951 resultados para Including therapeutic trials
RESUMO: O envelhecimento populacional está associado a necessidades de saúde, incluindo aspectos ligados à realização das actividades quotidianas e à vertente ocupacional em geral.O presente estudo procurou identificar as necessidades ocupacionais de uma amostra de idosos institucionalizados e avaliar alterações no desempenho ocupacional e na satisfação após participação num programa de actividades terapêuticas. A amostra foi constituída por 20 indivíduos, com uma média de idades de 86,2 anos (DP=6,0), maioritariamente do sexo feminino e viúvos, com níveis de escolaridade diversos, sem défice cognitivo grave, provenientes de duas instituições para idosos em Lisboa. Os instrumentos utilizados foram entrevista de caracterização sócio-demográfica. Mini- Mental State Examination. Índice de Katz e Medida Canadiana de Desempenho Ocupacional. Após a participação no programa de actividades, oito indivíduos mantiveram as notas de desempenho e de satisfação na Medida Canadiana; cinco apresentaram aumento em ambas as notas; para dois, o desempenho permaneceu inalterado e o grau de satisfação diminuiu; finalmente, três deixaram de ter pelo menos um problema no desempenho, destacando-se um indivíduo que deixou de ter problemas para se alimentar, tornando-se independente nesta área. Comparando as avaliações iniciais e as reavaliações pósintervenção, não se registaram diferenças significativas nas pontuações de desempenho nem de satisfação da Medida Canadiana. Em conclusão, muitos dos participantes do estudo referiram um desempenho deficiente em muitas actividades ocupacionais que valorizavam, assim como um grau elevado de insatisfação em relação a esse desempenho. Apesar de ter tido algum impacto nas necessidades ocupacionais dos participantes, o programa de actividades não pareceu trazer benefícios generalizados nesta pequena amostra.------------ABSTRACT:The aging process in institutionalized populations has implications that encompass various issues related to health, including occupational development and the performance of daily activities. It was this study’s objective to identify the occupational needs of a sample of institutionalized elderly and to identify the existence of changes in occupational performance and satisfaction after participation in a program of therapeutic activities. The sample consisted of 20 individuals (mostly female and widowed) from two nursing homes in Lisbon, having various levels of education and an average age of 86,2 years (SD=6,0) as well as the ability of verbal expression without severe cognitive deficit. The instruments used were a structured interview for socio-demographic characterization, the Mini Mental State Examination, the Katz Index and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. We found that older respondents claimed that the performance of daily activities constituted a problem. They stated that the activities of self-care and leisure were the most problematic, that they had negative self-perceptions regarding their own performance, and that they were dissatisfied with this performance of their daily activities. After participating in program activities, eight respondents experienced no change in their respective grades of performance and satisfaction, five showed increases in both grades and, for two respondents, the performance remained unchanged while the satisfaction level showed a decline. Three stopped having at least one problem in performance, and one participant even stopped referring feeding problems, having become independent in this area. Regarding the evolution of the Canadian Measure performance and satisfaction scores (before versus after the intervention), we found no significant differences. In conclusion, most participants stated that they were performing badly in what concerned the occupational activities they valued the most. The same applies to low levels of satisfaction regarding that performance. In this small sample, and despite some benefits, the program of therapeutic activities did not prove to be significantly effective.
Anthrax is a zoonosis produced by Bacillus anthracis, and as an human infection is endemic in several areas in the world, including Peru. More than 95% of the reported naturally acquired infections are cutaneous, and approximately 5% of them can progress to meningoencephalitis. In this study we review the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the patients with diagnosis of cutaneous anthrax evaluated between 1969 and 2002 at the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH) and the Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt in Lima, Peru. Seventy one patients were included [49/71 (69%) of them men], with a mean age of 37 years. The diagnoses were classified as definitive (44%) or probable (56%). The most common occupation of the patients was agriculture (39%). The source of infection was found in 63 (88.7%) patients. All the patients had ulcerative lesions, with a central necrosis. Most of the patients (65%) had several lesions, mainly located in the upper limbs (80%). Four patients (5.6%) developed meningoencephalitis, and three of them eventually died. In conclusion, considering its clinical and epidemiological characteristics, cutaneous anthrax must be included in the differential diagnosis of skin ulcers. A patient with clinical suspicion of the disease should receive effective treatment soon, in order to avoid neurological complications which carry a high fatality rate.
