931 resultados para Kripke, Saul A. -- Criticism and interpretation


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The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. Purpose As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory - PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children's group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: - The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. - There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. - Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. - Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. - For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don´t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. - Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. - There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated


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Purpose: The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. 'As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory ? PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results: The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children?s group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don?t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion: To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated.


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This study tested a prediction model of suicidality in a sample of young adults. Predictor variables included perceived parental rejection, self-criticism, neediness, and depression. Participants (N 5 165) responded to the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire,theInventoryforAssessingMemoriesofParentalRearingBehavior, theCenterforEpidemiologicalStudiesDepressionScale,andtheSuicideBehaviors Questionnaire—Revised. Perceived parental rejection, personality, and depression wereassessedinitiallyatTime1,anddepressionagainandsuicidalitywereassessed 5 months later at Time 2. The proposed structural equation model fit the observed data well in a sample of young adults. Parental rejection demonstrated direct and indirect relationships with suicidality, and self-criticism and neediness each had indirect associations with suicidality. Depression was directly related to suicidality. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.


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It's hard to be dispassionate about Reyner Banham. For me, and for the plethora of other people with strong opinions about Banham, his writing is compelling, and one’s connection to him as a figure quite personal. For me, frankly, he rocks. As a landscape architect, I gleaned most of my knowledge about Modern architecture from Banham. His Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, along with Rowe and Koetter’s Collage City and Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture were the most influential books in my library, by far. Later, as a budding “real scholar”, I was disappointed to find that, while these authors had serious credibility, the writings themselves were regarded as “polemical” – when in fact what I admired about them most was their ability and willingness to make rough groupings and gross generalizations, and to offer fickle opinions. It spoke to me of a real personal engagement and an active, participatory reading of the architectural culture they discussed. They were at their best in their witty, cutting, but generally pithy, creative prose, such as in Rowe’s extrapolation of the modern citizen as the latest “noble savage”, or Banham railing against conservative social advocates and their response to high density housing: “those who had just re-discovered ‘community’ in the slums would fear megastructure as much as any other kind of large-scale renewal program, and would see to it that the people were never ready.” Any reader of Banham will be able to find a gem that will relate, somehow, personally, to what they are doing right now. For Banham, it was all personal, and the gaps in his scholarship, rather, were the dispassionate places: “Such bias is essentialan unbiased historian is a pointless historian – because history is an essentially critical activity, a constant re-scrutiny and rearrangement of the profession.” Reyner Banham: Historian of the Immediate Future, Nigel Whiteley’s recent “intellectual biography” (the MIT Press, 2002), allowed me to revisit Banham’s passionate mode of criticism and to consider what his legacy might be. The book examines Banham’s body of work, grouped according to his various primary fascinations, as well as his relationship to contemporaneous theoretical movements, such as postmodernism. His mode of practice, as a kind of creative critic, is also considered in some depth. While there are points where the book delves into Banham’s personal life, on the whole Whiteley is very rigorous in considering and theorizing the work itself: more than 750 articles and twelve books. In academic terms, this is good practice. However, considering the entirely personal nature of Banham’s writing itself, this separation seems artificial. Banham, as he himself noted, “didn’t mind a gossip”, and often when reading the book I was curious about what was happening to him at the time. Banham’s was an amazing type of intellectual practice, and one that academics (a term he hated) could do well to learn from. While Whiteley spends a lot of time arguing for his practice to be regarded as such, and makes strong points about both the role of the critic, and the importance of journalism, rather than scholarly publishing, I found myself wondering what his study looked like. What books he had in his library. Did he smoke when he wrote? What sort of teaching load did he have? He is an inspiration to design writers and thinkers, and I, personally, wanted to know how he did it.


