994 resultados para Lê numbers


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Species identification forms the basis for understanding the diversity of the living world, but it is also a prerequisite for understanding many evolutionary patterns and processes. The most promising approach for correctly delimiting and identifying species is to integrate many types of information in the same study. Our aim was to test how cuticular hydro- carbons, traditional morphometrics, genetic polymorphisms in nuclear markers (allozymes and DNA microsatellites) and DNA barcoding (partial mitochondrial COI gene) perform in delimiting species. As an example, we used two closely related Formica ants, F. fusca and F. lemani, sampled from a sympatric population in the northern part of their distribu- tion. Morphological characters vary and overlap in different parts of their distribution areas, but cuticular hydrocarbons include a strong taxonomic signal and our aim is to test the degree to which morphological and genetic data correspond to the chemical data. In the morphological analysis, species were best separated by the combined number of hairs on pro- notum and mesonotum, but individual workers overlapped in hair numbers, as previously noted by several authors. Nests of the two species were separated but not clustered according to species in a Principal Component Analysis made on nuclear genetic data. However, model-based Bayesian clustering resulted in perfect separation of the species and gave no indication of hybridization. Furthermore, F. lemani and F. fusca did not share any mitochondrial haplotypes, and the species were perfectly separated in a phylogenetic tree. We conclude that F. fusca and F. lemani are valid species that can be separated in our study area relatively well with all methods employed. However, the unusually small genetic differen- tiation in nuclear markers (FST = 0.12) shows that they are closely related, and occasional hybridization between F. fusca and F. lemani cannot be ruled out.


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Kasvit ottavat vettä parhaiten kasteluravinneliuoksesta, jonka ravinnepitoisuus on pieni. Intensiivisessä kasvihuonetuotannossa käytetään silti kastelulannoituksessa usein korkeita ravinnepitoisuuksia ravinnepuutosten ja satotappioiden välttämiseksi. Jakojuuriviljelyssä kasvin juuriston annetaan kasvaa kahteen erilliseen kasvualustaosioon. Tällöin toiselle puolelle annetaan johtokyvyltään väkevää ja toiselle puolelle laimeaa ravinneliuosta. Erityisesti kasvihuonekurkun, joka on herkkä kasvualustan suolaisuuden aiheuttamille vedensaantiongelmille, on todettu hyötyvän tästä tekniikasta, mikä näkyy kasvaneina satoina. Tämän MTT Piikkiössä toteutetun kasvihuonekurkun jakojuuriviljelytutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkentaa tekniikkaa erityisesti kasteluliuosten johtokyvyn osalta. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyn ja perinteisen jakojuuriviljelyn lisäksi kokeessa oli kaksi jakojuuriviljelykäsittelyä, joissa ravinneliuosväkevyyksiä vaihdettiin väliajoin juuriston toimintakyvyn parantamiseksi. Erillisessä osakokeessa tutkittiin erilaisten johtokyky-yhdistelmien vaikutusta kasvihuonekurkun vegetatiiviseen kasvuun maanpäällisten ja -alaisten kasvinosien välillä sekä juurten morfologiaan ja anatomiaan. Tulokset osoittivat, että jakojuuriviljely lisäsi kasvihuonekurkun sadontuottoa jopa 16 %, mutta ei vaikuttanut koko viljelykauden veden tai ravinteiden ottoon. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyssä muodostui eniten piikkikärkisiä hedelmiä, mikä viittaa vedensaantiongelmiin haihdutustarpeen ollessa suurin. Viljelytekniikalla ei ollut vaikutusta kasvien vegetatiiviseen kasvuun tai kasvuston rakenteeseen. Lehtiruodeista tehdyt nitraatti- ja kaliummittaukset osoittivat, ettei kasteluliuosten ravinnepitoisuuksilla ollut vaikutusta juurten ravinteiden ottoon. Erilaisilla johtokyky-yhdistelmillä oli huomattavampi vaikutus kasvihuonekurkun juurten painoon kuin verson painoon tai varren pituuskasvuun. Lehtiruotianalyysit viittasivat ravinteiden erilaiseen allokointiin eri johtokyky-yhdistelmissä. Korkeiden johtokykyjen aiheuttama osmoottinen stressi johti muutoksiin juurten morfologiassa ja anatomiassa. Tulosten perusteella jakojuuriviljely paransi kehittyvien hedelmien kohdevahvuutta suhteessa muihin kohteisiin vaikuttamatta vegetatiiviseen kasvuun. Kun laimean ja väkevän ravinneliuoksen puolia vaihdettiin, juuristo otti joustavasti vettä ja ravinteita olosuhteiden määräämästä edullisemmasta johtokyvystä, jolloin kasvihuonekurkun viljelyssä saavutettiin merkittävä satoetu. Juuriston jakaminen vaikuttanee kasvien hormoniaineenvaihduntaan ja voi heikentää juuriston kasvua heikentämättä sen toimintakykyä, jolloin yhteyttämistuotteita kohdennetaan tehokkaammin maanpäällisten osien kasvuun.


