993 resultados para Koala -- Habitat -- Queensland, Southeastern
A Socioecological Field Study.This monograph reports on a 26 month socioecological study of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus paniscus)in the Raleigh-vallen — Voltzberg Nature Reserve, Surinam. It recognizes the fundamental importance of food to the behavior and the regulation of population density fox this primate. It clarifies the complex temporal and spatial effects of tropical rain forest food sources on the behavior of a group of spider monkeys, concentrating on food category, food plant identity and phenology, and quantity, density and dispersion of the most important food sources. In addition, the present study describes habitat choice, optimal feeding strategy and sexual behavior of the spider monkey, and discusses implications of diet for social behavior. This study is also fundamental to conservation. Specialized in eating mature fruits, the spider monkey is a very important dispersal agent for many trees and lianes, particularly canopy species. However, the spider monkey is probably the most vulnerable monkey species in Surinam and it is disappearing rapidly throughout the remainder of its range. Unfortunately, it is large and noisy and can be easily tracked and hunted. It is largely restricted to undisturbed high forest, and consequently habitat destruction has more effect on it than on most other species. Together with its slow reproductive rate (a female gives birth only once every four or five years), this means that the species is poorly adapted to recover from exploitation. In order to implement proper measures for conservation, data on forest type preferences, diet and social behavior of the species, or on closely related species, in undisturbed areas, such as the one described in this monograph, are essential tools for assessing the potential of proposed protected areas.
Durante 13 meses (de janeiro de 1986 a janeiro de 1987), quatro trilhas, de aproximadamente 2,5 km de comprimento cada uma, cortando diferentes ambientes de mata de terra firme, foram seguidas diariamente por um mínimo de dois pesquisadores para observar animais forrageando no chão o em diferentes estratos da floresta. O local de estudo foi em porção de floresta protegida em Tucuruí, estado do Pará. Foram investigadas por observação contínua no campo as tendências sazonais de utilização de ítens de alimentos preferidos demonstrados por quelôneos: os jabutis Geochelone carbonaria, G. denticulata e a aperema Platemys platicephala; por roedores: o quatipuru Sciurus gilvigularis e a cutia Dasyprocta aguti; por cervídeos: o veado-mateiro Mazama americana e o veado fuboca Mazama guazoubira; e por primatas: o macaco-prego Cebus apella, o guariba Alouatta belzebul, o cuxiú Chiropotes satanas , o macaco-mão-de-ouro Saimiri sciureus, e o sagui preto Saguinus midas. Todos esses animais foram estudados através de observação contínua nessas trilhas de transectos, estabelecidas na mata de terra firme. As observações foram feitas pela manhã entre 06:00 e 10:00 horas e à tarde, entre 15:00 e 19 horas. O estudo demonstrou que as dietas dessas espécies animais de habitat de terra firme depende da disponibilidade de alimento na floresta na estação do ano. A importância desses ítens de alimento é demonstrada pela mudança sazonal da atividade de forrageamento, dependendo do ítem alimentar em oferta. Os jabtutis (Geochelone carbonaria e G. denticulata) alimentam-se basicamente de frutos disponíveis entre setembro e janeiro, sendo esses mesmo frutos compatilhados por cutia (Dasyprocta aguti), enquanto o macaco-prego (Cebus apella) expande sua dieta baseada em frutas, em dois picos, um entre janeiro e março, com um máximo de atividade em fevereiro, e outro pico entre julho e dezembro. Essas mesmas frutas são também compartilhadas por Chiropotes satanas. Embora o guariba (Alouatta belzebul) seja observado comendo grande porcentagem de folhas, nas estações de produção de frutos, porém, durante os dois picos anuais, (fevereiro e dezembro) tornam-se oportunisticamente frugívoros.