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The Architecture, Disciplinarity and the Arts symposium was organised by the Architecture. Theory, Criticism and History (ATCH) research group at the University of Queensland, run by John Macarthur and Antony Moulis, together with Andrew Leach who joined them last year and organised much of the symposium. The symposium ran for three days in a small room at the Institute of Modern Art (IMA) in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane (generously donated by director Robert Leonard), with about 40 people in attendance. Together with a long question time of an hour after every three speakers, the size of the room and the small number of people made it very different from most architecture or design conferences. The intellectual level of the symposium was high, without the speed dating aspect that one often sees at the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) meetings, where endless parallel sessions of short papers create an occasionally disorientating cacophony of words. The symposium was deliberately, unapologetically academic and the intimate nature of the forum made the discussion rich and collaborative, with an active audience. The title of the symposium, 'Architecture, Disciplinarity and the Arts', reflects the connection that already exists between the art history and the architectural history community in Brisbane, with both groups regularly attending each other's functions.


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Published accounts of behavioural interventions for grief have relied on exposure and habituation to grief cues as the primary strategy. Such an approach is excessively narrow, since it does not adequately confront the challenges that are posed by a bereavement. Many people cope with a bereavement by themselves, and for those, intervention may well be counterproductive. A cognitive-behavioural intervention, following models for depression/anxiety, can assist vulnerable individuals obtain a more rapid or complete adjustment. The proposed approach differs from dynamic treatments by placing less emphasis on defensive behavior, insight, and interpretation and more emphasis on training of coping skills.


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This qualitative study views international students as information-using learners, through an information literacy lens. Focusing on the experiences of 25 international students at two Australian universities, the study investigates how international students use online information resources to learn, and identifies associated information literacy learning needs. An expanded critical incident approach provided the methodological framework for the study. Building on critical incident technique, this approach integrated a variety of concepts and research strategies. The investigation centred on real-life critical incidents experienced by the international students whilst using online resources for assignment purposes. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews and an observed online resource-using task. Inductive data analysis and interpretation enabled the creation of a multifaceted word picture of international students using online resources and a set of critical findings about their information literacy learning needs. The study’s key findings reveal: • the complexity of the international students’ experience of using online information resources to learn, which involves an interplay of their interactions with online resources, their affective and reflective responses to using them, and the cultural and linguistic dimensions of their information use. • the array of strengths as well as challenges that the international students experience in their information use and learning. • an apparent information literacy imbalance between the international students’ more developed information skills and less developed critical and strategic approaches to using information • the need for enhanced information literacy education that responds to international students’ identified information literacy needs. Responding to the findings, the study proposes an inclusive informed learning approach to support reflective information use and inclusive information literacy learning in culturally diverse higher education environments.


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Research on analogies in science education has focussed on student interpretation of teacher and textbook analogies, psychological aspects of learning with analogies and structured approaches for teaching with analogies. Few studies have investigated how analogies might be pivotal in students’ growing participation in chemical discourse. To study analogies in this way requires a sociocultural perspective on learning that focuses on ways in which language, signs, symbols and practices mediate participation in chemical discourse. This study reports research findings from a teacher-research study of two analogy-writing activities in a chemistry class. The study began with a theoretical model, Third Space, which informed analyses and interpretation of data. Third Space was operationalized into two sub-constructs called Dialogical Interactions and Hybrid Discourses. The aims of this study were to investigate sociocultural aspects of learning chemistry with analogies in order to identify classroom activities where students generate Dialogical Interactions and Hybrid Discourses, and to refine the operationalization of Third Space. These aims were addressed through three research questions. The research questions were studied through an instrumental case study design. The study was conducted in my Year 11 chemistry class at City State High School for the duration of one Semester. Data were generated through a range of data collection methods and analysed through discourse analysis using the Dialogical Interactions and Hybrid Discourse sub-constructs as coding categories. Results indicated that student interactions differed between analogical activities and mathematical problem-solving activities. Specifically, students drew on discourses other than school chemical discourse to construct analogies and their growing participation in chemical discourse was tracked using the Third Space model as an interpretive lens. Results of this study led to modification of the theoretical model adopted at the beginning of the study to a new model called Merged Discourse. Merged Discourse represents the mutual relationship that formed during analogical activities between the Analog Discourse and the Target Discourse. This model can be used for interpreting and analysing classroom discourse centred on analogical activities from sociocultural perspectives. That is, it can be used to code classroom discourse to reveal students’ growing participation with chemical (or scientific) discourse consistent with sociocultural perspectives on learning.


