805 resultados para Lares de Infância e Juventude - Child and Youth Residential Care
The effectiveness of the Incredible Years Basic parent programme (IYBP) in reducing child conduct problems and improving parent competencies and mental health was examined in a 12-month follow-up. Pre- to post-intervention service use and related costs were also analysed. A total of 103 families and their children (aged 32–88 months), who previously participated in a randomised controlled trial of the IYBP, took part in a 12-month follow-up assessment. Child and parent behaviour and well-being were measured using psychometric and observational measures. An intention-to-treat analysis was carried out using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA. Pairwise comparisons were subsequently conducted to determine whether treatment outcomes were sustained 1 year post-baseline assessment. Results indicate that post-intervention improvements in child conduct problems, parenting behaviour and parental mental health were maintained. Service use and associated costs continued to decline. The results indicate that parent-focused interventions, implemented in the early years, can result in improvements in child and parent behaviour and well-being 12 months later. A reduced reliance on formal services is also indicated.
A presente dissertação – A Institucionalização no Feminino: que repercussões na Reintegração (Trajectórias de vida e dimensão dos factores de (des) protecção na transmissão intergeracional das jovens que saíram da CIJE de Castelo Branco no período de 1995-2000) – foi realizada no âmbito do VI Curso de Mestrado em Serviço Social. O objecto desta dissertação centrou-se na análise das trajectórias de vida de mulheres adultas que durante a sua infância estiveram internadas na Instituição Casa de Infância e Juventude de Castelo Branco e cuja desinstitucionalização ocorreu no período de 1995 a 2000, considerando como critério a residência das jovens no Distrito de Castelo Branco. Para a prossecução desta investigação, adoptou-se uma metodologia qualitativa. Recorreu-se à análise documental e a entrevistas semi-directivas efectuadas a nove jovens. Com esta investigação pretendeu-se estudar as trajectórias para a obtenção de dados sobre a experiência de vida, o seu processo de autonomização e de que forma a medida de institucionalização se reproduziu nos descendentes, e se estes constam igualmente das crianças e jovens com medida de protecção, nomeadamente de acolhimento institucional. Relativamente aos objectivos, pretendemos: analisar o percurso de vida das jovens com medida de acolhimento institucional; identificar a avaliação das jovens sobre o seu processo de internamento e a experiência de vida; identificar a forma como estas jovens se relacionam com a percepção do conceito formal da lei de “Perigo”; analisar a autonomia de vida face à família, à inserção profissional e eventual ligação face aos sistemas de protecção social; e analisar a situação e as expectativas face às jovens sem filhos. Dos resultados obtidos na presente investigação, podemos concluir que, após a medida de internamento, a maioria das jovens integrou a família de origem. Algumas valorizam este regresso, ressalvando as dificuldades de adaptação à sua família, e à própria comunidade. A maioria das jovens constituíram agregado próprio, revelando capacidades parentais na educação dos seus filhos, e proporcionando-lhes uma infância segura e feliz, assegurando de forma responsável as suas necessidades tendo em vista a sua segurança, saúde, formação, educação e desenvolvimento.
