946 resultados para Joint Damage
The antioxidant effects of Caryocar brasiliense Camb, commonly known as the pequi fruit, have not been evaluated to determine their protective effects against oxidative damage in lung carcinogenesis. In the present study, we evaluated the role of pequi fruit against urethane-induced DNA damage and oxidative stress in forty 8-12 week old male BALB/C mice. An in vivo comet assay was performed to assess DNA damage in lung tissues and changes in lipid peroxidation and redox cycle antioxidants were monitored for oxidative stress. Prior supplementation with pequi oil or its extract (15 µL, 60 days) significantly reduced urethane-induced oxidative stress. A protective effect against DNA damage was associated with the modulation of lipid peroxidation and low protein and gene expression of nitric oxide synthase. These findings suggest that the intake of pequi fruit might protect against in vivo genotoxicity and oxidative stress.
The timing and mechanisms of protection by hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD) have only been partially elucidated. We monitored the effect of HBO on the mitochondrial function of neuronal cells in the cerebral cortex of neonatal rats after HIBD. Neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats (total of 360 of both genders) were randomly divided into normal control, HIBD, and HIBD+HBO groups. The HBO treatment began immediately after hypoxia-ischemia (HI) and continued once a day for 7 consecutive days. Animals were euthanized 0, 2, 4, 6, and 12 h post-HI to monitor the changes in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) occurring soon after a single dose of HBO treatment, as well as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days post-HI to study ΔΨm changes after a series of HBO treatments. Fluctuations in ΔΨm were observed in the ipsilateral cortex in both HIBD and HIBD+HBO groups. Within 2 to 12 h after HI insult, the ΔΨm of the HIBD and HIBD+HBO groups recovered to some extent. A secondary drop in ΔΨm was observed in both groups during the 1-4 days post-HI period, but was more severe in the HIBD+HBO group. There was a secondary recovery of ΔΨm observed in the HIBD+HBO group, but not in the HIBD group, during the 5-7 days period after HI insult. HBO therapy may not lead to improvement of neural cell mitochondrial function in the cerebral cortex in the early stage post-HI, but may improve it in the sub-acute stage post-HI.
This study discusses the formation phase of Chinese-Finnish joint ventures in China. The purpose of this thesis is to create best practices for Finnish software companies in forming a joint venture with a local Chinese company in China. Therefore, the main research question, in what are the best practices for forming Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China for Finnish software firms, is examined through four different themes within the joint venture formation phase; the motives, the partner se- lection, the choice of a joint venture type and joint venture negotiations. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the establishment process of Sino-Western joint ventures in China. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on the expert interviews. The empirical data was gathered via nine semi-structured interviews with both Chinese and Finnish experts in software and technology industry, who have experience or knowledge in establishing Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China. Thematic analysis was used to cat- egorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, a thematic network was built to act as a basis of the analysis. According to the main findings, the main motives for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China are lack of skills or experience, little resources to enter on their own, and China’s large market. The main motives for Chinese companies are to gain new technology or man- agerial skills, and expand internationally. The intellectual property rights (IPR) have recently im- proved a lot in China, but the Finnish companies’ knowledge on IPR is inadequate. The Finnish software companies should conduct a market and industry research in order to understand their po- sition in the market and to find a suitable location and potential joint venture partners. It is essential to define partner selection criteria and partner attributes. In addition, it is important to build the joint venture around complementary motives and a win-win situation between the joint venture partners. The Finnish companies should be prepared that the joint venture negotiations will be challenging and they will take a long time. The challenges can be overcome by gaining understanding about the Chinese culture and business environment. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the joint venture formation phase in China. This study provides guidelines for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China. In addition, this study brings new insights to the Sino-Western joint venture literature with its soft- ware industry context. Future research is, however, necessary in order to gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a joint venture as an entry mode into China for Finnish soft- ware companies
The influence of ethanolic extracts of Annona crassiflora on the activities of hepatic antioxidant enzymes was examined. Extracts of A. crassiflora seeds and peel were administered orally (50 mg of galic acid equivalents.kg-1) to Wistar rats for 14 consecutive days followed by a single oral dose of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4, 2 g.kg-1). Lipid peroxidation and the activities of hepatic catalase (CAT), cytochromes P450 (CP450) and b5, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GRed), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and the content of glutathione equivalents (GSH) were evaluated. The treatment with CCl4 increased lipid peroxidation, the level of GSH equivalents and the content of cytochrome b5 by 44, 140 and 32%, respectively, with concomitant reductions of 23, 34 and 39% in the activities of CAT, SOD, and CP450, respectively. The treatment with A. crassiflora seeds and peel extracts alone inhibited lipid peroxidation by 27 and 22%, respectively without affecting the CP450 content. The pretreatment with the A. crassiflora extracts prevented the lipid peroxidation, the increase in GSH equivalents and the decrease in CAT activity caused by CCl4, but it had no effect on the CCl4-mediated changes in CP450 and b5 and SOD. These results show that A. crassiflora seeds and peel contain antioxidant activity in vivo that could be of potential therapeutic use.
