957 resultados para Jornais Manchetes
A rea do Pontal do Paranapanema est localizada no Extremo Oeste do Estado de So Paulo, na regio sudeste do Brasil, em uma posio estratgica considerando tanto sua proximidade com os Estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e Paran quanto o advento do Mercosul - o mercado comum do Cone Sul. No Estado de So Paulo h trs reas muito carentes, uma das quais o Pontal do Paranapanema, onde tm havido muitos conflitos sociais relativos posse e propriedade da terra, envolvendo disputas entre o Estado e os latifundirios. Nos ltimos anos os trabalhadores rurais tm realizado ocupaes nesta regio e reivindicado terras - eles criaram um grupo denominado MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra), que tem ganhado popularidade e apoio de vrios segmentos da comunidade, estando diariamente na mdia (jornais, TV etc). A comunidade acadmica tem estado consciente e preocupada com esta situao e, portanto, tem desenvolvido estudos e pesquisas sobre o assunto, tanto individualmente quanto atravs de grupos de pesquisa. Uma das mais importantes Universidades Brasileiras a Universidade Estadual Paulista (unesp), que tem um de seus campus localizado no municpio de Presidente Prudente (o qual est localizado no Pontal do Paranapanema). Desde a dcada de 1960 diversos pesquisadores tm desenvolvido pesquisas tcnico-cientficas almejando produzir um Atlas do Pontal do Paranapanema em formato convencional. O principal objetivo seria o de reunir, atravs de mapas topogrficos e temticos, todas as informaes geogrficas sobre o Pontal do Paranapanema, a fim de servir de base para projetos e planejamentos governamentais (municipais ou estaduais), bem como para o setor privado. O Atlas seria tambm um produto de informao sobre os recursos naturais e as condies scio-econmicas desta rea, sendo voltado para estudos acadmico...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)
The report-book has 10 profiles of institutionalized persons in the Vila Vicentinas asylum in Bauru. The intention is to show the history of these men, the path that led to the institutionalization, their routine in the shelter and what are their biggest dreams. Giving voice for this group of marginalized, the book alerts the issue of abandonment of the elderly by their families and lead a reflection on society. In addition, it also calls the traditional media attention to the question, since the only recurring theme of the newspaperspages when tragedy happens
The work aims to analyse the concept of economics as the science of scarcity is distorced in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. Neoclassical economists characterize the economy as the science that is concerned with the welfare of the people, satisfying their needs. However, the economy in the newspapers of the mainstream media appears in contexts where only the profit of companies and businesses are addressed, leaving aside the problem of economic inequality, unemployment, working conditions and other issues that are also part of economy, but they are hardly concerns of journalists. In this work, the object of study was the notebook Market and content analysis followed the criteria of Bardin (1977). Ten words were chosen in the category science of scarcity and ten words were chosen in the category science of abundance. From these categories, a careful reading was done, counting how many times each word appeared in the newspaper. Also paid attention to the words that appeared and contexts in which they fell journalistic genre. In a second step, interviews were conducted with journalists from economics to know what they mean by the economy and what the guidelines are more common. Data collection and interviews contributed to the interpretation and confirmation on whether or not the distortion of the concept of economy and how it happens
The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of the Internet through the shifts that it has brought to the field of journalism and social communication. With the view of doing so, I describe a timeline of the creation and expansion of the network of computers in Brazil and in the world; and then, finally, I give an account of a new paradigm of communication, the alleveryone communication. In the end, it will have a case study of the portal UOL, which will apply all the concepts
O objetivo deste Trabalho de Concluso de Curso divulgar experincias bem sucedidas no campo de ateno psicossocial atravs de uma revista customizada desenvolvida para o Projeto Tear Terapia e Arte, da cidade de Guarulhos, segunda cidade mais populosa do estado de So Paulo. Mais do que levar credibilidade e, consequentemente, visibilidade s prticas desenvolvidas por eles, o produto tem a inteno de colocar em reflexo a questo da incluso social pelo trabalho e pela arte, as principais atividades do organismo, e explanar a respeito dos avanos das diretrizes da Reforma Psiquitrica s quais o Projeto Tear est alinhado. Por meio de entrevistas, pesquisas e vivncia in loco, buscou-se por em prtica as tcnicas jornalsticas aprendidas ao longo do curso de graduao e levar ao leitor srie de reportagens de forma clara e diversificada, que contribuam para a propagao do tema e para o exerccio de um jornalismo com compromisso tico e cidado
