981 resultados para Jugular-vein


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We have identified the specific ultrasonographical (US) changes in Schistosoma japonicum infected patients with the serological changes in general liver function markers. The US examination with the following haematological and biochemical serum analysis was performed on 102 patients in Shistosomiasis Hospital, Leyte, Philippines. The US liver images were classified into 4 patterns according to the development of periportal fibrosis and the patterns of echogenic bands. Among various haematological and biochemical serum parameters of liver damage. The serum levels of total bile acid (TBA) and procollagen-III-peptide (P-III-P) correlated well with the development of hepatic fibrosis and the portal hypertension. These patients were subsequently treated with praziquantel (3 x 20 mg/kg), and improvement of the thickening of the portal vein wall and the dintensity of the echogenic band formation was detected 6 months after treatment. The significant US changes could not be detected in the patients with severe hepatic fibrosis caused in the long term infection. The results revealed that the US examination with the serum TBa level would provider a sensitive tool monitor the severity of the infection and also the improvement occured shortly after praziquantel treatment.


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There are over 100.000 patients affected by schistosomotic portal hipertension, that may suffer rupture of the esophageal varices. Besides the portal hypertension, local factors must be emphazised as responsible for the three distal centimeters of the esophagus, called "zona vulnerável" (vulnerable zone). The beter liver functional reserve of these schistosomotic patients as compared to the cirrhotic, present two favorable condititions: (1) beter possibility of conservative treatment during acute hemorrhage; (2) elective surgical treatment may be undergo without a mandatory step of large portal descompression. The Author only indicate surgical treatment in patients with hemorrhage antecedence and his preference consist in splenectomy plus obliterative suture of the varices at the "vulnerable zone" and when possible, ligature of left gastric vein also; 358 patients were undergone surgery with operative mortality 3.07%, 347 were followed during 1 to 25 years; late mortality 8.38%; recurrence hemorrage 11.58%; none porto-sustemic encephalopaty was observed.


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Much of the self-image of the Western university hangs on the idea that research and teaching are intimately connected. The central axiom here is that research and teaching are mutually supportive of each other. An institution lacking such a set of relationships between research and teaching falls short of what it means to be a university. This set of beliefs raises certain questions: Is it the case that the presence of such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is a necessary condition of the fulfilment of the idea of the university? (A conceptual question). And is it true that, in practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching characterises universities? (An empirical question). In my talk, I want to explore these matters in a critical vein. I shall suggest that: a) In practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is in jeopardy. Far from supporting each other, very often research and teaching contend against each other. Research and teaching are becoming two separate ideologies, with their own interest structures. b) Historically, the supposed tight link between research and teaching is both of recent origin and far from universally achieved in universities. Institutional separateness between research and teaching is and has been evident, both across institutions and even across departments in the same institution. c) Conceptually, research and teaching are different activities: each is complex and neither is reducible to the other. In theory, therefore, research and teaching may be said to constitute a holy alliance but in practice, we see more of an unholy alliance. If, then, in an ideal world, a positive relationship between research and teaching is still a worthwhile goal, how might it be construed and worked for? Seeing research and teaching as two discrete and unified sets of activity is now inadequate. Much better is a construal of research and teaching as themselves complexes, as intermingling pools of activity helping to form the liquid university that is emerging today. On this view, research and teaching are fluid spaces, ever on the move, taking up new shapes, and themselves dividing and reforming, as the university reworks its own destiny in modern society. On such a perspective, working out a productive relationship between research and teaching is a complex project. This is an alliance that is neither holy nor unholy. It is an uneasy alliance, with temporary accommodations and continuous new possibilities.


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The relationship between platelet count and outcome in patients with acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) has not been consistently explored. RIETE is an ongoing registry of consecutive patients with acute VTE. We categorised patients as having very low- (<80,000/µl), low- (80,000/µl to 150,000/µl), normal- (150,000/µl to 300,000/µl), high- (300,000/µl to 450,000/µl), or very high (>450,000/µl) platelet count at baseline, and compared their three-month outcome. As of October 2012, 43,078 patients had been enrolled in RIETE: 21,319 presenting with pulmonary embolism and 21,759 with deep-vein thrombosis. In all, 502 patients (1.2%) had very low-; 5,472 (13%) low-; 28,386 (66%) normal-; 7,157 (17%) high-; and 1,561 (3.6%) very high platelet count. During the three-month study period, the recurrence rate was: 2.8%, 2.2%, 1.8%, 2.1% and 2.2%, respectively; the rate of major bleeding: 5.8%, 2.6%, 1.7%, 2.3% and 4.6%, respectively; the rate of fatal bleeding: 2.0%, 0.9%, 0.3%, 0.5% and 1.2%, respectively; and the mortality rate: 29%, 11%, 6.5%, 8.8% and 14%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, patients with very low-, low-, high- or very high platelet count had an increased risk for major bleeding (odds ratio [OR]: 2.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.85-3.95; 1.43 [1.18-1.72]; 1.23 [1.03-1.47]; and 2.13 [1.65-2.75]) and fatal bleeding (OR: 3.70 [1.92-7.16], 2.10 [1.48-2.97], 1.29 [0.88-1.90] and 2.49 [1.49-4.15]) compared with those with normal count. In conclusion, we found a U-shaped relationship between platelet count and the three-month rate of major bleeding and fatal bleeding in patients with VTE.


