888 resultados para LATE-TIME BEHAVIOR


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The intrinsically relativistic problem of spinless particles subject to a general mixing of vector and scalar kink- like potentials (similar to tanh gamma x) is investigated. The problem is mapped into the exactly solvable Sturm - Liouville problem with the Rosen - Morse potential and exact bounded solutions for particles and antiparticles are found. The behavior of the spectrum is discussed in some detail. An apparent paradox concerning the uncertainty principle is solved by recurring to the concept of effective Compton wavelength.


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This paper shows the application of a hysteretic model for the Magnetorheological Damper (MRD) placed in the plunge degree-of-freedom of aeroelastic model of a wing. This hysteretic MRD model was developed by the researchers of the French Aerospace Lab. (ONERA) and describe, with a very good precision, the hysteretic behavior of the MRD. The aeroelastic model used in this paper do not have structural nonlinearities, the only nonlinearities showed in the model, are in the unsteady flow equations and are the same proposed by Theodorsen and Wagner in their unsteady aerodynamics theory; and the nonlinearity introduced by the hysteretic model used. The main objective of this paper is show the mathematical modeling of the problem and the equations that describes the aeroelastic response of our problem; and the gain obtained with the introduction of this hysteretic model in the equations with respect to other models that do not show the this behavior, through of pictures that represents the time response and Phase diagrams. These pictures are obtained using flow velocities before and after the flutter velocity. Finally, an open-loop control was made to show the effect of the MRD in the aeroelastic behavior.


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The modulus of elasticity is an important property for the behavior analysis of concrete structures. This research evaluated the strain difference between concrete specimens with and without the application of laminate carbon fiber composites as well as the variation time, in months, of the axial strength compression and modulus of elasticity. Through the experimental results, it is concluded that increases in compressive strength and modulus of elasticity are more significant in the specimens without reinforcement.


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There are many mango cultivars available in different regions. It is about time we analysed their productive behavior in these areas, as well as their phenological performance. This study aimed to evaluate: phenological cycles, thermal time and growth curves of mango fruit cultivars in subtropical conditions. For this study we used the following cultivars: Espada Vermelha, Keitt and Palmer. All the experiments were done at UNESP experimental farm in Sao Manuel (SP), during the agricultural cycle from 2012 to 2013. It was selected 15 branches in each plant, which provided 150 per cultivar. It was determined the number of days of phenological cycles of flowering to fruit ripening, as well as the total number of days to flowering and harvesting. The thermal time was evaluated to each phenological cycle and expressed in accumulation of degree-days. The measurement of the longitudinal diameters (LD) and transverse diameters (TD) of the fruitwere performed in a 12 day’s intervals, from the tenth day after the flowers anthesis, to evaluate the growth curve. Based on the data, it was found that Keitt cultivar requires more days for the fruit to reach physiological maturity and greater accumulation of degree-days to complete its production cycle. The growth curves of the three varieties of fruits have a simple sigmoidal model in function of the days after anthesis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade Algebra II students, I investigated three related areas. First, I looked at how heterogeneous cooperative groups, where students in the group are responsible to present material, increase the number of students on task and the time on task when compared to individual practice. I noticed that their time on task might have been about the same, but they were communicating with each other mathematically. The second area I examined was the effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on the teacher’s and the students’ verbal and nonverbal problem solving skills and understanding when compared to individual practice. At the end of the action research, students were questioning each other, and the instructor was answering questions only when the entire group had a question. The third area of data collection focused on what effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on students’ listening skills when compared to individual practice. In the research I implemented individual quizzes and individual presentations. Both of these had a positive effect on listing in the groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue implementing the round robin style of in- class practice with heterogeneous grouping and randomly selected individual presentations. For individual accountability I will continue the practice of individual quizzes one to two times a week.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade Algebra II students, I investigated three related areas. First, I looked at how heterogeneous cooperative groups, where students in the group are responsible to present material, increase the number of students on task and the time on task when compared to individual practice. I noticed that their time on task might have been about the same, but they were communicating with each other mathematically. The second area I examined was the effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on the teacher’s and the students’ verbal and nonverbal problem solving skills and understanding when compared to individual practice. At the end of the action research, students were questioning each other, and the instructor was answering questions only when the entire group had a question. The third area of data collection focused on what effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on students’ listening skills when compared to individual practice. In the research I implemented individual quizzes and individual presentations. Both of these had a positive effect on listing in the groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue implementing the round robin style of in- class practice with heterogeneous grouping and randomly selected individual presentations. For individual accountability I will continue the practice of individual quizzes one to two times a week.