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The products of lipid mobilization in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds as a function of time immediately after imbibition are monitored by 13C NMR. Different parts of the embryonic axis, namely,the radicle, hypocotyl, and plumule, exhibit characteristic time dependent 13C NMR spectra observed at 24-h intervals after imbibition. The various stages in the transformation of storage lipids present in different parts of the embryonic axis are clearly demonstrated. The transformaton of storage lipids is completed first in the radicle followed by the hypocotyl and finally the plumule. A mechanism of the transformation of the storage lipids is discussed.


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Numerical simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with zero initial net flux in a non-stratified isothermal cubic domain are used to demonstrate the importance of magnetic boundary conditions. In fully periodic systems the level of turbulence generated by the MRI strongly decreases as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm), which is the ratio of kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusion, is decreased. No MRI or dynamo action below Pm=1 is found, agreeing with earlier investigations. Using vertical field conditions, which allow magnetic helicity fluxes out of the system, the MRI is found to be excited in the range 0.1


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin männyn sydänpuun määrän ja laadun jalostamisen mahdollisuuksia sekä sitä, miten sydänpuun ominaisuudet kytkeytyvät toisiinsa. Koska puun kasvu on jalostusohjelmassamme tärkeä jalostustavoite, otettiin kasvutunnuksista tarkasteluun mukaan rinnankorkeusläpimitta ja tutkittiin sen yhteyttä sydänpuun määrään ja laatuun. Erityisesti sydänpuun laatuominaisuuksien on todettu vaikuttavan puuaineen lahonkestävyyteen. Mikäli näihin ominaisuuksiin on mahdollista vaikuttaa jalostamalla, olisi valintaa mahdollista suunnata niin, että kaupalliseen tuotantoon saataisiin puita, joiden luontainen lahonkestävyys olisi nykyistä korkeampi. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleet jälkeläiskokeet sijaitsivat Savonrannalla ja Leppävirralla. Molemmilta jälkeläiskokeilta valittiin tutkittavaksi samat 53 puolisisarperhettä. Savonrannan jälkeläiskokeella otoskoko oli 10 jälkeläistä/perhe. Leppävirralla joistain perheistä tutkittiin vain 9 tai 8 jälkeläistä. Tutkittavista jälkeläisistä otettiin kairanlastunäyte, josta määritettiin sydänpuuosuus, sydänpuun lustojen lukumäärä sekä sydänpuun säde. Lisäksi otettiin näyte kokonaisfenolipitoisuuden ja tiheyden määrittämistä varten. Mitatuista tunnuksista estimoitiin ominaisuuksien heritabiliteetit, additiivisen geneettisen vaihtelun kerroin, ominaisuuksien väliset geneettiset ja fenotyyppiset korrelaatiot sekä kasvupaikkojen väliset geneettiset korrelaatiot. Saadut tulokset osoittavat, että erityisesti sydänpuun laatuominaisuuksien periytyvyys on korkea. Kokonaisfenolipitoisuuden periytyvyysaste oli molemmilla jälkeläiskokeilla 0,54. Tiheyden heritabiliteetti oli Leppävirralla 0,58 ja Savonrannallakin kohtalainen 0,26. Sydänpuun säteen, sydänpuun lustojen lukumäärän sekä sydänpuuprosentin periytyvyysasteet olivat kohtalaisia vain Leppävirran aineistossa. Myös rinnankorkeusläpimitan periytyvyyssaste jäi Savonrannalla selvästi alhaisemmaksi kuin Leppävirralla. Lahonkestävyysjalostuksen kannalta heritabiliteetit vaikuttavat kuitenkin hyviltä. Estimoitujen geneettisten korrelaatioiden perusteella sydänpuun määrän ja laadun samanaikainen jalostus vaikuttaa vaikealta. Geneettisten korrelaatioiden pohjalta pääteltiin myös, ettei kasvua lisäämällä pystytä parantamaan sydänpuun laatua. Sitä vastoin sydänpuun määrän ja kasvun välinen geneettinen yhteys vaikutti selvältä. Laatuominaisuuksien välille estimoitiin kohtalainen fenotyyppinen korrelaatio (0,31 ja 0,34), joten näyttää siltä, että puuaineen tiheyden lisääntyessä myös sen kokonaisfenolipitoisuus lisääntyy. Kasvupaikkojen väliset geneettiset korrelaatiot osoittivat, että samat genotyypit ovat parhaita kaikissa ympäristöissä. Savonrannan jälkeläiskokeella tavattiin alkuvuosina useita bioottisia stressitekijöitä, joilla on voinut olla vaikutusta nyt saatuihin tuloksiin. Lisätutkimus kasvupaikan vaikutuksesta tutkittuihin ominaisuuksiin on tarpeen myös siksi, että tässä tutkimuksessa verratut kasvupaikat olivat hyvin pitkälle toistensa kaltaiset.


