917 resultados para Heart disease in women
The objective of the study was to describe seasonality of hospitalizations for heart failure in tropical climate as it has been described in cold climates. Seasonal Auto-regressive Integrated Moving-Average model was applied to time-series data of heart failure hospitalizations between 1996 and 2004 in Niteroi (Southeastern Brazil), collected from the Brazilian National Health Service Database. The standard seasonal variation was obtained by means of moving-average filtering and averaging data. The lowest and the highest annual hospital admissions were 507 (1997) and 849 (2002), respectively; the lowest and the highest monthly rates were 419 (December) and 681 (October), respectively. Peak admission rates were seen during the fall and winter. Although weak, the seasonality observed indicates that slight variations result in increased hospitalizations for heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To assess incidence and predictors of first pregnancy among women with HIV/AIDS. METHODS: Prospective cohort study was conducted in Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, between 1996 and 2003. This study comprised 225 women with HIV/AIDS followed up until their first pregnancy or first censored event (hysterectomy, tubal ligation, menopause, 50 years of age, loss to follow-up, death or the end of December 2003). Pregnancy and abortion rates were estimated, and Cox proportional hazards models were used to identify baseline characteristics associated with pregnancy risk. RESULTS: The women were followed up for 565 person/years with a median follow-up of 3 years per women. The mean age was 32 years (SD: 7), and 54.7% were white. There were 60 pregnancies in 39 women, and 18 were terminated (induced abortions), accounting for a rate of 6.9% and 2.1% women/year, respectively. Repeated pregnancies occurred in 33.3% of the women (13/39). Higher pregnancy risk was seen among younger women (HR=3.42; 95%CI: 1.69;6.95) and those living with their partners (HR=1.89; 95%CI: 1.00;3.57). Lower pregnancy risk was associated with higher education level (HR=0.43; 95%CI: 0.19;0.99) and use of antiretroviral therapy (HR=061; 95%CI: 0.31;1.17). CONCLUSIONS: Lower pregnancy rates were found in our cohort than in the general population. Sociodemographic characteristics should be taken into consideration in the management of reproductive health in HIV-positive childbearing age women. Reproductive and family planning counseling must be incorporated into HIV/AIDS programs for women to help preventing HIV transmission to their partners and offspring.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate hospitalization rates for pneumococcal disease based on the Brazilian Hospital Information System (SIH). METHODS: Descriptive study based on the Hospital Information System of Brazilian National Health System data from January 2004 to December 2006: number of hospitalizations and deaths for pneumococcal meningitis, pneumococcal sepsis, pneumococcal pneumonia and Streptococcus pneumoniae as the cause of diseases reported in Brazil. Data from the 2003 Brazilian National Household Survey were used to estimate events in the private sector. Pneumococcal meningitis cases and deaths reported to the Notifiable Diseases Information System during the study period were also analyzed. RESULTS: Pneumococcal disease accounted for 34,217 hospitalizations in the Brazilian National Health System (0.1% of all hospitalizations in the public sector). Pneumococcal pneumonia accounted for 64.8% of these hospitalizations. The age distribution of the estimated hospitalization rates for pneumococcal disease showed a "U"-shape curve with the highest rates seen in children under one (110 to 136.9 per 100,000 children annually). The highest hospital case-fatality rates were seen among the elderly, and for sepsis and meningitis. CONCLUSIONS: PD is a major public health problem in Brazil. The analysis based on the SIH can provide an important input to pneumococcal disease surveillance and the impact assessment of immunization programs.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the waiting time for radiotherapy for patients with cervical cancer. METHODS This descriptive study was conducted with 342 cervical cancer cases that were referred to primary radiotherapy, in the Baixada Fluminense region, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1995 to August 2010. The waiting time was calculated using the recommended 60-day deadline as a parameter to obtaining the first cancer treatment and considering the date at which the diagnosis was confirmed, the date of first oncological consultation and date when the radiotherapy began. Median and proportional comparisons were made using the Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. RESULTS Most of the women (72.2%) began their radiotherapy within 60 days from the diagnostic confirmation date. The median of this total waiting time was 41 days. This median worsened over the time period, going from 11 days (1995-1996) to 64 days (2009-2010). The median interval between the diagnostic confirmation and the first oncological consultation was 33 days, and between the first oncological consultation and the first radiotherapy session was four days. The median waiting time differed significantly (p = 0.003) according to different stages of the tumor, reaching 56 days, 35 days and 30 days for women whose cancers were classified up to IIA; from IIB to IIIB, and IVA-IVB, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Despite most of the women having had access to radiotherapy within the recommended 60 days, the implementation of procedures to define the stage of the tumor and to reestablish clinical conditions took a large part of this time, showing that at least one of these intervals needs to be improved. Even though the waiting times were ideal for all patients, the most advanced cases were quickly treated, which suggests that access to radiotherapy by women with cervical cancer has been reached with equity.