Considering the context that integrates the internet and the information, the present paper has aimed to analyze the content from the juridical portal named Migalhas, more specifically the daily informationnewsletter that is sent to its readers. Starting by the passage on the pathway of the internet, cyber culture and web journalism, and some concepts of news production, it is aimed to describe and evaluate, from the content of the proposed analyzes by Laurence Bardin, about general aspects, strategies and bulletin samples. Bringing a little of its history and description of the journalistic and news main points. The present paper approaches how these criteria, news value, and tools are chosen and used to reach the effectiveness of the proposal to take specific and fast information to the readers. Questions regarded to the opinionated character from the content were also stated as a way to evaluate its expressiveness
The main goal of this work is to evaluate the realization of the linguistic phenomenon of preposition and also to investigate how current normative pressures influence the production and the perception of processes of variation and change in Brazilian Portuguese. We analyze the use of prepositions a and para in verbal complementation contexts in contemporary journalistic texts from So Paulos press the web newspapers. The contexts considered are constructions with complements of direction, movement with transference, material transference, and verbal/perceptual predicators (Berlinck, 1996; Corra, Canado, 2006). Because written texts tend to be more conservative (i.e. more normative) this research provides an important linguistic investigation that contributes to the sociolinguistic knowledge of the language. However, the newspapers also tend to reflect the use, so they constitute a privileged place for us to understand the conflicting relationship between norm and use. Besides this, the research is relevant for General Linguistics for considering linguistic and extralinguistic factors which determine the use and frequency of the prepositions, like syntactic-semantic relations between the preposition, the verb, the complement, and the text genre. We collected data from web newspapers from Araraquara, with small and medium circulation. Based on previous results, we have ascertained the predominance of the use of the preposition a in the newspapers from So Paulo in the 20th century. However, we have also ascertained representative records of variation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O objetivo desse relatrio explicar e delimitar a criao do site Americanismos: uma outra perspectiva das eleies de 2012 nos EUA, que foi produto de uma experincia de campo no mbito do jornalismo internacional, baseado nos preceitos tericos e prticos estudados no curso de Jornalismo da Unesp e apresentado como trabalho de concluso de curso (TCC). O blog criado, hospedado no domnio www.americanismos.net, tambm baseado em conceitos tericos do jornalismo digital, uma coletnea de reportagens, infogrficos, vdeos, imagens e edio jornalstica, organizados sob pautas da cobertura das eleies de 2012 nos Estados Unidos da Amrica. A plataforma escolhida foi a digital, como forma de experimento do papel do correspondente internacional s luzes das novas mdias. Esse relatrio pretende esmiuar os caminhos do processo criativo e elencar os elementos utilizados para a criao do blog, bem como explicar a abordagem utilizada para reportar o universo que circunda as eleies nos EUA
The objective of this paper is to discuss the construction of the image of So Paulo state public schools teachers in the public sphere, by the media and the trade union press, and see how that image is formed in both of them, without making any comparisons, from the covering of 2010 strikes by newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal da Apeoesp. This paper uses as theoretical basis the study of Media Hegemony, the concept of Radical Media and Public Sphere, as well as the relationship between them and social movements. It also considers the observation of the history and characteristics of trade union press and the Standards of Manipulation by the Press, proposed by Perseu Abramo. The chosen method was the identification, selection and organization of stories about education published by Folha de S. Paulo during the period; the application of Abramos proposed manipulation standards on the stories about the strike; research, selection and observation of print publications (Jornal da Apeoesp and newsletters Apeoesp Urgente) about the strike, published by Apeoesp during the same period