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We study large-scale kinematic dynamo action due to turbulence in the presence of a linear shear flow in the low-conductivity limit. Our treatment is non-perturbative in the shear strength and makes systematic use of both the shearing coordinate transformation and the Galilean invariance of the linear shear flow. The velocity fluctuations are assumed to have low magnetic Reynolds number (Re-m), but could have arbitrary fluid Reynolds number. The equation for the magnetic fluctuations is expanded perturbatively in the small quantity, Re-m. Our principal results are as follows: (i) the magnetic fluctuations are determined to the lowest order in Rem by explicit calculation of the resistive Green's function for the linear shear flow; (ii) the mean electromotive force is then calculated and an integro-differential equation is derived for the time evolution of the mean magnetic field. In this equation, velocity fluctuations contribute to two different kinds of terms, the 'C' and 'D' terms, respectively, in which first and second spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field, respectively, appear inside the space-time integrals; (iii) the contribution of the D term is such that its contribution to the time evolution of the cross-shear components of the mean field does not depend on any other components except itself. Therefore, to the lowest order in Re-m, but to all orders in the shear strength, the D term cannot give rise to a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect; (iv) casting the integro-differential equation in Fourier space, we show that the normal modes of the theory are a set of shearing waves, labelled by their sheared wavevectors; (v) the integral kernels are expressed in terms of the velocity-spectrum tensor, which is the fundamental dynamical quantity that needs to be specified to complete the integro-differential equation description of the time evolution of the mean magnetic field; (vi) the C term couples different components of the mean magnetic field, so they can, in principle, give rise to a shear-current-type effect. We discuss the application to a slowly varying magnetic field, where it can be shown that forced non-helical velocity dynamics at low fluid Reynolds number does not result in a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect.


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Intramolecular alkylation reaction of the bromoenone 12, obtained from S-carvone in three steps, furnished the bicyclo[2.2.2]octenone 13. Contrary to the anticipated radical annulation reaction, the bicyclic bromides 14 and 15, obtained from the enone 13, generated exclusively the cyclopropane product 18 via a 3-exo-trig radical cyclization on reaction with nBu3SnH and AIBN, even in the presence of a large excess of a radicophile. On the other hand, bromoenone 24, synthesized from R-carvone via S-naphthylcarvone 21, underwent radical annulation reaction in the presence of radicophiles to furnish the isotwistanes 25-28 in a regio- and stereospecific manner. Hydrogenation of the olefin 34, obtained from the diketone 27 via a regiospecific Wittig reaction, furnished the naphthyl-5-epipupukean-9-one 33, whereas stereoselective hydrogenation of the enone 36, prepared from the keto ester 25 via a Grignard reaction and dehydration sequence, generated the naphthylpupukeanone 32.


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We study the photon-number distribution in squeezed states of a single-mode radiation field. A U(l)-invariant squeezing criterion is compared and contrasted with a more restrictive criterion, with the help of suggestive geometric representations. The U(l) invariance of the photon-number distribution in a squeezed coherent state, with arbitrary complex squeeze and displacement parameters, is explicitly demonstrated. The behavior of the photon-number distribution for a representative value of the displacement and various values of the squeeze parameter is numerically investigated. A new kind of giant oscillation riding as an envelope over more rapid oscillations in this distribution is demonstrated.


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An air-stable and water-soluble diastereomeric half-sandwich ruthenium(I1) complex, [Ru(s-MeCsH4Pr'-p)(H*O)-(L*)] (C104) (l), has been isolated and structurally characterized [HL* = (27)-(a methylbenzyl)salicylaldimine,2-HOC6H4CH-NCHMePhI. Complex 1, Czd-I3oNO&lRu, crystallizes in the noncentric triclinic space group P1 with a = 9.885(1) A, b = 10.185(1) A, c = 14.187(2) A, a = 110.32(1)', 6 = 102.17(1)', y = 102.41(1)O, V=1243( 1) A3, and 2 = 2. The X-ray structure shows the presence of two diastereomers in a 1:l ratio having RR,,,SCand SR,,,&c onfigurations. The Ru-OHz bond distances are considerably long, and the values for RR, - a~n d SRu-1isomers are 2.1 19(5) and 2.203(5) A, respectively. The aqua complex (1) exists as a single diastereomer in solution,and it forms stable adducts with P-, N-, and halide-donor ligands. The stereochemical changes associated with adduct-forming reactions follow an inversion order: PPhs >> P(OMe)3 > pyridine bases >> halides (I, Br, Cl) >H20.