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Aerial surveys were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to estimate the densities of ringed (Phoca hispida) and bearded (Erignathus barbatus) seals in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Survey lines were focused mainly on the coastal zone within 37 km of the shoreline, with additional lines flown 148–185 km offshore to assess how densities of seals changed as a function of distance from shore. Satellite-linked time-depth recorders were attached to ringed seals in both years to evaluate the time spent basking on the ice surface. Haulout patterns indicated that ringed seals transitioned to basking behavior in late May and early June, and that the largest proportion of seals (60–68%) was hauled out between 0830 and 1530 local solar time. Ringed seals were relatively common in nearshore fast ice and pack ice, with lower densities in offshore pack ice. The average density of ringed seals was 1.91 seals km-2 in 1999 (range 0.37– 16.32) and 1.62 seals km-2 in 2000 (range 0.42–19.4), with the highest densities of ringed seals found in coastal waters south of Kivalina and near Kotzebue Sound. The estimated abundance of ringed seals for the entire study area was similar in 1999 (252,488 seals, SE=47,204) and 2000 (208,857 seals, SE=25,502). Bearded seals were generally more common in offshore pack ice, with the exception of high bearded seal numbers observed near the shore south of Kivalina. Bearded seal densities were not adjusted for haulout behavior, and therefore, abundance was not estimated. Unadjusted average bearded seal density was 0.07 seals km-2 in 1999 (range 0.011–0.393) and 0.14 seals km-2 in 2000 (range 0.009– 0.652). Levels of primary productivity, benthic biomass, and fast ice distribution may influence the distributions of ringed and bearded seals in the Chukchi Sea. Information on movement and haulout behavior of ringed and bearded seals would be very useful for designing future surveys.


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Wild and domestic ungulates modify their behavior in the presence of olfactory and visual cues of predators but investigations have not exposed a domestic species to a series of cues representing various predators and other ungulate herbivores.We used wolf (Canis lupus), mountain lion (Puma concolor), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) stimuli (olfactory and visual), and a control (no stimuli) to experimentally test for differences in behavior of cattle (Bos taurus) raised in Arizona. We measured (1) vigilance, (2) foraging rates, (3) giving up density (GUD) of high quality foods and (4) time spent in high quality forage locations in response to location of stimuli treatments. In general, we found a consistent pattern in that wolf and deer treatments caused disparate results in all 4 response variables. Wolf stimuli significantly increased cattle vigilance and decreased cattle foraging rates; conversely, deer stimuli significantly increased cattle foraging rate and increased cattle use of high quality forage areas containing stimuli. Mountain lion stimuli did not significantly impact any of the 4 response variables. Our findings suggest that domestic herbivores react to predatory stimuli, can differentiate between stimuli representing two predatory species, and suggest that cattle may reduce antipredatory behaviour when near heterospecifics.


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Within cognitive neuroscience, computational models are designed to provide insights into the organization of behavior while adhering to neural principles. These models should provide sufficient specificity to generate novel predictions while maintaining the generality needed to capture behavior across tasks and/or time scales. This paper presents one such model, the Dynamic Field Theory (DFT) of spatial cognition, showing new simulations that provide a demonstration proof that the theory generalizes across developmental changes in performance in four tasks—the Piagetian A-not-B task, a sandbox version of the A-not-B task, a canonical spatial recall task, and a position discrimination task. Model simulations demonstrate that the DFT can accomplish both specificity—generating novel, testable predictions—and generality—spanning multiple tasks across development with a relatively simple developmental hypothesis. Critically, the DFT achieves generality across tasks and time scales with no modification to its basic structure and with a strong commitment to neural principles. The only change necessary to capture development in the model was an increase in the precision of the tuning of receptive fields as well as an increase in the precision of local excitatory interactions among neurons in the model. These small quantitative changes were sufficient to move the model through a set of quantitative and qualitative behavioral changes that span the age range from 8 months to 6 years and into adulthood. We conclude by considering how the DFT is positioned in the literature, the challenges on the horizon for our framework, and how a dynamic field approach can yield new insights into development from a computational cognitive neuroscience perspective.


