856 resultados para Low-income families
Green innovation, which enables us to extract energy from food crops, caused a food shortage in 2008. Countries suffering severe damage started to reconsider their agricultural policy with the aim of becoming more autonomous. The food price hike of the time looks like a reversal of the celebrated Singer-Prebisch thesis proposed in the 1950s. This paper examines the consequences of this trend on the comparative advantages and development strategies of developing countries. For that purpose, first, trends and short-run fluctuations in the prices of fuel and bio-energy crops are investigated. It is shown that the price series of fuels and the crops are synchronized only after the fuel extracting technology came into effect. Second, the reversal of the Singer-Prebisch thesis is underpinned by the generic form of an endogenous growth model developed by Rebelo (1991). It is shown that as an economy grows, appreciation of the non-reproducible, such as mineral resources and raw labor, over the reproducible, such as capital goods, is the norm rather than an anomaly. Third, the consequences of the food price hike and underlying capital accumulation on the development strategies of labor-abundant and low-income countries are explored. It is concluded that the impact of the food price hikes on the alteration of a development strategy is only incremental, without reinforcement from raw-labor-saving innovation. A case study of inventions by JUKI Corporation, a world-leader in the sewing machine market exemplifies the fact that, of all the major inventions the company have made, raw-labor-saving inventions have not dominated, although JUKI's machines are sold to one of the most raw-labor-intensive industries.
Financial permeation as a role of microfinance : has microfinance actually been helpful to the poor?
This article is distinct in its application of the logit transformation to the poverty ratio for the purpose of empirically examining whether the financial sector helps improve standards of living for low-income people. We propose the term financial permeation to describe how financial networks expand to spread money among the poor. We measure financial permeation by three indicators related to microfinance institutions (MFIs) and then examine its effect on poverty reduction at the macro level using panel data for 90 developing countries from 1995 to 2008. We find that financial permeation has a statistically significant and robust effect on decreasing the poverty ratio.
In this paper, we examine the role of export promotion agencies (EPAs) in promoting exports from Japan and Korea. Looking at two home countries enables us to tackle endogeneity issues by controlling for both country-pair time-invariant characteristics and importing country time-varying characteristics. Our empirical results indicate that the coefficients of the EPA dummy are similar in size to those of the FTA dummy. This implies that establishing an EPA office in a country is equivalent to signing an FTA with that country. In addition, we find that EPA’s effects are larger for manufactured products than non-manufactured products. Finally, the EPA effect is larger for low income trade partners than for high income trade partners.
Child labour in several low income households is rather pursued for gaining experience and at times for meagre incomes, which are possibly spent on household food expenditure. Though the contribution made by the child labour to the overall wellbeing does not turn out to be substantial, without child labour these households would have been much worse off than the households which can afford not to have child labour. The probability of working is higher for a male child compared to a girl child. This is because the girl children are often engaged in household activities and even when they are engaged in income earning jobs they are shown as helpers. Parents' income as such may not be having a positive impact on child's education rather it is the educational level of the parents which matters in determining whether the child would go to school and continue her/his education. To substantiate the gender bias, the probability of falling ill among the girl children is found to be higher compared to the boys. Parents' educational attainments beyond a certain level again tend to reduce the probability of falling ill.
The export-oriented garment industry in Madagascar has displayed robust growth, thus both contributing to the economy and creating formal employment opportunities. However, it experienced a critical situation after the political turmoil that occurred in 2009. Our investigation using the trade data demonstrates that suspension of duty-free access to the US market (AGOA) resulting from the turmoil had a greater impact on exports, 64%–78% reduction, than the turmoil itself. Our original factory-level data demonstrates that AGOA suspension increased the probability of closure by 57.8% for the factories supplying exclusively to US market, and reduced 6405 jobs for low-skilled positions during the post turmoil period. The factory-level adverse impacts are much less than those on export value at the industry level because of the maintained duty-free access to EU, which has provided an alternative market. It suggests that if EU also had cancelled duty-free access, adverse impacts would have been enormous. Given the general pattern of comparative advantage in low-income countries, unplanned cancellation of duty-free access for them hurts labor-intensive industries and low-skilled workers.
