1000 resultados para Lourenço Filho, Manuel Bergstrom, 1897-1970 - Crítica e interpretação


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This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, it¿s the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.


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De junho de 1893 a outubro de 1897 a comunidade do Belo Monte (Canudos, BA, Brasil), sob a liderança de Antônio Conselheiro, experimentou um crescimento demográfico na ordem de 10 335 %, na mais árida região da caatinga baiana e resistiu, durante 10 meses, a u desproporcional esforço de guerra, imposto por quase metade (49,8%) do efetivo do Exército brasileiro de então, apoiada por diversos batalhões das forças públicas dos Estados do Amazonas, Bahia, Pará e São Paulo, sob o comando de cinco oficiais generais, a elite da oficialidade da força terrestre nacional e, ao final do conflito, do próprio ministro da guerra, marechal Carlos Machado Bittencourt. A partir do reconhecimento desse episódio como fenômeno administrativo muito expressivo, ainda que de trágico destino, esta tese estudo os modelos de organização e de poder/autoridade que tornaram possível esse crescimento, o abastecimento e a defesa de Canudos em situação tão crítica. Na perspectiva de uma leitura institucional do imaginário social sobre o acontecimento, este estudo propõe o modelo de análise denominado Tetraedro Semioncológico da Organizações, e confronta os depoimentos colhidos entre descendentes dos sobreviventes da guerra com os relatos dos cronistas-testemunhas, estudiosos e os registros iconográficos, musicográficos e literário sobre o episódio.


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Este trabalho analisa o impacto da democratização e das reformas estruturais no desenvolvimento econômico em 17 países da América Latina no período de 1970-95. Para tal, adota um modelo conceitual-derivado do modelo de crescimento neoclássico onde são consideradas as variáveis representativas de reforma e de democratização


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Mostra como a questão da criação de valor para o dono do capital esteve presente na história do pensamento econômico. Faz uma crítica das teorias atuais de gerenciamento de valor para o acionista, demonstrando a superioridade do modelo TBRlGVA sobre os demais. Mostra a aplicação prática dessse modelo e propõe uma estrutura de análise de rentabilidade de produtos baseada no conceito de geração de valor para o acionista


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Este estudo faz uma análise crítica da educação e do trabalho nos Planos Nacionais de Desenvolvimento, via açoes coordenadas pela Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (Sudam), com sua política de desenvolvimento regional, que significa expansão da acumulação capitalista - desenvolvimento em nome da região. A natureza "verdadeira" desta relação (educação e trabalho), no plano real, está contida muito mais nos programas econômicos do que nos formalmente enquadrados como educativos. Se a Amazônia dependesse do ensino formal para modificação das estruturas dominantes e para transformação das relações antagônicas de apropriação e expropiaçao, permaneceria inalterada, como ocorreu até 1960, antes da construção da rodovia Belém-Brasília e implantação dos grandes projetos de desenvolvimento deslanchados pelo Estado. A política de desenvolvimento regional dirigiu-se a favor da classe dominante, que tem seu locus hegemônico no Centro-Sul do Brasil. A ação pedagógica dos grandes projetos econômicos - pedagogia do capital - foi tão ou mais efetiva do que a da escola, exatamente pela "ausência" desta na Amazônia. A rede escolar da região está em torno de 11.626 escolas para atender a uma população escolarizável de cerca de 2 milhões de crianças. Na zona rural se atende a 37% da demanda. Hoje, pouco ou quase nada se tem de uma típica comunidade amazônica: o espaço-homem ou homem-espaço é outro, com pletamente diferente; novos hábitos foram incorporados, há novas maneiras de viver e/ou morrer, próprias do "urbano"; os tipos e formas de produção também se transformaram, as culturas de subsistência, por exemplo, estão sendo gradativamente substituídas por outras de maior valor para exportação, corno café, cacau, pimenta-do-reino, juta etc.; as tradições culturais estão sendo vilipendiadas, até no tratamento de doenças, através da alopatia convencional; há descaracterização das manifestações folclóricas etc. Todas essas transformações ocorridas se integram ao projeto maior de desenvolvimento, como produto da entrada da Amazônia no mundo do "progresso". As ações implementadas pelo Estado se articulam e se completam nos empreendimentos econômicos da iniciativa privada. Em suma, trata-se de um "progresso" que, ao contrário de representar um meio de melhoria das condições de vida, representa para a grande maioria dos trabalhadores urna radicalização da degradação destas condições.


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Revisa as principais técnicas de Análise de Demonstrativos Contábeis, apontando algumas das causas que afastam da realidade, as conclusões obtidas por tal sistemática. Aborda com destaque as limitações de ordem técnica, vinculadas ao processo contábil, e aquelas de ordem estrutural decorrentes da exigência legal da adoção de certos procedimentos contábeis impróprios em diversas situações. Apresenta algumas propostas corretivas.


