972 resultados para Implantes Dentales


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A articulação coxofemoral em cães tem sido, ao longo dos anos, a mais frequentemente lesionada, principalmente de forma traumática, por acidentes automobilísticos ou atropelamentos. O tratamento de escolha para resolver a luxação coxofemoral é o método por redução fechada. Entretanto, na generalidade dos casos, esta técnica não se mostra suficiente para correta estabilização articular, pois há outras afecções envolvidas ou a cronicidade da lesão impede uma manobra efetiva. Sendo assim, recorre-se à cirurgia para correção da luxação. Diversas são as técnicas cirúrgicas praticadas para tal enfermidade. O pino transarticular é um procedimento usado há muito tempo. Essa técnica requer aceitável coaptação articular e é recomendada em casos de grave lesão capsular. Porém, seu uso é discutível por causar lesões degenerativas na articulação ou migração do implante. Dessa forma, a sutura extra-articular vem sendo estudada por apresentar uma estratégia alternativa que não prejudica as estruturas da região operada e por vir demonstrando resultados satisfatórios. Nas situações de luxação recorrente, necrose asséptica da cabeça do fêmur e fraturas de cabeça e colo femoral ou acetabular, a colocefalectomia deve ser empregada. Considerada como técnica de salvamento, esta pode ser utilizada após insucesso dos outros métodos para correção da articulação coxofemoral. Vários estudos foram selecionados para que seus resultados fossem analisados. Assim conclui-se que não existe uma técnica ideal. Todas apresentam adequada congruência articular, porém os implantes metálicos exibem grandes possibilidades de complicação pós-operatória, a sutura extra articular fornece boa estabilidade e poucas lesões locais e a colocefalectomia fica sendo como o último recurso, caso ocorra falha...


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This work had aim to present two clinical cases with open bite Class II malocclusion that treated in the phase of the mixed dentition with the modified Thurow appliance and in the permanent dentition with fixed appliance. The dentoskeletal effects of these appliances were carefully analyzed with the aid of metallic implants inserted in both maxilla and mandible. The correction of the malocclusion and the improvement of the skeletal, dental and facial relationship were observed in both cases. The modified Thurow appliance followed by fixed-appliance as a two-phase treatment protocol revealed to be an effective treatment approach for the two young people that initially presented a Class II division 1 malocclusion associated to anterior open bite presented.


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To evaluate changes in microhardness, roughness and surface morphology of dental enamel and composite resin after different tooth bleaching techniques. Material and Methods: Dental fragments from bovine incisors with composite resin restorations were submitted to different bleaching protocols: G1 – daily 8 hours application of a 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) gel during 21 days; G2: 3 applications of 15 minutes of a 38% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) gel; G3: 38% H2O2 gel associated to irradiation with LED (470nm) during 6 minutes. The Knoop micro hardness of enamel and composite resin were evaluated at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days for G1, and after 1, 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. The roughness and superficial morphology (atomic force microscopy) were evaluated before and at the end of the bleaching treatment. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests (=5%). Results: Significant reduction on enamel hardness was observed after 2 and 3 sessions for G2 and G3. For composite, the reduction occurred after 21 days for G1, and after 3 sessions for G2 and G3 (p<0.05). Significant reduction on roughness and superficial morphology were observed only for enamel of G1 group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The 10% CP gel promoted only superficial alterations on dental enamel, while the 38% H2O2 gel promoted mineral reduction of this dental tissue. All the bleaching protocols promoted reduction on hardness of composite resin.


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The purpose of this literature review is to present the state-of-the-art on the application of tissue engineering techniques in sinus lifts procedures, reporting the influence of these techniques in increasing bone height and volume in the maxillary sinus, and the osseointegration of the implants installed in the grafted areas. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched using the keywords “scaffold” OR “engineered tissue” AND “sinus augmention” OR “sinus floor elevation”. In the initial search 463 articles were selected, of which 19 were selected abstracts reading, with nine papers selected by the end, for evaluation of the application of tissue engineering techniques in sinus lift procedures. Despite the positive results of tissue engineering procedures in sinus floor elevation reported in the selected articles, further studies are still needed, for a better standardization of experimental models and materials used, leading to definitive conclusions about the effects of the application of tissue engineering procedures on bone formation in maxillary sinus lifting procedures.