Over a seven year period from 1991 to 1997, 22 species of tiger beetles, representing nine genera, were recorded near Manaus, Brazil. In the Whitewaterfloodplains along the Rio Solimões-Amazonas (Ilha de Marchantaria), three diurnal species inhabit inundation forests and six species (two diurnal, four nocturnal) live in open areas. Data on their natural history and adaptation to living conditions in floodplains are presented. Fifteen species were located on non-flooded uplands (Reserva Florestal A. Ducke). Five diurnal species inhabit the forest floor, two species are canopy dwellers, and eight species (seven diurnal, one nocturnal) live in open areas on whitesand or laterite. Only one species, Pentacomia lacordairei, was found in both floodplain and upland forests. A key to the larvae of tiger beetle genera located near Manaus is presented.
The cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is the most intensively commercialized ornamental fish from the Rio Negro Basin (Amazonas State, Brasil). Analysis of the stomach and gut contents of fish caught in their natural habitats show conclusively that the cardinal is essentially a predator, feeding on the mesofauna that adheres to submerged litter, roots and waterplants. Microcrustacea and chironomid larvae (Diptera) were the most frequently ingested prey, while algae intake was relatively infrequent. It is argued that the relatively small size of the cardinals captured in their natural habitat is due to the annual migrations imposed by the inundation cycles, rather than to resource limitation, because it is known from earlier investigations of similar habitats, that these plant substrates are densely colonized by the aquatic mesofauna. Cardinals raised in captivity are larger and have higher rates of growth.
This study investigates patterns of forest structure and tree species diversity in an anthropogenic palm grove and undisturbed areas at the seasonally-dry Pinkaití research station, in the Kayapó Indigenous Area. This site, managed by the Conservation International do Brasil, is the most southeastern site floristically surveyed in the Amazon until now. The secondary and a nearby undisturbed forest were sampled in a group of 52 floristic plots of 0.0625-ha (25x25-m) where all trees with DBH > 10 cm were measured and identified. The analyses were complemented with other two floristic plots of 1-ha (10x1000-m). The present study has shown that the Pinkaití, like other seasonally-dry forests, have great heterogeneity in forest structure and composition, associated with biotic characteristics of the most important tree species, natural disturbance and history of land-use. The palm grove, moderately dominated by the arborescent palm Attalea maripa (Aubl.) Mart., presented high tree species diversity and was floristically similar to undisturbed forests at the study site. It is discussed the importance of large arborescent palms for the seasonally-dry Amazon forests regeneration.
With this work, the authors wish to show some of the alterations in the pattern of relations between society and nature, which have taken place throughout the 20th century in the Parauapebas and Itacaiúnas river valleys, as well as in parts of the Tocantins River valley, in southeastern Pará. This is accomplished through descriptions based on Coudreau's first-hand accounts (1889), transcribed in "Voyage a Itaboca et a L'Itacayuna", published in 1897, which depicts an area almost totally covered by forest. This is followed by a counter view made possible through the LandSat 5 satellite sensors, with images of those valleys in 2001, showing the consequences of society transformations and pressure on natural resources, and above all the dramatic decrease in the size of the forest, reduced to 52 percent of the 63,000 square kilometers analyzed herein.
Na Amazônia, as herbáceas aquáticas são encontradas em todas as tipologias de água, mas sua abundância pode ser influenciada pelas condições limnológicas de cada ambiente. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das condições do habitat sobre a estrutura de herbáceas aquáticas na região do Lago Catalão, Manaus, AM. Foram avaliadas sete transecções em ambientes de água branca (AB), nove em água decantada (AD) e sete em água mista (AM). Em cada transecção foram identificadas as herbáceas aquáticas, estimada a área de cobertura relativa, calculada a frequência de ocorrência e avaliadas as variáveis turbidez, condutividade elétrica, pH e profundidade. A variação na profundidade indicou que os ambientes de AD e AM eram mais profundos do que AB, já águas mais ácidas e com menor condutividade foram registradas na AM. Foram registrados 32 táxons de herbáceas aquáticas sendo as espécies mais frequentes Paspalum repens, Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes e Lemna valdiviana. Entre as espécies levantadas, 50% foram comuns aos três ambientes. Por outro lado, algumas espécies ocorreram exclusivamente em ambientes de AB, em AD e em AM. Na AB foram mais frequentes as formas flutuantes, que também apresentaram a maior cobertura neste ambiente; na AD e na AM as emersas apresentaram maior frequência e cobertura. A AM apresentou maior riqueza de herbáceas aquáticas em relação aos demais ambientes. As variações registradas indicam que as condições limnológicas dos rios de água branca e preta podem determinar a estrutura da comunidade de herbáceas aquáticas, mesmo em pequenas escalas espaciais.
