1000 resultados para IL component
[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]
Il existe une forme de doxa dans les travaux comparant les communiqués de presse et les articles journalistiques: l'influence des premières est considérable, réduisant l'effort journalistique de réécriture et de vérification à portion congrue. Après l'examen des conditions d'analyse de ce trajet textuel particulier, l'article vise à analyser cette doxa au regard d'un cas helvétique (démission exigée du Chef de l'armée voire de son ministre de tutelle) en étudiant les communiqués de presse de partis politiques. Leur nature rhétorique, polémique, est analysée. On rend ainsi compte du faible effet perlocutoire du communiqué de presse helvétique - dans un système politique privilégiant le consensus. Mais on rend aussi compte de leur faible écho dans la presse, ce qui nuance les travaux faits dans d'autres régions.
Background: Gouty arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease with a significant impact on patients' HRQoL. In gouty arthritis, the inflammatory response is initiated by interleukin-1b (IL-1b) release, due to activation of the NALP3 inflammasome by MSU crystals. Canakinumab, a fully human anti-IL-1b antibody has a long half-life and has been shown to control inflammation in gouty arthritis. This study evaluated changes in HRQoL in gouty arthritis patients following treatment with canakinumab or triamcinolone acetonide (TA).Methods: This was an 8-week, dose-ranging, multi-center, active controlled, single-blind study. Patients (>=18 to <=80 years) experiencing an acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAlDs and/or colchicine, were randomized to canakinumab 10, 25, 50, 90, 150 mg sc or TA 40 mg im. HRQoL was assessed as an exploratory endpoint at baseline and different pre-specified time-points using patient reported outcomes evaluating general mental and physical component summary scores and subscale scores of SF-36® (acute version 2) and functional disability (HAQ-DI©). We report HRQoL results for canakinumab 150 mg, the dose that was selected for the Phase III studies.Results: Baseline assessments showed a major impact on the HRQoL during acute gouty arthritis. Compared to TA, canakinumab 150 mg showed greater improvements in SF-36® physical and mental component summary and subscale scores at 7 days post-dose.In the canakinumab 150 mg group, the most severe impairment at baseline was reported for physical functioning and bodily pain; levels of 41.5 and 36.0, respectively, which improved within 7 days to 80.0 and 72.2 (mean increases of 39.0 and 35.6) approaching levels of the general US population (84.2 and 75.2). 8 weeks post-dose patients reached levels of 86.1 and 86.6 (mean increases of 44.6 and 50.6 for physical functioning and bodily pain, respectively) and these were higher than levels seen in the general US population. This was in contrast to patients treated with TA, who showed less improvement within 7 days (mean increases of 23.3 and 21.3 for physical function and bodily pain, respectively). None of the scores reached levels of the general US population 8 weeks post-dose. Functional disability scores, as measured by the HAQ-DI© decreased in both treatment groupsConclusions: All canakinumab doses showed a rapid improvement in physical and mental well-being of gouty arthritis patients based on SF-36® scores, in particular the 150 mg dose. In contrast to the TA group, patients treated with canakinumab showed improvement within 7 days in physical function and bodily pain approaching levels of the general population. The 150 mg dose of canakinumab was selected for further development in Phase III studies.
Within 1 day of infection with Leishmania major, susceptible BALB/c mice produce a burst of IL-4 in their draining lymph nodes, resulting in a state of unresponsiveness to IL-12 in parasite-specific CD4+ T cells within 48 h. In this report we examined the molecular mechanism underlying this IL-12 unresponsiveness. Extinction of IL-12 signaling in BALB/c mice is due to a rapid down-regulation of IL-12R beta2-chain mRNA expression in CD4+ T cells. In contrast, IL-12R beta2-chain mRNA expression was maintained on CD4+ T cells from resistant C57BL/6 mice. The down-regulation of the IL-12R beta2-chain mRNA expression in BALB/c CD4+ T cells is a consequence of the early IL-4 production. In this murine model of infection, a strict correlation is shown in vivo between expression of the IL-12R beta2-chain in CD4+ T cells and the development of a Th1 response and down-regulation of the mRNA beta2-chain expression and the maturation of a Th2 response. Treatment of BALB/c mice with IFN-gamma, even when IL-4 has been produced for 48 h, resulted in maintenance of IL-12R beta2-chain mRNA expression and IL-12 responsiveness. The data presented here support the hypothesis that the genetically determined susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with L. major is primarily based on an up-regulation of IL-4 production, which secondarily induces extinction of IL-12 signaling.
