998 resultados para M2
Stand alone solar powered refrigeration and water desalination, two of the most popular and sought after applications of solar energy systems, have been selected as the topic of research for the works presented in this thesis. The water desalination system based on evaporation and condensation was found to be the most suitable one to be powered by solar energy. It has been established that highoutput fast-response solar heat collectors used to achieve high rates of evaporation and reliable solar powered cooling system for faster rates of condensation are the most important factors in achieving increased outputs in solar powered desalination systems. Comprehensive reviews of Solar powered cooling/refrigeration and also water desalination techniques have been presented. In view of the fact that the Institute of Technology, Sligo has a well-established long history of research and development in the production of state of the art high-efficiency fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors it was decided to use this know how in the work described in this thesis. For this reason achieving high rates of evaporation was not a problem. It was, therefore, the question of the solar powered refrigeration that was envisaged to be used in the solar powered desalination tofacilitate rapid condensation of the evaporated water that had to be addressed first. The principles of various solar powered refrigeration techniques have also been reviewed. The first step in work on solar powered refrigeration was to successfully modify a conventional refrigerator working on Platen-Munters design to be powered by highoutput fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors. In this work, which was the first ever successful attempt in the field, temperatures as low as —19°C were achieved in the icebox. A new approach in the use of photovoltaic technology to power a conventional domestic refrigerator was also attempted. This was done by modifying a conventional domestic refrigerator to be powered by photovoltaic panels in the most efficient way. In the system developed and successfully tested in this approach, the power demand has been reduced phenomenally and it is possible to achieve 48 hours of cooling power with exposure to just 7 hours of sunshine. The successful development of the first ever multi-cycle intermittent solar powered icemaker is without doubt the most exciting breakthrough in the work described in this thesis. Output of 74.3kg of ice per module with total exposure area of 2.88 m2, or 25.73kg per m2, per day is a major improvement in comparison to about 5-6kg of ice per m2 per day reported for all the single cycle intermittent systems. This system has then become the basis for the development of a new solar powered refrigeration system with even higher output, named the “composite” system described in this thesis. Another major breakthrough associated with the works described in this thesis is the successful development and testing of the high-output water desalination system. This system that uses a combination of the high-output fast-response evacuated solar heat collectors and the multi-cycle icemaker. The system is capable of producing a maximum of 141 litres of distilled water per day per module which has an exposure area of 3.24m2, or a production rate of 43.5 litres per m2 per day. Once again when this result is compared to the reported daily output of 5 litres of desalinated water per m per day the significance of this piece of work becomes apparent. In the presentation of many of the components and systems described in this thesis CAD parametric solid modelling has been used instead of photographs to illustrate them more clearly. The multi-cycle icemaker and the high-output desalination systems are the subject of two patent applications.
Research was conducted to investigate the potential for ecologically engineering a sustainable wetland ecosystem over pyritic mine tailings to prevent the generation of acid mine drainage. Ecological engineering is technology with the primary goal being the creation of self-sustainable ecological systems. Work involved the design and construction of a pilot-scale wetland system comprising three wetland cells, each covering 100 m2. Approximately forty tonnes of pyritic mine tailings were deposited on the base of the first cell above a synthetic liner, covered with peat, flooded and planted with emergent wetland macrophytes Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, and Juncus effusus. The second cell was constructed as a conventional free water surface wetland, planted identically, and used as a reference wetland/experimental control. Wetland monitoring to determine long-term sustainability focused on indicators of ecosystem health including ecological, hydrological, physico-chemical, geochemical, and biotic metrics. An integrated assessment was conducted that involved field ecology in addition to ecological risk assessment. The objective of the field ecology study was to use vegetative parameters as ecological indicators for documenting wetlands success or degradation. The goal of the risk assessment was to determine if heavy-metal contamination of the wetland sediments occurred through metal mobilisation from the underlying tailings, and to evaluate if subsequent water column chemistry and biotic metal concentrations were significantly correlated with adverse wetland ecosystem impacts. Data were used to assess heavy metal bioavailability within the system as a function of metal speciation in the wetland sediments. Results indicate hydrology is the most important variable in the design and