983 resultados para Kemys, Lawrence, d. 1618.
1 carta (manuscrita) ; 225X160mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 6
Francisco Manuel de Melo nasceu em Lisboa, em 23 de novembro de 1608, e morreu na sua quinta em Alcântara, em 13 de outubro de 1966. Estudou no colégio jesuíta, especializando-se em Filosofia e Teologia. Aos dezessete anos, decidiu seguir carreira militar. Condenado por instigar homicídio, esteve preso por onze anos, e, em 1655, foi degredado para o Brasil, para onde partiu na armada de Francisco de Brito Freire. Retornou a Portugal em 1658. De lá foi para a Itália, onde permaneceu por alguns anos e começou, em 1664, a fazer uma edição completa de suas obras, às quais, por motivo ignorado, não deu continuidade. Transferiu-se para Lisboa, onde, logo depois, veio a falecer. Historiador, poeta, orador e crítico-moralista, Francisco Manuel foi um dos escritores mais eruditos e polidos.
Lei nº 8.080, de 19 de setembro de 1990 (Lei Orgânica do SUS), que dispõe sobre as condições para a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, a organização e o funcionamento dos serviços correspondentes e d outras providncias, e legislação correlata. Atualizada até 13/10/2015.
This study investigated the generation of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) by the bacterivorous flagellate Rhynchomonas nasuta when feeding on abundant prey. Specifically, it examined whether this flagellate protist exhibits a chemosensory response towards those amino acids. The concentrations of glycine and the and D-enantiomers of glutamate, serine, threonine, alanine, and leucine were determined in co-cultures of the flagellate and bacteria. Glycine, L- and D-alanine, and L-serine were found to accumulate under these conditions in amounts that correlated positively with flagellate abundance, suggesting that protists are involved in their generation. Investigations of the chemotactic response of young and old foraging protists to the same amino acids, offered in concentrations similar to those previously generated, showed that glycine elicited the strongest attraction in both age groups. Young protists were strongly attracted to all the assayed amino acids, whereas older protists maintained a high level of attraction only for glycine. These results suggest that glycine generated by protists actively grazing in bacterially enriched patches functions as an infochemical, signaling to foraging protists the presence of available prey in the aquatic environment.
228 p.
(PDF contains 267 pages)
In this thesis we consider smooth analogues of operators studied in connection with the pointwise convergence of the solution, u(x,t), (x,t) ∈ ℝ^n x ℝ, of the free Schrodinger equation to the given initial data. Such operators are interesting examples of oscillatory integral operators with degenerate phase functions, and we develop strategies to capture the oscillations and obtain sharp L^2 → L^2 bounds. We then consider, for fixed smooth t(x), the restriction of u to the surface (x,t(x)). We find that u(x,t(x)) ∈ L^2(D^n) when the initial data is in a suitable L^2-Sobolev space H^8 (ℝ^n), where s depends on conditions on t.
This thesis details the investigations of the unconventional low-energy quasiparticle excitations in electron-type cuprate superconductors and electron-type ferrous superconductors as well as the electronic properties of Dirac fermions in graphene and three-dimensional strong topological insulators through experimental studies using spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments.
Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type cuprate La0.1Sr0.9CuO2 (La-112) TC = 43 K, are investigated experimentally. For temperature (T) less than the superconducting transition temperature (TC), and in zero field, the quasiparticle spectra of La-112 exhibits gapped behavior with two coherence peaks and no satellite features. For magnetic field measurements at T < TC, first ever observation of vortices in La-112 are reported. Moreover, pseudogap-like spectra are revealed inside the core of vortices, where superconductivity is suppressed. The intra-vortex pseudogap-like spectra are characterized by an energy gap of VPG = 8.5 ± 0.6 meV, while the inter-vortex quasiparticle spectra shows larger peak-to-peak gap values characterized by Δpk-pk(H) >VPG, and Δpk-pk (0)=12.2 ± 0.8 meV > Δpk-pk (H > 0). The quasiparticle spectra are found to be gapped at all locations up to the highest magnetic field examined (H = 6T) and reveal an apparent low-energy cutoff at the VPG energy scale.
Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type "122" iron-based Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 are investigated for multiple doping levels (x = 0.06, 0.08, 0.12 with TC= 14 K, 24 K, and 20 K). For all doping levels and the T < TC, two-gap superconductivity is observed. Both superconducting gaps decrease monotonically in size with increasing temperature and disappear for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, TC. Magnetic resonant modes that follow the temperature dependence of the superconducting gaps have been identified in the tunneling quasiparticle spectra. Together with quasiparticle interference (QPI) analysis and magnetic field studies, this provides strong evidence for two-gap sign-changing s-wave superconductivity.
Additionally spatial scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies are performed on mechanically exfoliated graphene and chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. In all cases lattice strain exerts a strong influence on the electronic properties of the sample. In particular topological defects give rise to pseudomagnetic fields (B ~ 50 Tesla) and charging effects resulting in quantized conductance peaks associated with the integer and fractional Quantum Hall States.
Finally, spectroscopic studies on the 3D-STI, Bi2Se3 found evidence of impurity resonance in the surface state. The impurities are in the unitary limit and the spectral resonances are localized spatially to within ~ 0.2 nm of the impurity. The spectral weight of the impurity resonance diverges as the Fermi energy approaches the Dirac point and the rapid recovery of the surface state suggests robust topological protection against perturbations that preserve time reversal symmetry.