999 resultados para Isótopos de Sr


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A Bacia de Campos, em sua porção norte, na parte sul da área oceânica confrontante ao Estado do Espírito Santo é uma área ainda pouco estudada e conhecida, principalmente no que se refere aos sedimentos quaternários em águas profundas. Foram escolhidos dois testemunhos do talude médio na área, nos quais foram realizadas amostragens para Bioestratigrafia de Nanofósseis Calcários e Estratigrafia de Isótopos (Carbono e Oxigênio). Os resultados de Nanofósseis Calcários mostraram que a base do bioevento de acme de Emiliania huxleyi deve ser localizada em 74 mil anos BP na área, ao contrário do que foi proposto anteriormente. Os dados exibem também uma predominância absoluta de dois taxa: Emiliania huxleyi e Gephyrocapsa spp. A Estratigrafia de Isótopos de Oxigênio indicou uma excelente correlação com os modelos, permitindo um bom balizamento com os estágios isotópicos de oxigênio existentes. A integração da Bioestratigrafia de Nanofósseis Calcários e Estratigrafia de Isótopos podem explicar o comportamento dos taxa majoritários. A correlação da abundância relativa de E. huxleyi e de d18O revelou-se boa, indicando influência da paleotemperatura na abundância deste taxa. Os dados de Estratigrafia de Isótopos de Carbono mostraram uma concordância com as variações de abundância do gênero Gephyrocapsa, sugerindo que a disponibilidade de nutrientes mudou na área.


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Os métodos radiométricos (Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd) têm sido aplicados, com sucesso, em rochas sedimentares visando a obtenção de idades deposicionais e informações sobre proveniência. Em muitos casos, apesar dos resultados geologicamente significativos, ainda persistem dúvidas em relação a extensão e interpretação dos dados obtidos. Isto ocorre porque as rochas sedimentares resultam da mistura de fragmentos detríticos de diversas proveniências com diferentes sistemas isotópicos, conseqüentemente, já contendo um registro isotópico da rocha fonte. No caso do método Rb-Sr, aplicado em rochas sedimentares de granulometria fina, pode-se obter idades absolutas para o evento deposicional. Isto é viável desde que este registro isotópico proveniente das rochas fonte seja apagado no momento da deposição, ou seja, deve ocorrer a homogeneização isotópica do Sr no ambiente sedimentar. Para tanto, devem ser observados alguns pré-requisitos em relação a amostragem, granulometria, ambiente deposicional e composição mineralógica das amostras, entre outros. No entanto, ainda existem questionamentos em relação a esta metodologia especialmente quanto à ocorrência e à extensão do processo de homogeneização isotópica do Sr em ambiente sedimentar.(Continua0 O método Sm-Nd, apesar de ser uma técnica relativamente nova quando aplicada a rochas sedimentares, tem se tornado uma ferramenta fundamental para auxílio na determinação de proveniência de rochas sedimentares. As maiores dificuldades estão na correta interpretação dos valores obtidos e sua associação com um ambiente sedimentar, ou seja, de baixa temperatura. Neste trabalho, foram aplicados os métodos radiométricos Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd em amostras de rochas sedimentares coletadas em diferentes contextos geológicos da Bacia do Paraná. Foram tentativamente testados os diferentes parâmetros que atuam no sentido da homogeneização isotópica do Sr e do comportamento do Nd. Os resultados obtidos permitiram aprimorar a metodologia radiométrica Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd quando aplicada em rochas sedimentares, bem como obter resultados sobre a idade deposicional de diferentes unidades sedimentares e, por vezes, sua proveniência.