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What expectations do readers have of stories? Where do readers’ expectations come from? Do certain kinds of readings serve to support particular beliefs and assumptions? These and other questions are raised in Reading Stories, a collection of eleven short stories that have been very popular with Year 10 classes and above, accompanied by activities for talk and writing that encourage students to reflect on stories and their reading of them. Reading Stories aims to make recent literary theory accessible to students through a range of practical activities that work well in the classroom. Each story’s accompanying activities are designed to give students not only the opportunity but also the support they might need to construct and analyse possible readings of the text. There are five chapters - offering a cumulative learning experience - that consider such areas as readers’ expectations, how and why readings change, what is at stake in the disagreements between readings, and reading for gender, race and class. The approaches used begin with students’ familiarity with stories and then work to make available for analysis aspects of reading and ‘interpretation’ that are often taken for granted. While the concepts addressed are complex, the book aims to encourage participation from all students.


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Construction procurement organisations in the Australian framework provide broad guidelines on project management in setting benchmark performance measurements and processes for evaluating their projects. Despite this, little has been known in the project management practise in transport construction projects in Australia, in particular Queensland. Questionnaire data from 53 project management practitioners employed in State and City public sector organisations in Queensland,suggested that many practitioners in the public sector have little or a lack of understanding of government regulatory policies, which are used as economic evaluation tools for project options. Public sector project managers perceive socio-economic evaluation tools as inappropriate for public sector projects. The survey results also found conducting risk management analysis, developing a risk register and mitigation of risks were most effective way of managing risk. This study provides an opportunity for the public sector to review and provide training on project management practices and government regulatory policies governing public projects. This will improve project management practitioners’ understanding and interpretation of government regulatory policies.


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This study develops a model (i.e., secondary values selection process - 2VS) to describe how values shared by individuals (i.e., secondary values) contribute to the creation of meaning and interpretation in organisations. Elements of the model are identified through exploration of two bodies of literature (a) cultural approaches to organisational studies, and (b) theories of evolution. Incorporated within the model are observable elements that support analysis and evaluation of the 2VS. Outcomes of the study are (a) development of a more complete understanding of the Selection Process in organising and (b) creation of a mechanism for cultural analysis of organisational settings.


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This study explores through a lifestream narrative how the life experiences of a female primary school principal are organised as practical knowledge, and are used to inform action that is directed towards creating a sustainable school culture. An alternative model of school leadership is presented which describes the thinking and activity of a leader as a process. The process demonstrates how a leader's practical knowledge is dynamic, broadly based in experiential life, and open to change. As such, it is described as a model of sustainable leadership-in-process. The research questions at the heart of this study are: How does a leader construct and organize knowledge in the enactment of the principal ship to deal with the dilemmas and opportunities that arise everyday in school life? And: What does this particular way of organising knowledge look like in the effort to build a sustainable school community? The sustainable leadership-in-process thesis encapsulates new ways of leading primary schools through the principalship. These new ways are described as developing and maintaining the following dimensions of leadership: quality relationships, a collective (shared vision), collaboration and partnerships, and high achieving learning environments. Such dimensions are enacted by the principal through the activities of conversations, performance development, research and data-driven action, promoting innovation, and anticipating and predicting the future. Sustainable leadership-in-process is shared, dynamic, visible and transparent and is conducted through the processes of positioning, defining, organising, experimenting and evaluating in a continuous and iterative way. A rich understanding of the specificity of the life of a female primary school principal was achieved using story telling, story listening and story creation in a collaborative relationship between the researcher and the researched participant. as a means of educational theorising. Analysis and interpretation were undertaken as a recursive process in which the immediate interpretations were shared with the researched participant. The view of theorising adopted in this research is that of theory as hermeneutic; that is, theory is generated out of the stories of experiential life, rather than discovered in the stories.