establishment of the tailings wetland and suggest a wetland cover is an ecologically viable alternative for pyritic tailings which are feasible to flood. Ecological data indicate that in terms of species richness and diversity, the tailings-wetland was exhibiting the ecological characteristics of natural wetlands within two years. Ata indicate that pH and conductivity in the tailings-wetland were not adversely impacted by the acid-generating potential or sulphate concentration of the tailings substrate and its porewater. Similarly, no enhanced seasonal impacts from sulphate or metals in the water column, nor adverse impacts on the final water quality of the outflows, were detected. Mean total metal concentrations in the sediments of the tailings-wetland indicate no significant adverse mobilisation of metals into the peat substrate from the tailings. Correlation analyses indicate a general increase in sediment metal concentration in this wetland with increasing water depth and pH, and a corresponding decrease in the metal concentrations of the water column. Sediment extractions also showed enrichment of Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn in the oxidisable fraction (including sulphides and organic matter) of the tailings-wetland sediments. These data suggest that adsorption and coprecipitation of metals is occurring from the water column of the tailings wetland with organic material at increasing depths under reducing conditions. The long-term control of metal bioavailability in the tailings wetland will likely be related to the presence and continual build-up of organic carbon binding sites in the developing wetland above the tailings. Metal speciation including free-metal ion concentration and the impact of physico-chemical parameters particularly pH and organic matter, were investigated to assess ecotoxicological risk. Results indicate that potentially bioavailable metals (the sum of the exchangeable and reducible fractions) within the tailings wetland are similar to values cited for natural wetlands. Estimated free-metal ion concentrations calculated from geochemical regression models indicate lower free-metal ion concentrations of Cd in the tailings wetland than natural wetlands and slightly higher free-metal ion concentrations of Pb and Zn. Increased concentrations of metals in roots, rhizomes and stems of emergent macrophytes did not occur in the tailings wetland. Even though a substantial number of Typha latifolia plants were found rooting directly into tailings, elevated metals were not found in these plant tissues. Phragmites also did not exhibit elevated metal concentrations in any plant tissues. Typha and Phragmites populations appear to be exhibiting metal-tolerant behaviour. The chemistry of the water column and sediments in Silvermines wetland were also investigated and were much more indicative of a wetland system impacted by heavy metal contamination than the tailings-wetland. Mean Dc, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in the water column and sediments of Silvermines wetlands were substantially higher than in the pilot wetlands and closely approximate concentrations in these matrices contaminated with metals from mining. In addition, mean sulphate concentration in Silvermines wetland was substantially higher and is closer to sulphate concentrations in waters associated with mining. Potentially bioavailable metals were substantially elevated in Silvermines wetland in comparison to the pilot wetlands and higher than those calculated for natural rive sediments. However, Fe oxy-hydroxide concentrations in Silvermines sediments are also much higher than in the pilot wetlands and this significantly impacts the concentration of free-metal ions in the sediment porewater. The free-metal ion concentrations for Pb and Zn indicate that Silvermines wetland is retaining metals and acting as a treatment wetland for drainage emanating from Silvermines tailings dam.
FUNDAMENTO: As cardiopatias são doenças de alta prevalência, sendo a cardite reumática uma doença de grande relevância em países em desenvolvimento. As alterações em câmaras cardíacas esquerdas se associam à disfunção endotelial, com aumento dos níveis de endotelina-1 (ET-1) e consequências sobre a circulação pulmonar, muitas vezes determinando a hipertensão pulmonar (HP). No entanto, a presença de ET-1 e seus receptores na própria valva mitral, promovendo alterações vasculares pulmonares e aumentando a deformação valvar reumática, ainda é um assunto não abordado na literatura. OBJETIVO: Determinar, mediante técnicas moleculares, a expressão dos genes da endotelina e dos seus receptores em valvas mitrais reumáticas. MÉTODOS: 27 pacientes submetidos à troca valvar mitral tiveram seu tecido valvar analisado, a fim de determinar a presença de genes de ET-1 e seus receptores A e B. Foram feitas análises histológica e molecular das valvas (divididas em fragmentos M1, M2 e M3) e colhidos dados clínicos e epidemiológicos dos pacientes. Foram divididos em três grupos: valvopatia mitral, mitroaórtica e pacientes reoperados. RESULTADOS: O estudo mostrou a manifestação do gene da ET-1 em 40,7% dos espécimes e de seu receptor A em todas as amostras, com manifestação minoritária do gene do receptor B (22,2%). CONCLUSÃO: Todos os pacientes expressaram a presença do gene do receptor A. Não houve diferença estatística quanto à gravidade da doença, expressa em classe funcional, e aos subgrupos estudados (valvopatas mitrais, mitroaórticos e pacientes reoperados), ou quanto à expressão dos genes da ET-1 e seus receptores entre os subgrupos estudados (valvopatas mitrais, mitroaórticos e pacientes reoperados).