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O trabalho que se apresenta surge no âmbito do Mestrado em “Arte e Património, no Contemporâneo e Actual”. O assunto tratado é a história do cinema na Madeira, desde o seu aparecimento até ao final da década de vinte do século XX. A principal fonte usada foi a imprensa regional, uma vez que existem poucos estudos sobre o tema. Esta foi estudada entre Março de 1895 e Dezembro de 1930. Dada a extensão temporal estudada e alguns problemas técnicos (envio para microfilmagem, de algumas publicações, em Lisboa), a análise não foi tão exaustiva quanto o pretendido. Os jornais foram seleccionados de forma aleatória e de acordo com a sua disponibilidade no Arquivo Regional da Madeira. No primeiro capítulo faz-se um enquadramento histórico do assunto a estudar, onde se caracteriza a época e se analisa os primórdios do cinema de forma geral na Europa e em Portugal e, de modo mais específico, na Madeira. O segundo capítulo é relativo à exibição de filmes na Ilha, sendo esta análise efectuada para as décadas em estudo. O terceiro capítulo trata a produção cinematográfica na Madeira, onde são referidos os principais nomes de realizadores e/ou produtores locais e se apresenta uma listagem de filmes realizados e/ou produzidos por madeirenses ou filmados na Região.


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Assuming that the form of a building shell and its content the spatial form are distinct dimensions of architecture - however indivisible and interdependent -, this study focus, in the light of the Social Logic of Space (HILLIER; HANSON, 1984), on the intrinsic properties through which domestic space was structured in a sample of single-family dwellings built in João Pessoa (PB) during the 1970s - when the vocabulary of modern architecture still prevailed in Brazil though sharing the urban scene with other architectural trends -, in order to investigate regularities or divergences underlying their conception. These dwellings were originally classified (ARAÚJO, 2010a) in five categories defined according to the form of their building shells and to their prevailing construction techniques: (1) Brazilian modern legacy (considered as truly Brazilian modern style); (2) Paulista architecture (that refers to the modern production of São Paulo, Brazil, from the 1950s through the 1970s); (3) experiences of rationalization and prefabrication ; (4) experiences of adaptation to the climate (referring to a design strongly influenced by the hot and humid climate of North-eastern Brazil); and (5) hybrid (to account for a kind of stylistic hybridism that includes formal attributes, which evoke our colonial past). This study aims to determine, through the analyses of nineteen cases that represent each category, whether this taxonomy corresponds to distinct modes of spatial configuration. This research therefore proposes an approach to the classification of domestic architecture based on topological properties. The dwellings spatial organization was represented, quantified and analyzed, their spatial properties explored in consonance with one another and with the literature. Results pointed out that there is no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the formal look of the built shells and their respective spatial structures


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This Master s Thesis aims to use the theoretical models of growth with restricted balance of payments, specifically Kaldor (1970) and Thirlwall (1979) models, to analyze the behavior and the pattern of specialization of Brazilian exports and imports in the last years. It is observed that, in some periods, the pattern of specialization has contributed in restricting long-term growth of the Brazilian economy. It has been hypothesized that overall this is due to lack of structural transformation policies. To achieve this goal, it analyzed the performance of Brazilian exports and imports disaggregating them according to their technological content. The basis for comparison was a group of countries to which Brazil is inserted in, the BRIC. In this regard, the work is a comparative analysis by using descriptive statistics. It is concluded that the low rate of GDP growth experienced by Brazil since the 1980s can be explained in part by the decoupling of the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS) and the Brazilian productive structure. This would be reducing the income elasticity of exports and raising imports, causing a pattern of specialization intensive primary commodities and labor and low-skill labor


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Cet étude s agit du domaine de l Éducation Physique comme composante curriculaire dans le contexte de l Ensino médio integrado (l enseignement secondaire professionnel intégré) dans le IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte (Régio Nord). Son objectif principal est sur le plan éducatif des actions de l enseingant au procès des convivialités avec la culture corporale à partir des expériences, désires, besoins et volontés des apprenants dans la perspective de l imersion dans le monde de la créativité, de la recherche, de la connaissance et de la transformation de l identité pédagogique de la composante curriculaire. Dans ce sens, l étude a eu comme objectif l élaboration d une propisition pédagogique, fondamentée sur la Théorie Post-critique de l éducation qui contribue pour la configuration de l identité de l Éducation Physique dans les cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire. La recherche s est configuré dans une intervention pédagogique fondamenté sur les préssuppositions methodologique d une expérience empirique du genre recherche-action apliqué dans l univers scolaire des cours thécniques intégrés de l enseignement secondaire de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Les sujets qui ont participé de la recherche, sont les apprenants des groupes de la première année du cours de Commerce et Éléctronique de la soirée (13h à 18h), inscrit à partir de l année 2012. Les instruments utilisés pour la recherche ont été deux questionaires et une cahier de bord. Les résultats obtenus sont disposés dans des graphiques qui représentent les paroles des sujets après le procès d intervantion et les analyses réalisées sous l étude-recherche, qui ont été faites por l analyse de contenu, de l image principale de la population recherchée. On considère que les résultats de la recherche ont été plausibles à la mesure que au-delà du support et de la participation dans la recherche, les réponses obtenues ont démontré que le procès d intervantion pédagogique a été pertinent pour les apprenants des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de Commerce et Électronique de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Le sense essentielle de cette thèse s est concentrée dans la dimension interculturelle pour l Éducation Physique dans le secondaire intégré, comme un travail fondamenté à partir des temoignage des apprenants et par la conception post-critique du curriculum qui refuse les explications évidentes et instituées comme des véritées finales dans l objectif de réguler et controler les sujets de l éducation. L option faite par cet abordage de thèse a été pour rompre avec l établi à partir de la proposition d un dialògue, avec les apprenants, à la recherche de nouveaux territoires pédagogiques pour l Education Physique à l enseignement intégré de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Des territoires qui occupent des espaces dans la culture scolaire, dans une dynamique dialogique avec les apprenants, qui se défine politique et pédagogiquement pour la diversité culturelle du mouvement, qui aborde le concept de mouvement dans la proximité des actions corporales cotidiennes et qui propose de nouvelles possibilités et de recréations pour les pratiques de la culture corporale. La perspective post-critique ouvre des possibilités pour de nouvelles langages en fortifiant les narratives de ce qui ont toujours entendu et cependant ont silencié ses voix et ainsi, la thèse a confirmé que, l étude présent et la recherche supporté par la théorie post-critique du curriculum ont possibilité une nouvelles configuration pour l identité pédagogique de l Éducation Physique dans la condition de composant curriculaire des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de l IFRN au Campus Natal Zona Norte