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Most statistical methods use hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance, regression, discrete choice models, contingency tables, and other analysis methods commonly used in transportation research share hypothesis testing as the means of making inferences about the population of interest. Despite the fact that hypothesis testing has been a cornerstone of empirical research for many years, various aspects of hypothesis tests commonly are incorrectly applied, misinterpreted, and ignored—by novices and expert researchers alike. On initial glance, hypothesis testing appears straightforward: develop the null and alternative hypotheses, compute the test statistic to compare to a standard distribution, estimate the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis, and then make claims about the importance of the finding. This is an oversimplification of the process of hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing as applied in empirical research is examined here. The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of the role of hypothesis testing in various statistical methods. Through the use of an example, the mechanics of hypothesis testing is first reviewed. Then, five precautions surrounding the use and interpretation of hypothesis tests are developed; examples of each are provided to demonstrate how errors are made, and solutions are identified so similar errors can be avoided. Remedies are provided for common errors, and conclusions are drawn on how to use the results of this paper to improve the conduct of empirical research in transportation.


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This book (256 pages, written in Korean) is a critical essay that reviews, questions, and criticises Korean and Eastern immigrants’ thinking and behaviour styles in Australia from their cultural perspectives, and discuss and proposes a creative cultural dimension for their better life in a multicultural context. Multiculturalism is not supportive of Eastern cultures because of individualistic collection of cultures, while transculturalism facilitates nurture of their culture in a community-oriented way within multicultural circumstances. Korean and Eastern immigrants, sharing oriental cultural systems and values, should approach to the Australian multicultural context with transculturalism which allows creating new cultural values in collaboration with and by participation into local communities. ------------------------------------------------------------ Many Eastern immigrants live in their own ethnic communities without or less interacting with Australian (communities). The author defines this phenomenon as “reverse immigration”. Reverse immigration refers to re-immigrating to their ethnic community in Australia or to their birth country despite they did not anticipate that this would happen to them before immigration to Australia. The author argues that Easterners’ collectivistic culture often devalues individuality and vice versa. Cultural clash between West and East often forces the immigrants to choose reverse immigration because of their lack of understanding of Western culture and their cultural characteristics such as low individuality, high power distance, and high uncertainty avoidance. For example, a vague boundary between individualist and collectivist in a collectivistic context (within their ethnic group) often leads to maladjustment to local communities and enhancement of cultural conservatism. The author proposes that the cultural clash can be overcome by cross-cultural activities named “transculturalism”. To Eastern immigrants, transculturalism can be achieved by acculturation of their two predominant cultures, the third-person perspective and generalised others. In a multicultural context, the former refers to the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own, and the latter does the ability to manage community and public expectations. When both cultural values are used for quality interactions between East and West, they allow Eastern immigrants to be more creative and critical and Australian to be more socially inclusive and culturally tolerant. With these discussions, the author discusses cultural differences throughout the book with four topics (chapters) and proposes transculturalism as a solution to the reverse immigration. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1 criticises Koreans’ attitudes and methods towards learning English that is less pragmatic and practical, but more likely to be a scholarly study. The author explains that Koreans’ non-pragmatic towards learning English has been firmly built based on their traditional systems and values that Koreans view English as a discipline and an aim of academic achievements rather than a means of communication. Within their cultural context, English can be perceived as more than a language, but something like vastly superior to their language and culture. Their collectivistic culture regards English as an unreachable and heterogeneous one that may threaten their cultural identity, so that “scholarly studying” is only the way to achieve (not learn) it. This discourages the immigrants to engage and involve in daily dialogues by “using” English as a second language. The author further advises the readers to be aware of Eastern collectivistic culture in communication and interaction that sometimes completely reverses private and public topics in a Western context. This leads them to feel that they have no content to talk to natives. