904 resultados para Histopathology


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Phoneutria nigriventer spider bite causes priapism, an effect attributed to the peptide toxins Tx2-5 and Tx2-6 and involving nitric oxide. Tx2-6 (MW = 5287) is known to delay the inactivation of Sodium channels in the same fashion as many other venom toxins. In the present study we evaluated the i.p. dose that induces priapism and the other symptoms in mice. Animals killed by the toxin or crude venom (0.85 mg/kg) were autopsied and a pathological study of brain, lung, kidney, liver and heart was undertaken using standard techniques. The same protocol was employed with animals injected with crude venom. Results showed that priapism is the first sign of intoxication, followed by piloerection, abundant salivation and tremors. An i.p. injection of about 0.3 mu g/kg induced only priapism with minimal side-effects. The most remarkable histological finding was a general vascular congestion in all organs studied. Penis showed no necrosis or damage. Lungs showed vascular congestion and alveolar hemorrhage. Heart showed also sub-endothelial hemorrhage. Brain showed only a mild edema and vascular congestion. Results obtained with crude venom closely resemble those of purified toxin. We conclude that Tx2-6 have profound effects on the vascular bed especially in lungs and heart, which may be the cause of death. Interestingly brain tissue was less affected and the observed edema may be attributed to respiratory impairment. To the best of our knowledge this is the first histopathological investigation on this toxin and venom suggesting a possible cause of death. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) is a Polycomb group protein that is able to induce telomerase activity, enabling the immortalization of epithelial cells. Immortalized cells are more susceptible to double-strand breaks (DSB), which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination (HR). BRCA1 is among the HR regulatory genes involved in the response to DNA damage associated with the RAD51 protein, which accumulates in DNA damage foci after signaling H2AX, another important marker of DNA damage. Topoisomerase III beta (topoIII beta) removes HR intermediates before chromosomal segregation, preventing damage to cellular DNA structure. In breast carcinomas positive for BMI-1 the role of proteins involved in HR remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI-1 and homologous recombination proteins. Using tissue microarrays containing 239 cases of primary breast tumors, the expression of Bmi-1, BRCA-1, H2AX, Rad51, p53, Ki-67, topoIII beta, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and HER-2 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We observed high Bmi-1 expression in 66 cases (27.6%). Immunohistochemical overexpression of BMI-1 was related to ER (p=0.004), PR (p<0.001), Ki-67 (p<0.001), p53 (p=0.003), BRCA1 (p=0.003), H2AX (p=0.024) and topoIII beta (p<0,001). Our results show a relationship between the expression of BMI-1 and HR regulatory genes, suggesting that Bmi-1 overexpression might be an important event in HR regulation. However, further studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms in which Bmi-1 could regulate HR pathways in invasive ductal breast carcinomas.


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J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41: 584588 Pyostomatitis vegetans (PSV) is an intraoral pustular eruption considered by most authors to represent the mucous analogous of cutaneous pyoderma gangrenosum and its vegetating presentations (pyodermatitis vegetans). A strong correlation of PSV with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is well documented. The histopathology of PSV lesions usually reveals acanthosis, and neutrophils and/or eosinophils infiltration with intraepithelial or subepithelial abscesses; acantholysis is present in some cases. We studied four patients with IBD that presented oral lesions suggestive of PSV. Two male and two female patients were included. The histopathology of oral lesions of two patients revealed findings typical for PSV. The other two patients showed findings typical for pemphigus vulgaris (PV), although the course of their symptoms paralleled that of the bowel disease. Our findings may suggest that pustular lesions in patients with IBD can be a presentation of both PSV and PV; adequate diagnosis is required because clinical presentation is very similar.