Aims: To improve engagement of Health Visitors and Community Practitioners delivering the Healthy Child Programme with fathers. To evaluate a one-day, father-focused workshop with a supporting handbook for Practitioners. To identify institutional and organisational barriers to engagement with fathers. Background: The UK government policy encourages health professionals to engage with fathers. This derives from robust evidence that fathers’ early involvement with their children impacts positively on emotional, behavioural and educational development. Yet, there is little evidence that the importance of engaging fathers is reflected in Health Visitor training or that primary-care services are wholly embracing father-inclusive practice. The Fatherhood Institute (FI), a UK charity, has developed a workshop for Practitioners delivering the Healthy Child Programme. Method: A ‘before and after’ evaluation study, comprising a survey followed by telephone interviews, evaluated the impact of the FI workshop on Health Visitors’ and Community Practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in practice. A total of 134 Health Visitors and Community Practitioners from eight NHS Trusts in England attended the workshop from November 2011 to January 2014 at 12 sites. A specially constructed survey, incorporating a validated questionnaire, was administered before the workshop, immediately afterwards and three months later. Telephone interviews further explored participants’ responses. Findings: Analysis of the questionnaire data showed that the workshop and handbook improved participants’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in practice. This was sustained over a three-month period. In telephone interviews, most participants said that the workshop had raised their awareness of engaging fathers and offered them helpful strategies. However, they also spoke of barriers to engagement with fathers. NHS Trusts need to review the training and education of Health Visitors and Community Practitioners and take a more strategic approach towards father-inclusive practice and extend services to meet the needs of fathers.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
From 4 to 7 April 2016, 24 researchers from 8 countries and from a variety of academic disciplines gathered in Snekkersten, Denmark, to reach evidence-based consensus about physical activity in children and youth, that is, individuals between 6 and 18 years. Physical activity is an overarching term that consists of many structured and unstructured forms within school and out-of-school-time contexts, including organised sport, physical education, outdoor recreation, motor skill development programmes, recess, and active transportation such as biking and walking. This consensus statement presents the accord on the effects of physical activity on children's and youth's fitness, health, cognitive functioning, engagement, motivation, psychological well-being and social inclusion, as well as presenting educational and physical activity implementation strategies. The consensus was obtained through an iterative process that began with presentation of the state-of-the art in each domain followed by plenary and group discussions. Ultimately, Consensus Conference participants reached agreement on the 21-item consensus statement.
Introdução: A doença cárie é uma das mais comum em crianças de idade pré-escolar, e desenvolve-se logo após a erupção dentária. Na literatura está descrito que para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento desta lesão é necessário a presença de um hospedeiro susceptível, microflora cariogénica, a dieta e o tempo. No entanto, a Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave não é uma lesão de progressão normal, e sim rompante e afecta crianças, até aos três anos de idade. Os hábitos que a família tem, em especial a mãe, são responsáveis pela transmissão de bactérias que podem influenciar o aparecimento de lesões de cáries nas crianças. Simples actos como o testar a temperatura da comida antes de dar à criança, limpar a chupeta com a boca e a partilha de utensílios podem aumentar o risco de Cárie Precoce da Infância. Através de uma revisão de literatura, pretende-se explorar a influência parental no aparecimento desta doença e saber se existe fundamentos para preocupação e assim efectuar uma mais adequada prevenção junto dos pais ou encarregados de educação. Metodologia: Nesta revisão narrativa de literatura fez-se a pesquisa nas bases de dados electrónicas PubMed e SciELO; recorreu-se aos repositórios bibliográficos das universidades; páginas institucionais e referências bibliográficas de artigos; livros de Medicina Dentária Preventiva e de Odontopediatria. Discussão: Os hábitos parentais como o provar ou testar a comida das crianças antes da alimentação e a partilha de talheres durante as refeições são considerados factores de risco para o aumento dos níveis de bactérias, como o Streptococcus mutans. Em relação aos hábitos como limpar a chupeta com a boca, o contacto físico intrafamiliar e dos pais beijarem os filhos há pouca evidência científica e é necessário fazer estudos mais conclusivos nestas áreas. Conclusão: Com esta revisão de literatura foi possível identificar quais os hábitos parentais que aumentam o risco dos filhos desenvolverem Cárie Precoce da Infância Grave.
The concept of equal opportunity for all students is deeply embedded in the Serbian constitution and in education laws. On that level, there is no doubt that everyone is ensured an opportunity to receive quality education. Many measures in education policy have been created specifically to achieve this objective and make the system fair and inclusive. The Coleman Report was linked to a wave of optimism that certain educational measures would help in achieving these noble goals. This aim is a high priority in education in a democratic country, and due to its importance needs to be re-examined. Thus, the present research examines the equity of students in the Serbian education system, detecting areas on all educational levels that could be (or already are) systemic sources of inequity (e.g., criteria for preschool institution enrolment, the system of student awards, rationalisation of the school network, the concept of entrance exams to secondary school or university, etc.). A number of measures have already been taken in the system specifically to deal with inequity (e.g., the Preschool Preparatory Programme, dropout measures, inclusion, scholarships, etc.). The effects of these measures in particular are analysed in the present work. In addition to an analysis of the systemic sources of inequity in the Serbian education system, the article also makes recommendations for their overcoming. (DIPF/Orig.)
