940 resultados para IMMUNE GLOBULIN


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Investigamos a resposta imunológica celular e humoral frente a extrato salino de tecido cerebral em 9 pacientes com síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut, 15 pacientes com síndrome de West e 20 crianças normais. A técnica de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (Ouchterlony) evidenciou em todos os pacientes, altos níveis de um anticorpo precipitante contra o extrato salino de tecido cerebral. O teste de inibição de migração de leucócitos com o mesmo antígeno mostrou-se positivo na maioria dos pacientes. O possível papel destas respostas autoimmunes na patogenia das sindromes de West e Lennox-Gastaut é discutido.


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As frações protéicas foram isoladas dos cotiledones e os taninos isolados e purificados da casca da lentilha. A fração globulina correspondeu a 42,7 % do nitrogenio total da farinha de lentilha representando a fração protéica majoritária. Comparativamente ao metanol e metanol-HCl 1% a mistura acetona:água (7:3) representou o melhor meio extrator para os taninos da casca. A fração globulina isolada, nativa e aquecida (99oC/15 min), e caseína foram hidrolisadas com tripsina e pepsina na ausência de taninos e na presença de relações tanino:proteína de 1:40, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5 e 1:2,5. A hidrólise tríptica e péptica das proteínas não-aquecidas foram reduzidas com o aumento da relação tanino-proteína. A caseína não aquecida mostrou ser mais susceptível à tripsina que à globulina, o oposto sendo observado com a pepsina. O aquecimento seguido de interação com os taninos e hidrólise teve um efeito mais pronunciado sobre a digestão com tripsina que com pepsina para ambas proteínas.


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We studied the correlation among cellular immune response, the pattern of lung granulomatous lesions and alterations in spleen lymphoid structure in Swiss mice inoculated intravenously with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis strain 18. The animals were evaluated at 24, 48 and 96 h after infection and further studied weekly for 18 weeks by: (i) the macrophage migration inhibition test with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and P. brasiliensis antigen (PbAg); and (ii) histopathology of the lung and spleen lesions. One group of animals was gamma -irradiated (8 Gy), infected under the same conditions and evaluated for the pattern of lung granulomatous lesions and spleen lymphoid structure at 24, 48 and 96 h after infection. During the first week of infection, the non-irradiated animals presented a positive response to PHA and PbAg, compact granulomas in the lungs and a typical hyperplasia of the spleen white pulp. However, from weeks 2 to 5, a depression of the cell-mediated immunity (CMI) response to PHA and PbAg was observed in association with granulomas presenting only large mononuclear cells and lacking both giant cells and a peripheral halo of small mononuclear cells. This pattern of granuloma formation was similar to that seen in gamma -irradiated animals, whose cells involved in CMI were absent. After week 7, the non-irradiated animals showed granulomas characterized by the presence of giant cells and a peripheral halo of small mononuclear cells. This type of granuloma was formed concomitantly with recovery of the CMI and of the lymphoid structure of the spleen. The results showed a correlation among granulomas composed of large mononuclear cells, hypoplasia of the splenic tissue and impaired CMI. This correlation indicated that although granuloma morphogenesis per se does not depend on the activation of CMI, this response is important at later stages during modulation of the cellular composition of the granulomas.


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Parasitic diseases in humans, transmitted by insects, affect about 500 million people living mainly in countries of low economic power, the control of these diseases is difficult to carry out, mainly die to social and political problems, enhanced bg the capacity of these organisms to develop resistance to insecticides used to for their destruction.Some recent advances in the area of insect immunology have open the possibility for abetter epidemiological control of these diseases.The immune system of these insects, as well as that of other organisms, have the ability to recognize the infecting parasites and liberate a series of reactions which stop the infection. These reactions involve the circulating cells (hemocytes) against the parasite. These cells have the ability of phagocytize and liberate the production of various humoral factors, neutralizing the infection.Some promising results, obtained by the study of the immune system of malaria-transmitting insects, the sleeping disease, and dengue, are an example of this new sanitary strategy.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary ochratoxin, in the presence or absence of aluminosilicate, on the histology of the bursa of Fabricius, liver and kidneys, and on the humoral immune response of broilers vaccinated against Newcastle disease virus. The exposure of birds to 2 p. p. m. ochratoxin, in the presence or absence of aluminosilicate, reduced their humoral immune response and the number of mitotic cells in the bursa. The relative weight of the livers of the birds exposed to this toxin was increased and, microscopically, there was hepatocyte vacuolation and megalocytosis with accompanying hyperplasia of the biliary epithelium. The kidneys showed hypertrophy of the renal proximal tubular epithelium, with thickening of the glomerular basement membrane. Aluminosilicate did not ameliorate the deleterious effects of the ochratoxin.