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OBJECTIVES: Acute respiratory failure is present in 5% of patients with acute myocardial infarction and is responsible for 20% to 30% of the fatal post-acute myocardial infarction. The role of inflammation associated with pulmonary edema as a cause of acute respiratory failure post-acute myocardial infarction remains to be determined. We aimed to describe the demographics, etiologic data and histological pulmonary findings obtained through autopsies of patients who died during the period from 1990 to 2008 due to acute respiratory failure with no diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction during life. METHODS: This study considers 4,223 autopsies of patients who died of acute respiratory failure that was not preceded by any particular diagnosis while they were alive. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was given in 218 (4.63%) patients. The age, sex and major associated diseases were recorded for each patient. Pulmonary histopathology was categorized as follows: diffuse alveolar damage, pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage and lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia. The odds ratio of acute myocardial infarction associated with specific histopathology was determined by logistic regression. RESULTS: In total, 147 men were included in the study. The mean age at the time of death was 64 years. Pulmonary histopathology revealed pulmonary edema as well as the presence of diffuse alveolar damage in 72.9% of patients. Bacterial bronchopneumonia was present in 11.9% of patients, systemic arterial hypertension in 10.1% and dilated cardiomyopathy in 6.9%. A multivariate analysis demonstrated a significant positive association between acute myocardial infarction with diffuse alveolar damage and pulmonary edema. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, we demonstrated that in autopsies of patients with acute respiratory failure as the cause of death, 5% were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction. Pulmonary histology revealed a significant inflammatory response, which has not previously been reported.


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The histomorphometric and proliferative characteristics of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) placenta and uterus were analyzed. The material was examined by standard histological techniques and histochemistry (PAS, Perls and Alcian Blue pH 0.5 and 2.5%) and the cellular proliferation by AgNORs and flow cytometry. All the analyzed morphometric variables differed between pregnant and non-pregnant uteri in the luteal phase using the Dunnet test. Height and gland diameter of uterine glands increased linearly during pregnancy, with an intense positive PAS and Perls reaction in all stages. The cells with more than seven AgNORs per nuclei and the cells in the G2M cell cycle phase in the maternal tissue also increased after 70 days of pregnancy. The uteroplacental ridges had a linear increase in size with two distinct areas, base and top, with uterine epithelium and trophoblastic cells changing their morphology following the placental ridge development. Flow cytometry analysis showed the percentage of cells in each cell cycle phase with a quadratic behavior for stages G2/M in the maternal tissue, suggesting an increase in proliferative capacity of maternal tissue after 65 days of pregnancy. The same quadratic effect was observed in the G0/G1 phase in both maternal and fetal tissues. Cells in apoptosis showed cubic behavior in both tissues. The morphometric and cellular dynamic aspects observed in this study have not been previously described and they extend our knowledge of functions relating to maternal-fetal dynamics in this species.