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O conceito de Empreendedorismo não se restringe apenas ao processo de criação de novos negócios independentes, Covin e Slevin (1991), e tampouco ao estudo das características individuais do empreendedor, Gartner (1985), Lumpkin e Dess (1996). Miller (1983) concluiu que uma organização empreendedora desenvolve e foca três dimensões: Inovação; Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Proatividade. Tendo como contraponto que uma organização não empreendedora inova muito pouco, tem aversão a riscos, e não age proativamente perante seus competidores, é aquela que apenas imita os produtos e serviços existentes no mercado competidor. Os estudos de Miller (1983) e de Covin e Slevin (1989, 1990) serviram de base para que Lumpkin e Dess (1996) atribuíssem à concepção de espírito empreendedor a conceituação de Orientação Empreendedora, visando diferençá-la do conceito de Empreendedorismo, e incluíram as dimensões Autonomia e Competitividade agressiva às três dimensões atribuídas por Miller (1983). Estas dimensões podem ou não estar presentes quando uma empresa está em busca de um novo negócio, no entanto, novos negócios bem sucedidos também podem ser alcançados quando apenas alguns destes fatores ou dimensões estão presentes, pois eles variam de forma independente por serem influenciados pela diversidade de contextos ambientais e organizacionais aos quais as empresas estão sujeitas, Lumpkin e Dess (1996). A Orientação Empreendedora está sendo correlacionada com o desempenho favorável da organização, sugerindo que ela pode influenciar positivamente a performance da organização, destacamos os estudos de Miller (1983), Covin e Slevin (1991), Zahra (1993), Zahra e Covin (1995), Lumpkin e Dess (1996), Wiklund e Shepherd (2005). A Pesquisa de Campo realizada para perceber a presença ou não dos fatores da Orientação Empreendedora nas Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga, teve como resultado que os fatores que mais se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das UL são: Autonomia; Capacidade de inovar; e Competitividade agressiva. Por outro lado, os fatores que menos se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga são: Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Capacidade de agir de forma proativa.


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O Arquipélago da Madeira possui um Património Natural de excepcional valor, rico em Biodiversidade e Geodiversidade, que deve ser conhecido e divulgado internacionalmente, assim como deve ser conservado e preservado para as gerações vindouras. No que respeita à Geodiversidade, a Madeira é dotada de uma variedade geológica de grande interesse, cujo valor cultural, económico e turístico, a torna numa mais valia para a região. Deste modo há que estudar, divulgar e preservar alguns locais de excepcional interesse geológico, elevando-os à categoria de Património Geológico. Neste sentido e no seguimento da política ambiental desenvolvida pelo Governo Regional, traduzida no Decreto Legislativo Regional N.º 24/2004/M de 28 de Agosto de 2004, elaborou-se uma síntese sobre os conceitos de “Património Geológico” e “Geoconservação”, reunindo toda a informação possível sobre o seu enquadramento legislativo, a nível nacional e regional. Sendo a ilha da Madeira de origem vulcânica, foi efectuada uma síntese sobre o Vulcanismo de modo a criar uma base sólida de informação didáctica, tendo em vista a elaboração de documentos de apoio (manuais, brochuras ou painéis interpretativos) destinados ao público que possa visitar este ou outros locais de interesse geológico no Arquipélago da Madeira. Neste âmbito, divulga-se um geossítio, designado por “Cone de Piroclastos da Sr.ª da Piedade”, cujo principal tipo de interesse é simultaneamente vulcanológico e geomorfológico: neste local, os processos de erosão costeira associados à evolução e recuo da arriba litoral actual cortaram, aproximadamente pela metade, um cone de piroclastos basálticos, de morfologia de construção ainda bem conservada, revelando de modo excepcional as condutas alimentadoras, bem como, numerosos aspectos da sua estrutura interna, produtos vulcânicos e etapas de edificação. Tendo como objecto de estudo aquele geossítio, elaborou-se uma ficha de inventariação (PROGEO) e efectuou-se um ensaio de quantificação, de modo que este local seja considerado na estratégia de inventariação e classificação do Património Geológico da Região Autónoma da Madeira.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The abandonment of newborn children is a reality nowadays. This reality enables us to discuss this issue in other temporalities, in all kinds of societies. Thus, this work aims to demonstrate how the population that lived at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, a civil parish at a Rio Grande do Norte captaincy, socially placed the abandoned newborn during in the eighteenth century. These newborn were called exposed ones at the time and were inserted in a regional Exposed Circle. The research also discussed how the local Council assembly sheltered these newborn. For research development the following manuscript documents were used: baptism, wedding and demise documents at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação as well as the first Book of Records if the matrix church at this civil parish. The research also considered the terms of the Council assembly. Some printed documents were used such as Philippine Ordainments, the First Constitutions of the Archbishop in 1707 including the Lunario contents as well as texts from André João Antonil and Henry Koster. In the analysis reference work related to Social History was used. Thus, it is possible confirm that there was construction of socially accepted places for these exposed on behalf of the colonist at the region


