874 resultados para Indigenous creative writing
Le roman, Les Violettes rouges, met en scène une jeune femme cherchant vengeance à l'époque de la conquête de l'Ouest américain. Il joue sur les codes du western, tout en les transgressant, puisque le héros cow-boy et vengeur est une femme, Lou. Plus libre encore que les héros du western traditionnel, Lou s'approprie des éléments du « masculin » et du « féminin » pour incarner un corps puissant et sensuel qui sera vecteur de violence. Les systèmes hiérarchiques et injustes érigés par l'homme blanc se voient ébranlés par les actes de révolte de Lou. L'essai L'échec du système des genres dans La Maladie de la mort de Marguerite Duras explore, par le biais de la pensée de certains théoriciens féministes et par l'entremise de certaines questions sur les identités sexuées selon la catégorie d'analyse du gender, l'impossible rencontre entre l'homme et la femme du récit de Duras. L'échec du système double et duel entre le masculin et le féminin est exprimé, entre autres, par un système de voiles et de voilements, de regards aveugles, par un féminin fuyant et, ultimement, par un renversement des pouvoirs. Ici, la conception double des genres se voit remise en cause puisqu'elle rend stérile toute rencontre entre l'homme et la femme du récit et ultimement, entre le masculin et le féminin.
Poetry Short Stories
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. UNDER THE CARPET Running Away Call Me Sinner Behind the Wheel How It Is Graffiti The Father On My Street II. WINDSTORM The Match The Thunderstorm Cedaredge Locker Plant It's All Life Something In Beige A Wish Peeling Praying
Reading may be in jeopardy as we advance along the information superhighway. Is literacy to be technology's first roadkill?
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
There is an area in the Brazilian Contemporary Literature which is articulated according to the first person narrator who presents the problematic of the own creational action, the expression of a conflictual subjectivity divided between the vertiginous dive into itself – what would imply in a renounce of the world and the reality, where the authors’ work are their only matter – and the social participation - not as an awareness, but as the recognition of the limits and impasses which the real representation imposes on the creative writing. Therefore, this article proposes a reading on the novel O Azul do Filho Morto (2002) by Marcelo Mirisola, to try to situate him into the recent Brazilian literary production, as well as to reflect on his narrative the complex notion of authorship which is called into question on his novels, since they produce an intrincate imbrication between the fictional subject and the empirical image of the writer himself, breaking and confusing the limits between the fictional discourse and the extralinguistic reality which is evoked, manipulated, distorted and made unstable on his representational process.
What is the most mysterious feelings in mankind? What is the most general way by which every mankind is subject to change. Well monotonous, and steady life where someone does the same kind of work at same pace in same time, without any change of events, creates the burdensome feeling in a person. Yet people are unaware of it. We don't know where are we going, yet we go at the same pace, since in practical sense we are getting some credit for something. But the thing how much do we keep up, and maintain the balance in nature, so that we can really feel the value and the quality of life, and know the exact happiness of fulfilling the work. But if its totally becomes materialistic, and emotional aspect goes away from human beings, where social talking never goes away from your duties. Then!!!! ... I mean there is no need of human beings. If we are so developed, right from past few centuries and our domination, had created a modern social world, then we can create all kinds of devices and software which can handle all the works for which the people don't have to stay overtime just to finish that. I mean in that way human life will move through some progress, and will have some development. But the environment where we are living nothing new or development is taking place as the work becomes a duty for human being but not to machine which should be given some task to be completed.So all those devices are not in the society, since human being is already taking charge if it.
Zehar, an extremely popular and dignified man, is a renowned scientist. He has worked extremely hard, and spend two years, on a research to make human cloning.His idea was to produce the creature, simply of its own looking and exactly identical as him. To his satisfaction he had accomplished to make the physical characteristic, simply like his own. Even his experiment on a mentality and emotional aspect of a clone was also a success. But his last and the most vital wish, remained a complete failure. He wanted that the soul of the cloning should also be identical like his own soul, as the physical characteristics. But it was a complete different. The character of the cloning was getting too dangerous and later part he found he has to lose all his sympathy of his own clone, as his clone had became the most dangerous enemy in his life. All his fame and his moral character is being uprooted to the public by his clone. Ultimately he decides to kill it, and clone even takes a motto to kill Zehar, if Zehar decides to kill it, simply because, the clone wants to create his own fame to rule the world. Thus the story, gives an advice, to the world of science, that not to try human clones, in particular.
La migrazione genera spesso nei soggetti migranti forme di spaesamento, poiché lo spostamento fisico condiziona la sfera emotiva: in loro può emergere il senso di nostalgia verso la patria e il desiderio del ritorno, oppure la volontà di annullare le proprie radici e di conformarsi ai modelli della società ricevente. Spesso tali sensazioni di spaesamento possono essere superate grazie alla pratica creativa della scrittura; è per questo che nelle varie realtà di immigrazione ha preso campo la pratica della scrittura migrante, dove si dà spazio all’altro che cerca di far sentire la propria voce, ricorrendo alla lingua del Paese d’arrivo, senza rinunciare ai tratti distintivi della sfera culturale d’origine, creando testi ibridi, che disegnano un ponte tra le culture. Focus della ricerca è la scrittura della migrazione africana in Spagna, studiata sia in prospettiva generale che specifica, mediante quattro autori e le relative opere selezionate: Laila (2010) della marocchina Laila Karrouch, Las tres vírgenes de Santo Tomás (2008) dell’equatoguineana Guillermina Mekuy, Una vida de cuento (2006) del camerunese Boniface Ofogo, Amina (2006) del senegalese Sidi Seck. L’analisi dei testi è effettuata sulla base di due filoni tematici, la famiglia e il rapporto con la società d’arrivo, ed è corredata dallo studio del lessico relativo ai due temi di riferimento. Leggere fra le righe il microcosmo della famiglia significa porre l’attenzione sulle diverse dinamiche affettive che stanno dietro alla parola “migrazione” e sulle particolari dimensioni familiari che caratterizzano la vita odierna, dove spesso avviene il contatto fra più culture. Un contatto che si riflette nel macrocontesto della realtà ospite dove si ha modo di avviare un dialogo fra nativi e stranieri, poiché spesso le iniziali forme di contrasto si tramutano in sete di conoscenza e volontà di avvicinarsi, facendo emergere l’idea che la diversità non separa ma arricchisce.
When I first started my thesis, I intended for my finished project to be a compilation of poems that aims to reflect and reveal several repeating themes of our society's collective unconscious, such as the relationship between the physical and spiritual aspects of being and the representation of women's lives, organized religion,adolescence, and mental illness. I proposed writing a chapbook of poetry that reflects an exploration of, and sensitivity to, the human unconscious mind, fears, and desires. Consulting other works of surreal, lyric, and confessional poetry, I sought to personallydevelop as both a poet and a psychology student. I made a conscious effort to avoid trying to attach a specific 'meaning' to each poem. I understand that, in poetry, the reader is never entirely aware of exactly what the poet is trying to convey. All the reader knows is what he or she sees in a given poem and how he or she responds to that poem. However, through working on my thesis I discovered that, while meaning may not be intentional in the drafting process, developing what the poem meant to me was central to the process of revision. Furthermore, I realized that I unconsciously returned to specific themes across various poems, something that was not apparent to me until I re-read my entire collection ...