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The early tooth loss and periodontal disease often leave inadequate bone volume for installation of osseointegrated implants. The autogenous bone graft is considered the gold standard for reconstruction of residual bone defects. Some surgical techniques can be performed, including extra or intraoral donor sites depending on the degree of bone loss, depending on surgical-prosthetic planning and general condition of the patient. The intraoral bone grafts offer a safe option to rebuilt bone volume in smaller rehabilitations, with low morbidity and minimal postoperative discomfort. Among the possible donor sites, the mandibular ramus and body, which offer predominantly cortical bone, and the chin area, which offers corticomedullary bone tissue, can be harvested. The graft will be suitable both in quantity and quality, preserving the capacity of osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction, which differentiate autogenous grafts from other biomaterials. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case in which the mandibular ramus graft was used for total reconstruction of an edentulous maxilla, showing that even large areas can be reconstructed with grafts from intraoral origin. All the steps that allowed the complete reconstruction of the maxilla done by an intraoral donor area are listed in the text, culminating in an extremely satisfactory clinical result.


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The bone resorption in the anterior maxilla, due to its aesthetic importance, can be considered one of the challenges in implant dentistry. Autogenous bone graft is the most indicated bone augmentation procedure, aiming an implant supported rehabilitation.. Alternatively, some other graft procedures can be done with homogenous and xenogenous bone graft, biomaterials and different associations. Additionally to the mentioned biomaterials, the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), specially the rhBMP-2, which was characterized as a bone osteoinductor, and consecutively, a potential autogenous graft substitute, with previsibility and no necessity of association to other biomaterial. The objective of this study is to present a single case using the rhBMP-2 for bone augmentation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the remodeling of autologous and homologous bone grafts in humans, using tomographic images. For this, CT images from 10 patients (5 treated with autologous bone grafts and 5 treated with homologous bone grafts), made previously to the grafting procedures, and 14 and 180 days post operatory were evaluated regarding to bone height, width, and density, in a total of 19 bone blocks, 10 homologous and 9 autologous. Results showed similarities between the two tested materials regarding bone width and density. It can be concluded that the homologous bone presented, in a tomographic approach, after 180 days of follow-up, characteristics which can corroborate its use as a bone graft material, providing and sustaining a good bone volume for oral rehabilitation with dental implants.


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The correction of bone defects is the restoration of lost structures which can be replaced by alloplastic implants or bone grafts. Due to the known disadvantages of removal of autogenous grafts, most researches in dentistry aim to develop alloplastic or non-alloplastic materials able to replace bone without these limitations. Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP) is a synthetic granular bone substitute, biocompatible, osteoconductive, which can be used in the alveolar reconstruction. In this work, we perform a literature review on the β-TCP characteristics and discuss its application in dentistry.


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Immediate functioning of osseointegrated implants has been widely employed in edentulous patients due to its safety and high predictability. However, viability and success of immediate-loaded implants is defined by factors such as number of implants, distribution and splinting, as well as reduction of oblique loads and excessive occlusal contacts. The indirect composite resin-modified glass enable building of a highly aesthetic prosthesis, combining satisfactory resistance and better force dissipation on occlusal loading. This article describes a resin composite, mandibular fixed prosthesis on osseointegrated implants in immediate function.


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Osteodistraction is a clinical reality, available in the last decades for the resolution of large bone deficiencies, in cases that there are pre-existing, but misplaced implants and teeth. The aims of thearticle is to present a case report in which a new possibility for bone distraction, based on tooth-implant bone distractors, made from standard orthodontic expansion-screws, was used in an area where there was an extensive need of alveolar bone and aesthetical recovery, allied to teeth and dental implant misplacement. This technique presented good clinical results, associated to effective simplicity and low cost, becoming viable clinical solution for bone tissue augmentation and aesthetical optimization. In resume, it is possible to say that the suggested technique achieved its objectives, improving the hard and soft tissue profile, whilst allowing completion of oral rehabilitation.