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Tumescent anesthesia is a local anesthesia produced by the infiltration of a large volume of very dilute anesthetic solution into the subcutaneous tissue. Many surgical procedures (liposuction, facelift, varicose vein surgery, etc.), which were previously performed under general or locoregional anesthesia, can now be achieved with local tumescent anesthesia. This type of anesthesia has many advantages: reduction of both anesthetic risks and surgical complications (bleeding, hematoma), prolonged anesthesia reducing the need for postoperative analgesia, and costs reduction because all these surgical procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis.


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Technetium-99m (99mTc) is a radionuclide that has negligible enviromnental impact, is easily available, inexpensive and can be used as a radioactive tracer in biological experiences. In order to know the mode of action of sodium phenobarbital in moving adult Schistosoma mansoni worms from mesenteric veins to the liver, we labelled sodium phenobarbital (PBBT) with 99mTc and a biodistribution study in infected and non-infected Swiss mice was performed. The PBBT was incubated with stannous chloride used as reducing agent and with 99mTc, as sodium pertechnetate. The radioactivity labelling (%) was determined by paper ascending chromatography perfomed with acetone (solvent). The 99mTc-PBBT was administered by intraperitoneal route to Swiss mice infected eight weeks before. The animals were perfused after diferent periods of time (0,1,2,3,4 hr) when blood, spleen, liver, portal vein, mesenteric veins, stomach, kidneys and adult worms were isolated. The radioactivity present in these samples was counted in a well counter and the percentage was determined. The radioactivity was mainly taken up by the blood, kidney, liver and spleen. No radioactivity was found on the adult worms. We concluded that the worm shift was due to an action on the host of the sodium phenobarbital


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Pathogenesis of schistosomal hepatic fibrosis ("pipestem" fibrosis of the liver) was investigated by means of the murine model. Although worm load appears as the main pathogenetic factor, alone it is not sufficient to produce that characteristic lesion. By comparing the findings in animals with heavy and prolonged Schistosoma mansoni infection, which developed or not" pipestem" fibrosis, it was observed that the lesion was more frequent in intact animals than in the splenectomized one. However, the size of the spleen, the number of recovered worms, the number of eggs per gram of liver tissue, the level of serum idiotype and anti-idiotype antibodies, the size and volume of periovular granulomas formed in the liver, all that failed to show statistically significant differences between the two groups. After analysing all these data, other factors, that apparently have been hitherto negleted, rested to explain the findings. Among them, the timing and sequence of the egg-induced intrahepatic vascular changes seemed crucial. The sequential development of intrahepatic portal vein obstruction, followed by the opening of periportal collateral veins and the continous arrival of schistosome eggs going to be lodged into the latter, appeared as essential steps in the pathogenesis of "pipestem" fibrosis


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This paper analyzes the role of the energy transformation index and of final energy consumption per GDP unit in the disparities in energy intensity across countries. In that vein, we use a Theil decomposition approach to analyze global primary energy intensity inequality as well as inequality across different regions of the world and inequality within these regions. The paper first demonstrates the pre-eminence of divergence in final energy consumption per GDP unit in explaining global primary energy intensity inequality and its evolution during the 1971-2006 period. Secondly, it shows the lower (albeit non negligible) impact of the transformation index in global primary energy inequality. Thirdly, the relevance of regions as unit of analysis in studying crosscountry energy intensity inequality and their explanatory factors is highlighted. And finally, how regions around the world differ as to the relevance of the energy transformation index in explaining primary energy intensity inequality.