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The AC electric field and temperature dependences of the dielectric permittivity for strontium barium niobate (Sr(0.75)Ba(0.25)Nb(2)O(6)) relaxor ferroelectric thin films have been investigated. The results indicate the existence of a true mesoscopic structure evidenced by the nonlinear dielectric response of these films, which is similar to those observed for bulk relaxor ferroelectrics. A tendency for a temperature dependent crossover from a linear to a quadratic behaviour of the dielectric nonlinearity was observed, indicating an evolution from paraelectric to glass-like behaviour on cooling the samples towards the freezing temperature transition.


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The area studied forms a thin NNE-directed belt situated south of Recife town (Pernambuco state), northeastern Brazil. Geologically, it comprises the Pernambuco Basin (PB), which is limited by the Pernambuco Lineament to the north, the Maragogi high to the south and the Pernambuco Alagoas massif to the west, all of them with Precambrian age. This thesis reports the results obtained for the Cabo Magmatic Province (CMP), aiming the characterization of the geology, stratigraphy, geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Cretaceous igneous rocks presented in the PB. The PB is composed of the Cabo Formation (rift phase) at the base (polymictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales), an intermediate unit, the Estiva Formation (marbles and argillites), and, at the top, the Algodoais Formation (monomictic conglomerates, sandstones, shales). The CMP is represented by trachytes, rhyolites, pyroclastics (ignimbrites), basalts / trachy-andesites, monzonites and alkali-feldspar granite, which occur as dykes, flows, sills, laccoliths and plugs. Field observations and well descriptions show that the majority of the magmatic rocks have intrusive contacts with the Cabo Formation, although some occurrences are also suggestive of synchronism between volcanism and siliciclastic sedimentation. 40Ar/39Ar and zircon fission tracks for the magmatic rocks indicate an average age of 102 r 1 Ma for the CMP. This age represents an expressive event in the province and is detected in all igneous dated materials. It is considered as a minimum age (Albian) for the magmatic episode and the peak of the rift phase in the PB. The 40Ar/39Ar dates are about 10-14 Ma younger than published palynologic ages for this basin. Geochemically, the CMP may be divided in two major groups; i) a transitional to alkaline suite, constituted by basalts to trachy-andesites (types with fine-grained textures and phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase), trachytes (porphyrytic texture, with phenocrysts of sanidine and plagioclase) and monzonites; ii) a alkaline suite, highly fractionated, acidic volcano-plutonic association, formed by four subtypes (pyroclastic flows ignimbrites, fine-to medium-grained rhyolites, a high level granite, and later rhyolites). These four types are distinguished essentially by field aspects and petrographic and textural features. Compatible versus incompatible trace element concentrations and geochemical modeling based on both major and trace elements suggest the evolution through low pressure fractional crystallization for trachytes and other acidic rocks, whereas basalts / trachy-andesites and monzonites evolved by partial melting from a mantle source. Sr and Nd isotopes reveal two distinct sources for the rocks of the CMP. Concerning the acidic ones, the high initial Sr ratios (ISr = 0.7064-1.2295) and the negative HNd (-0.43 to -3.67) indicate a crustal source with mesoproterozoic model ages (TDM from 0.92 to 1.04 Ga). On the other hand, the basic to intermediate rocks have low ISr (0.7031-0.7042) and positive HNd (+1.28 to +1.98), which requires the depleted mantle as the most probable source; their model ages are in the range 0.61-0.66 Ga. However, the light rare earth enrichment of these rocks and partial melting modeling point to an incompatible-enriched lherzolitic mantle with very low quantity of garnet (1-3%). This apparent difference between geochemical and Nd isotopes may be resolved by assuming that the metasomatizing agent did not obliterate the original isotopic characteristics of the magmas. A 2 to 5% partial melting of this mantle at approximately 14 kbar and 1269oC account very well the basalts and trachy-andesites studied. By using these pressure and temperatures estimates for the generation of the basaltic to trachy-andesitic magma, it is determined a lithospheric stretching (E) of 2.5. This E value is an appropriated estimate for the sub-crustal stretching (astenospheric or the base of the lithosphere?) region under the Pernambuco Basin, the crustal stretching probably being lower. The integration of all data obtained in this thesis permits to interpret the magmatic evolution of the PB as follows; 1st) the partial melting of a garnet-bearing lherzolite generates incompatible-enriched basaltic, trachy-andesitic and monzonitic magmas; 2nd) the underplating of these basaltic magmas at the base of the continental crust triggers the partial melting of this crust, and thus originating the acidic magmas; 3rd) concomitantly with the previous stage, trachytic magmas were produced by fractionation from a monzonitic to trachy-andesitic liquid; 4th) the emplacement of the several magmas in superficial (e.g. flows) or sub-superficial (e.g. dykes, sills, domes, laccoliths) depths was almost synchronically, at about 102 r 1 Ma, and usually crosscutting the sedimentary rocks of the Cabo Formation. The presence of garnet in the lherzolitic mantle does not agree with pressures of about 14 kbar for the generation of the basaltic magma, as calculated based on chemical parameters. This can be resolved by admitting the astenospheric uplifting under the rift, which would place deep and hot material (mantle plume?) at sub-crustal depths. The generation of the magmas and their subsequent emplacement would be coupled with the crustal rifting of the PB, the border (NNE-SSW directed) and transfer (NW-SE directed) faults serving as conduits for the magma emplacement. Based on the E parameter and the integration of 40Ar/39Ar and palynologic data it is interpreted a maximum duration of 10-14 Ma for the rift phase (Cabo Formation clastic sedimentation and basic to acidic magmatism) of the PB