INTRODUCTION: Conventional risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction is usually based on the extent of myocardial damage and its clinical consequences. However, nowadays, more aggressive therapeutic strategies are used, both pharmacological and invasive, with the aim of changing the course of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the number of drugs administered can influence survival of these patients, based on recent clinical trials that demonstrated the benefit of each drug for survival after acute coronary events. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 368 consecutive patients admitted to our ICU during 2002 for acute coronary syndrome. A score from 1 to 4 was attributed to each patient according to the number of secondary prevention drugs administered--antiplatelets, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and statins--independently of the type of association. We evaluated mortality at 30-day follow-up. RESULTS: Mean age was 65 +/- 13 years, 68% were male, and 43% had ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Thirty-day mortality for score 1 to 4 was 36.8%, 15.6%, 7.8% and 2.5% respectively (p < 0.001). The use of only one or two drugs resulted in a significant increase in the risk of death at 30 days (OR 4.10, 95% CI 1.69-9.93, p = 0.002), when corrected for other variables. There was a 77% risk reduction associated with the use of three or four vs. one or two drugs. The other independent predictors of death were diabetes, Killip class on admission and renal insufficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a greater number of secondary prevention drugs in patients with acute coronary syndromes was associated with improved survival. A score of 4 was a powerful predictor of mortality at 30-day follow-up
With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD).
Venous ulcers in patients with post thrombotic syndromes are complex situations with multiple therapeutic options. They are responsible for high morbidity rates, conservative treatment is very slow and recurrences are very common. Deep venous reconstructive surgery is an alternative, but it should be based on the morphologic and functional aspects of the venous system and only adopted after a very careful study, including venography. The authors describe a morphological "pattern", found in some of these patients and related to the competence of the saphenous femoral junction, rendering possible to perform a valvular transposition. Seven patients with post thrombotic ulcers who have been treated during the last 6 years in which the pattern already described was detect, underwent a transposition of the superficial femoral vein, to the great saphenous vein and when necessary complemented with skyn grafts. Before the operation all patients had ulcers with more than 3 cm in size (3.2-5.4 cm) and with more than 4 months duration (4-16 months). All ulcers healed in the postoperative period (mean time 28 days). All patients have been reevaluated in 2003 and it was diagnosed the thrombosis of two procedures, one of them with the recurrence of the ulcer who healed with conservative treatment. The authors consider this method as a very easy technique to perform, although rarely used, and a valid alternative in a highly selected group of patients.
Leg ulcers constitute a highly prevalent pathology in society, and are particularly common in the Angiology and Vascular Surgery outpatient clinic. The prevalence of these patients in this Department result from the fact that 70% of them display superficial and/or deep venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. To address this problem and optimize the therapeutic approaches available to the Chronic Leg Ulcer (CLU) patients, the Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery has created, in March 2005, an appointment specific to CLU patients. An evaluation protocol was developed, including ulcer characterization, standardization of the conservative treatment, followed by surgical intervention, whenever required. The results obtained were evaluated 18 months after the onset of this protocol. Analysis of the results revealed that the majority of the patients responded positively to the new therapeutic approach, with closure of the ulcer in 43% of the patients and a significant improvement detected for an additional 30%. Furthermore, it was observed that a detailed evaluation of these patients should be regarded as a whole, followed by a standardized and targeted approach, resulting in a particularly successful approach on the treatment of this pathology.
The therapeutic approach to severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), whether primary or secondary to connective tissue disorders, thromboembolic phenomena or congenital heart disease with Eisenmenger syndrome, has evolved in recent years following the introduction of selective pulmonary vasodilators, including prostacyclin analogs and endothelin receptor antagonists. AIM: To correlate three different endpoints (6-minute walk test, Tei index and peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity by Doppler echocardiographic study) during follow-up of PAH patients under selective vasodilator therapy. METHODS: Eleven patients (9 female, age 42 +/- 18 years) with severe PAH (> or = 65 mmHg), 64% with Eisenmenger syndrome, in NYHA class > or = II, were assessed during a follow-up of 11 +/- 8 months. Eight patients were already under therapy with iloprost or bosentan. RESULTS: There was no correlation between the three endpoints before and after therapy as assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. There was, however, an improvement in all of them after selective vasodilatory therapy. CONCLUSION: Therapeutic response can be accurately measured by the traditional endpoint (6-minute walk test) or by echocardiographic endpoints. However, the lack of correlation between them excludes their use as alternatives in patient follow-up.
INTRODUCTION: The elderly population admitted for acute myocardial infarction is increasing. This group is not well studied in international trials and is probably treated with a more conservative approach. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presentation and treatment of myocardial infarction according to age, particularly in very elderly patients. METHODS: We studied 1242 consecutive patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction, assessing in-hospital, 30-day and one-year mortality during follow-up for each age-group. Patients were divided into four groups according to age: <45 years (7.6%); 45-64 years (43.3%); 65-74 years (23.4%); and ≥75 years (25.7%). RESULTS: Elderly patients had a worse risk profile (except for smoking), more previous history of coronary disease and a worse profile on admission, with the exception of lipid profile, which was more favorable. With regard to treatment of the elderly, although less optimized than in other age-groups, it was significantly better compared to other registries, including for percutaneous coronary angioplasty. Both complications and mortality were worse in the older groups. In elderly patients (≥75 years), adjusted risk of mortality was 4.9-6.3 times higher (p<0.001) than patients in the reference age-group (45-64 years). In these patients, the independent predictors of death were left ventricular function and renal function, use of beta-blockers being a predictor of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients represent a substantial proportion of the population admitted with myocardial infarction, and receive less evidenced-based therapy. Age is an independent predictor of short- and medium-term mortality.
