1000 resultados para LEGISLACION AGRARIA


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Analiza la situación del derecho a la alimentación expresada en una Ley de Desarrollo Agrario contradictoria con la Constitución en materia de soberanía alimentaria; en la orientación de la inversión gubernamental en agricultura a grandes y medianos productores en detrimento de la familia campesina; en la ausencia de garantías de participación de las organizaciones sociales en la aprobación de leyes. Plantea garantizar el derecho de la población a ejercer control efectivo e incidencia en las leyes relacionadas con el derecho a la alimentación, cesar la criminalización de la protesta social e implementar una política de reforma agraria integral.


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La crisis alimentaria mundial de 2007-2008 marca una nueva etapa en la inseguridad alimentaria mundial y presenta una naturaleza bien distinta a la de crisis anteriores. Dos son las principales características que definen la naturaleza de la actual crisis alimentaria mundial: factores de corto plazo y factores estructurales o de largo plazo. Esta compleja naturaleza de la actual crisis alimentaria estuvo en la raíz de la enorme dificultad de los Gobiernos y de las instituciones internacionales para afrontar la crisis y aliviar los impactos negativos sobre la seguridad alimentaria mundial. Algunos de los factores que inciden en la crisis están en manos de los Gobiernos, como las políticas, pero otros son muy volátiles y no están en sus manos sino que son dirigidos por los mercados. En los mercados de Sudamérica, aquellos países ricos en materias primas, la crisis se presenta como una oportunidad para el crecimiento sostenido y la posibilidad de pasar a una producción con mayor valor agregado: de las materias primas a la agroindustria. El desafío en Sudamérica hoy por hoy es crecer sostenidamente, al tiempo que se enfrentan las nuevas condiciones globales y regionales. Dentro de Sudamérica han existido, por muchas décadas, iniciativas de integración subregional que buscan profundizar el comercio agrícola. Según la FAO y ALADI una de las regiones que se vería menos afectada es la zona andina (con excepción de Bolivia y Ecuador que tienen mayor grado de vulnerabilidad). Es dentro de ese escenario de desarrollo rural e integración donde se plantean potencialidades que tiene la CAN para enfrentar la crisis alimentaria, mediante políticas compartidas en el sector agrícola que permita mejorar las convergencias de la subregión andina para alcanzar acuerdos mínimos de cooperación, tales como: Organismo Supranacional, Comité de Monitoreo de precios, Intercambio de tecnología e investigación, Ventajas competitivas y Aumento de la Productividad.


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No es posible realizar un trabajo de investigación sin los aportes de todas las personas involucradas; menos aún un trabajo como este, cuyo objetivo es dar cuenta de cambios importantes en la participación económica de la población rural de Tungurahua. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar de manera crítica el proceso de las cadenas productivas, no la opinión y el trabajo concreto de personas concretas. En ningún momento buscamos cortar el camino ya recorrido, pero sí revisar su rumbo para ampliar las oportunidades económicas para la población rural de Tungurahua; oportunidades que existen gracias al trabajo de muchos campesinas, campesinos, técnicas y técnicos, y la voluntad política de cambiar el estatus quo.


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A cylinder experiment was conducted in northern Greece during 2005 and 2006 to assess emergence dynamics of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) and jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) in the case of a switch from conventional to conservation tillage systems (CT). Emergence was surveyed from two burial depths (5 and 10 cm) and with simulation of reduced tillage (i.e. by soil disturbance) and no-till conditions. Barnyardgrass emergence was significantly affected by burial depth, having greater emergence from 5 cm depth (96%) although even 78% of seedlings emerged from 10 cm depth after the two years of study. Emergence of barnyardgrass was stable across years from the different depths and tillage regimes. Jimsonweed seeds showed lower germination than barnyardgrass during the study period, whereas its emergence was significantly affected by soil disturbance having 41% compared to 28% without disturbance. A burial depth x soil disturbance interaction was also determined, which showed higher emergence from 10 cm depth with soil disturbance. Jimsonweed was found to have significantly higher emergence from 10 cm depth with soil disturbance in Year 2. Seasonal emergence timing of barnyardgrass did not vary between the different burial depth and soil disturbance regimes, as it started in April and lasted until end of May in both years. Jimsonweed showed a bimodal pattern, with first emergence starting end of April until mid-May and the second ranging from mid-June to mid-August from 10 cm burial depth and from mid-July to mid-August from 5 cm depth, irrespective of soil disturbance in both cases.