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The flow over a missile-shaped configuration is investigated by means of Schlieren visualization in short-duration facility producing free stream Mach numbers of 5.75 and 8. This visualization technique is demonstrated with a 41 degrees full apex angle blunt cone missile-shaped body mounted with and without cavity. Experiments are carried out with air as the test gas to visualize the flow field. The experimental results show a strong intensity variation in the deflection of light in a flow field, due to the flow compressibility. Shock stand-off distance measured with the Schlieren method is in good agreement with theory and computational fluid dynamic study for both the configurations. Magnitude of the shock oscillation for a cavity model may be greater than the case of a model without cavity. The picture of visualization shows that there is an outgoing and incoming flow closer to the cavity. Cavity flow oscillation was found to subside to steady flow with a decrease in the free stream Mach number.


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Significant progress has been made in the fabrication of micron and sub-micron structures whose motion can be controlled in liquids under ambient conditions. The aim of many of these engineering endeavors is to be able to build and propel an artificial micro-structure that rivals the versatility of biological swimmers of similar size, e. g. motile bacterial cells. Applications for such artificial ``micro-bots'' are envisioned to range from microrheology to targeted drug delivery and microsurgery, and require full motion-control under ambient conditions. In this Mini-Review we discuss the construction, actuation, and operation of several devices that have recently been reported, especially systems that can be controlled by and propelled with homogenous magnetic fields. We describe the fabrication and associated experimental challenges and discuss potential applications.


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A radical annulation, i.e. an intermolecular radical Michael addition followed by an intramolecular Michael addition of the resultant radical (radical cyclisation) has been employed for the construction of chiral functionalised bicyclo[3.3,1]-nonanes. Thus reaction of carvone hydrohalides 7 with (n)Bu(3)SnH and AIBN in the presence of excess of radicophiles 4 furnished, regiospecifically bicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes 8-14, introducing three new chiral centres in a stereoselective manner. Analogously the bromide 18 generated the bridgehead substituted bicyclo[3.3.1]-nonanes 19-21.


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The chloroplastic isoform of glutamine synthetase (GS(2), EC from normal and water stressed safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L. cv.A-300) leaves has been purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity by a procedure involving anion-exchange, hydrophobic and size-exclusion chromatography followed by electroelution of the protein from preparative polyacrylamide gels. The observed molecular weight of the native protein varied from 305-330 kDa depending on the sizing column employed. The native protein is composed of 44 kDa subunits. Under conditions of saturating ammonium and at ATP levels of 0.1-10 mM, double-reciprocal plots with respect to glutamate are biphasic and concave downward at high concentrations of the varied substrate for normal enzyme but are linear for enzyme from water-stressed plants. Under subsaturating ATP levels, K-Glu is over 18-fold lower for enzyme from stressed leaves. The K-m, (ATP) varies with Mg2+ levels in the assay mixture. Double-reciprocal plots of initial velocity with respect to ATP at changing fixed levels of NH4+ are linear for normal enzyme but are curved upwards for enzyme from stressed leaves. Initial velocity data of 1/v vs. 1/ammonium for the enzyme from both the sources are non-linear (curved upwards) when ATP is saturating. At subsaturating ATP levels, the data are linear for normal enzyme but are still non-linear for the enzyme from stressed leaves. The results obtained suggest positively cooperative binding of NH4+ A V-max(/2) value of 3.6 mM for Mg2+ was obtained at 5 mM ATP. The isoelectric point of the native protein from normal and stressed leaves was determined to be, respectively, 5.6 and 6.1. The mixed competitive and competitive inhibitors, methionine sulfoximine and ADP and K-i values of 0.086 mM (0.017 for the enzyme from stressed leaves) and 2.15 mM (1.70 for the enzyme from stressed leaves), respectively. Enzyme from stressed leaves is not inhibited by 5 mM proline. The observed kinetic constants of GS(2) from normal and water stressed safflower seedlings are discussed in relation to the known water-stress tolerance of this crop plant.


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EcoP1 modification methylase was radioactively labeled when incubated with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine in the presence of ultraviolet light. Crosslinking of the enzyme as detected by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel followed by fluorography and autoradiography, was shown to be specific by a number of criteria. More importantly, EcoP1 modification methylase was also radioactively labeled with S-adenosyl-L-[carboxyl-14C]methionine demonstrating that labeling involved binding of the entire AdoMet molecule rather than methylation of the protein. Further, c2 EcoP1 mutant DNA modification methylases which show negligible or very little methylation activity, correspondingly formed a weak or no adduct upon crosslinking. These results suggest that photolabeling of EcoP1 DNA modification methylase occurs at the AdoMet binding site.