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The objective of this work is to critically analyze the seated mobility adaptive equipment, wheelchair, used by non-ambulatory children/adolescents diagnosed with cerebral palsy of the quadriplegy type with ages in between 0-18 years old in the municipal city of Natal/RN and of other ones in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This study is characterized as descriptive as it took into consideration the individualized conditions of each child/adolescent and of their home environment, and also evaluates the condition of the used seated mobility devices such as wheelchairs or strollers. Thirty three (33) subjects which had a wheelchair prescribed by a healthcare professional specialist in adaptive equipment within the past 3 years were selected. A questionnaire was applied through a phone with the patient s primary care giver or parents. The results obtained showed that all the equipment being used had an anatomical seat and back and the tilt system mechanism and even though most of the patients required small individual adjustments upon receiving the wheelchair in order to accommodate to the patients characteristics. From the point of view of the caregiver/parents interviewed, 97% described satisfied with the equipment and report assistance with mobility (97%), comfort (82%) and good posture (82%) as the main positive aspects from the equipment. The results also describe the aspects related to the maintenance, time used and activities developed that were reported by the patients. The conclusion therefore is that in order to select the equipment to meet the needs of the consumer it is necessary that: an appropriate wheelchair prescription takes place, the up-to-date knowledge of equipment available in the market, the appropriate use of the resources from the concession programs of the government that purchase equipment and the establishment of link in between the manufacturers, patients and the caregivers


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This work aims to present the foundations of Kantian ethics concerning to moral judgments about sexual practices. It shows that the sexual act, for the philosopher, inevitably degrades individuals who are taking part of it, given its objectifying nature, manifested in the usage of individuals as mere means to obtain pleasure. To solve this quandary of nature since humanity is an end in itself, by the virtue of being bearer of rationality and cannot, therefore, be treated as mere means Kant claims that marriage is morally the appropriate locus for the exercise of sexuality, given the reciprocity forged there, preventing degradation. In marriage, the bond established between the impulse of nature to the conservation of the species achieved through the sexual intercourse opened to procreation and the duty of man in regarding himself as an animal being preserving the species without degrading the person is accomplished in a fully moral way. This text clarifies that the justification for the assumption of this solution is fixed at two developments of the categorical imperative: the formulas of the law of nature and humanity. Despite the fact the first brings significant contributions to human relations through the concept of reciprocity, the second establishes a normative role for the teleological argument of sexuality, becoming an obstacle in kantian's practical philosophy. To overcome that obstacle, we outline a critics which relies on the studies of Michel Foucault about sex and the power techniques related to them, producer of a scientia sexualis in the Western, demonstrating that the moral of the philosopher from Königsberg is also present in this project somehow. Finally, in a foucaultian's reading of kantian Aufklärung, we recognize that, to propose new ethical possibilities of the experience of sexuality, it is necessary to think and create new relational spaces in which the subject takes autonomously the government of self.


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The assent of the Truth: here's a formula that seems to have puzzled philosophers since antiquity. The possibility of apprehending truth was defended by some philosophers who have been called dogmatic, due to their haste to judge appearances as representations of reality, and refuted by those who chose to continue questioning rather than engage with his predicament. These thinkers were called skeptics. Among those who defended the consent of the truth, is highlighted by St. Augustine in this research, which aims to combat the widespread skepticism in the ancient doctrine of the Academy of Plato in his work Against Academicos. Thus, to conduct this research we ask: What are the main arguments made by St. Augustine against the scholarly skepticism? In order to address the problem identified, we propose to investigate the critical skepticism of St. Augustine, identifying and analyzing the main rebuttals he built. For this purpose, we conducted a survey of aspects of both the skepticism about the life and thought of St. Augustine about this doctrine