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J.A. Ferreira Neto, E.C. Santos Junior, U. Fra Paleo, D. Miranda Barros, and M.C.O. Moreira. 2011. Optimal subdivision of land in agrarian reform projects: an analysis using genetic algorithms. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(2): 169-178. The objective of this manuscript is to develop a new procedure to achieve optimal land subdivision using genetic algorithms (GA). The genetic algorithm was tested in the rural settlement of Veredas, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This implementation was based on the land aptitude and its productivity index. The sequence of tests in the study was carried out in two areas with eight different agricultural aptitude classes, including one area of 391.88 ha subdivided into 12 lots and another of 404.1763 ha subdivided into 14 lots. The effectiveness of the method was measured using the shunting line standard value of a parceled area lot`s productivity index. To evaluate each parameter, a sequence of 15 calculations was performed to record the best individual fitness average (MMI) found for each parameter variation. The best parameter combination found in testing and used to generate the new parceling with the GA was the following: 320 as the generation number, a population of 40 individuals, 0.8 mutation tax, and a 0.3 renewal tax. The solution generated rather homogeneous lots in terms of productive capacity.


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Objetivou o presente trabalho traçar algumas considerações sobre determinados aspectos da reforma agrária, visto tratar-se de tema atual e relevante sobre o qual sabe-se muito pouco do ponto de vista jurídico.Elaborou-se um breve estudo sobre a propriedade ao longo da história e das civilizações, até chegar em temas conhecidos atualmente, como a função social da propriedade.Foram levantadas questões acerca de desapropriação para fins sociais e de reforma agrária e traçada uma evolução do instituto nas Constituições brasileiras.Questinou-se, ainda, aplicabilidade desse recurso para fins de obter uma melhor, ou mais justa, distribuição de terras no cenário nacional.Por fim, pretendeu estabelecer um panorama sobre a reforma agrária no Brasil e no mundo, dando as origens históricas da questão fundiária e tomando exemplo de países que, embora não possuam quantidade e a qualidade de terras semelhantes as brasileiras, realizaram suas reformas agrárias com sucesso e há muito tempo.Analisou-se também a figura do Movimento dos trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra e qual seu papel no processo de reforma agrária vigente.Por fim, pretendeu-se dar algumas respostas e sugestões frente a pouca viabilidade da política agrária vigente, baseada na desapropriação e assentamento de fa mílias sem-terra, sempre com base em dados atualizados e pesquisas e pesquisas, que demostram que a solução talvez não esteja na posse da terra mas na geração de empregos.


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Dois tipos de objetivos norteiam a presente pesquisa. O primeiro, de natureza teórica, refere-se ao proprio conteudo do trabalho: descrição e analise da experiencia de colonização oficial realizada ao longo da rodovia Transamazônica, do seu sistema de planejamento e de suas realizações. O segundo objetivo, de natureza prática ou externo ao trabalho, visa o cumprimento de uma exigência da Escola Brasileira de Administração da Fundação Getulio Vargas para obtenção do grau de mestre em Administração Pública. Ao mesmo tempo e Secundariamente, esperamos poder fornecer subsídios para o estabelecimento de diretrizes em relação aos projetos em estudo e/ou outros que venham a ser criados na Região amazônica.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The primary objective of this study was to estimate the amount of gas not emitted into the air in areas cultivated with sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) that were mechanically harvested. Satellite images CBERS-2/CCD, from 08-13-2004, 08-14-2005, 08-15-2006 and 08-16-2007, of northwestern São Paulo State were processed using the Geographic Information System (GIS)-IDRISI 15.0. Areas of interest (the mechanically-harvested sugarcane fields) were identified and quantified based on the spectral response of the bands studied. Based on these data, the amount of gas that was not emitted was evaluated, according to the estimate equation proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The results of 396.65 km(2) (5.91% for 2004); 447.56 km(2) (6.67% for 2005); 511.54 km(2) (7.62% in 2006); and 474.60 km(2) (7.07% for 2007), calculated from a total area of 6,710.89 km(2) with sugarcane, showed a significant increase of mechanical harvesting in the study area and a reduction of gas emissions of more than 300,000 t yr(-1).