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To assess human cellular immune response to paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), lymphocyte proliferative responses to purified antigens from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were determined in healthy persons previously infected by the fungus (positive donors), in healthy noninfected persons (controls), and in PCM patients. Affinity-purified gp70 and gp43, the two major antigens in humoral immune responses, were used, Both induced lymphocyte proliferation (gp43 species-specific) in positive donors but not in controls; healthy persons previously infected by Histoplasma capsulatum reacted to gp70 and not to gp43, A similar cross-reactivity in antibody response to gp70 was previously reported; however, antibody response to gp43 has been considered specific, Lymphocytes from PCM patients, who, unlike positive donors, have high levels of anti-gp43 and anti-gp70 antibodies, proliferated poorly with gp70 and gp43 but better with other stimuli, This dichotomy between humoral and cellular antigen-specific responses suggests a Th2 immune response in PCM, which may be related to failure to control the infection.


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The study of the in-situ cellular immune response is very important for the understanding of different liver infections. In the present study, 53 liver samples obtained by viscerotomy from patients who died during the course of jungle yellow fever were analyzed. The diagnosis was confirmed by serology, viral isolation and virus-specific immunohistochemistry. The specimens were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies for apoptosis, CD45RO, CD4, CD8, CD20, S100, CD57 and CD68. Quantitative analysis of the labeling pattern showed a clear predominance of the different phenotypes in the portal tract and midzone region of the acini. There was a predominance of T CD4+ lymphocytes, accompanied by the presence of T CD8+ lymphocytes, natural killer cells (CD57), macrophages and antigen-presenting cells (S100). The disproportion between the intensity of inflammation and the degree of hepatic injury was probably due to the intense apoptotic component, which classically does not induce an inflammatory response. The present study demonstrates that, despite the disproportion between injury and inflammation, the cellular immune response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the hepatocytic injury observed in yellow fever, probably as a result of cytolytic actions through mechanisms involving MHC II and the activation of Fas receptors and granzymes/perforins. (C) 2006 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Age-related changes in gastrointestinal-associated mucosal immune response have not been well studied. Thus, we investigated the effect of age on this response and compared these responses to those of peripheral immune cells. Saliva, blood, and intestinal biopsies were collected from young and old healthy subjects to determine immunoglobulin (Ig) levels and to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), and lamina propria lymphocytes (LPLs). Although subject age did not influence the level of total IgA found in saliva, IgA levels in serum increased (p < .05) with age. Older subjects' peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation and IL-2 production were significantly lower than those of young subjects. LPLs from older subjects produced significantly less IL-2 in response to all stimuli than did that from the young. IEL's ability to proliferate and produce IL-2 was not affected by subject age. Thus, LPL but not IEL demonstrated an age-related decline in immune function similar to that seen in peripheral lymphocytes.


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To investigate functional changes in Trypanosoma cruzi parasites induced during their interaction with the vertebrate host, we compared the blood clearance profiles of blood forms isolated from infected normal mice (Reg-Tc) or from infected mice immunodepressed after treatment with cyclophosphamide (Cy-Tc). Parasite blood numbers were measured at various time intervals in animals injected intravenously (i.v.) with 1-2 x 10(6) T. cruzi of either isolate. In the absence of added immune sera (spontaneous clearance), Reg-Tc and Cy-Tc were cleared from blood at similar rates. However, when acute immune mouse serum (Ac-IMS) was injected i.v. 2 min after inoculation of parasites, a significant proportion of Cy-Tc only was cleared from the blood an hour later, whereas Reg-Tc were not, their clearance profile being identical to that observed in mice injected with normal mouse serum. Cy-Tc susceptibility to Ac-IMS was not the result of a toxic effect of cyclophosphamide over T. cruzi as parasites recovered from animals immunodepressed by irradiation before infection were cleared similarly by acute serum. Contrary to Ac-IMS, chronic immune mouse serum induced similar rates of disappearance of Reg-Tc and Cy-Tc from blood. Our results suggest the occurrence of T. cruzi selection or modification during the acute phase, which leads to an increased parasite resistance to the clearance properties of acute-phase antibodies.


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The major globulin fraction from lentil seeds was investigated with respect td in vitro hydrolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Globulin was isolated by a NaCl-ascorbate extraction procedure and purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gelfiltration chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B. The purity and identification of the protein were performed by PAGE. The native globulin, with a molecular weight of 375 kD, was resolved by SDS-PAGE into twelve polypeptides with molecular weights ranging from 61 to 14.5 kD. Native and heated globulin GI was hydrolyzed with trypsin and chymotrypsin. SDS-PAGE indicated that native globulin was more resistant to digestion than heated protein. Amino acid analysis of the major globulin revealed that glutamic acid was present in the largest concentration, followed by aspartic acid, arginine and leucine. As is also the case for other legumin-like globulins, lentil GI was deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids.