შრომაში განხილულია ორი, m1 და m2 მასათა მფლობელი, ერთმანეთისაგან R მანძილით დაშორებული მატერიალური სხეულის (მ.ს.) გრავიტაციული ურთიერთქმედება, როგორც მათი „ვარდნა“ საერთო სიმძიმის ცენტრის მიმართ.
FUNDAMENTO: As principais correções da anomalia de Ebstein (AE) baseiam-se na reconstrução monocúspide da valva tricúspide e são limitadas pela frequente necessidade de substituição ou pela alta reincidência de insuficiência valvar. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a viabilidade e os efeitos da correção anatômica da anomalia de Ebstein com a técnica do cone na evolução clínica dos pacientes, na função da valva tricúspide e na morfologia do ventrículo direito. MÉTODOS: Foram comparados os dados clínicos, ecocardiográficos e radiológicos de 52 pacientes consecutivos, com idade média de 18,5 ± 13,8anos, submetidos à técnica do cone, obtidos nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato (POI) e em longo prazo (POL). RESULTADOS: Houve dois óbitos hospitalares (3,8%) e mais dois durante o seguimento. A classe funcional média de insuficiência cardíaca pré-operatória de 2,2 melhorou para 1,2 após 57 meses de seguimento médio de 97% dos pacientes (p < 0,001). O grau médio de insuficiência tricúspide pré-operatória de 3,6 diminuiu para 1,6 no POI (p < 0,001), mantendo-se em 1,9 no POL (p > 0,05). A área funcional indexada do VD aumentou de 8,53 ± 7,02 cm2/m2 no préoperatório para 21,01±6,87 cm2/m2 no POI (p < 0,001), mantendo-se inalterada em 20,28 ± 5,26 cm2/m2 no POL (p > 0,05). O índice cardiotorácico médio foi reduzido de 0,66 ± 0,09 para 0,54 ± 0,06 (p < 0,001) em longo prazo. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica do cone apresentou baixa mortalidade hospitalar, corrigindo a insuficiência tricúspide de maneira eficaz e duradoura, com a restauração da área funcional do ventrículo direito, permitindo o remodelamento reverso do coração e a melhora clínica na maioria dos pacientes em longo prazo.
O Índice Tornozelo-Braquial (ITB) é marcador de doença arterial obstrutiva periférica. Raros relatos correlacionam esse índice com hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE), capacidade funcional (CF) e escore de risco coronariano de Framingham (ERCF). O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a correlação entre ITB, HVE, CF e ERCF em homens com hipertensão arterial (HA). Estudo prospectivo e transversal de pacientes do sexo masculino (n = 40), com idade média de 57,92 ± 7,61 anos, sem complicações cardiovasculares. Essa população foi submetida às medidas de ITB, ecocardiograma (ECO), teste ergométrico (TE) e exames laboratoriais. O ITB (direito e esquerdo) foi considerado anormal quando a relação entre a maior média das pressões sistólicas dos tornozelos e dos braços foi inferior ou igual a 0,9 ou superior a 1,3 mmHg. A HVE foi identificada pelo ECO transtorácico; e a CF, pelo TE. Amostras sanguíneas periféricas foram colhidas para o cálculo do ERCF. Valores normais de ITB foram encontrados em 33 pacientes (82,5%), os quais foram incluídos no Grupo I; sete pacientes (17,5%) com ITB anormal constituíram o Grupo II. Os índices de massa do índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE) ao ECO foram de 111,18 ± 34,34 g/m² (Grupo I) e de 150,29 ± 34,06 g/m2 (Grupo II) (p = 0,009). A prevalência de HVE foi de 4% (Grupo I) e de 35,3% (Grupo II) (p = 0,01), constatando-se diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Quanto à CF no TE, não se registrou diferença entre os grupos. Em relação ao ERCF, a média do Grupo I foi inferior à média do Grupo II: 13,18 ± 2,11 versus 15,28±1,79 (p = 0,019). Em HA, a presença de HVE definida pelo IMVE esteve mais presente nos casos com ITB anormal, identificando maior risco cardiovascular.