Cette étude se penche sur le parcours de 24jeunes filles présentant des troubles alimentairesatypiques, suivies dans le cadre d'ungroupe thérapeutique.Les troubles des conduites alimentairesatypiques (TCAA) représentent une catégoriediagnostique émergente, relativement peudécrite. Ils regroupent des tableauxcliniques ne satisfaisant pas entièrementaux critères des troubles alimentairestypiques anorexie et boulimie. Les TCAAreprésentent la majorité des demandes deconsultations pour troubles alimentaires,concernent une grande proportion de lapopulation non-consultante et constituentun enjeu de santé publique prioritaire.Les résultats cliniques de cette étude décriventdes troubles importants, induisant une souffranceintense, et non des troubles résiduels.Le passage d'une catégorie de trouble à uneautre se voit confirmé, ainsi que l'existencede formes stables, les troubles atypiquespouvant représenter des moments dans leparcours de la maladie tout comme destroubles durables.En terme de classification, il est proposé deparler d'anorexie atypique, de type restrictifou avec crises, de boulimie atypique, purgativeou non, et d'hyperphagie boulimique.L'utilité du groupe thérapeutique ressortclairement.Cette prise en charge thérapeutique convientdavantage à des patientes présentant untrouble alimentaire sur le versant boulimiqueque sur le versant restrictif sans pertede contrôle.Repérer et prendre en charge ces troublesalimentaires atypiques qui demeurentsouvent banalisés s'avère une priorité.Les aspects ayant trait à l'addiction serontplus particulièrement abordés dans le cadrede cette communication
Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Singh M, Das RR. Zinc for the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 2, Art. No.: CD001364. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001364.pub3. PMID: 21328251.
Approximately 2 billion people currently suffer from intestinal helminth infections, which are typically chronic in nature and result in growth retardation, vitamin A deficiency, anemia and poor cognitive function. Such chronicity results from co-evolution between helminths and their mammalian hosts; however, the molecular mechanisms by which these organisms avert immune rejection are not clear. We have found that the natural murine helminth, Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hp) elicits the secretion of IL-1β in vivo and in vitro and that this cytokine is critical for shaping a mucosal environment suited to helminth chronicity. Indeed in mice deficient for IL-1β (IL-1β(-/-)), or treated with the soluble IL-1βR antagonist, Anakinra, helminth infection results in enhanced type 2 immunity and accelerated parasite expulsion. IL-1β acts to decrease production of IL-25 and IL-33 at early time points following infection and parasite rejection was determined to require IL-25. Taken together, these data indicate that Hp promotes the release of host-derived IL-1β that suppresses the release of innate cytokines, resulting in suboptimal type 2 immunity and allowing pathogen chronicity.
The murine gut epithelium contains a large population of thymus-derived intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), including both conventional CD4(+) and CD8alphabeta(+) T cells (expressing T-cell receptor alphabeta [TCRalphabeta]) and unconventional CD8alphaalpha(+) T cells (expressing either TCRalphabeta or TCRgammadelta). Whereas conventional IELs are widely accepted to arise from recirculation of activated CD4(+) and CD8alphabeta(+) T cells from the secondary lymphoid organs to the gut, the origin and developmental pathway of unconventional CD8alphaalpha IELs remain controversial. We show here that CD4-Cre-mediated inactivation of c-Myc, a broadly expressed transcription factor with a wide range of biologic activities, selectively impairs the development of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs. In the absence of c-Myc, CD4(-) CD8(-) TCRalphabeta(+) thymic precursors of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs are present but fail to develop on adoptive transfer in immunoincompetent hosts. Residual c-Myc-deficient CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IEL display reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis, which correlate with significantly decreased expression of interleukin-15 receptor subunits and lower levels of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. Transgenic overexpression of human BCL-2 resulted in a pronounced rescue of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IEL in c-Myc-deficient mice. Taken together, our data support a model in which c-Myc controls the development of CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IELs from thymic precursors by regulating interleukin-15 receptor expression and consequently Bcl-2-dependent survival.
Muscle stem cells and their progeny play a fundamental role in the regeneration of adult skeletal muscle. We have previously shown that activation of the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in adult myogenic progenitors is required for their transition from rapidly dividing transient amplifying cells to more differentiated progenitors. Whereas Wnt signaling in Drosophila is dependent on the presence of the co-regulator Legless, previous studies of the mammalian ortholog of Legless, BCL9 (and its homolog, BCL9-2), have not revealed an essential role of these proteins in Wnt signaling in specific tissues during development. Using Cre-lox technology to delete BCL9 and BCL9-2 in the myogenic lineage in vivo and RNAi technology to knockdown the protein levels in vitro, we show that BCL9 is required for activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin cascade in adult mammalian myogenic progenitors. We observed that the nuclear localization of beta-catenin and downstream TCF/LEF-mediated transcription, which are normally observed in myogenic progenitors upon addition of exogenous Wnt and during muscle regeneration, were abrogated when BCL9/9-2 levels were reduced. Furthermore, reductions of BCL9/9-2 inhibited the promotion of myogenic differentiation by Wnt and the normal regenerative response of skeletal muscle. These results suggest a critical role of BCL9/9-2 in the Wnt-mediated regulation of adult, as opposed to embryonic, myogenic progenitors.