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of vitamin E supplementation on pancreatic gene expression of inflammatory markers in rats with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Methods: Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control (1), alcoholic chronic pancreatitis without (2) and with (3) vitamin E supplementation. Pancreatitis was induced by a liquid diet containing ethanol, cyclosporin A and cerulein. a-tocopherol content in plasma and liver and pancreas histopathology were analyzed. Gene expression of inflammatory biomarkers was analyzed by the quantitative real-time PCR technique. Results: The animals that received vitamin E supplementation had higher alpha-tocopherol amounts in plasma and liver. The pancreas in Group 1 showed normal histology, whereas in Groups 2 and 3, mild to moderate tissue destruction foci and mononuclear cell infiltration were detected. Real-time PCR analysis showed an increased expression of all genes in Groups 2 and 3 compared to Group 1. Vitamin E supplementation decreased the transcript number of 5 genes (alpha-SMA, COX-2, IL-6, MIP-3 alpha and TNF-alpha) and increased the transcript number of 1 gene (Pap). Conclusion: Vitamin E supplementation had anti-inflammatory and beneficial effects on the pancreatic gene expression of some inflammatory biomarkers in rats with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, confirming its participation in the inflammatory response mechanisms in the pancreas. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The present investigation was undertaken to test whether exercise training (ET) associated with AMPK/PPAR agonists (EM) would improve skeletal muscle function in mdx mice. These drugs have the potential to improve oxidative metabolism. This is of particular interest because oxidative muscle fibers are less affected in the course of the disease than glycolitic counterparts. Therefore, a cohort of 34 male congenic C57Bl/10J mdx mice included in this study was randomly assigned into four groups: vehicle solution (V), EM [AICAR (AMPK agonist, 50 mg/Kg-1.day-1, ip) and GW 1516 (PPAR delta agonist, 2.5 mg/Kg-1.day-1, gavage)], ET (voluntary running on activity wheel) and EM+ET. Functional performance (grip meter and rotarod), aerobic capacity (running test), muscle histopathology, serum creatine kinase (CK), levels of ubiquitined proteins, oxidative metabolism protein expression (AMPK, PPAR, myoglobin and SCD) and intracellular calcium handling (DHPR, SERCA and NCX) protein expression were analyzed. Treatments started when the animals were two months old and were maintained for one month. A significant functional improvement (p<0.05) was observed in animals submitted to the combination of ET and EM. CK levels were decreased and the expression of proteins related to oxidative metabolism was increased in this group. There were no differences among the groups in the intracellular calcium handling protein expression. To our knowledge, this is the first study that tested the association of ET with EM in an experimental model of muscular dystrophy. Our results suggest that the association of ET and EM should be further tested as a potential therapeutic approach in muscular dystrophies.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of hypercholesterolemic diet on the collagen composition of urinary bladder wall. Materials and methods: Forty-five female 4-week-old Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control group fed a normal diet (ND); 2) model of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) group fed a ND; and 3) group fed a HCD (1.25% cholesterol). Total serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and body weight were assessed at baseline. Four weeks later, group 2 underwent a surgical procedure resulting in a partial BOO, while groups 1 and 3 underwent a sham similar surgical procedure. Six weeks later, all animals had their bladders removed; serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and body weights were measured. Morphological and morphometric analysis was performed by Picrosirius staining and collagen types I and III were identified by immunofluorescence. Statistical analysis was completed and significance was considered when p<0.05. Results: Rats fed an HCD exhibited a significant increase in LDL cholesterol levels (p<0.001) and body weight (p=0.017), when compared to the groups fed a ND during the ten-week study period. Moreover, the HCD induced morphological alterations of the bladder wall collagen, regarding thin collagen fibers and the amounts of type III collagen when compared to the control group (p=0.002 and p=0.016, respectively), resembling the process promoted in the BOO model. Conclusions: A hyper-cholesterolemic diet in Wistar rats promoted morphological changes of the bladder types of collagen, as well as increases in body weight and LDL cholesterol.


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Background: In the feline species, 80% to 93% of neoplasias in the mammary gland are malignant, being the majority carcinomas. Among them, there is the mammary squamous cell carcinoma, which amounts to a very rare neoplasm in the domestic cat, with considerable potential for malignancy. This study aimed to report a case of squamous cell mammary carcinoma in the feline species. Case: A female cat, mixed breed, ten years old, presented history of skin lesion. The cat had been spayed two years before, but with previous administration of contraceptives. At the physical examination, it was observed ulcer between the caudal abdominal mammary glands. The occurrence of skin or mammary neoplasia was conceived. The following complementary tests were requested: complete blood count, serum biochemical profile (renal and hepatic), chest radiographs, abdominal ultrasound, and incisional biopsy of the ulcerated region periphery, followed by classic histopathology. The lesion histopathology was compatible with squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland. Due to such a diagnosis, bilateral mastectomy was recommended. The material obtained during the surgical procedure was sent for anatomopathological analysis. Microscopically, surgical margins infiltration and a regional lymph node were verified. The owner was advised of the need for complementary therapies and medical monitoring of the cat. However, there was no return. It is noteworthy that the animal's physical and laboratory examinations showed no neoplasia in other regions, being the squamous cell carcinoma of the mammary gland considered primary. Discussion: The malignant mammary neoplasia genesis in feline species, in general, seems to be related to steroid hormones. The ovariectomized females are less likely to develop the disease when compared to intact cats, but there is no protective effect of surgery on those spayed after two years of age regarding the appearance of the neoplasia. Thus, at the time the reported patient was ovariectomized, this effect no longer occurred. The synthetic progestins regularly used to prevent estrus increase by three times the risk of breast carcinomas onset. In humans, there is no clear definition of the etiology and pathogenesis of mammary squamous cell carcinoma. However, it has been suggested its association with extreme forms of squamous metaplasia present in pre-existing mammary adenocarcinoma, besides cysts, chronic inflammations, abscesses and mammary gland adenofibromas. In a hypothetical way, this etiology could also be related to the feline mammary carcinoma, although, for the case at issue, the exogenous and endogenous hormonal influence should not be excluded. It has been reported that mammary squamous cell carcinomas in cats are classified in grades II and III (ie, moderately and poorly differentiated, respectively). Thus, they are considered tumors with more unfavorable prognosis. However, the monitoring of the clinical course, in order to evaluate possible recurrence of the neoplasia and metastases to distant sites, was not possible as the animal under discussion did not return. The squamous cell carcinoma is the most common skin tumor in feline species, despite the primary location in the mammary gland. It is, therefore, important to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma originated in the breast from histological types derived from skin. The description of this special and rare feline mammary carcinoma is important due to its particular characteristics and potential for malignancy.