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The changes in diatom species composition in a sediment core from Crevice Lake, Yellowstone National Park, spanning the past 2550 yr, were used to reconstruct long-term limnological and ecological conditions that may be related to late Holocene climate variability. Planktic forms dominate the fossil diatom assemblages throughout this record, but changes in species dominance indicate varying nutrient levels over time, particularly phosphorus. The changes in the nutrient concentrations in the lake were probably driven by changes in temperature and wind strength that affected the duration of watercolumn mixing and thus the extent of nutrient recycling from deep waters. Prior to 2100 cal before present (BP), Stephanodiscus minutulus and Synedra tenera dominated, suggesting long cool springs with extensive regeneration of phosphorus from the hypolimnion that resulted from isothermal mixing. From 2100 to 800 cal BP, these species were replaced by Cyclotella michiganiana and Cyclotella bodanica. These species are characteristic of lower nutrient concentrations and are interpreted here to reflect warm summers with long periods of thermal stratification. From 800 to 50 cal BP, S. minutulus dominated the diatom assemblage, suggesting a return to lengthy mixing during spring. The most dramatic late Holocene changes in the fossil diatom assemblages occurred during the transition from the Medieval Period to the Little Ice Age, approximately 800 cal BP.


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The analysis of diatoms from two lake-sediment cores from southwestern Tasmania that span the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary provides insight about paleolimnological and paleoclimatic change in this region. Both Lake Vera (550 m elevation), in west-central Tasmania, and Eagle Tarn (1,033 m elevation), in south-central Tasmania, have lacustrine records that begin about 12,000 years ago. Despite significant differences in location, elevation, and geologic terrane, both lakes have, had similar, as well as synchronous, limnological histories. Each appears to have been larger and more alkaline 12,000 years ago than at present, and both became shallower through time. Fossil diatom assemblages about 11,500 years old indicate shallow-water environments that fluctuated in pH between acidic and alkaline, and between dilute and possibly slightly saline hydrochemical conditions ( The synchroneity and similar character of the paleolimnological changes at these separate and distinctive sites suggests a regional paleoclimatic cause rather than local environmental effects. Latest Pleistocene climates were apparently more continental and drier than Holocene climates in southwestern Tasmania.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Overhead distribution lines are often exposed to lightning overvoltages, whose waveforms vary widely and can differ substantially from the standard impulse voltage waveform (1,2 - 50). Different models have been proposed for predicting the strength of insulation subjected to impulses of non-standard waveforms. One of the most commonly used is the disruptive effect model, for which there are different methods for the estimation of the parameters required for its application. This paper aims at evaluating the dielectric behavior of medium voltage insulators subjected to impulses of non-standard waveforms, as well as at evaluating two methods for predicting their dielectric strength against such impulses. The test results relative to the critical lightning impulse flashover voltage (U50) and the volt-time characteristics obtained for the positive and negative polarities of different voltage waveforms are presented and discussed.


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The complete I-V characteristics of SnO(2)-based varistors, particularly of the Pianaro system SCNCr consisting in 98.9%SnO(2)+1%CoO+0.05%Nb(2)O(5)+0.05%Cr(2)O(3), all in mol%, have been seldom reported in the literature. A comparative study at low and high currents of the nonohmic behavior of SCNCr- and ZnO-based varistors (modified Matsuoka system) is proposed in this work. The SCNCr system showed higher nonlinearity coefficients in the whole range of measured current. The electrical breakdown field (E(b)) was twice as high for the SCNCr system (5400 V/cm) than for the ZnO varistor (2600 V/cm) due to a smaller average grain size of the former (4.5 mu m) with respect to the latter (8.5 mu m). Nevertheless, we consider that another important factor responsible for the high E(b) in the SCNCr system is the great number of electrically active interfaces (85%) as determined with electrostatic force microscopy (EFM). It was also established that the SCNCr system might be produced in disks of smaller dimensions than that of commercial ZnO-based product, with a 5.0 cm(-1) minimal area-volume (A/V) ratio. The SCNCr reached the saturation current in a short time because of the high resistivity of the grains, which is five times higher than that of the grains in ZnO-based varistors.