FUNDAMENTO: O aumento do Volume do Átrio Esquerdo Indexado (VAEi) tem sido associado à Disfunção Diastólica (DD) do Ventrículo Esquerdo (VE), considerado marcador de eventos cardiovasculares (fibrilação atrial, acidente vascular cerebral, insuficiência cardíaca, e óbito). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre VAEi e diferentes graus de DD em pacientes brasileiros submetidos ao ecocardiograma, estudando os determinantes do aumento do VAEi nesta amostra. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 500 pacientes ambulatoriais submetidos a ecocardiografia, após exclusão de arritmia, cardiopatia valvar ou congênita, marca-passo permanente ou janela ecocardiográfica inadequada. O VAEi foi obtido pelo método de Simpson; classificou-se a DD segundo diretrizes atuais. Variáveis clínicas e ecocardiográficas foram submetidas a análise multivariada de regressão linear. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 52 ± 15 anos, 53% do sexo masculino, 55% hipertensos, 9% coronariopatas, 8% diabéticos, 24% obesos, 47% com hipertrofia VE, fração de ejeção média do VE: 69,6 ± 7,2%. A prevalência de DD na amostra foi de 33,8% (grau I: 66%, grau II: 29% e grau III: 5%). Houve aumento progressivo das dimensões do VAEi conforme o grau de DD: 21 ± 4 mL/m² (ausente), 26 ± 7 mL/m² (grau I), 33 ± 5 mL/m² (grau II), 50 ± 5 mL/m2 (grau III) (p < 0,001). Os preditores independentes de aumento do VAEi nesta amostra foram idade, massa ventricular esquerda, espessura relativa de parede, fração de ejeção do VE e relação E/e'. CONCLUSÃO: A DD contribui para o remodelamento atrial esquerdo. O aumento do VAEi expressa a gravidade da DD e está associado de forma independente com idade, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, disfunção sistólica e aumento das pressões de enchimento do VE.
FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade é um fator de risco independente para as doenças cardiovasculares. Os efeitos da obesidade sobre a estrutura e função do ventriculo esquerdo têm sido relatados, mas, relativamente, pouco se sabe sobre o funcionamento do ventrículo direito (VD) na obesidade. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as alterações subclínicas do VD em adultos jovens obesos, porém saudáveis, por ecocardiografia convencional e Doppler tecidual (TDI). MÉTODOS: Neste estudo, foram incluídos 35 indivíduos saudáveis de peso normal, com um índice de massa corporal (IMC) < 25 kg/m2 (grupo I), 27 indivíduos com um IMC de 30-34,99 kg/m2 (grupo II) e 42 indivíduos com um IMC > 35 kg/m2 (grupo III). Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a ecocardiografia transtorácica. Além de medidas ecocardiográficas padrão, as velocidades sistólicas de pico do anel tricúspide (Sm), e as velocidado pico diastólico precoce (Em) e final (Am), tempo de contração isovolumétrica (TCIm), tempo de relaxamento isovolumétrico (TRIm), e o tempo de ejecção (TEm) foram obtidos por TDI e o índice de desempenho do miocárdico do VD (IDMm) foi calculado. RESULTADOS: No grupo II, a razão Em/Am do VD foi significativamente menor e o TRIm e o IDMm foram significativamente maiores em relação ao grupo I (p < 0,01). A Sm, Em, e a razão Em/Am do VD foram significativamente menores e TRIm e IDMm do VD foram significativamente maiores no grupo III em relação ao grupo II (p < 0,05 para Sm e TRIm do VD e p < 0,01 para os outros parâmetros). A Am do VD diferiu significativamente entre os grupos I e III (p < 0,05). O IMC teve uma correlação negativa significante com a Sm, Em, e a razão Em/Am do VD, mas uma correlação positiva com o IDM do VD (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Nosso estudo mostrou que a obesidade isolada em adultos jovens normotensos foi associada com disfunções subclínicas na estrutura e função do VD.