The purpose of this study was to investigate and model the water absorption process by corn kernels with different levels of mechanical damage Corn kernels of AG 1510 variety with moisture content of 14.2 (% d.b.) were used. Different mechanical damage levels were indirectly evaluated by electrical conductivity measurements. The absorption process was based on the industrial corn wet milling process, in which the product was soaked with a 0.2% sulfur dioxide (SO2) solution and 0.55% lactic acid (C3H6O3) in distilled water, under controlled temperatures of 40, 50, 60, and 70 ºC and different mechanical damage levels. The Peleg model was used for the analysis and modeling of water absorption process. The conclusion is that the structural changes caused by the mechanical damage to the corn kernels influenced the initial rates of water absorption, which were higher for the most damaged kernels, and they also changed the equilibrium moisture contents of the kernels. The Peleg model was well adjusted to the experimental data presenting satisfactory values for the analyzed statistic parameters for all temperatures regardless of the damage level of the corn kernels.
Yellowfin tuna has a high level of free histidine in their muscle, which can lead to histamine formation by microorganisms if temperature abuse occurs during handling and further processing. The objective of this study was to measure levels of histamine in damaged and undamaged thawed muscle to determine the effect of physical damage on the microbial count and histamine formation during the initial steps of canning processing and to isolate and identify the main histamine-forming microorganisms present in the flesh of yellowfin tuna. Total mesophilic and psicrophilic microorganisms were determined using the standard plate method. The presence of histamine-forming microorganisms was determined in a modified Niven's agar. Strains were further identified using the API 20E kit for enterobacteriaceae and Gram-negative bacilli. Physically damaged tuna did not show higher microbiological contamination than that of undamaged muscle tuna. The most active histamine-forming microorganism present in tuna flesh was Morganella morganii. Other decarboxylating microorganisms present were Enterobacter agglomerans and Enterobacter cloacae. Physical damage of tune during catching and handling did not increase the level of histamine or the amount of microorganisms present in tuna meat during frozen transportation, but they showed a higher risk of histamine-forming microorganism growth during processing.
The aim of this work was to calibrate the material properties including strength and strain values for different material zones of ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) welded joints under monotonic static loading. The UHSS is heat sensitive and softens by heat due to welding, the affected zone is heat affected zone (HAZ). In this regard, cylindrical specimens were cut out from welded joints of Strenx® 960 MC and Strenx® Tube 960 MH, were examined by tensile test. The hardness values of specimens’ cross section were measured. Using correlations between hardness and strength, initial material properties were obtained. The same size specimen with different zones of material same as real specimen were created and defined in finite element method (FEM) software with commercial brand Abaqus 6.14-1. The loading and boundary conditions were defined considering tensile test values. Using initial material properties made of hardness-strength correlations (true stress-strain values) as Abaqus main input, FEM is utilized to simulate the tensile test process. By comparing FEM Abaqus results with measured results of tensile test, initial material properties will be revised and reused as software input to be fully calibrated in such a way that FEM results and tensile test results deviate minimum. Two type of different S960 were used including 960 MC plates, and structural hollow section 960 MH X-joint. The joint is welded by BöhlerTM X96 filler material. In welded joints, typically the following zones appear: Weld (WEL), Heat affected zone (HAZ) coarse grained (HCG) and fine grained (HFG), annealed zone, and base material (BaM). Results showed that: The HAZ zone is softened due to heat input while welding. For all the specimens, the softened zone’s strength is decreased and makes it a weakest zone where fracture happens while loading. Stress concentration of a notched specimen can represent the properties of notched zone. The load-displacement diagram from FEM modeling matches with the experiments by the calibrated material properties by compromising two correlations of hardness and strength.
