923 resultados para Illinois Prostate and Testicular Cancer Program.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate by immunohistochemistry the prognostic meaning of the tumor marker MET (hepatocyte growth factor) in patients submitted to surgical resection due to primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out that included 286 consecutive patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma, submitted to surgical resection at Barretos Cancer Hospital, from 1993 to 2002. The histopathological expression of the MET tumor marker was evaluated using an anti-protein monoclonal antibody against MET by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. The expression of the tumor marker was semi-quantitative, and the slide samples were independently analyzed by three pathologists unaware of patient clinical and histopathological data. Results: The tumor marker expression was positive in 236 (79%) out of a total of 286 patients. This expression was statistically significantly different between stages I and IV (p=0.004), for overall survival (p=0.009), and for cancer-related mortality rates (p=0.022). However, no association between the tumor marker and recurrence (p=0.89) or disease-free interval (p=0.91) was observed. Conclusion: MET has shown significant expression at advanced stages of the disease, as well as for overall survival and cancer-related mortality rates demonstrating to be a valuable marker for poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.
Objective: To describe a subinguinal technique of microsurgical testicular biopsy performed during subinguinal varicocelectomy in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. Design: Prospective clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory at tertiary care hospital. Male infertility section, department of urology, at tertiary care hospital. Patient(s): Ten azoospermic men with clinical varicocele. Intervention(s): Subinguinal microsurgical testicular biopsy and microsurgical varicocele repair. Main Outcome Measure(s): Safety, feasibility, and effectiveness of subinguinal testicular biopsy during varicocele repair. Result(s): All testes were easily delivered through the subinguinal incision, and testicular biopsies were successfully performed under microscopic view. After a median follow-up of 9 months, none of the patients had any discomfort, pain, or presented with testicular atrophy. No intraoperative or postoperative complications were observed. There was no incidence of wound infection or scrotal hematoma. Conclusion(s): The subinguinal approach is a safe and effective option for testicular biopsy during varicocele repair in men with nonobstructive azoospermia. This technique may be an attractive alternative to traditional biopsy because it obviates scrotal violation. (Fertil Steril (R) 2009;91:925-8. (c) 2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Objectives: Viruses and turnout cells may regulate the expression of HLA molecules on the cell surface to escape immune system surveillance. Absence of classical HLA class I molecules may impair the action of specific cytotoxic cells, whereas non-classical HLA class I molecules may regulate innate and adaptive immune cells. We assess here the possible associations between classical/non-classical class I HLA and p16(INK4a) molecule expression in cervical biopsies of women infected with HPV, stratified according to grade of the lesion and HPV type. Study design: Cervical biopsies (N = 74) presenting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1) (n = 31), CIN2-3 (n = 19), and invasive cancer (n = 14) were evaluated alongside 10 normal cervical specimens. Results: HLA-A/B/C/G staining was observed in the early stages of HPV infection. A significant association was detected between HLA-A/B/C staining and HPV16/18 infection (OR = 0.12, 95%CI: 0.0163-0.7899; p = 0.04). HLA-E expression increased with the progression of the lesion (chi(2)-test for trend = 4.01; p = 0.05), and a significant association was found between HLA-E staining and HPV16/18 infection (OR = 11.25, 95%CI: 2.324-54.465; p = 0.003). Irrespective of the grade of the lesion, HLA-A/B/C staining and p16(INK4a) presented a good concordance (Kappa: 0.67). Conclusions: HLA-E overexpression seemed to be associated with invasive cancer and HPV16/18 infection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background. Despite diagnostic and therapeutic advances in head and neck cancer, the 5-year survival of patients with laryngeal cancer has not improved in the last 30 years. Several recent studies indicate that specific targets for immunotherapeutic approaches can be useful in the control of cancer. There is considerable interest in the expression of cancer testis antigens in human cancers since they may serve as the basis for an immunologic approach to therapy. Methods. We evaluated by immunohistochemical analysis the expression of cancer testis antigens MAGE-A4 (57B), MAGE-C1 (CT7-33), MAGE-A1 (MA454), MAGE-A3 (M3H67), MAGE-C2 (CT10.5), NY-ESO-1 (E978), and GAGE (GAGE) in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the larynx. Results. A total of 63 cases (57 men and 6 women) of laryngeal SCC were available for this study. The findings were correlated with the clinical course and laboratory data. Expression of at least 1 