1000 resultados para Invasive mole (IM)


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Abstract Protein degradation is an indispensable process for cells which is often deregulated in various diseases, including malignant conditions. Depending on the specific cell type and functions of expressed proteins, this aberration may have different effects on the determination of malignant phenotypes. A discrete, inherent feature of malignant glioma is its profound invasive and migratory potential, regulated by the expression of signaling and effector proteins, many of which are also subjected to post-translational regulation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). Here we provide an overview of this connection, focusing on important pro-invasive protein signals targeted by the UPS.


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This study compares the direct and indirect costs of conservative and minimally invasive treatment for undisplaced scaphoid fractures. Costs data concerning groups of non-operated and operated patients were analysed. Direct costs were higher in operated patients. Although highly variable, indirect costs were significantly smaller in operated patients and the total costs were higher in non-operated patients. In conclusion, operative treatment of scaphoid fractures is initially more expensive than conservative treatment but markedly decreases the work compensation costs.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Präsenz deutscher Dialekte im Internet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dem österreichischen Dialekt Steirisch liegt. Es wird untersucht, in welchem Maße dieser Dialekt im Rahmen der Kommunikation via Internet verwendet wird


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Die Ergebnisse mehrerer, in letzter Zeit publizierter Phase-III-Studien haben die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten in der Behandlung des metastasierten Magenkarzinoms deutlich erweitert. Die Dauerinfusion von 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) kann ohne Verlust an Wirkung durch Capecitabin ersetzt werden, ebenso wie Cisplatin durch Oxaliplatin. Nach den Ergebnissen der REAL-2-Studie zeigt die Kombination aus Epirubicin, Oxaliplatin und Capecitabin (EOX) eine Verbesserung des Gesamtüberlebens (9,9 vs. 11,2 Monate; HR 0,8) im Vergleich zu Epirubicin, Cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF). Die Frage, ob in der First-Line-Therapie eine Dreifachkombination oder eine Zweifachkombination eingesetzt werden sollte, ist allerdings weiterhin umstritten. Die Kombination aus Irinotecan und 5-FU stellt für solche Patienten, bei denen aufgrund von Komorbiditäten eine platinfreie Therapie bevorzugt wird, eine Alternative zur Kombination Cisplatin/5-FU dar. Docetaxel, 5-FU und Cisplatin (DCF) hat sich bezüglich des Überlebens in einer randomisierten Phase-III-Studie als statistisch signifikant überlegen erwiesen, allerdings besteht eine ausgeprägte hämatologische Toxizität, welche die Anwendbarkeit insbesondere bei den häufig älteren Patienten mit einem Magenkarzinom limitiert. Randomisierte Phase-III-Studien zum Vergleich von DCF mit anderen Dreierkombinationen, wie z. B. EOX, stehen aus. Recently published results from several phase III trials have significantly increased the therapeutic options in the treatment of metastatic stomach cancer: The continuous infusion of 5-FU can be replaced by capecitabine, and cisplatin can be replaced by oxaliplatin in both cases without impairing efficacy. According to the results of the REAL-2 trial, the combination of epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine (EOX) achieved superior results for overall survival compared to epirubicin, cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF) (9.9 versus 11.2 months, HR 0.8). However, the question of whether an optimal first line therapy should include a triplet regimen or the sequential use of doublets is a matter of debate. The combination of irinotecan and 5-FU may serve as an alternative to platinum-containing regimens in patients where, due to co-morbidity, a platinum-free regimen is preferred. The 3-drug combination of docetaxel, 5-FU and cisplatin (DCF) demonstrated a statistically significant survival benefit compared to the 2-drug combination of 5-FU and cisplatin in a randomized phase III trial, although results were limited by a particularly significant hematological toxicity, which prevents its application in the large group of elderly patients with gastric cancer. Direct randomized phase III comparisons of DCF with other 3-drug combinations, such as EOX are still missing.