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Objective: Raman spectroscopy has been employed to discriminate between malignant (basal cell carcinoma [BCC] and melanoma [MEL]) and normal (N) skin tissues in vitro, aimed at developing a method for cancer diagnosis. Background data: Raman spectroscopy is an analytical tool that could be used to diagnose skin cancer rapidly and noninvasively. Methods: Skin biopsy fragments of similar to 2 mm(2) from excisional surgeries were scanned through a Raman spectrometer (830 nm excitation wavelength, 50 to 200 mW of power, and 20 sec exposure time) coupled to a fiber optic Raman probe. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Euclidean distance were employed to develop a discrimination model to classify samples according to histopathology. In this model, we used a set of 145 spectra from N (30 spectra), BCC (96 spectra), and MEL (19 spectra) skin tissues. Results: We demonstrated that principal components (PCs) 1 to 4 accounted for 95.4% of all spectral variation. These PCs have been spectrally correlated to the biochemicals present in tissues, such as proteins, lipids, and melanin. The scores of PC2 and PC3 revealed statistically significant differences among N, BCC, and MEL (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and were used in the discrimination model. A total of 28 out of 30 spectra were correctly diagnosed as N, 93 out of 96 as BCC, and 13 out of 19 as MEL, with an overall accuracy of 92.4%. Conclusions: This discrimination model based on PCA and Euclidean distance could differentiate N from malignant (BCC and MEL) with high sensitivity and specificity.


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Objective: To evaluate surgical margins in cases of ductal carcinoma through a histopathological exam using frozen sections. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study encompassing 242 conservative surgeries, 179 of which included intraoperative frozensection histopathology and 63 intraoperative nonfreezing techniques (macroscopy/gross examination and cytology). The results of such analyses were compared with those of the histology processing following paraffin embedment and hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) staining. A margin was deemed free when the distance between the tumor and the surgical border was equal to or greater than two millimeters. The factors given consideration for possibly affecting the results were: age, surgical aspects (skin removal and widening of surgical margins), histopathological findings (size, affected lymph nodes, and angiolymphatic invasion), and extensive intraductal and immunohistochemical components (estrogen, progesterone, Ki-67, and HER-2 receptors). In the statistical analyses, the chi-square test was used and negative predictive values were calculated. Results: The negative predictive values were 87.1% and 79.3% for frozen and nonfrozen sections, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.14). The factors under consideration had no influence on the results of the intraoperative exam of the margins. Conclusion: The present study allowed to conclude that the intraoperative exam of the surgical margins by frozen section is not superior to a macroscopy and / or cytology exam.