The displacement of writing emerged in urban centers due to its investment in technology and has been developed in major newspapers around the world. With the advent of the internet and technological development, the writing went from analog to digital. That made it no longer required the presence of the journalist in the physical redaction means modifying the various management structures of a writing routine and professional. This happened to capture, edit and distribute your notes, news and reports in online mode. This monograph aims to understand and define the macro change of virtualization in journalism, considering the stages of production of Le Monde Diplomatique, a newspaper whose writing is in process of deterritorialization, the people involved in this activity and the resources used and contributing to the debate on new forms of organization of an editorial environment
This presente monograph propose the analysis and discussion of the production of urban space and the processes of their structuring intraurbana from the dynamics of the real estate market into three Medium-sized Cities, Campina Grande - PB, Mossor - RN and Passo Fundo - RS, whereas the various agents producing this space, in a comparative perspective. From this urban dynamic search to analyze the processes and relations present in these spaces, which are important for its production. From the compilation of real estate advertisements in local newspapers, are analyzed offerings of urban land, houses and apartments in each one of these cities by highlighting their locations and differentiated prices. Thus, working with data from real estate ads from the period 1995 - 2010 and a comparative perspective of the characteristics of real estate markets of three medium-sized cities, it tried to apprehend processes that are common between them and other individuals, to each one. Therefore the comparative analysis developed in this monograph sought to verify whether there are similarities between the cities in relation to the trends of concentration/spatial dispersion of bids and movements throughout time, in addition to a further intensification of the activities of real estate agents in face of such trends and offerings. In addition, we sought to remove a set of problematization that allow them to understand with more acute, in this set of medium cities of Brazilian urban network, processes of change that is already being discussed in the recent period by ReCiMe.
A lgica instantnea da sociedade informacional no permite que a maioria dos meios de comunicao abra espao para a histria de vida das fontes jornalsticas, muito menos das annimas. A instantaneidade com que os fatos tm de chegar ao receptor no compatvel com o exerccio jornalstico que busca a densidade, o aprofundamento das relaes sociais. Aluga-se meu apego: a histria de vida dos anunciantes de Classificados busca apontar uma alternativa para o jornalismo oficial e superficial. Trata-se de um livro-reportagem de perfil que tenta mapear traos e mudanas da identidade dos annimos, apontando-os como agentes sociais de suas prprias vidas e das vidas alheias. A partir dos preceitos da psicologia social e da antropologia, busca-se definir a identidade como um processo socialmente construdo e sujeito a constantes mutaes. Embudo dessa premissa, o Jornalismo Literrio aparece como opo que permite o aprofundamento na cobertura dos fatos e a contextualizao dos fenmenos decorrentes dele. O contedo do livro-reportagem possui dez perfis que contam fragmentos da vida, dos anseios e das angstias de anunciantes dos Classificados do Jornal da Cidade de Bauru (SP) que coabitam o municpio com as fontes oficiais utilizadas pelos jornais mas que, porm, no tm a mesma visibilidade nem so encarados como fundamentais para nossa realidade
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Com a busca do corpo perfeito sempre em alta e com diversas matrias em jornais, telejornais e revistas sobre a sade humana, houve um grande destaque para as academias, para ambos objetivos. De academias voltadas para o pblico infantil, com nfase na recreao at as especializadas no pblico idoso, passando pelas que objetivam estticas e as que oferecem treinamentos para reabilitao fsica, este mercado vem crescendo anualmente por todo o territrio nacional. A reteno de um aluno na academia tornou-se um desafio a mais para os proprietrios e funcionrios da empresa. Existem inmeras opes de academias de lutas e musculao por a. Ento o que fazer para que o aluno escolha a sua e no a concorrente? O presente estudo possui como objetivos, atravs de uma reviso de literatura da rea de formao profissional em educao fsica e administrao em recursos humanos para o mercado de trabalho do profissional especializado, responder esta questo, mostrar a relao de profissionais de educao fsica com a rea administrativa de uma empresa e apresentar mtodos de organizao e planejamento das atividades dentro de academias