, quer para o ortopedista, devido à complexidade da cirurgia a realizar, quer para o doente, devido ao tempo de utilização de fixadores externos e à elevada taxa de dificuldades. Estes aspectos do tratamento devem ser explicados ao doente e familiares, antes de realizar qualquer intervenção, para não criar expectativas irrealistas quanto à duração, intercorrências e resultado final.


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The spectrum of neurological complications associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is broad. The most frequent etiologies include primary diseases (caused by HIV itself) or secondary diseases (opportunistic infections or neoplasms). Despite these conditions, HIV-infected patients are susceptible to other infections observed in patients without HIV infection. Here we report a rare case of a brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus in an HIV-infected patient. After drainage of the abscess and treatment with oxacilin, the patient had a favorable outcome. This case reinforces the importance of a timely neurosurgical procedure that supported adequate management of an unusual cause of expansive brain lesions in HIV-1 infected patients.


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ABSTRACT: Financing is a critical factor in ensuring the optimal development and delivery of a mental health system. The primary method of financing worldwide is tax-based. However many low income countries depend on out-of-pocket payments. There is a report on Irish Health Care funding but none that deals exclusively with mental health care. This paper analyses the various financial models that exist globally with respect to financing the mental health sector, examines the impact of various models on service users, especially in terms of relative ‘financial burden’ and provides a more detailed examination of the current mental health funding situation in Ireland After extensive internet and hardcopy research on the above topics, the findings were analysed and a number of recommendations were reached. Mental health service should be free at the point of delivery to achieve universal coverage. Government tax-based funding or mandatory social insurance with government top-ups, as required, appears the optimal option, although there is no one funding system applicable everywhere. Out-of-pocket funding can create a crippling financial burden for service users. It is important to employ improved revenue collection systems, eliminate waste, provide equitable resource distribution, ring fence mental health funding and cap the number of visits, where necessary. Political, economic, social and cultural factors play a role in funding decisions and this can be clearly seen in the context of the current economic recession in Ireland. Only 33% of the Irish population has access to free public health care and the number health insurance policy holders has dramatically declined, resulting in increased out-of-pocket payments. This approach risks negatively impacting on the social determinants of health, increasing health inequalities and negatively affecting economic productivity. It is therefore important the Irish government examines other options to provide funding for mental health services.


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Empregando 5 métodos de diagnóstico coprológico, os autores estudam a prevalência de enteroparasitas em um orfanato do município de Londrina, Paraná, discutindo os resultados.


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Para estabelecer os mecanismos de transmissão de enteroparasitas entre a população de um orfanato, os autores pesquisaram a presença de ovos de helmintos e cistos de protozoários nas mãos, unhas e roupas das internas; nos objetos e peças de banheiros coletivos e poeira de dormitórios. Realizaram também exame bacteriológico da água que abastece a instituição. Os resultados são apresentados e discutidos.


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O presente trabalho estuda; a morfologia do Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907, obtido por filtração extra-corpórea de 5 (cinco) pacientes do Hospital São Vicente de Paula em Minas Gerais. Foram elucidados detalhes morfológicos até então controvertidos na literatura, tendo sido, inclusive, correlacionados com os estudados pela microscopia eletrônica por outros autores. Não foram observadas diferenças morfológicas entre os vermes humanos e os descritos em animais de pequeno porte.


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Em uma amostra de 3137 pessoas, residentes no Distrito Federal, foram detectadas as seguintes hemoglobinas: em 3009(95,92%) HbAA; em 91 (2,90%) HbAS; em 20(0,64%) HbAC; em 8 (0,26%) talassemia beta minor; em 5(0,16%) HbAJ alfa; em 3 (0,09%) HbAM e em 1 (0,03%) talassemia major associada com HbAS. A HbAS têm as seguintes freqüências, quanto ao grupo racial: branco - 1,84%; mulato claro 2,55%; mulato médio-3,68%; mulato escuro - 6,80%; negro -10,43% e mestiço de índio -3,85%.