Tese de Doutoramento, Educação (Sociologia da Educação), 11 de Julho 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
This chapter will start by providing an overview of current knowledge about young people with learning disabilities who sexually abuse. Research cited will, unless otherwise indicated, be limited to UK studies since international variations in the definitions of both learning disability and sexual abuse make the use of a wider literature base problematic – particularly that relating to prevalence and incidence. It will then go on to report key findings from a recent study (Fyson et al, 2003; Fyson, 2005) which examined how special schools and statutory child protection and youth offending services in four English local authorities responded to sexually inappropriate or abusive behaviours exhibited by young people with learning disabilities. It will conclude by highlighting areas of current practice which give cause for concern, and suggest some pointers for future best practice.
A presente dissertação procura apresentar um estudo aprofundado em torno dos mecanismos mágicos, atestados em contexto doméstico, que estão associados de forma mais evidente à protecção da criança e da mulher, enquanto grávida, parturiente e mãe. Neste sentido, iremos discorrer em torno dos motivos que levaram os Egípcios a desenvolver esses mecanismos, em particular a importância da criança para a sociedade egípcia, os perigos da vida quotidiana egípcia, quer para a saúde da população em geral, quer para a da mulher e a da criança e, por fim, a mortalidade infantil e materna. Consequentemente, pretendemos demonstrar de que forma a Religião Doméstica consistia numa estratégia de garantir a sobrevivência da criança. Iremos igualmente abordar os diversos mecanismos destinados a promover a fertilidade e a concepção, identificados em contexto doméstico. Entre eles constam as estruturas arquitectónicas, nomeadamente as estruturas elevadas de Deir el-Medina; as figuras com formas femininas e masculinas, no último caso de cariz erótico, e com a forma de deuses e animais; os amuletos; as camas votivas e os encantamentos mágicos associados a essas duas esferas. Análise incidirá, de igual modo, nas formas desenvolvidas para proteger a mulher e a criança durante a gravidez, o parto e o pós-parto, como outras estruturas arquitectónicas, quer os tijolos de nascimento, quer as pérgulas de nascimento; os amuletos, os objectos apotropaicos e, ainda, os encantamentos mágicos. Por fim, a dissertação focar-se-á na protecção da criança durante a «primeira infância» propriamente dita, que podia ser garantida ainda através da atribuição de nomes protectores e da recitação de encantamentos mágicos especificamente destinados a proteger a criança durante a infância. Iremos ainda destacar alguns mecanismos adicionais que, embora não tenham sido identificados em contexto doméstico, devem ser tomados em consideração. O presente estudo focar-se-á, assim, não só na «primeira infância», mas também nas fases da vida humana que a antecediam, que incluem a concepção – relacionada com a fertilidade –, a gravidez, o parto e, por fim, os momentos que o sucediam.
Background: Child abuse is a serious social health problem all over the world with important adverse effects. Objectives: The aim of this study was to extend our understanding of the relation between mental disorders and child abuse. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey on 700 students in secondary schools using multiple cluster sampling in Yazd, Iran in 2013. We applied 2 self reported questionnaires: DASS (depression anxiety stress scales)-42 for assessing mental disorders (anxiety, stress and depression) and a standard self-reported valid and reliable questionnaire for recording child abuse information in neglect, psychological, physical and sexual domains. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS software. P-values < 0.05 were considered as significant. Results: There was a statically significant correlation between mental disorder and child abuse score (Spearman rho: 0.2; P-value < 0.001). The highest correlations between mental disorders and child abuse were found in psychological domain, Spearman’s rho coefficients were 0.46, 0.41 and 0.36 for depression, anxiety and stress respectively (P-value < 0.001). Based on the results of logistic regression for mental disorder, females, last born adolescents and subjects with drug or alcohol abuser parents had mental disorder odds of 3, 0.4 and 1.9 times compared to others; and severe psychological abuse, being severely neglected and having sexual abuse had odds 90, 1.6 and 1.5 respectively in another model. Conclusions: Programming for mandatory reporting of child abuse by physicians and all health care givers e.g. those attending schools or health centers, in order to prevent or reduce its detrimental effects is useful and success in preventing child abuse could lead to reductions in the prevalence of mental disorders.