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Ceramic powders based on oxides of perovskite-type structure is of fundamental interest nowadays, since they have important ionic-electronic conductivity in the use of materials with technological applications such as gas sensors, oxygen permeation membranes, catalysts and electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The main objective of the project is to develop nanostructured ceramic compounds quaternary-based oxide Barium (Br), Strontium (Sr), Cobalt (Co) and Iron (Fe). In this project were synthesized compounds BaxSr(1-x)Co0, 8Fe0,2O3- (x = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) through the oxalate co-precipitation method. The synthesized powders were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis (TGADTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) with the Rietveld refinement using the software MAUD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the synthesis technique used was suitable for production of nanostructured ceramic solid solutions. The powders obtained had a crystalline phase with perovskite-type structure. The TGA-DTA results showed that the homogeneous phase of interest was obtained temperature above 1034°C. It was also observed that the heating rate of the calcination process did not affect the elimination of impurities present in the ceramic powder. The variation in the addition of barium dopant promoted changes in the average crystallite size in the nanometer range, the composition being BSCF(5582) obtained the lowest value (179.0nm). The results obtained by oxalate co-precipitation method were compared with those synthesis methods in solid state and EDTA-citrate method


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Great part of the gold mineralizations are associated with shearing zones through which circulate a great volume of fluids, that interact with the host rocks, originating leaching or precipitation of chemical elements, including gold. The studied mineralizations are inserted in the Seridó Belt. The tungsten mineralization in Brejuí Mine is hosted in calcsilicate rocks from Jucurutu Formation. The São Francisco auriferous mineralization has as host rocks mica-schists from Seridó Formation, while the Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations are hosted in orthogneisses of this fold belt basement. The research conducted on these mineralizations had the purpose of integrate the data of chemical elements behavior during the shearing/mineralizing event, and its influence on the isotopic systems Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd. The studies of chemical mobility in the auriferous mineralizations showed that elements that during the shearing displayed in general an immobile behavior were Al, Ti and Zr. Among the elements that were mobilized during the event, K and Rb showed mass gain in ali belts of transformed rocks, while the elements Ca, Na and Sr normally lost mass. Petrographic studies showed that the minerais biotite and plagioclase, in all investigated mineralizations, played an important role in the chemical reactions occurred in the transformed rocks to the generation of muscovite, cordierite and sillimanite, justifying the input of K to the formation of muscovite, and the release of Na and Ca from plagioclase to the fluid phase. In the São Francisco auriferous mineralization, the results of the Rb-Sr isotopic analysis yielded ages of 645 ± 19 Ma and 596 ± 17 Ma, with both samples, from original and transformed rocks. Two ages, 569 ± 20 Ma. and 554 ± 19 Ma., were obtained with samples frem the transformed rocks