Microinsurance is widely considered an important tool for sustainable poverty reduction, especially in the face of increasing climate risk. Although index-based microinsurance, which should be free from the classical incentive problems, has attracted considerable attention, uptake rates have generally been weak in low-income rural communities. We explore the purchase patterns of index-based livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia, focusing in particular on the role of accurate product comprehension and price, including the prospective impact of temporary discount coupons on subsequent period demand due to price anchoring effects. We find that randomly distributed learning kits contribute to improving subjects' knowledge of the products; however, we do not find strong evidence that the improved knowledge per se induces greater uptake. We also find that reduced price due to randomly distributed discount coupons has an immediate, positive impact on uptake, without dampening subsequent period demand due to reference-dependence associated with price anchoring effects.
Assessing users’ benefit in a transport policy implementation has been studied by many researchers using theoretical or empirical measures. However, few of them measure users’ benefit in a different way from the consumer surplus. Therefore, this paper aims to assess a new measure of user benefits by weighting consumer surplus in order to include equity assessment for different transport policies simulated in a dynamic middle-term LUTI model adapted to the case study of Madrid. Three different transport policies, including road pricing, parking charge and public transport improvement have been simulated through the Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator, MARS, the LUTI calibrated model for Madrid). A social welfare function (WF) is defined using a cost benefit analysis function that includes mainly costs and benefits of users and operators of the transport system. Particularly, the part of welfare function concerning the users, (i.e. consumer surplus), is modified by a compensating weight (CW) which represents the inverse of household income level. Based on the modified social welfare function, the effects on the measure of users benefits are estimated and compared with the old WF ́s results as well. The result of the analysis shows that road pricing leads a negative effect on the users benefits specially on the low income users. Actually, the road pricing and parking charge implementation results like a regressive policy especially at long term. Public transport improvement scenario brings more positive effects on low income user benefits. The integrated (road pricing and increasing public services) policy scenario is the one which receive the most user benefits. The results of this research could be a key issue to understanding the relationship between transport systems policies and user benefits distribution in a metropolitan context.
In recent years new models for organizations working on overty alleviation have emerged. One of them, the social enterprise, has attracted the attention of both academics and practitioners all over the world. Even if defined in different ways depending on the context, social enterprise has an enormous potential to generate social benefits and to promote local agency and private initiative in poverty alleviation. In this sense, it is fitting to highlight the importance of identifying the main standards that permit the characterization of diverse social enterprises, in order to understand their main specificities and guarantee value generation for low-income populations. Another crucial factor is understanding innovation as a critical factor in promoting social enterprises. A powerful tool to enhance the impact and application of this model is Information and Communication Technologies. In the 21st century,these tools allow users to find new ways of collaboration, new sustainable business models and a cost-effective way of scaling-up initiatives. This paper, a product of the collaborative research between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidade Federal Fluminense, examines different business models for social enterprises and the role that ICT can play in scale and impact of these initiatives
La Asamblea General de la ONU, a solicitud del gobierno peruano, declara en el año 2008 el Año Internacional de la Papa, (AIP). Desde el año 2005, el gobierno peruano ha puesto en marcha estrategias en torno a la importancia de la papa, como la declaración del 30 de Mayo como el Día Nacional de la Papa. El año 2014 es declarado por la FAO, (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar, con un enfoque compartido por esta Tesis Doctoral en el apoyo a la familia campesina peruana. El gobierno peruano utiliza las cadenas de valor como una estrategia de promoción de desarrollo sostenible, que ha permitido contribuir a la inclusión social y económica de productores pobres de zonas alto andinas, como las localizadas en la mancomunidad municipal del Yacus, (MMY), provincia de Jauja, departamento de Junín. Esta estrategia, en la que el mercado incorpora a los pequeños agricultores de las zonas altas de los Andes, (que disponen de recursos económicos muy bajos), en procesos productivos rentables, implica una serie de cambios a realizar, como la transformación de los patrones de producción tradicional hacia aquellos productos o servicios que tienen demanda en el mercado, o la variación de la mentalidad del agricultor pequeño hacia una concepción empresarial de su producción. (Fabián, 2013). Por otra parte, la sostenibilidad de las cadenas de valor depende del eslabón más débil, lo que obliga a conocer la situación de todos los eslabones para poder integrar y reforzar la cadena. Se requiere un sistema de transparencia adecuado que facilite el flujo de la información entre los distintos eslabones. (Briz et al., 2012). Además, el establecimiento de la cadena de valor debe hacerse con cuidado, ya que la eficacia y supervivencia de las empresas están cada vez más ligadas a la cadena de valor a la que pertenece y a la coordinación de la misma. (Briz, 2011). En esta situación, adquiere importancia el estudio de la cadena de valor de la papa nativa, para una vez establecidas sus características, poder determinar la viabilidad o no de una cadena de valor de este producto que repercuta parte de la riqueza generada en los pequeños agricultores alto andinos, e incluso, de su extensión hasta España. Existen estudios sobre las papas nativas, realizadas por diferentes universidades de distintos países, e incluso, de diferentes continentes. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios se centran en la mejora de la producción de la papa nativa. La novedad de la investigación realizada en la presente Tesis Doctoral radica en el estudio de la viabilidad de la comercialización de la papa nativa, mediante el establecimiento de una cadena de valor que se inicie en la provincia de Jauja, Perú, y finalice tanto en los mercados peruanos de las regiones de Junín y Lima, como en España. El objetivo planteado en esta investigación es la mejora de las condiciones económicas y sociales de las comunidades agrícolas de la provincia de Jauja en el Perú, así como fomentar su desarrollo tecnológico e industrial, mediante el fomento de la cadena de valor de la papa nativa y sus derivados. Se establecen como objetivos específicos la caracterización de los eslabones de la cadena de valor de la papa nativa y sus derivados en la provincia de Jauja del Perú y en España, de manera que se determine el valor agregado en los mismos; el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de productores de papas nativas para la comercialización de sus producciones y para el fomento de la cultura empresarial; y el desarrollo de una cadena de comercialización papas nativas y sus derivados con origen en la Provincia de Jauja, Perú, y que finalice en España, con la venta al consumidor español. Para alcanzar estos objetivos la metodología utilizada es la cadena de valor agroalimentaria, utilizando como herramientas de análisis el análisis DAFO de la cadena de valor de la papa nativa. Las fuentes de información primarias utilizadas proceden en parte del proyecto de cooperación de UPM, “Mejora de la cadena de valor de la patata andina como impulso al desarrollo rural. Caso de tres Comunidades Campesinas en la Provincia de Jauja del Perú”, en el que participó el doctorando, y en parte proceden de la batería de encuestas específicamente diseñadas para los diferentes eslabones de la cadena de valor de la papa nativa. Las fuentes de información secundarias proceden de artículos académicos publicados, de artículos publicados por revistas especializadas del sector y de informes realizados por diferentes instituciones gubernamentales, tanto españolas como peruanas. Las conclusiones de la investigación son las siguientes. La creación de la mancomunidad del Yacus ha beneficiado a los pequeños agricultores. Estos consiguen mejores condiciones de venta y mejores precios para sus productos, lo que repercute en la mejora de sus condiciones de vida. Estas mejoras en las condiciones de venta de los productos se deben a su pertenencia a una cadena de valor de papa nativa que está funcionando de forma eficaz. Las empresas consideradas para constituir la cadena de valor han mostrado interés por formar parte de ella: los campesinos para obtener mejores precios por sus productos y unas mejores condiciones de venta; los distribuidores para asegurarse una calidad determinada de unas variedades fijas de papa nativa; la industria transformadora por disponer de un suministro de producto adecuado al derivado de papa nativa correspondiente, (hojuelas, tunta, etc.); las empresas exportadoras para tener suministro garantizado de los productos que ellos requieren en los volúmenes adecuados. Es una situación ventajosa para todas las empresas participantes. A pesar de trabajar con un producto tradicional, la cadena de valor de la papa nativa presenta innovación en los productos comercializados, tanto en la papa nativa fresca como en sus derivados, en los formatos de los productos, en la red de distribución, en las instituciones peruanas y en el consumidor final. Se percibe una demanda de papa nativa y de sus productos derivados en aquellos países donde existen comunidades de latinoamericanos que han emigrado de sus países de origen. España está entre los países que han acogido a un importante número de personas de origen latinoamericano. A pesar de la fuerte crisis económica sufrida por España, que ha llevado consigo la vuelta a sus países de origen de parte de su comunidad latinoamericana, el tamaño de esta población sigue siendo importante. Esta población demanda productos originarios de sus propios países, y los consumirían de forma frecuente si los precios son adecuados a su capacidad de consumo. El precio de venta de la papa nativa y sus derivados en España es de gran importancia. La importación de estos productos desde Perú hace que este eleve a niveles que le resta competitividad, en especial en la papa fresca. Se aconseja la búsqueda de empresas que puedan adaptar la producción de la papa fresca de forma local, y mantener para los derivados la exportación directa a España. Las preferencias de los consumidores peruanos y españoles en cuanto a formatos y marcas se refieren no son coincidentes. De las encuestas realizadas, se concluye que no puede seguirse la misma estrategia de marketing en ambos países, debiéndose diferenciar los formatos de los paquetes de la papa nativa y de sus derivados en España y en Perú, para así lograr llegar a los consumidores potenciales de ambos países. ABSTRACT At the request of the Peruvian government, the UN General Assembly declared the International Year of the Potato in 2008. Since 2005, the Peruvian government has implemented strategies around the importance of the potato, as the declaration of the 30th of May as the National Day of the Potato. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) has declared 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming, with an approach shared by this Ph.D. dissertation about the Peruvian peasant family. The Peruvian government uses value chains as a strategy to promote sustainable development, which has allowed to contribute to the social and economic inclusion of poor farmers in the high Andean regions as those located in the municipal commonwealth of Yacus (MMY) province of Jauja, department of Junín. This strategy, which incorporates small farmers in the high Andean regions, (who have very low income), to the market with profitable production processes, implies a number of changes that should take place, such as changing patterns of traditional production to those products or services that are in demand in the market, or changes in the mentality of the small farmer into a concept of production business. (Fabián, 2013). Moreover, the sustainability of value chains depends on the weakest link, which demands a knowledge of the status of all the links, in order to integrate and strengthen the chain. It is required an adequate transparency to facilitate the flow of information between the various actors. (Briz et al., 2012). Furthermore, the establishment of the value chain should be done carefully, since the effectiveness and the survival of the businesses are increasingly linked to the value chain where the firm is included and to its coordination. (Briz, 2011). In this situation, it becomes important to study the value chain of the native potato, once we establish its features, to be able to determine the feasibility or not of a value chain of this product, which has an impact of the generated wealth in small farms of the high Andean regions, and even the extension of this value chain to Spain. There are studies on native potatoes, made by different universities in several countries and even in more than one continent. However, most studies focus on improving the production of native potato. The originality of the research conducted in this Ph.D. dissertation is the study of the feasibility of commercialization of native potato, by the creation of a value chain that starts in the province of Jauja, Perú, and ends both in Peruvian markets in the region of Lima, and in Spain. The main goal of this research is to improve the economic and social conditions of farming communities in the province of Jauja in Perú, while promoting its technological and industrial development, by the establishment of a value chain of the native potato and derivatives. The specific objectives of the research are the characterization of the links in the value chain of the native potato and its derivatives in the province of Jauja, (Perú) and in Spain, in order to determine the added value; the strengthening of organizations of native potato producers, to commercialize their products and the promotion of enterprise culture; and the development of a chain to market native potato and its derivatives, with its origin in the province of Jauja, (Perú), and its end in Spain, with the sale to the Spanish consumer. In order to achieve these objectives, the used methodology is the agrifood value chain, using as a tool to analysis it the SWOT analysis of the value chain of the native potato. The primary sources of information used in the research come partly from UPM cooperation project, "Improving the value chain of Andean potato as a boost to rural development. Case Three Rural Communities in the Province of Jauja, (Perú)", in which the Ph.D. student was involved, and partly from the surveys, which were specifically designed for the different links of the value chain of the native potato. The secondary sources of information come from academic articles, from articles published by magazines of the industry, and from reports of several government institutions, both Spanish and Peruvian. The conclusions of the research are as follows. The creation of the commonwealth of Yacus has benefited small farmers. They get better sales conditions and better prices for their products, which results in the improvement of their living conditions. These improvements are due to a value chain of native potato which is working effectively. All the firms invited to constitute the value chain have shown interest in being part of it: the farmers to get better prices for their products and better sale conditions; the distributors to ensure a certain quality of fixed varieties of native potato, the processing industry in order to have an adequate supply of product to the corresponding derivative of native potato (chips, “tunta”, etc.); exporting firms to have a guaranteed supply of the products that they require with the right volumes. It's a win-win situation for all participating companies. Despite being a traditional product, the value chain of the native potato presents innovation in marketed products, (both fresh native potato and its derivatives), in the formats of products, in the distribution network, in Peruvian institutions and in relation with the consumer. There is a perceived demand of native potato and its products in countries where communities of Latin Americans have settled down. Spain is among the countries that have received a significant number of people from Latin America. Despite the strong economic crisis suffered by Spain, which has lead to a return to their home countries of part of the Latin American community, the size of this population is still considerable. This population demands products from their own countries, and they frequently consume them if the prices are suitable to their standard of living. The selling price of the native potato and its derivatives in Spain is of great importance. The import of these products from Perú makes the prices rise to levels that reduce competitiveness, especially in fresh native potatoes. It is advised to look for companies which can adapt the fresh potato production in our country, and keep direct export to Spain for the derivatives products. The preferences of Peruvian and Spanish consumers in terms of formats and brands are not the same. The surveys concluded that the same marketing strategy cannot be followed in both countries. Packet formats of native potato and its derivatives should be differentiated in Spain and Perú, in order to reach the potential consumers of both countries.