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 2 compares between Korea and Australia in terms of their educational systems and values, and proposes how Eastern overseas students can achieve critical and creative thinking within a Western educational setting. Interestingly, this chapter includes an explanation of why Eastern overseas students easily fail assessments including essay writing, oral presentations and discussions. One of the reasons the author explains is that Eastern students are not familiar to criticise others and think creatively, especially when they recognise that their words and ideas may harm the collectivistic harmony. Western educational systems focuses on enhancement of individuality such as self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression, while Eastern educational systems foster group-oriented values such as interpersonal relationship, and strong moral and spiritual values. Yet, the author argues that the collectivistic approach to criticism and creativity is often more critical and creative than Western individuals when they know what they are supposed to do for a group (or a community). Therefore, Eastern students need to think their cultural merits and demerits by using an individual perspective rather than generalised others’ perspective. The latter often discourages individual participation in a community, and the generalised others in a Western culture is weaker than Eastern. Furthermore, Western educational systems do not educate students to transform (loose) their individuality to fit into a group or a community. Rather they cultivate individuality for community prosperity. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 3 introduces various cases of reverse immigration in workplaces that many immigrants return to their country or their ethnic community after many trials for acculturation. Reverse immigration is unexpected and not planned before immigration, so that its emotional embarrassment increases such severe social loneliness. Most Eastern immigrant workers have tried to adjust themselves in this new cultural environment at the early stages of immigration. However, their cultural features of collectivism, high power distance, high uncertainty avoidance, and long-term oriented cultures suppress individual initiative and eliminate the space for experiments in ways of acculturation. The author argues that returning to their ethnic community (physically and psychologically) leads to two significant problems: their distorted parenting and becoming more conservatives. The former leads the first generation of immigrants to pressure their children to pursue extrinsic or materialist values, such as financial success, fame and physical appearance, rather than on intrinsic values, while the latter refers to their isolated conservative characters because of their remoteness from the changes of their own country. The author also warns that their ethnic and religious groups actively strengthens immigrants’ social loneliness and systematically discourages immigrants’ interests and desire to be involving into local communities. The ethnic communities and leaders have not been interacting with Australian local communities and, as a result, are eager to conserve outdated cultural systems values. Even they have a tendency to weed out those people who wish to settle down within Australian local communities. They believe that those people can threaten their community’s survival and continuity. ------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4 titled multiculturalism argues that Korean and Eastern immigrants should more precisely understand Australia as a multicultural society in a way of collaboratively creating new cultural values. The author introduces multiculturalism with its definitions and history in Australia and argues the limitations of multiculturalism from an Easterner’s perspective. With well known tragedies of the second generations of U.S. immigrants, Cho Seung-Hui, a university student, massacred 32 people on the Virginia Tech before committing suicide and Hidal Hassan, an Army psychiatrist, killed 13 people at Fort Hood and the responses of ethnic community, the author explains that their mental illness may be derived from their parents’ (or ethnic group) culturally isolated attitude and socially static viewpoint of U.S. (Western system and values). The author insists that multiculturalism may restrict Eastern immigrants’ engagement and involvement in local communities. Multiculturalism has been systematically and historically developed based on Western systems and cultural values. In other words, multiculturalism requires high self-confidence and self-esteem that Eastern immigrants less prioritise them. It has been generally known that Easterners put more weight on human relationship than Westerners, but the author claims that this is not true. Within an individualistic culture, Westerners are more interested in building person-to-person connections and relationships. While Easterners are more interested in how individuals can achieve a sense of belonging within a group and a community. Therefore, multiculturalism is an ideology which forces Eastern immigrants to discard their strong desire to be part of a group and does not give a sense of belonging. In a consequence, the author advises that Eastern immigrants should aim towards “transculturalism” which allows them to actively participate in and contribute to their multicultural community. Transculturalism does not ask Easterners to discard their cultural values, but enables them to be a collectivistic individualist (a community leader) who is capable of developing new cultural values in a more creative and productive way. Furthermore, transculturalism encourages Western Australians in a multicultural context to collaborate with ethnic minorities to build a better community.


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The creative industries are the subject of growing attention among policy-makers, academics, activists, artists and development specialists worldwide. This engaging book provides a global overview of developments in the creative industries, and analyses how these developments relate to wider debates about globalization, cities, culture and the global creative economy. Flew considers creative industries from six angles: industries; production; consumption; markets; places; and policies. Designed for the non-specialist, the text includes insightful and wide-ranging case studies on topics such as: fashion; design thinking; global culture; creative occupations; monopoly and competition; Shanghai and Seoul as creative cities; popular music and urban cultural policy; and the rise of “Nollywood”. Global Creative Industries will be of great interest to students and scholars of media and communications, cultural studies, economics, geography, sociology, design, public policy, and the arts. It will also be of value to those working in the creative industries, and involved in their development.