domain. These ages suggest that there were two metamorphic pulses during the emplacement of the mineralized shearing zone. The Sm-Nd data yielded TDM ages of 1,31 Ga and 1,26 Ga with 3Nd (0,6 Ga) of -0,26 e -0,40 for the original and final transformed rocks, respectively. In case of the orthogneisses of Caicó Complex, e.g. the Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations, the Rb-Sr data did not yield ages with geological significance. In the Ponta da Serra mineralization, the Sm-Nd isotopic data yielded T DM ages of 2,56 Ga and 2,63 Ga to the original rocks and of 2,71 Ga to the mineralized sheared rock, and values of 3Nd (2,0 Ga) between -3,70 e -5,42 to the original and sheared rock, respectively. In the Fazenda Simpático, Sm-Nd data yielded TDM between 2,65 and 2,69 Ga with values of 3Nd (2,0 Ga) between -5,25 e -5,52. Considering the Sm-Nd data, the TDM ages may be admitted as the age of the parental magma extraction, producer of the protoliths of the orthogneisses from Ponta da Serra and Fazenda Simpático mineralizations. The chemical mobility studies showed that in the basement hosted mineralizations, Rb achieved mass while Sr lost mass, as Sm as well as Nd were strongly mobilized. The Sm/Nd ratio remained constant, however, confirming the isochemical character of those elements. In the basement mineralizations, Rb-Sr ages are destituted of geological significance, because of the partial opening of the isotopic system during the tectono-metamorphic transformations. In the tungsten mineralization, the diagram Sm-Nd constructed with the whole-rock data of calcsilicatic and the high-temperature paragenesis (garnet, diopside and iron-pargasitic hornblende) indicated an 631 ± 24 Ma age, while with the whole-rock data and low-temperature paragenesis (vesuvianite, epidote and calcite), a 537 ± 107 Ma age was obtained. These ages, associated with the petrographic observations, suggest that there was a time gap among the hydrothernal events responsible by the formation of the high and low temperature paragenesis in the calcsilicatic rocks mineralized in scheelite


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Nd ISOTOPES IN THE PROVENANCE OF TERRIGENOUS AND CARBONATE ROCKS AND SEDIMENTS OF THE POTIGUAR BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL. Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks from the Potiguar Basin, including terrigenous and carbonate sediments have been investigated to identify their isotopic signature and source areas. Additionally, this study aims to determine the provenance of terrigenous and carbonate sediments on the Brazilian Continental shelf adjacent to Potiguar Basin. The Sm-Nd isotopic signatures of the rocks yielded model ages (TDM) in the range of 2,19- 2,88 Ga, indicating archean to paleoproterozoic sources from the basement. The terrigenous sediments yielded model ages (TDM) in the range of 2,31-2,26 Ga, from 17,5 to 0 cm depth. Despite the small number of samples, limited variations of provenance ages indicates the homogenization of the sediments, probably due to the strong influence of the basement, as the main source of sediments to the shelf. The Sm-Nd isotopic signatures of the carbonate sediments yielded model ages (TDM) in the range of 2,09-2,61 Ga, indicating archean to paleoproterozoic sources from the basement. The results also indicate that the shelf sediments are mainly derived from the Açu River or other small rivers from the Setentrional Sector of Rio Grande do Norte State. The littoral drift doesn´t seem to contribute with sediments from the Oriental Sector since isotopic signatures from this sector were not detected.