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Introduction: The study of graft donor sites, whether from the anatomical, physiological or morphological point of view, has become a topic of current interest, due to the increasing number of patients needing facial bone reconstruction for various reasons. Purpose: In view of the need to constantly improve surgical techniques for autogenous bone graft harvesting, still considered the best choice for facial bone reconstruction, this paper describes an anatomical study on dry skulls in order to evaluate the average thickness of the parietal bone. Material and Methods: Measurements of this bone were taken with a goniometer, at four previously defined points, in the region that is often used as a donor site, in 49 dry skulls (98 parietal bones). The results were evaluated using the T test. Results: Thickness was measured at four predetermined points. The mean values (Point A = 4898mm, B = 4517mm, C = 6185mm, D = 4280mm) show that the bone can be even thinner than previously reported in the literature in other studies of the same nature. The largest bone thickness is in the medial and posterior region. Conclusion: A knowledge of these anatomical characteristics is helpful in preventing possible surgical complications, as well as making it safer for the surgeon to remove this graft and providing more information on whether or not to indicate this region as a bone graft donor site.


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Introdution: Tooth extraction results in alveolar ridge resorption due to the progressive reabsorption, which frequently is a limitating factor of dental implants treatment, in function of the insufficient bone height for execution, could be indicated the use of grafts for increase of the alveolar edge. However, the success of the bone graft requests the meticulous attendance of the clinical stages. Proposition: The objective of this research was to evaluate the postoperative complications associated to the autogenous bone grafts. Materials and Methods: Through a random retrospective analysis, 90 file records of patients submitted to the surgical procedure of autogenous bone graft in the period of January from 2000 to the March of 2008. A clinical record was elaborated with base in the necessary data for this evaluation. Results: About the file data analysis, 59 female with average of 49,42 years and 31 male with average of 47,90 years. The previous diseases most related were arterial hypertension, stomachache and diabetis. The smokers was noticed in 13,3% of patients. The donor site most used was a mandibular ramus. The postoperative complications in receiving area represented 17,8% of file datas analysed and in the donor site only one patient showed parestesis. Conclusion: Among the total analyzed files it was observed that the postoperative complications associated with the autogenous bone grafts represented 18,9% of the patients submitted to the procedure, more frequently affecting the receiving area, obtaining partial exposure of the bone graft and absence of inserted gingiva on vestibular cortical bone.


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Introduction: In clinical situations where severe bone resorption has occurred following tooth loss, implant treatment options may comprise either a previous bone reconstruction or only the use of short implants. Objective: This non-systematic review summarizes and discusses some aspects of the use of short implants, such as: biomechanical aspects, success rate, longevity and surgical-prosthetic planning. Literature review: Current and relevant references were selected in order to compare short dental implants to conventional ones. Several studies have highlighted the great importance of wide-diameter implants. Dental short implants have shown high predictability and success rates when some biomechanical aspects are taken into consideration. Conclusion: Placement of short dental implants is a viable treatment method for patients with decreased bone height.


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Nowadays, the fixed partial dentures and/or dental implants is the most requested treatmentby the majority of partially edentulous patients. However, depending on the periodontal condition of the remaining teeth, as well as the bone condition of the prosthetic space, the oral rehabilitation with these treatments may be limited or even contraindicated. In such cases, the use of removable partial dentures associated to attachments becomes an important alternative for aesthetic and functional rehabilitation. Attachments are mechanical devices consisted of two parts (patrix-matrix), one placed inside another, which act as direct retainer, providing retention, support and stability to the dentures. These devices can be classified as intra or extracoronal attachments, considering their position in relation to the abutment tooth. However, regardless the type of attachment, the association between fixed and removable partial dentures should be performed respecting the biomechanical principles of both. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review and discuss the literature about the clinical and laboratory implications of the association between fixed and removable partial dentures by means of attachments.