Parâmetros Ecocardiográficos e Sobrevida na Cardiopatia Chagásica com Disfunção Sistólica Importante
Fundamento: O ecocardiograma fornece dados importantes na avaliação cardiológica de pacientes em insuficiência cardíaca. A identificação de parâmetros ecocardiográficos na cardiopatia chagásica grave auxiliaria na implementação terapêutica e na avaliação prognóstica. Objetivo: Correlacionar parâmetros ecocardiográficos com desfecho mortalidade cardiovascular em pacientes com fração de ejeção < 35%. Métodos: Estudo de análise retrospectiva de parâmetros ecocardiográficos coletados prospectivamente e pré-especificados em 60 pacientes incluídos no Estudo Multicêntrico Randomizado de Terapia Celular em Cardiopatias - braço cardiopatia chagásica. Os parâmetros foram: diâmetros e volumes diastólico e sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, fração de ejeção, diâmetro do átrio esquerdo, volume do átrio esquerdo, volume indexado do átrio esquerdo, pressão sistólica da artéria pulmonar, integral da velocidade do fluxo aórtico, índice de performance miocárdica, taxa de aumento da pressão do ventrículo esquerdo, tempo de relaxamento isovolumétrico, velocidade das ondas E, A, Em, Am e Sm, tempo de desaceleração da onda E, relação E/A , E/Em e insuficiência mitral. Resultados: No seguimento médio de 24,18 meses, 27 pacientes faleceram. a fração de ejeção média era de 26,6 ± 5,34%. Na análise multivariada, foram incluídos os parâmetros de fração de ejeção (HR = 1,114; p = 0,3704), volume indexado do átrio esquerdo (HR = 1,033; p < 0,0001) e relação E/Em (HR = 0,95; p = 0,1261). O volume indexado do átrio esquerdo foi um fator de predição independente em relação ao desfecho e observou-se que um valor > 70,71 mL/m2 foi associado ao aumento significativo na mortalidade (log rank p < 0,0001). Conclusão: O volume indexado do átrio esquerdo mostrou-se como único fator de predição independente de mortalidade nesta população de pacientes chagásicos e com disfunção sistólica importante.
Background: The use of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) to assess patients with congenital heart diseases appears to be a promising technique despite the scarce literature available. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe our initial experience with 3D-RA and to compare its radiation dose to that of standard two-dimensional angiography (2D-SA). Methods: Between September 2011 and April 2012, 18 patients underwent simultaneous 3D-RA and 2D-SA during diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Radiation dose was assessed using the dose-area-product (DAP). Results: The median patient age and weight were 12.5 years and 47.5 Kg, respectively. The median DAP of each 3D-RA acquisition was 1093µGy.m2 and 190µGy.m2 for each 2D-SA acquisition (p<0.01). In patients weighing more than 45Kg (n=7), this difference was attenuated but still significant (1525 µGy.m2 vs.413µGy.m2, p=0.01). No difference was found between one 3D-RA and three 2D-SA (1525µGy.m2 vs.1238 µGy.m2, p = 0.575) in this population. This difference was significantly higher in patients weighing less than 45Kg (n=9) (713µGy.m2 vs.81µGy.m2, P = 0.008), even when comparing one 3D-RA with three 2D-SA (242µGy.m2, respectively, p<0.008). 3D-RA was extremely useful for the assessment of conduits of univentricular hearts, tortuous branches of the pulmonary artery, and aorta relative to 2D-SA acquisitions. Conclusions: The radiation dose of 3D-RA used in our institution was higher than those previously reported in the literature and this difference was more evident in children. This type of assessment is of paramount importance when starting to perform 3D-RA.