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M.R. Rocha-Pereira, A.E. Klar, D. Martins, G.S. Ferreira de Souza, and J. Villalba. 2012. Effect of water stress on herbicide efficiency applied to Urochloa decumbens. Cien. Inv. Agr. 39(1): 211-220. This project aimed to measure the control efficiency of Acctil Coenzime A Carboxilase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides post-emergence applied to Urochloa decumbens (Stapf) R.D. Webster under different soil water contents. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, Silo Paulo. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with four replications, consisting of a 9 x 4 factorial, combined with three water management systems (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and three herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl and sethoxydim + oil using four doses (100, 50, 25 and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide applications were conducted at two vegetative stages for all species: a 4-6 leaf stage and a 2-3 tiller stage. The physiological parameters evaluated were as follows: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf temperature and plant dry matter. The visual assessments of phytotoxicity were performed 28 days after herbicide application. The control efficiency was lower in plants grown under soil water potential conditions of -1.5 MPa, regardless of the herbicide used during the two application stages; however, none reached 100% control. Fractionation of the recommended herbicide doses reduced effectiveness, with the exception of the 50%-dose application of sethoxydim and fluazifop-p-butyl herbicides, which were also effective in the 4-6 leaf plant control under normal water conditions.


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A.C.P. Rodrigues-Costa, D. Martins, N.V. Costa, and M.R.R. Pereira. 2011. Spray deposition on weeds of common bean crops. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(3): 357-365. Weed control failure in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production may be related to inappropriate herbicide application techniques. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the amount of spray solution deposition that occurred on the weeds, Bidens pilosa L. and Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch., both within and between rows of common beans. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The following 6 spray nozzles were used: flat fan nozzles XR 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and XR 11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)); cone nozzles TX VK 6 (150 L ha(-1)) and TX VK 8 (200 L ha(-1)); and twin flat fan nozzles TJ60 11002 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and TJ60 11002 VS (200 L ha-1). The results showed that the loss of the spray solution on the soil occurred mainly within the bean rows and with a high intensity when using a nozzle spraying 200 L ha(-1). At 30 days after sowing, the TX (150 L ha(-1)) nozzle was the only nozzle that promoted deposits of less than 210.0 mu L g(-1) of dry mass. The spray nozzles showed a good performance in the deposition of the spray solution on the weeds that occurred both within and between the rows. However, for both species there was great variation in individual deposits depending on their location in relationship to the plants.


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The present dissertação had as objective to study the ambient management in the Farms Saint Rita, Tahim Agropesca and Agropesca Rigomoleiro, in the Great River of the North. For this we use as theoretical tool some fundantes concepts of geographic science, the space, and as concepts auxiliary of ambient management, of estuaries as the half natural one and of manguezais as ecosystem. The study if it gave taking in consideration a model of flow of activities of a typical farm following the way of the residues produced since the beginning until its final destination, in a suitable script of SCHERER (1999). The considered flow established a sequence activities where it is identified the material of entrance, the process of management, the residues of exit and the destination of the residues to the long one of the phase of culture of the shrimp. From it was there had been elaborated a series of managemental pictures with the data raised in the three farms, of different transports and concludes that the ambient management of these farms does not follow the formal standards of a system of typical ambient management. Collating with the system of considered by norm ISO14000 the study it disclosed that all the companies are in a situation of not conformity and that the impacts on the environment continue being many significant ones. However, it is possible to implant norm ISO14000 because some procedures implanted for the farms are correct of the point of view of the ambient management