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Summary Background: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is an effective and minimally invasive treatment for angina pectoris, but its impact on patient's quality of life has not been extensively studied with specific questionnaires. Methods: Over a 6 month period, ail patients suffering from angina, planned for elective PTCA, and available for a 6 months follow-up, were included in the study. The specific "Seattle Angina Questionnaire" (SAQ) was administered the day before and 6 months after PTCA. The decision to implant a coronary stent was left to the cardiologist in charge of the procedure. Results: 112 patients were initially included (39 PTCA and 62 PTCA with stent im-plantation). There was no difference in gender, age, angina severity and type of coronary lesion between the two groups. Follow-up at 6 months was available for 101 patients (90%). Quality of life was dramatically improved in 4 of 5 SAQ dimensions (physical limitation, angina stability, angina frequency, disease perception, p <0.001). Only treatment satisfaction was worse at follow-up then before the procedure (p = 0.03), in particular satisfaction with received explanations, belief that everything possible was donc to treat angina, and global satisfaction. A stent implantation had no impact on these results. Conclusions: PTCA for ischaemic cardiac disease improved not only physical abilities, but also quality of life dramatically. Dissatisfaction with treatment could be corrected with better information during follow-up. SAQ is easy to use and could be selected as a monitoring instrument. Résumé Contexte: Le traitement de l'angine de poitrine par angioplastie coronaire transluminale per-cutanée (PTCA) est efficace et peu invasif, mais son impact sur la qualité de vie des patients a été relativement peu étudié avec des questionnaires spécifiques. Méthode: Durant 6 mois, tous les patients souffrant d'une angine de poitrine pour qui une PTCA élective était envisagée, et qui étaient disponibles pour un suivi à 6 mois ont été inclus dans l'étude. Le questionnaire spécifique «Seattle Angina Questionnaire» (SAQ) a été utilisé le jour avant et 6 mois après la procédure. La décision d'implanter un stent était laissée au cardiologue au moment de la procédure. Résultats: 112 patients ont été initialement inclus. Trente-neuf d'entre eux ont été traités avec une PTCA, et 62 avec une PTCA et l'implantation de stent. Il n'y avait pas de différence de sexe, d'âge, de sévérité de l'angine de poitrine, et de type de lésion coronaire entre les deux groupes. Un suivi à 6 mois a été possible pour 101 patients (90% de la cohorte initiale). La qualité de vie a été améliorée de façon spectaculaire dans 4 des 5 dimensions du SAQ (limites physiques, stabilité de l'angor, fréquence de l'angor, perception de l'angor, p <0,001). Seule, la satisfaction avec le traitement était pire lors du suivi qu'avant l'intervention (p = 0,03), en particulier la satisfaction avec les explications reçues, la conviction que tous les moyens avaient été utilisés pour le traitement, et la satisfaction globale. L'implantation d'un stent n'a eu aucun impact sur ces résultats.


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Collection : Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie ; 34


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Risk maps summarizing landscape suitability of novel areas for invading species can be valuable tools for preventing species' invasions or controlling their spread, but methods employed for development of such maps remain variable and unstandardized. We discuss several considerations in development of such models, including types of distributional information that should be used, the nature of explanatory variables that should be incorporated, and caveats regarding model testing and evaluation. We highlight that, in the case of invasive species, such distributional predictions should aim to derive the best hypothesis of the potential distribution of the species by using (1) all distributional information available, including information from both the native range and other invaded regions; (2) predictors linked as directly as is feasible to the physiological requirements of the species; and (3) modelling procedures that carefully avoid overfitting to the training data. Finally, model testing and evaluation should focus on well-predicted presences, and less on efficient prediction of absences; a k-fold regional cross-validation test is discussed.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar procariotas quanto ao potencial de antagonismo direto para o biocontrole da podridão-mole-do-tomateiro (Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum). Avaliaram-se 45 isolados bacterianos pelo teste de antibiose contra o patógeno. Foram feitos dois ensaios em que sementes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. Santa Clara foram infectadas com isolados antagônicos. As mudas foram transplantadas para solos infestados com suspensões de propágulos P. carotovorum com OD540 de 0,45 e 0,65. Os antagonistas UFV-0005, UFV-043, UFV-BF112 e UFV-0006 foram eficientes em proteger plantas de tomateiro contra a podridão-mole.


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Abstract The giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) has successfully invaded 19 European countries as well as parts of North America. It has become a problematic species due to its ability to displace native flora and to cause public health hazards. Applying population genetics to species invasion can help reconstruct invasion history and may promote more efficient management practice. We thus analysed levels of genetic variation and population genetic structure of H. mantegazzianum in an invaded area of the western Swiss Alps as well as in its native range (the Caucasus), using eight nuclear microsatellite loci together with plastid DNA markers and sequences. On both nuclear and plastid genomes, native populations exhibited significantly higher levels of genetic diversity compared to invasive populations, confirming an important founder event during the invasion process. Invasive populations were also significantly more differentiated than native populations. Bayesian clustering analysis identified five clusters in the native range that corresponded to geographically and ecologically separated groups. In the invaded range, 10 clusters occurred. Unlike native populations, invasive clusters were characterized by a mosaic pattern in the landscape, possibly caused by anthropogenic dispersal of the species via roads and direct collection for ornamental purposes. Lastly, our analyses revealed four main divergent groups in the western Swiss Alps, likely as a consequence of multiple independent establishments of H. mantegazzianum.


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From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."