Background: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) is the most common form of heart failure (HF), its diagnosis being a challenge to the outpatient clinic practice. Objective: To describe and compare two strategies derived from algorithms of the European Society of Cardiology Diastology Guidelines for the diagnosis of HFPEF. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 166 consecutive ambulatory patients (67.9±11.7 years; 72% of women). The strategies to confirm HFPEF were established according to the European Society of Cardiology Diastology Guidelines criteria. In strategy 1 (S1), tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE) and electrocardiography (ECG) were used; in strategy 2 (S2), B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurement was included. Results: In S1, patients were divided into groups based on the E/E'ratio as follows: GI, E/E'> 15 (n = 16; 9%); GII, E/E'8 to 15 (n = 79; 48%); and GIII, E/E'< 8 (n = 71; 43%). HFPEF was confirmed in GI and excluded in GIII. In GII, TDE [left atrial volume index (LAVI) ≥ 40 mL/m2; left ventricular mass index LVMI) > 122 for women and > 149 g/m2 for men] and ECG (atrial fibrillation) parameters were assessed, confirming HFPEF in 33 more patients, adding up to 49 (29%). In S2, patients were divided into three groups based on BNP levels. GI (BNP > 200 pg/mL) consisted of 12 patients, HFPEF being confirmed in all of them. GII (BNP ranging from 100 to 200 pg/mL) consisted of 20 patients with LAVI > 29 mL/m2, or LVMI ≥ 96 g/m2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m2 for men, or E/E'≥ 8 or atrial fibrillation on ECG, and the diagnosis of HFPEF was confirmed in 15. GIII (BNP < 100 pg/mL) consisted of 134 patients, 26 of whom had the diagnosis of HFPEF confirmed when GII parameters were used. Measuring BNP levels in S2 identified 4 more patients (8%) with HFPEF as compared with those identified in S1. Conclusion: The association of BNP measurement and TDE data is better than the isolated use of those parameters. BNP can be useful in identifying patients whose diagnosis of HF had been previously excluded based only on TDE findings.
Background: According to some international studies, patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and increased left atrial volume index (LAVI) have worse long-term prognosis. However, national Brazilian studies confirming this prediction are still lacking. Objective: To evaluate LAVI as a predictor of major cardiovascular events (MCE) in patients with ACS during a 365-day follow-up. Methods: Prospective cohort of 171 patients diagnosed with ACS whose LAVI was calculated within 48 hours after hospital admission. According to LAVI, two groups were categorized: normal LAVI (≤ 32 mL/m2) and increased LAVI (> 32 mL/m2). Both groups were compared regarding clinical and echocardiographic characteristics, in- and out-of-hospital outcomes, and occurrence of ECM in up to 365 days. Results: Increased LAVI was observed in 78 patients (45%), and was associated with older age, higher body mass index, hypertension, history of myocardial infarction and previous angioplasty, and lower creatinine clearance and ejection fraction. During hospitalization, acute pulmonary edema was more frequent in patients with increased LAVI (14.1% vs. 4.3%, p = 0.024). After discharge, the occurrence of combined outcome for MCE was higher (p = 0.001) in the group with increased LAVI (26%) as compared to the normal LAVI group (7%) [RR (95% CI) = 3.46 (1.54-7.73) vs. 0.80 (0.69-0.92)]. After Cox regression, increased LAVI increased the probability of MCE (HR = 3.08, 95% CI = 1.28-7.40, p = 0.012). Conclusion: Increased LAVI is an important predictor of MCE in a one-year follow-up.
Background:Left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction is associated with new-onset atrial fibrillation (AF), and the estimation of elevated LV filling pressures by E/e' ratio is related to worse outcomes in patients with AF. However, it is unknown if restoring sinus rhythm reverses this process.Objective:To evaluate the impact of AF ablation on estimated LV filling pressure.Methods:A total of 141 patients underwent radiofrequency (RF) ablation to treat drug-refractory AF. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed 30 days before and 12 months after ablation. LV functional parameters, left atrial volume index (LAVind), and transmitral pulsed and mitral annulus tissue Doppler (e' and E/e') were assessed. Paroxysmal AF was present in 18 patients, persistent AF was present in 102 patients, and long-standing persistent AF in 21 patients. Follow-up included electrocardiographic examination and 24-h Holter monitoring at 3, 6, and 12 months after ablation.Results:One hundred seventeen patients (82.9%) were free of AF during the follow-up (average, 18 ± 5 months). LAVind reduced in the successful group (30.2 mL/m2 ± 10.6 mL/m2 to 22.6 mL/m2 ± 1.1 mL/m2, p < 0.001) compared to the non-successful group (37.7 mL/m2 ± 14.3 mL/m2 to 37.5 mL/m2 ± 14.5 mL/m2, p = ns). Improvement of LV filling pressure assessed by a reduction in the E/e' ratio was observed only after successful ablation (11.5 ± 4.5 vs. 7.1 ± 3.7, p < 0.001) but not in patients with recurrent AF (12.7 ± 4.4 vs. 12 ± 3.3, p = ns). The success rate was lower in the long-standing persistent AF patient group (57% vs. 87%, p = 0.001).Conclusion:Successful AF ablation is associated with LA reverse remodeling and an improvement in LV filling pressure.