En algunos países, como por ejemplo España, es común que entre un origen y un destino existan dos carreteras paralelas en las que existen ciertas diferencias. La más importante es que una de las vías es una autopista que ofrece a los usuarios una mayor comodidad y un menor tiempo de viaje a cambio del pago de un peaje, el cual no es necesario abonar en la carretera convencional paralela. Así, el problema de la tarificación vial ha sido estudiado en diversas ocasiones. Existe un amplio consenso en que para lograr el máximo bienestar social, los usuarios deben internalizar las externalidades que producen y no perciben a través de un peaje. Sin embargo, dicho peaje puede perjudicar a los usuarios con bajos ingresos. Dependiendo del objetivo (por ejemplo, maximizar el bienestar, maximizar la equidad social, la amortización de la construcción de la carretera, etc) el peaje óptimo podría variar sustancialmente. La literatura académica acerca de los peajes, la eficiencia y la equidad es vasta y diversa. Sin embargo, hemos encontrado una deficiencia en dicha literatura sobre el peaje óptimo, en corredores donde una carretera y una autopista con diferentes características de calidad compiten para capturar el tráfico. Particularmente no se ha encontrado ninguna investigación acerca del establecimiento del peaje que maximice el bienestar social o la equidad para distintas distribuciones del valor del tiempo de viaje (VTT), caracterizadas por su media y varianza. Por ello, el principal objetivo de la investigación es estimar la influencia que tiene la distribución de la renta de una sociedad sobre el peaje óptimo. La presente tesis doctoral trata de obtener, por medio de una metodología robusta, las diferentes políticas de peajes que los planificadores de transporte deberían llevar a cabo según la riqueza y cohesión social de los potenciales usuarios del corredor, la demanda y el objetivo que se busque con dicha tarificación, esto es, maximizar el bienestar social o la equidad. Adicionalmente también se obtienen los peajes óptimos dependiendo de si el corredor se encuentra totalmente tarificado o únicamente se debe pagar un peaje por circular en la autopista. In some countries, such as Spain, it is very common that in the same corridor there are two roads with the same origin and destination but with some differences. The most important contrast is that one is a toll highway which offers a better quality than the parallel road in exchange of a price. The users decide if the price of the toll worth to pay for the advantages offered. The problem of road pricing has been largely studied. It is well acknowledged that in order to achieve the maximum social welfare, users must internalize the externalities they produce and do not perceive through a toll. However, that toll can harm users with low income. Depending on the objective (e.g. maximize welfare, maximize social equity, amortize the construction of the road, etc) the optimal toll might vary substantially. The academic literature about pricing, efficiency and equity is vast and diverse. However, as far as we have found, there is a gap in the literature regarding the optimal price where a road and a highway with different quality characteristics compete for capturing the traffic in a corridor. Particularly we did not find any research estimating the optimal welfare price or the optimal equity price for different Value of Travel Time (VTT) distributions characterized by different VTT average and variance. The objective of the research is to fill this gap. In this research a theoretical model in order to obtain the optimal price in a toll highway that competes for capturing the traffic with a conventional road is developed. This model is done from the welfare and equity perspective and for non‐usual users who decide over the expectation of free flow conditions. The model is finally applied to the variables we want to focus on: average value of travel time (VTT) which is strongly related with income, dispersion of this VTT, different kind of distributions of VTT and traffic levels, from free flow to congestion. Furthermore, we also obtain the optimal tolls with the corridor completely charged or with untolled alternative.