The selection of spawning habitat of a population of Octopus vulgaris that is subject to a small-scale exploitation was studied in the Cíes Islands within the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (NW Spain). The technique used was visual censuses by scuba diving. We conducted 93 visual censuses from April 2012 to April 2014. The total swept area was 123.69 ha. Habitat features (season, depth, zone, bottom temperature, swept area, bottom substrate type, and creels fishing impact) were evaluated as predictors of the presence/absence of spawning dens using GAM models. O. vulgaris has a noteworthy preference for spawning in areas with hard bottom substrate and moderate depth (approximately 20 m). The higher density of spawning dens (1.08ha−1) was found in a surveyed area of 50.14ha located in the northeastern part of the northern Cíes Island. We propose to protect the area comprised from Punta Escodelo to Punta Ferreiro between 5 and 30 m depth. This area has a surface of 158 ha equivalent to 5.98% of the total marine area of the Cíes islands. The strengths and weaknesses of a management strategy based on the protection of the species’ spawning habitat are discussed.
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, L.) and dab (Limanda limanda, L.) are among the most abundant flatfishes in the north-eastern Atlantic region and the dominant species in shallow coastal nursery grounds. With increasing pressures on commercial flatfish stocks in combination with changing coastal environments, better knowledge of population dynamics during all life stages is needed to evaluate variability in year-class strength and recruitment to the fishery. The aim of this research was to investigate the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic habitat components influencing the distribution, density and growth of plaice and dab during the vulnerable juvenile life stage and to gain insight in spatial and temporal differences in nursery habitat quality along the west coast of Ireland. Intraspecific variability in plaice diet was observed at different spatial scales and showed a link with condition, recent growth and morphology. This highlights the effect of food availability on habitat quality and the need to consider small scale variation when attempting to link habitat quality to feeding, growth and condition of juvenile flatfish. There was evidence of trophic, spatial and temporal resource partitioning between juvenile plaice and dab allowing the co-existence of morphologically similar species in nursery grounds. In the limited survey years there was no evidence that the carrying capacity of the studied nursery grounds was reached but spatial and interannual variations in fish growth indicated fluctuating environments in terms of food availability, predator densities, sediment features and physico-chemical conditions. Predation was the most important factor affecting habitat quality for juvenile plaice and dab with crab densities negatively correlated to fish condition whereas shrimp densities were negatively associated with densities of small-sized juveniles in spring. A comparison of proxies for fish growth showed the advantage of Fulton’s K for routine use whereas RNA:DNA ratios proved less powerful when short-term environmental fluctuations are lacking. This study illustrated how distinct sets of habitat features can drive spatial variation in density and condition of juvenile flatfish highlighting the value of studying both variables when modeling habitat requirements. The habitat models generated in this study also provide a powerful tool to predict potential climate and anthropogenic impacts on the distribution and condition of juveniles in flatfish nurseries. The need for effective coastal zone management was emphasized to ensure a sustainable use of coastal resources and successful flatfish recruitment to the fishery.
Flora of southeastern Washington and adjacent Idaho, by Charles V. Piper ... and R. Kent Beattie ...
n.s. no.63(1991)