cancer testis antigen was detected in 42 of 63 of the laryngeal SCCs (67%). In 34 of 42 of the positive cases (81%) there was simultaneous expression of >= 2 cancer testis antigens. There was significant correlation between antigen expression and advanced tumor stage (stage III/IV) in cases with reactivity to only 1 antibody (p = .01) as well as in the cases with reactivity to >= 2 primary antibodies (>= 2 mAbs, p = .04). There was no association between survival and expression of any of the analyzed antigens. Conclusions. We find a high incidence of cancer testis antigen expression in SCCs of the larynx, which was correlated with advanced clinical stage. Our data indicate that cancer testis antigens could be valuable vaccine targets in laryngeal tumors, especially in those with a worse prognosis. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 33: 702-707, 2011
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for more than 90% of the malignant neoplasms that arise in the mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. Recent studies of cleft lip/palate have shown the association of genes involved in cancer. WNT pathway genes have been associated with several types of cancer and recently with cleft lip/palate. To investigate if genes associated with cleft lip/palate were also associated with oral cancer, we genotyped 188 individuals with OSCC and 225 control individuals for markers in AXIN2, AXIN1, GSK3 beta, WNT3A, WNT5A, WNT8A, WNT11, WNT3, and WNT9B. Statistical analysis was performed with PLINK 1.06 software to test for differences in allele frequencies of each polymorphism between cases and controls. We found association of SNPs in GSK3B (p = 0.0008) and WNT11 (p = 0.03) with OSCC. We also found overtransmission of GSK3B haplotypes in OSCC cases. Expression analyses showed up-regulation of WNT3A, GSK3B, and AXIN1 and down-regulation of WNT11 in OSCC in comparison with control tissues (P < 0.001). Additional studies should focus on the identification of potentially functional variants in these genes as contributors to human clefting and oral cancer.
Objectives: We studied the association between cigarette smoking and ovarian cancer in a population-based case-control study. Methods: A total of 794 women with histologically confirmed epithelial ovarian cancer who were aged 18-79 years and resident in one of three Australian states were interviewed, together with 855 controls aged 18-79 years selected at random from the electoral roll from the same states. Information was obtained about cigarette smoking and other factors including age, parity, oral contraceptive use, and reproductive factors. We estimated the relative risk of ovarian cancer associated with cigarette smoking, accounting for histologic type, using multivariable logistic regression to adjust for confounding factors. Results: Women who had ever smoked cigarettes were more likely to develop ovarian cancer than women who had never smoked (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.5; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.2-1.9). Risk was greater for ovarian cancers of borderline malignancy (OR = 2.4; 95% CI = 1.4-4.1) than for invasive tumors (OR = 1.7; 95% CI = 1.2-2.4) and the histologic subtype most strongly associated overall was the mucinous subtype among both current smokers (OR = 3.2; 95% CI = 1.8-5.7) and past smokers (OR = 2.3; 95% CI = 1.3-3.9). Conclusions: These data extend recent findings and suggest that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for ovarian cancer, especially mucinous and borderline mucinous types. From a public health viewpoint, this is one of the few reports of a potentially avoidable risk factor for ovarian cancer.
The phase II glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 catalyse glutathione-mediated reduction of exogenous and endogenous electrophiles. These GSTs have broad and overlapping substrate specificities and it has been hypothesized that allelic variants associated with less effective detoxification of potential carcinogens may confer an increased susceptibility to cancer. To assess the role of GST gene variants in ovarian cancer development, we screened 285 epithelial ovarian cancer cases and 299 unaffected controls for the GSTT1 deletion (null) variant, the GSTM1 deletion (null) variant and the GSTP1 codon 104 A-->G Ile-->Val amino acid substitution variant, The frequencies of the GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 polymorphic variants did not vary with tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive) or p53 immunohistochemical status. There was a suggestion that ovarian cancers of the endometrioid or clear cell histological subtype had a higher frequency of the GSTT1 and GSTM1 deletion genotype than other histological subgroups. The GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 genotype distributions did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall or invasive cancers only). However, the GSTM1 null genotype was associated with increased risk of endometrioid/clear cell invasive cancer [age-adjusted OR (95% CI) = 2.04 (1.01-4.09), P = 0.05], suggesting that deletion of GSTM1 may increase the risk of ovarian cancer of these histological subtypes specifically. This marginally significant finding will require verification by independent studies.