Immigration disrupts an individual’s support network; however, the stresses of the immigration process increase the need for social support. The presence of social support becomes essential for immigrant children and adolescents to cope with these important transitional circumstances. Friends are both sources of social support and models for behavior. Furthermore, friendship networks are known to have a significant influence on youths’ functioning. Literature suggests that peer relations become more important in adolescence and friend support is related to child and adolescent well-being. Thus, friend relationships may be particularly important for immigrant youths who experience disruption in their friendship networks during the process of migration to another country. In addition to friendship networks and support, friend characteristics also need to be taken into consideration as important factors for immigrant youth adjustment. My study involved analyses of the effects of friend support and friend problem behaviors on emotional and behavioral functioning for elementary, middle, and high school age newly immigrant children and adolescents. Immigrant children and adolescents (N = 503) were interviewed at schools by interviewers fluent in participants’ languages. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed that friend support and friend problem behaviors were related to children’s self-esteem and externalizing behaviors. In addition, friend problem behavior alone predicted children’s psychological symptoms and depression scores. Furthermore, age/grade was found to be a moderator for the relation between friend problem behavior and immigrant youth behavioral adjustment such that compared to elementary and high school cohorts, middle school youths showed more externalizing behaviors when they had friends performing problem behaviors. Results supported the idea that both friend support and friend behavior are related to newly immigrant youths’ emotional and behavioral adjustment. This study informs further research and interventions concerning the development of programs to facilitate immigrant youths’ adjustment by revealing friendship factors related to their adaptation.
In July 2012 the Iowa Legislative Council requested the Public Safety Advisory Board (PSAB) provide recommendations to the General Assembly relating to crimes against children. This request came in response to the high profile kidnapping of two girls and subsequent murder of one by Michael Klunder. The PSAB directed the Iowa Department of Human Rights, Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) to provide an analysis of child kidnapping and review of the effectiveness of Iowa kidnapping law.
In contrast to the definition of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adults, there is no standard definition of MetS in pediatric populations. We aimed to assess the differences in the prevalence of MetS in children and adolescents aged 9–17 years in the city of Bogota (Colombia) using four different operational definitions for these age groups and to examine the associated variables. A total of 673 children and 1,247 adolescents attending public schools in Bogota (54.4% girls; age range 9–17.9 years) were included. The prevalence of MetS was determined by the definitions provided by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and three published studies by Cook et al., de Ferranti et al., and Ford et al. The prevalence of MetS was 0.3%, 6.3%, 7.8%, and 11.0% according to the IDF, Cook et al., Ford et al., and de Ferranti et al. definitions, respectively. The most prevalent components were low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high triglyceride levels, whereas the least prevalent components were abdominal obesity and hyperglycemia. Overall, the prevalence of MetS was higher in obese than in non-obese schoolchildren. In conclusion, MetS diagnoses in schoolchildren strongly depend on the definition chosen. These findings may be relevant to health promotion efforts for Colombian youth to develop prospective studies and to define which cut-offs are the best indicators of future morbidity.
Background: Indices predictive of central obesity include waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The aims of this study were 1) to establish a Colombian youth smoothed centile charts and LMS tables for WC and WHtR and 2) to evaluate the utility of these parameters as predictors of overweight and obesity. Method: A cross-sectional study whose sample population comprised 7954 healthy Colombian schoolchildren [boys n=3460 and girls n=4494, mean (standard deviation) age 12.8 (2.3) years old]. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), WC and WHtR and its percentiles were calculated. Appropriate cut-offs point of WC and WHtR for overweight and obesity, as defined by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) definitions, were selected using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The discriminating power of WC and WHtR was expressed as area under the curve (AUC). Results: Reference values for WC and WHtR are presented. Mean WC increased and WHtR decreased with age for both genders. We found a moderate positive correlation between WC and BMI (r= 0.756, P < 0.01) and WHtR and BMI (r= 0.604, P < 0.01). The ROC analysis showed a high discrimination power in the identification of overweight and obesity for both measures in our sample population. Overall, WHtR was slightly a better predictor for overweight/obesity (AUC 95% CI 0.868-0.916) than the WC (AUC 95% CI 0.862-0.904). Conclusion: This paper presents the first sex- and age-specific WC and WHtR percentiles for both measures among Colombian children and adolescents aged 9–17.9 years. By providing LMS tables for Latin-American people based on Colombian reference data, we hope to provide quantitative tools for the study of obesity and its comorbidities.