Stroke is one of the most common conditions requiring rehabilitation, and its motor impairments are a major cause of permanent disability. Hemiparesis is observed by 80% of the patients after acute stroke. Neuroimaging studies showed that real and imagined movements have similarities regarding brain activation, supplying evidence that those similarities are based on the same process. Within this context, the combination of mental practice (MP) with physical and occupational therapy appears to be a natural complement based on neurorehabilitation concepts. Our study seeks to investigate if MP for stroke rehabilitation of upper limbs is an effective adjunct therapy. PubMed (Medline), ISI knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library) were terminated on 20 February 2015. Data were collected on variables as follows: sample size, type of supervision, configuration of mental practice, setting the physical practice (intensity, number of sets and repetitions, duration of contractions, rest interval between sets, weekly and total duration), measures of sensorimotor deficits used in the main studies and significant results. Random effects models were used that take into account the variance within and between studies. Seven articles were selected. As there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (MP vs control), showed a - 0.6 (95% CI: -1.27 to 0.04), for upper limb motor restoration after stroke. The present meta-analysis concluded that MP is not effective as adjunct therapeutic strategy for upper limb motor restoration after stroke.
Cognitive deficits are observed in a variety of domains in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). These deficits are attributed to neurobiological, functional and structural brain factors, particularly in prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, cortical alterations in each phase (mania/hypomania, euthymia and depression) are also present. A growing basis of evidence supports aerobic exercise as an alternative treatment method for BD symptoms. Its benefits for physical health in healthy subjects and some psychiatric disorders are fairly established; however evidence directly addressed to BD is scant. Lack of methodological consistency, mainly related to exercise, makes it difficult accuracy and extrapolation of the results. Nevertheless, mechanisms related to BD physiopathology, such as hormonal and neurotransmitters alterations and mainly related to brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) can be explored. BDNF, specially, have a large influence on brain ability and its gene expression is highly responsive to aerobic exercise. Moreover, aerobic exercise trough BDNF may induce chronic stress suppression, commonly observed in patients with BD, and reduce deleterious effects caused by allostatic loads. Therefore, it is prudent to propose that aerobic exercise plays an important role in BD physiopathological mechanisms and it is a new way for the treatment for this and others psychiatric disorders.
Depression is a common and disabling disease that affects over 100 million people worldwide and can have a significant impact on physical and mental health, reducing their quality of life. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide information on research results and key chains related to the therapeutic effects of chronic aerobic exercise compared with other types of interventions to treat depression, which may become a useful clinical application in a near future. Researches have shown the effectiveness of alternative treatments, such as physical exercise, minimizing high financial costs and minimizing side effects. In this review, the data analyzed allows us to claim that alternative therapies, such as exercise, are effective on controlling and reducing symptoms. 69.3% of the studies that investigated the antidepressant effects of exercise on depressive were significant, and the other 30.7% of the studies improved only in general physiological aspects, such as increased oxygen uptake, increased use of blood glucose and decreased body fat percentage, with no improvement on symptoms of depression. From the sample analyzed, 71.4% was composed of women, and regarding the severity of symptoms, 85% had mild to moderate depression and only 15% had moderate to severe depression. However, there is still disagreement regarding the effect of exercise compared to the use of antidepressants in symptomatology and cognitive function in depression, this suggests that there is no consensus on the correct intensity of aerobic exercise as to achieve the best dose-response, with intensities high to moderate or moderate to mild.
Cardiovascular disease is among the main causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite significant advances in medical and interventional therapy, the prognosis of conditions such as ischemic heart disease is still dismal. There is thus a need to investigate new therapeutic tools, one of which is stem cell therapy. Hematopoietic stem cells are the most studied type, and the fact that their biology is relatively well understood has led to their being used in preclinical research and clinical trials. However, the results of some of these studies have been controversial, which has opened the way for studies on other cell types, such as mesenchymal stem cells. These cells have immunomodulatory properties which suggest that they have therapeutic potential in cardiology. In the present article, the authors review the state of the art regarding mesenchymal stem cells, from basic and translational research to their use in clinical trials on ischemic heart disease, heart failure and arrhythmias, and discuss possible future uses.