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OBJECTIVES: Assess the benefit of temporary caval stenting for remote venous drainage during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). METHODS: Temporary caval stenting was realized in bovine experiments (65+/-6 kg) by the means of self-expanding (18F for insertion, 36F in situ) venous cannulas (Smartcanula LLC, Lausanne, Switzerland) with various lengths: 43 cm, 53 cm, 63 cm vs. a standard 28F wire armed cannula in trans-jugular fashion. Maximal blood flows were assessed for 20, 25 and 30 mmHg of driving pressure with a motorized table height adjustment system. In addition, the inferior caval diameters (just above its bifurcation) were measured in real time with intra-vascular ultrasound (IVUS). RESULTS: Venous drainage (flow in l/min) at 20 mmHg, 25 mmHg, and 30 mmHg drainage load was 3.5+/-0.5, 3.7+/-0.7 and 4.0+/-0.6 for the 28F standard vs. 4.1+/-0.7, 4.0+/-1.3 and 3.9+/-1.1 for the 36F smart 43 cm, vs. 5.0+/-0.7, 5.3+/-1.3 and 5.4+/-1.4 for the 36F smart 53 cm, vs. 5.2+/-0.5*, 5.6+/-1.1* and 5.8+/-1.0* for the 36F smart 63 cm. The inferior vena caval diameters at 30 mmHg were 13.5+/-4.8 mm for 28F standard, 11.1+/-3.6 for 36F smart 43 cm, 11.3+/-3.2 for 36F 53 cm, and 17.0+/-0.1* for 36F 63 cm (*P<0.05 for 28F standard vs. 36F smart 63 cm long) CONCLUSIONS: The 43 cm self-expanding 36F smartcanula outperforms the 28F standard wire armed cannula at low drainage pressures and without augmentation. Temporary caval stenting with long self-expanding venous cannulas provides even better drainage (+51%).


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Several quartz crystals from three different Alpine vein localities and of known petrologic setting and evolution have been examined for possible elemental sector zoning in order to help to constrain the mechanisms of such trace element incorporation. Using different in situ techniques (EMPA, LA-ICPMS, SIMS, FTIR-spectroscopy), it was established that Al and Li concentrations can exceed several hundreds of ppma for distinct growth zones within crystals formed at temperatures of about 300 degrees C or less and that also display patterns of cyclic growth when examined with cathodoluminescence. In contrast, crystals formed at temperatures closer to 400 degrees C and without visible cyclic growth have low concentrations of Al and Li as well as other trace elements. Al and Li contents are correlated along profiles measured within the crystals and in general their proportion does not change along the profiles. No relationships were found between Al, Na, and K, and germanium has a qualitative relationship with Al. FTIR spectra also show OH(-) absorption bands within the quartz, with higher amplitudes in zones rich in Al and Li. Sector zoning is present. It is most pronounced between prismatic and rhombohedral faces of the same growth zone, but also between the rhombohedral faces of r and z, which contain different amounts of trace elements. The sector zoning is also expressed by changes in the Li/Al ratio, with higher ratios in 17 compared to r faces. It is concluded that the incorporation of trace elements into hydrothermal quartz from Alpine veins is influenced by growth mechanisms and surface-structures of the growing quartz crystals, the influence of which may change as a function of temperature, pH, as well as the chemical composition of the fluid.


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Quartz veins ranging in size from less than 50 cm length and 5 cm width to greater than 10 m in length and 5 m in width are found throughout the Central Swiss Alps. In some cases, the veins are completely filled with milky quartz, while in others, sometimes spectacular void-filling quartz crystals are found. The style of vein filling and size is controlled by host rock composition and deformation history. Temperatures of vein formation, estimated using stable isotope thermometry and mineral equilibria, cover a range of 450 degrees C down to 150 degrees C. Vein formation started at 18 to 20 Ma and continued for over 10 My. The oxygen isotope values of quartz veins range from 10 to 20 permil, and in almost all cases are equal to those of the hosting lithology. The strongly rock-buffered veins imply a low fluid/rock ratio and minimal fluid flow. In order to explain massive, nearly morromineralic quartz formation without exceptionally large fluid fluxes, a mechanism of differential pressure and silica diffusion, combined with pressure solution, is proposed for early vein formation. Fluid inclusions and hydrous minerals in late-formed veins have extremely low delta D values, consistent with meteoric water infiltration. The change from rock-buffered, static fluid to infiltration from above can be explained in terms of changes in the large-scale deformation style occurring between 20 and 15 Ma. The rapid cooling of the Central Alps identified in previous studies may be explained in part, by infiltration of cold meteoric waters along fracture systems down to depths of 10 km or more. An average water flux of 0.15 cm 3 cm(-2)yr(-1) entering the rock and reemerging heated by 40 degrees C is sufficient to cool rock at 10 km depth by 100 degrees C in 5 million years. The very negative delta D values of < -130 permil for the late stage fluids are well below the annual average values measured in meteoric water in the region today. The low fossil delta D values indicate that the Central Alps were at a higher elevation in the Neogene. Such a conclusion is supported by an earlier work, where a paleoaltitude of 5000 meters was proposed on the basis of large erratic boulders found at low elevations far from their origin.


