934 resultados para Lutheran Church Minnesota District


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Ofrecer una panor??mica que pretende incluir el fundamento de la evaluaci??n en general, su concreci??n en el ??mbito de la evaluaci??n del docente, es decir, de su eficacia describiendo modalidades e instrumentos de evaluaci??n y sus agentes. Analizar una de esas modalidades: Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory a partir de una experiencia concreta. Hip??tesis: A) La clasificaci??n ordinal atendiendo a los promedios obtenidos en las calificaciones de las asignaturas cursadas durante la carrera, no guardan correlaci??n significativa con las puntuaciones del Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory. B) Las calificaciones en la asignatura de Did??ctica obtenidas por los alumnos de segundo curso guardan correlaci??n con las puntuaciones en el MTAI. C) Las actitudes de los estudiantes de Magisterio frente a la Educaci??n, despu??s de haber realizado su per??odo largo de pr??cticas docentes -3 meses-, se modifican negativamente. Alumnos de los tres cursos de las Escuelas de Formaci??n del Profesorado de EGB de Barcelona y Tarragona (oficiales) y Blanquerna de Barcelona (no oficial), durante el mes de mayo de 1979. Definidos los planteamientos te??ricos se aplica el MTAI despu??s de haberle hecho unas adaptaciones formales para poderlo aplicar a nuestro contexto y confeccionar una hoja de respuestas m??s operativa y ??til para la correcci??n manual con plantilla. En base a unas hip??tesis y disponiendo de unos datos se analizan los resultados y se extraen las conclusiones pertinentes. Consultas personales, textos, documentos y revistas educativas. MTAI (mide las actitudes, prev?? las relaciones que se establecen en la clase y la satisfacci??n que el futuro educador obtendr?? de la Ense??anza como profesi??n). Tabulaci??n de los datos mediante puntuaciones medias globales, pol??gonos de frecuencias, correlaciones graduales y correlaciones lineales. Las puntuaciones obtenidas no se corresponden con las de los baremos americanos, la media en el baremo es de 59.5 y la de nuestros estudiantes apenas sobrepasa el 30. Hay una necesidad de adaptaciones y validaciones completas para pruebas de prestigio en otras ??reas geogr??ficas. El instrumento es ??til para servirse de ??l como referencia, a pesar de las deficiencias que implica la aplicaci??n directa e inmediata tras la traducci??n del original.


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Cumple con los requisitos para OCR AS de Historia y su contenido, que estudia los importantes cambios producidos en la Iglesia inglesa durante el siglo XVI, se divide en seis secciones: las tres primeras tratan en orden cronológico el período de 1500 a 1558, mientras que los tres últimos ofrecen aspectos temáticos de la llamada Reforma Inglesa, entre 1558 y 1589. Incluye una selección y definición de los temas, conceptos, acontecimientos y lugares considerados más importantes, así como breves biografías de personajes clave y consejos para los exámenes.


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In this brief essay I shall obviously draw from my reflections which I shared over the past three decades and to which I have provided some bibliographical references. It is clear from them that I had several opportunities to share my views beyond the Anglo-Saxon world, and some of them in events organized by K. Koschorke himself in the German academic circles as Munich-Freising Conferences. It is important that we do not get misled by words. We also need clarity of the concepts involved. Koschorke’s emphasis on “ploycentric structures” requires to be discussed and analysed critically to sort out its geographic components and its political-cultural implications, in order to be clear where lie the priorities. Without such exercise we will run the risk of hiding behind the ambiguity of words and concepts. My gut feelings make me believe that “polycentric structures” is just what the West needs in the postcolonial era to replace the control it has lost with decolonization.


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Using this metaphoric framework as a starting point, I would like to focus on the characteristics of the District Six Museum which extend its work beyond being that of representation (of traumatic memory). Representation signifies in some ways distance and separation, a telling of a story depicted for others. The work of the Museum is more akin to what could broadly speaking be described as ‘engagement’. Although this is word is much over-used, it nonetheless indicates more closely an embodied practice which invites personal insertion, empathy and emplacement. It includes a whole range of sense-making practices by those closest to the Museum’s story – the dispossessed ex-residents – who participate in the memorialisation practices of the Museum in both harmonious and dissonant ways. The architectural metaphor of this seminar is key to this approach, indicating a practice which is constructed and layered, fixed yet changeable. It speaks to a spectrum of activities related to the imperatives to develop as well as conserve – elements which are central to the Museum’s work in relation to the process of return and restitution. To signify the unfinished business of representation, the permanent exhibition is called Digging Deeper, a framework which allows for an always further uncovering of facts, meanings and perspectives.


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This paper presents results from a project designed to explore the meaning and function of partnership within the Catholic Church development chain. The geography literature has had little to say about such aid chains, especially those founded on faith-based groups. The relationships between three Catholic Church-based donors - referred to as A, B and C - with development personnel of the diocese of the Abuja Ecclesiastical Province (AEP) as well as other Catholic Church structures in Nigeria were analysed. The aim was to explore the forces behind the relationships and how 'patchy' these relationships were in AEP. Respondents were asked to give each of the donors a score in relation to four questions covering their relationship with the donors. Results suggest that the modus operandi of donor 'A' allows it to be perceived as the 'best' partner, while 'B' was scored less favourably because of a perception that it attempts to act independently of existing structures in Nigeria rather than work through them. There was significant variation between diocese in this regard, as well as between the diocese and other structures of the Church (Provinces, Inter-Provinces and National Secretariat). Thus 'partnership' in the Catholic Church aid chain is a highly complex, contested and 'visioned' term and the development of an analytical framework has to take account of these fundamentals.