Blood Pressure Variation Throughout Pregnancy According to Early Gestational BMI: A Brazilian Cohort
Background: The maternal cardiovascular system undergoes progressive adaptations throughout pregnancy, causing blood pressure fluctuations. However, no consensus has been established on its normal variation in uncomplicated pregnancies. Objective: To describe the variation in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) levels during pregnancy according to early pregnancy body mass index (BMI). Methods: SBP and DBP were measured during the first, second and third trimesters and at 30-45 days postpartum in a prospective cohort of 189 women aged 20-40 years. BMI (kg/m2) was measured up to the 13th gestational week and classified as normal-weight (<25.0) or excessive weight (≥25.0). Longitudinal linear mixed-effects models were used for statistical analysis. Results: A decrease in SBP and DBP was observed from the first to the second trimester (βSBP=-0.394; 95%CI: -0.600- -0.188 and βDBP=-0.617; 95%CI: -0.780- -0.454), as was an increase in SBP and DBP up to 30-45 postpartum days (βSBP=0.010; 95%CI: 0.006-0.014 and βDBP=0.015; 95%CI: 0.012-0.018). Women with excessive weight at early pregnancy showed higher mean SBP in all gestational trimesters, and higher mean DBP in the first and third trimesters. Excessive early pregnancy BMI was positively associated with prospective changes in SBP (βSBP=7.055; 95%CI: 4.499-9.610) and in DBP (βDBP=3.201; 95%CI: 1.136-5.266). Conclusion: SBP and DBP decreased from the first to the second trimester and then increased up to the postpartum period. Women with excessive early pregnancy BMI had higher SBP and DBP than their normal-weight counterparts throughout pregnancy, but not in the postpartum period.
Background: Physical stress echocardiography is an established methodology for diagnosis and risk stratification of coronary artery disease in patients with physical capacity. In obese (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2) the usefulness of pharmacological stress echocardiography has been demonstrated; however, has not been reported the use of physical stress echocardiography in this growing population group. Objective: To assess the frequency of myocardial ischemia in obese and non-obese patients undergoing physical stress echocardiography and compare their clinical and echocardiographic differences. Methods: 4,050 patients who underwent treadmill physical stress echocardiography were studied according to the Bruce protocol, divided into two groups: obese (n = 945; 23.3%) and non-obese (n = 3,105; 76.6%). Results: There was no difference regarding gender. Obese patients were younger (55.4 ± 10.9 vs. 57.56 ± 11.67) and had a higher frequency of hypertension (75.2% vs. 57, 2%; p < 0.0001), diabetis mellitus (15.2% vs. 10.9%; p < 0.0001), dyslipidemia (59.5% vs 51.9%; p < 0.0001), family history of coronary artery disease (59.3% vs. 55.1%; p = 0.023) and physical inactivity (71.4% vs. 52.9%, p < 0.0001). The obese had greater aortic dimensions (3.27 vs. 3.14 cm; p < 0.0001), left atrium (3.97 vs. 3.72 cm; p < 0.0001) and the relative thickness of the ventricule (33.7 vs. 32.8 cm; p < 0.0001). Regarding the presence of myocardial ischemia, there was no difference between groups (19% vs. 17.9%; p = 0.41). In adjusted logistic regression, the presence of myocardial ischemia remained independently associated with age, female gender, diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion: Obesity did not behave as a predictor of the presence of ischemia and the physical stress echocardiography. The application of this assessment tool in large scale sample demonstrates the feasibility of the methodology, also in obese.