Tutkielma käsittelee Yhdysvaltain CIAn miehittämättömiä lennokki-iskuja Pakistanissa kansainvälisen humanitaarisen oikeuden suhteellisuusperiaatteen näkökulmasta. Suhteellisuusperiaatteen mukaan aseellisista iskuista saatavan sotilaallisen hyödyn tulee olla suhteellinen verrattuna siviileille aiheutuvaan haittaan. CIAn iskuja Pakistanissa on kritisoitu, että ne eivät täytä suhteellisuusperiaatteen asettamia vaatimuksia. Tutkielmassa perehdytään ensinnäkin selvittämään ne velvollisuudet, jotka suhteellisuusperiaate asettaa hyökkääjille. Sen jälkeen CIAn lennokki-iskuja tutkitaan näiden velvollisuuksien valossa. Tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään antaako suhteellisuusperiaatteen luomat oikeudelliset velvollisuudet riittävää suojaa Pakistanin siviileille lennokki-iskujen tuhoja vastaan. Lisäksi pyritään selvittämään, onko lennokki-iskuissa viitteitä suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisista iskuista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään positivistista lainopin metodia, jonka avulla selvitetään voimassa olevaa kansainvälisen humanitaarisen tapaoikeuden suhteellisuusperiaatteen sisältöä. Oikeudellisina lähteinä käytetään pääasiassa humanitaarista tapaoikeutta, mutta tulkinnallisena apuna myös kansainvälisiä sopimuksia sekä oikeuden päätöksiä. Lisäksi oikeudellinen kirjallisuus on tutkimuksessa tärkeässä asemassa. Tutkimuksessa päädytään siihen, että suhteellisuusperiaatteen asettamat velvollisuudet hyökkääjälle ovat niin epämääräiset, että ne eivät anna riittävää suojaa siviileille. Ensinnäkin hyökkääjä voi määrittää sotilaallisen hyödyn omien päämääriensä mukaisesti suhteellisuusanalyysissä. Lisäksi kynnys sille, mikä katsotaan suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisuudeksi on hyvin epämääräinen ja korkea. Tämän vuoksi varotoimenpiteet iskujen suunnittelussa ovat hyvin tärkeässä asemassa myös suhteellisuusanalyysissä. Kuitenkin jos hyökkääjä edes jossain määrin osoittaa, että on tehnyt iskut hyvässä uskossa niiden laillisuudesta, iskujen katsotaan yleensä olevan suhteellisuusperiaatteen mukaisia. CIAn lennokki-iskuissa Pakistanissa on viitteitä suhteellisuusperiaatteen vastaisuudesta erityisesti ”tunnusmerkki-iskujen” osalta. ”Tunnusmerkki-iskut” johtavat yleensä vain vähäiseen sotilaalliseen hyötyyn aiheuttaen silti siviiliuhreja. Lisäksi erityisesti tunnusmerkki-iskuissa edellytetään korkeampaa tarkkuutta varotoimenpiteissä. Kuitenkin useat siviiliuhrit voivat merkitä sitä, että näitä varotoimenpiteitä ei ole noudatettu iskuissa.
The X-ray test is a precise, fast and non-destructive method to detect mechanical damage in seeds. In the present study, the efficiency of X-ray analysis in identifying the extent of mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds and its relationship with germination and vigor was evaluated. Hybrid 'SWB 551' (sh2) seeds with round (R) and flat (F) shapes were classified as large (L), medium (M1, M2 and M3) and small (S), using sieves with round and oblong screens. After artificial exposure to different levels of damage (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 impacts), seeds were X-rayed (15 kV, 5 min) and submitted to germination (25 °C/5 days) and cold (10 °C/7 days) tests. Digital images of normal and abnormal seedlings and ungerminated seeds from germination and cold tests were jointly analyzed with the seed X-ray images. Results showed that damage affecting the embryonic axis resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds in the germination and cold tests. The X-ray analysis is efficient for identifying mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds, allowing damage severity to be associated with losses in germination and vigor.
This study discusses the formation phase of Chinese-Finnish joint ventures in China. The purpose of this thesis is to create best practices for Finnish software companies in forming a joint venture with a local Chinese company in China. Therefore, the main research question, in what are the best practices for forming Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China for Finnish software firms, is examined through four different themes within the joint venture formation phase; the motives, the partner se-lection, the choice of a joint venture type and joint venture negotiations. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the establishment process of Sino-Western joint ventures in China. The empirical research conducted for this study is based on the expert interviews. The empirical data was gathered via nine semi-structured interviews with both Chinese and Finnish experts in software and technology industry, who have experience or knowledge in establishing Sino-Finnish joint ventures in China. Thematic analysis was used to cat-egorize and interpret the interview data. In addition, a thematic network was built to act as a basis of the analysis. According to the main findings, the main motives for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China are lack of skills or experience, little resources to enter on their own, and China’s large market. The main motives for Chinese companies are to gain new technology or man-agerial skills, and expand internationally. The intellectual property rights (IPR) have recently im-proved a lot in China, but the Finnish companies’ knowledge on IPR is inadequate. The Finnish software companies should conduct a market and industry research in order to understand their po-sition in the market and to find a suitable location and potential joint venture partners. It is essential to define partner selection criteria and partner attributes. In addition, it is important to build the joint venture around complementary motives and a win-win situation between the joint venture partners. The Finnish companies should be prepared that the joint venture negotiations will be challenging and they will take a long time. The challenges can be overcome by gaining understanding about the Chinese culture and business environment. The findings of this study enhance understanding of the joint venture formation phase in China. This study provides guidelines for Finnish software companies to establish a joint venture in China. In addition, this study brings new insights to the Sino-Western joint venture literature with its soft-ware industry context. Future research is, however, necessary in order to gain an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a joint venture as an entry mode into China for Finnish soft-ware companies.