El escaso crecimiento de los países del África subsahariana, lleva a la necesidad de plantear un tipo de modelo económico que se adapte a sus especiales características y que en definitiva, conduzca a las sociedades que viven en estos países a un aumento de su calidad de vida, mediante mejoras en todos los campos sociales tales como: la enseñanza, la salud y la nutrición, que puedan ayudar a transformar las perspectivas del crecimiento económico, especialmente en los países objeto de estudio, que se caracterizan por presentar bajos ingresos y escaso desarrollo humano. Se puede concluir, por tanto, diciendo que en definitiva, el fin es el desarrollo humano y que el crecimiento económico es un medio. El propósito del crecimiento económico debe ser enriquecer la vida de la gente. Los adelantos a corto plazo en materia de desarrollo humano son posibles, merced a un mayor crecimiento económico que a su vez no debe desligarse del respeto por el medioambiente y el entorno. Para conseguir estos objetivos, se plantea en la presente tesis un modelo económico, elaborado siguiendo las directrices de la Dinámica de Sistemas, mediante el uso del programa informático VENSIM. El modelo planteado se basa en la producción de energía eléctrica, que sería capaz de abastecer a una población y generar unos excedentes que podrían ser vendidos y las ganancias reinvertidas para impulsar el crecimiento económico de la población a la que abastece. ABSTRACT Low growth in sub-Saharan Africa, leading to the need to establish a type of economic model that suits their special characteristics and ultimately lead to societies that live in these countries to increase human capacity through improvements in all social fields such as education, health and nutrition that can help transform the prospects for economic growth, especially in the countries under study, which are characterized by low income and low human development. It can be concluded, therefore, saying that ultimately, the end is human development and economic growth is a means. The purpose of economic growth should be to enrich the lives of people. The short-term advances in human development are possible, thanks to higher economic growth which in turn should not be separated from respect for the environment and intone. To achieve these objectives, we propose in this thesis an economic model, developed under the guidance of dynamic systems, using the computer program VENSIM. The proposed model is based on the production of electricity, which would be able to supply a population and generate a surplus that could be sold and the proceeds reinvested to boost economic growth in the population it serves.
The paper identifies the potential spatial and social impacts of a proposed road-pricing scheme for different social groups in the Madrid Metropolitan Area (MMA). We appraise the accessibility of different districts within the MMA in terms of the actual and perceived cost of using the road infrastructure ‘before’ and ‘after’ implementation of the scheme. The appraisal framework was developed using quantitative survey data and qualitative focus group discussions with residents. We then simulated user behaviours (mode and route choice) based on the empirical evidence from a travel demand model for the MMA. The results from our simulation model demonstrated that implementation of the toll on the orbital metropolitan motorways (M40, M30, for example) decreases accessibility mostly in the districts where there are no viable public transport alternatives. Our specific study finding is that the economic burden of the road-pricing scheme particularly affects unskilled and lower income individuals living in the south of the MMA. The focus groups confirmed that low income drivers in the south part of the MMA would reduce their use of tolled roads and have to find new arrangements for these trips: i.e. switch to public transport, spend double the time travelling or stay at home. More generally, our research finds that European transport planners are still a long way from recognising the social equity implications of their policy decisions and that more thorough social appraisals are needed to avoid the social exclusion of low income populations when road tolling is proposed.
The opening of new windows on the façade is proposed as a refurbishment strategy in an existing building in Málaga to facilitate cross ventilation of dwellings. The building is a residential block of 140 public housing units for rent for people with low income in Málaga (Spain), property of the City Council. By modeling with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), eleven configurations of openings are studied in two different areas of the main housing type of the building. The quantity of introduced/extracted air into/from the room and the generated airflow patterns are obtained. The modeling allows comparing the different openings configurations to determine the most appropriate ventilation option for every room.