Epidemiological studies suggest that ovarian cancer is an endocrine-related tumour, and progesterone exposure specifically may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer. To assess whether the progesterone receptor (PR) exon 4 valine to leucine amino acid variant is associated with specific tumour characteristics or with overall risk of ovarian cancer, we examined 551 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 298 unaffected controls for the underlying G-->T nucleotide substitution polymorphism. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive), histology, grade or stage failed to reveal any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the PR exon 4 polymorphism. Furthermore, the genotype distribution did not differ significantly between ovarian cancer cases and unaffected controls. Compared with the GG genotype, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for risk of ovarian cancer was 0.78 (0.57-1.08) for the GT genotype, and 1.39 (0.47-4.14) for the TT genotype. In conclusion, the PR exon 4 codon 660 leucine variant encoded by the T allele does not appear to be associated with ovarian tumour behaviour, histology, stage or grade. This variant is also not associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and is unlikely to be associated with a large decrease in ovarian cancer risk, although we cannot rule out a moderate inverse association between the GT genotype and ovarian cancer.
The rise of melanoma and the almost complete decline of stomach cancer clearly reflect disturbances of human culture during the 20th century. Environmental factors play a dominant role in the epidemiology of melanoma and many other malignancies.
Although most prospective cohort studies do not support an association between coffee consumption and pancreatic cancer, the findings for alcohol are inconsistent. Recently, a large prospective cohort study of women reported statistically significant elevations in risk of pancreatic cancer for both coffee and alcoholic beverage consumption. We obtained data on coffee, alcohol, and other dietary factors using semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires administered at baseline (1986 in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study and 1980 in the Nurses’ Health Study) and in subsequent follow-up questionnaires. Data on other risk factors for pancreatic cancer, including cigarette smoking, were also available. Individuals with a history of cancer at study initiation were excluded from all of the analyses. During the 1,907,222 person-years of follow-up, 288 incident cases of pancreatic cancer were diagnosed. The data were analyzed separately for each cohort, and results were pooled to compute overall relative risks (RR). Neither coffee nor alcohol intakes were associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer in either cohort or after pooling the results (pooled RR, 0.62; 95% confidence interval, 0.27–1.43, for >3 cups of coffee/day versus none; and pooled RR, 1.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.57–1.76, for >=30 grams of alcohol/day versus none). The associations did not change with analyses examining different latency periods for coffee and alcohol. Similarly, no statistically significant associations were observed for intakes of tea, decaffeinated coffee, total caffeine, or alcoholic beverages. Data from these two large cohorts do not support any overall association between coffee intake or alcohol intake and risk of pancreatic cancer.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between dietary patterns and oral cancer. METHODS: The study, part of a Latin American multicenter hospital-based case-control study, was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between November 1998 and March 2002 and included 366 incident cases of oral cancer and 469 controls, frequency-matched with cases by sex and age. Dietary data were collected using a food frequency questionnaire. The risk associated with the intake of food groups defined a posteriori, through factor analysis (called factors), was assessed. The first factor, labeled "prudent," was characterized by the intake of vegetables, fruit, cheese, and poultry. The second factor, "traditional," consisted of the intake of rice, pasta, pulses, and meat. The third factor, "snacks," was characterized as the intake of bread, butter, salami, cheese, cakes, and desserts. The fourth, "monotonous," was inversely associated with the intake of fruit, vegetables and most other food items. Factor scores for each component retained were calculated for cases and controls. After categorization of factor scores into tertiles according to the distribution of controls, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using unconditional multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: "Traditional" factor showed an inverse association with cancer (OR=0.51; 95% CI: 0.32; 0.81, p-value for trend 0.14), whereas "monotonous" was positively associated with the outcome (OR=1.78; 95% CI: 1.78; 2.85, p-value for trend <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The study data suggest that the traditional Brazilian diet, consisting of rice and beans plus moderate amounts of meat, may confer protection against oral cancer, independently of any other risk factors such as alcohol intake and smoking.