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Cellular immune responses to Anisakis simplex L3 antigens were investigated in BALB/c mice injected subcutaneously with a homologous crude extract (CE). Popliteal lymph nodes (PLN) were found to be increased in size and weight after A. simplex CE footpad injection. The effects of A. simplex CE in vitro proliferation were assayed with non-fractionated PLN cells or nylon-wool purified T cells derived from pooled lymph node cells of mice subcutaneously injected with CE. Spleen cells from immunized animals (antigen alone, or larva alone, or antigen plus larva) were studied by flow cytometry. The immunization induced a high proportion of CD4 + and TCR alpha beta + T cells. The number of B cells (CD45 + and TCR alpha beta-) in pre-immunized and infected mice was lower than that observed in animals subjected to infection only. The number of CD4 + T cells increased in the infected and in the pre-immunized and infected mice. In the latter, a decrease of CD8a + T cells was noted. The greatest increase in CD8a+ and TCR alpha beta- T cells was found in mice that had been subjected to infection only. Histological analysis showed that the most prominent lesions were gastric and intestinal in animals infected orally with one larva.


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The cell-mediated and humoral immune response of rabbits to antigens from larvae of Dermatobia hominis were analyzed by leucocyte migration inhibition factor assay (MIF), immunodiffusion (ID) and passive hemagglutination (PH) test in rabbits immunized with D. hominis extract, in rabbits immunized and infested with the parasite and rabbits infested with D. hominis. Twenty rabbits were divided into five groups: Group 1, rabbits immunized with a crude antigen extract, evaluated for 40 weeks at 4 week intervals; Group 2, rabbits immunized and infested with newly hatched larvae at 14 weeks post immunization (PI) and evaluated as Group 1; Group 3, rabbits immunized, evaluated for 28 weeks at 2 week intervals; Group 4, rabbits immunized and infested at 4 weeks PI and evaluated as Group 3; Group 5, rabbits infested and evaluated for 24 weeks at 2 week intervals. Different patterns of reactivity were observed in the infested and immunized animals: immunized rabbits developed antibodies and cellular immune responses earlier and at higher levels during immunization than the infested rabbits; the infestation at 14 weeks PI, when the cell-mediated and humoral immune response began to decrease, or at 4 weeks PI when these parameters were at higher levels, elicited an anamnestic response. After the spontaneous elimination of larvae by the host, from the 4th week PI onwards, high titers of antibodies and migration inhibition indices were maintained for a long period. These results suggest that the onset of cellular and humoral immune responses after immunization may be important as a biological control of myiasis and contribute to better understanding of the immune defense mechanism of the host against D. hominis.


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We have described previously the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of a DNA vaccine encoding the Mycobacterium leprae 65 kDa heat shock protein (DNA-HSP65) in experimental murine tuberculosis. However, the high homology of this protein to the corresponding mammalian 60 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp60), together with the CpG motifs in the plasmid vector, could trigger or exacerbate the development of autoimmune diseases. The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse develops insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) spontaneously as a consequence of an autoimmune process that leads to destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. IDDM is characterized by increased T helper 1 (Th1) cell responses toward several autoantigens, including Hsp60, glutamic acid decarboxylase and insulin. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of DNA-HSP65 injection to modulate diabetes in NOD mice. Our results show that DNA-HSP65 or DNA empty vector had no diabetogenic effect and actually protected NOD mice against the development of severe diabetes. However, this effect was more pronounced in DNA-HSP65-injected mice. The protective effect of DNA-HSP65 injection was associated with a clear shift in the cellular infiltration pattern in the pancreas. This change included reduction of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells infiltration, appearance of CD25(+) cells influx and an increased staining for interleukin (IL)-10 in the islets. These results show that DNA-HSP65 can protect NOD mice against diabetes and can therefore be considered in the development of new immunotherapeutic strategies.


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A DNA vaccine based on the heat-shock protein 65 Mycobacterium leprae gene (pHSP65) presented a prophylactic and therapeutic effect in an experimental model of tuberculosis. In this paper, we addressed the question of which protective mechanisms are activated in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice after immune therapy with pHSP65. We evaluated activation of the cellular immune response in the lungs of infected mice 30 days after infection (initiation of immune therapy) and in those of uninfected mice. After 70 days (end of immune therapy), the immune responses of infected untreated mice, infected pHSP65-treated mice and infected pCDNA3-treated mice were also evaluated. Our results show that the most significant effect of pHSP65 was the stimulation of CD8(+) lung cell activation, interferon-gamma recovery and reduction of lung injury. There was also partial restoration of the production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha. Treatment with pcDNA3 vector also induced an immune stimulatory effect. However, only infected pHSP65-treated mice were able to produce significant levels of interferon-gamma and to restrict the growth of bacilli.