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Cyclosporine (CsA) remains an important immunosuppressant for transplantation and for treatment of autoimmune diseases. The most troublesome side effect of CsA is renal injury. Acute CsA-induced nephrotoxicity is characterized by reduced renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) due to afferent arteriole vasoconstriction. Annexin A1 (ANXA1) is a potent anti-inflammatory protein with protective effect in renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. Here we study the effects of ANXA1 treatment in an experimental model of acute CsA nephrotoxicity. Salt-depleted rats were randomized to treatment with VH (vehicles 1 mL/kg body weight/day), ANXA1 (Ac2-26 peptide 1 mg/kg body weight/day intraperitoneally), CsA (20 mg/kg body weight/day subcutaneously) and CsA + ANXA1 (combination) for seven days. We compared renal function and hemodynamics, renal histopathology, renal tissue macrophage infiltration and renal ANXA1 expression between the four groups. CsA significantly impaired GFR and RBF, caused tubular dilation and macrophage infiltration and increased ANXA1 renal tissue expression. Treatment with ANXA1 attenuated CSA-induced hemodynamic changes, tubular injury and macrophage infiltration. ANXA1 treatment attenuated renal hemodynamic injury and inflammation in an acute CsA nephrotoxicity model.


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For supporting the Brazilian bovine encephalitis surveillance program this study examined the differential diagnosis of Neospora caninum in central nervous system (CNS) by histological analysis (HE staining), immunohistochemistry (IHC), and nested-PCR using a set of primers from the Nc5 region of the genomic DNA and ITS1 region of the ribosomal DNA. A sample of 302 cattle presenting neurological syndrome and negative for rabies, aged 0 to 18 years, from herds in 10 Brazilian states was evaluated for N caninum from January 2007 to April 2010. All specimens tested negative with IHC and nested-PCR using primers from the ITS I region of ribosomal DNA, while two positive cases (0.66%) were found using primers from the Nc5 region of genomic DNA: a 20 month-old male and a 72 month-old female, both from Sao Paulo State. Only the male presented severe multifocal necrotizing encephalitis associated with mononuclear cell infiltration, a pathognomonic lesion caused by parasites of the family Sarcocystidae, and only this case was associated with N caninum thus representing 0.33% positivity. Future studies should explore the association of IHC and nested-PCR with real-time PCR, a quantitative method that could be standardized for improving the detection of N. caninum in bovine CNS specimens.


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Aims: This study aimed to describe the expression of oestrogen receptor (ER)alpha, ER beta and aromatase in salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC). Methods and results: ER alpha, ER beta and aromatase expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry in tissue microarray blocks from 38 cases of ACC and seven normal salivary glands. The intracellular localization and amount of total protein expression were investigated by immunofluorescence and western blotting in an ACC cell line. Western blotting analysis showed overexpression of ER alpha, ER beta and aromatase in the ACC cell line; however, with immunofluorescence, only ER beta was shown to be expressed in the nucleus. Immunohistochemistry revealed positive nuclear expression of ER beta, positive cytoplasmic expression of aromatase and a lack of ER alpha expression as compared with normal salivary glands. Conclusions: The nuclear expression of ER beta indicates that oestrogen may be active in ACC and possibly able to mediate E2-targeted gene transcription. This study strongly suggests that ER beta may be involved in tumour progression, playing a role in tumour development, and thus corroborating the indication for ER antagonists in the clinical control of ACC. This study opens a new perspective on the potential use of anti-oestrogens and aromatase inhibitors as therapeutic agents against ACC.


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The visual system is particularly sensitive to methylmercury (MeHg) exposure and, therefore, provides a useful model for investigating the fundamental mechanisms that direct toxic effects. During a period of 70 days, adult of a freshwater fish species Hoplias malabaricus were fed with fish prey previously labeled with two different doses of methylmercury (0.075 and 0.75 mu g g(-1)) to determine the mercury distribution and morphological changes in the retina. Mercury deposits were found in the photoreceptor layer, in the inner plexiform layer and in the outer plexiform layer, demonstrating a dose-dependent bioaccumulation. The ultrastructure analysis of retina revealed a cellular deterioration in the photoreceptor layer, morphological changes in the inner and outer segments of rods, structural changes in the plasma membrane of rods and double cones, changes in the process of removal of membranous discs and a structural discontinuity. These results lead to the conclusion that methylmercury is able to cross the blood-retina barrier, accumulate in the cells and layers of retina and induce changes in photoreceptors of H. malabaricus even under subchronic exposure. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.