The preservation of tangible cultural heritage does not guarantee effective revitalisation of urban historic areas as a whole. The legacy of our history consists not only of paintings, sculptures, architectural monuments and public spaces, but also the safeguarding of immaterial aspects of social life, such as oral traditions, rituals, practices, knowledge and craft skills. From 1999 to 2013, 26 Brazilian cities benefited from the Monumenta Programme - a national cultural policy that involved institutions, the private sector and the local community. The purpose of the programme was to stimulate economic growth and increase cultural and social development of the historic centres. Moreover, it sought to increase the number of residents in the benefited areas as defined in its agenda (IDB, 1999; MinC & Programa Monumenta, 2006). Using the Historic Centre of Porto Alegre as a case study, this paper examines how this cultural programme enables demographic change through the promotion of intangible cultural heritage, e.g. by supporting educational projects. The demographic flow was analysed using the microdata of the Populations Censuses (years 2000 and 2010) available from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The results showed an increase in low-income residents the areas that participated in the programme. This increase may have been motivated by a set of cultural-educational projects under the auspices of the Monumenta Programme. The retraining of artisans of Alfândega Square, the training of low-income youth for restoration work and the implementation of the "Black Route Museum in Porto Alegre" (Bicca, 2010) are just some examples of what was done to improve the local community's economy, to encourage social cohesion and to enhance the awareness of cultural diversity as a positive and essential value in society.
Actualmente el sector privado posee un papel relevante en la provisión y gestión de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de ingreso medio‐bajo, principalmente a través de los proyectos de participación público‐privada (PPPs). Muchos países han impulsado este tipo de proyectos con el fin de hacer frente a la gran demanda de infraestructuras de transporte existente, debido a la escasez de recursos públicos y a la falta de eficiencia en la provisión de los servicios públicos. Como resultado, las PPPs han experimentado un crecimiento importante en las últimas dos décadas a nivel mundial. A pesar de esta tendencia creciente, muchos países no han sido capaces de atraer la participación del sector privado para la provisión de sus infraestructuras o no han logrado el nivel de participación privada que habrían requerido para alcanzar sus objetivos. Según numerosos autores, el desarrollo y el éxito de los proyectos PPP de infraestructuras de transporte de cualquier país está condicionado por una diversidad de factores, siendo uno de ellos la calidad de su entorno institucional. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar la influencia del entorno institucional en el volumen de inversión en proyectos de participación público‐privada de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de ingreso medio‐bajo. Para acometer dicho objetivo se ha realizado un análisis empírico de 81 países distribuidos en seis regiones del mundo, durante el periodo 1996‐2013. En el análisis se han desarrollado dos modelos empíricos aplicando principalmente dos metodologías: el contraste de hipótesis y los modelos de datos de panel Tobit. El desarrollo de estos modelos ha permitido analizar de una forma exhaustiva el tema de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos aportan evidencia de que la calidad del entorno institucional posee una influencia significativa en el volumen de inversión en los proyectos PPP de transporte. En general, en esta tesis se muestran evidencias empíricas de que el sector privado ha tendido a invertir en mayor medida en países con entornos institucionales fuertes, es decir, en aquellos países en los que ha existido un mayor nivel de Estado de derecho, estabilidad política y regulatoria, efectividad del gobierno, así como un mayor control de la corrupción. Además, aquellos países donde se ha registrado una mejora en el nivel de su calidad institucional también han experimentado un incremento en el volumen de inversión en PPP de transporte. The private sector has an important role in the provision and management of transport infrastructure in countries of medium‐low income, primarily through projects of public‐private partnerships (PPPs). Many countries have developed PPP projects to meet the high demand of transport infrastructure, due to the scarcity of public resources and the lack of efficiency in the provision of public services. As a result, PPPs have experienced a significant growth, worldwide, in the past two decades. Despite this growing trend, many countries have not been able to attract private sector participation in the provision of infrastructure or have not accomplished the level of private participation that would have required to achieve its objectives. According to various authors, the development of PPP projects for transport infrastructure is determined by a number of factors, one of them being the quality of the institutional environment. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the influence of the institutional environment on the volume of investment, in projects of public‐private partnerships for transport infrastructure in countries of medium‐low income. In order to meet this objective, we conducted an empirical analysis of 81 countries, in six regions of the world, during the period of 1996‐2013. The analysis used two empirical models, implementing different methodologies and various statistical techniques: hypothesis testing, and Tobit model using panel data. The development of these models allowed to carry out a more comprehensive analysis. The results show that the quality of the institutional environment has a significant influence on the volume of investment in PPP projects of transport. Overall, this dissertation shows that the private sector tends to invest more in countries with stronger institutional environments, i.e. countries where there has been a higher level of Rule of Law, political and regulatory stability, and an effective control of corruption. In addition, those that have improved the level of institutional quality have also experienced an increase in the volume of investment in PPP of transport.