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In chronic severe infection with Schistosoma mansoni, portal hypertension and related vascular alterations usually develop as a consequence of granulomatous response to eggs. In order to investigate a putative direct effect of worms on the reactivity of their host portal vein, mice infected only with male worms were used in the present study. An higher reactivity to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) characterized by an increase in the maximal contraction and sensitivity was observed in portal vein from infected mice compared to healthy mice. Blockade of NO-synthase with l-NAME induced a small increase in 5-HT potency in portal vein from non-infected mice without changing the amplitude of the contractions, whereas it did not alter the reactivity of veins from infected mice. The present results show that unisexual infection of mice with male S. mansoni increased the reactivity of the portal vein to 5-HT which seems to be partially related to an alteration in the nitric oxide release by endothelium.


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Myofibroblasts, cells with intermediate features between smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts, have been described as an important cellular component of schistosomal portal fibrosis. The origin, distribution and fate of myofibroblasts were investigated by means of light, fluorescent, immunoenzymatic and ultrastructural techniques in wedge liver biopsies from 68 patients with the hepatosplenic form of schistosomiasis. Results demonstrated that the presence of myofibroblasts varied considerably from case to case and was always related to smooth muscle cell dispersion, which occurred around medium-sized damaged portal vein branches. By sequential observation of several cases, it was evident that myofibroblasts derived by differentiation of vascular smooth muscle and gradually tended to disappear, some of them further differentiating into fibroblasts. Thus, in schistosomal pipestem fibrosis myofibroblasts appear as transient cells, focally accumulated around damaged portal vein branches, and do not seem to have by themselves any important participation in the pathogenesis of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis.


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Movement of transmigrants and livestock from western Indonesia to southeastern areas of Irian Jaya near the border with Papua New Guinea may pose a risk of introducing Trypanosoma evansi into Papua New Guinea via feral Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) and wild pigs which inhabit these areas in large numbers. Pilot experimental studies were conducted to observe infection in pigs and Rusa deer with a strain of T. evansi isolated in Indonesia. Parasitaemia and signs of clinical disease were monitored each second day for 120 days. Trypanosomes were observed in haematocrit tubes at the plasma-buffy coat interface of jugular blood of deer and pigs on 86% and 37% of sampling occasions respectively. Parasitaemia was at a high level in deer for 35% of the time but for only 11.5% of the time in pigs. Results indicate that both Rusa deer and pigs have a high tolerance for infection with T. evansi. The deer suffered mild anaemia evidenced by a 25% reduction in packed cell volume (PCV) 14 days after infection which coincided with the initial peak in parasitaemia. However, PCV had returned to pre infection values by the end of the experiment. The pigs showed no change in PCV. There were no visual indications of disease in either species and appetite was not noticeably affected. It was concluded that both Rusa deer and pigs were capable reservoir hosts for T. evansi but that Rusa deer, with their more persistent higher levels of parasitaemia, have more potential to spread T. evansi into Papua New Guinea from West Irian than pigs.


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Schistosomiasis mansoni affects the hepatic functional reserve. Clinical treatment with oxamniquine is not 100% effective and there has been found strain of this parasite resistant to this drug. The aims of this investigation were: (1) to examine the presence of residual parasite burden after medical and surgical treatment on adolescents with surgical schistosomiasis mansoni and (2) to assess the effect on the hepatic functional reserve in patients with and without residual infection. Twenty nine children with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni and bleeding esophageal varices were treated with oxamniquine. They underwent splenectomy, ligature of the left gastric vein and autologous implantation of spleen tissue into the greater omentum. After a mean post-operative follow up of five years they underwent rectal biopsy for schistosomotic egg search. They were divided in patients with and without infection. In 20 patients the submucosal egg search was negative, however, in 9 it was positive. The hepatic functional reserve in the patients without infection was as follows: 17 were Child-Pugh A and 3 Child-Pugh B. In the patients who were still infected 6 were Child-Pugh A and 3 Child-Pugh B. The chi2 analysis of the hepatic functional reserve showed chi2 = 3.19 - p= 0.07. From the results the following conclusion can be drawn: residual infection or reinfection in the follow up period had not interfered with the distribution of the hepatic functional reserve of the patients in this series. However, there was a trend for a decrease of this parameter in patients with residual infection.