Aim - To use Monte Carlo (MC) together with voxel phantoms to analyze the tissue heterogeneity effect in the dose distributions and equivalent uniform dose (EUD) for (125)I prostate implants. Background - Dose distribution calculations in low dose-rate brachytherapy are based on the dose deposition around a single source in a water phantom. This formalism does not take into account tissue heterogeneities, interseed attenuation, or finite patient dimensions effects. Tissue composition is especially important due to the photoelectric effect. Materials and Methods - The computed tomographies (CT) of two patients with prostate cancer were used to create voxel phantoms for the MC simulations. An elemental composition and density were assigned to each structure. Densities of the prostate, vesicles, rectum and bladder were determined through the CT electronic densities of 100 patients. The same simulations were performed considering the same phantom as pure water. Results were compared via dose-volume histograms and EUD for the prostate and rectum. Results - The mean absorbed doses presented deviations of 3.3-4.0% for the prostate and of 2.3-4.9% for the rectum, when comparing calculations in water with calculations in the heterogeneous phantom. In the calculations in water, the prostate D 90 was overestimated by 2.8-3.9% and the rectum D 0.1cc resulted in dose differences of 6-8%. The EUD resulted in an overestimation of 3.5-3.7% for the prostate and of 7.7-8.3% for the rectum. Conclusions - The deposited dose was consistently overestimated for the simulation in water. In order to increase the accuracy in the determination of dose distributions, especially around the rectum, the introduction of the model-based algorithms is recommended.
It has been well demonstrated the relationship between the infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPVs) genotypes and cervical cancer. In Northeastern Argentina a high incidence of this pathology has been described and therefore a high prevalence of HPV infection is expected. In order to identify HPV genotypes associated with malignant and pre-malignant cervical lesions present in the area, 53 ecto-endo cervical cell specimens obtained from women with cytohistological alterations were studied by a PCR-RFLP technique. Out of 53 patients, 34 (64.2%) were positive for HPV infection, being HPV-16 (32.3%) the most frequently found genotype, followed by HPV-58 (14.7%), -6, -18 and -45 (5.9%), -33, -52, -53, -54, -56, -66, -MM4 and -LVX100 (2.9%). Also 5 cases of infection caused by multiple genotypes were found, which corresponded to 14.7% of the positive cases. Results indicate that besides HPV-16 and -18, the most prevalent high-risk HPV genotypes worldwide, others like -45 and -58 as well as co-infection cases are frequent between women of Northeastern Argentina, and a particular attention should be paid to this circumstance because it could be an epidemiological feature of regional importance and a useful information for a future vaccination program.
BACKGROUND: A few and partial data are available on psychosocial morbidity among cancer patients in Mediterranean countries. As a part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study-SEPOS), the rate of psychosocial morbidity and its correlation with clinical and cultural variables were examined in cancer patients in Italy, Portugal and Spain. METHODS: A convenience sample of cancer outpatients with good performance status and no cognitive impairment were approached. The Hospital Anxiety-Depression scale (HAD-S), the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale (Mini-MAC), and the Cancer Worries Inventory (CWI) were used to measure psychological morbidity, coping strategies and concerns about illness. RESULTS: Of 277 patients, 34% had pathological scores ("borderline cases" plus "true cases") on HAD-S Anxiety and 24.9% on HAD-S Depression. Total psychiatric "caseness" was 28.5% and 16.6%, according to different HAD cut-offs (14 and 19, respectively). Significant relationships of HAD-S Anxiety, HAD-S Depression, HAD-S Total score, with Mini-MAC Hopeless and Anxious Preoccupation, and CWI score were found. No differences emerged between countries on psychosocial morbidity, while some differences emerged between the countries on coping mechanisms. Furthermore, Fatalism, Avoidance and marginally Hopeless were higher compared to studies carried out in English-speaking countries. LIMITATIONS: The relatively small sample size and the good performance status prevent us to generalize data on patients with different cancer sites and advanced phase of illness. CONCLUSIONS: One-third of the patients presented anxiety and depressive morbidity, with significant differences in characteristics of coping in Mediterranean countries in comparison with English-speaking countries.
There are few descriptions of association between chagasic megacolon and colon cancer. We report a case of obstructive abdomen caused by adenocarcinoma of the left colon in chagasic megacolon. A review of the literature revealed 8 cases of this association and, analyzing together the series of findings of cancer in chagasic organomegalies, we found a frequency of 4.8% in megaesophagus and 0.1% in megacolon.