Information obtained from the routine application of hydatid immunodiagnostic techniques in different clinical situations over a seven-year period is presented. The Immunoelectrophoresis test was used until it was replaced by the simpler, more sensitive and equally specific arc 5 double diffusion (DD5) test. Examination of sera from 1,888 patients with signs and/or symptoms compatible with hydatid disease revealed that the presurgical confirmation of Echinococcus granulosus infection is only obtained by detection of anti-antigen 5 antibodies. The latter were not found in 1,539 presumptive hydatidosis patients whose definitive diagnoses corresponded to other disease conditions. However, false positive latex agglutination test results were obtained in two cases. In all patients whose preoperative serum showed three or more uncharacteristic bands in the absence of anti-antigen 5 antibodies, hydatid cysts were found sur gically. DD5 testing of a fluid sample collected by puncture established its hydatid etiology. Post-operative monitoring of hydatidosis patients demonstrated that persistence of DD5-positivity two years after surgery established the presence of other cysts. Further evidence was obtained in patients with hydatid cysts in intrathoracic, abdominal or other locations associating cyst membrane integrity, antigen release and immunodiagnostic test positivity.
The clinical and laboratory data of a disease in a resident of Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, caused by an agent close or identical to Caraparu, a Group C arbovirus, was described. Although there is evidence of an intensive circulation of several arboviruses in the area, no diagnosis of human disease by these agents has been made, except the encephalitis cases caused by Rocio virus during an epidemic in 1975-1977. An antigenic difference between Caraparu strains isolated in São Paulo and in Pará States and a close antigenic relationship between Caraparu strain from São Paulo and Bruconha virus were suggested by the serological tests.
Germfree (GF) and conventional (CV) CFW (LOB) mice and Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease was more severe in the GF than in the CV animals as revealed by: (1) an earlier and more intense parasitemia; (2) a more precocious mortality; (3) a twice enlarged spleen: (4) a more intense cell and tissue parasitism; (5) visceral signs of cardiac failure.
Acute sera from two children suffering from an illness with an erythematous rash were positive for B 19 virus specific IgM antibody, as tested by a capture radioimmunoassay. The first patient, a two year old boy, presented with a cutaneous rash of six days duration, the second was a four year old girl, sister of the first patient, who was examined at the same time and had a three day history of cutaneous rash.
Legionella sp has been emerging over the last decade as an important cause of pneumonia both hospital and community-acquired. Following an outbreak in a Renal - Transplant Unit stocked serum was tested for antibodies against Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, and 5 cases of Legionnaires' Disease were reviewed. Two of the cases were nosocomial and three cases were community - acquired. Clinical and laboratorial aspects were similar to those expected for other causes of pneumonia, however jaundice was encountered in two cases. This study suggests that the real incidence of pneumonia caused by Legionella sp is being underestimated and the authors emphasize the importance of considering Legionnaires' Disease when empirically treating community - acquired pneumonia
Hydatid disease in tropical areas poses a serious diagnostic problem due to the high frequence of cross-reactivity with other endemic helminthic infections. The enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the double diffusion arc 5 showed respectively a sensitivity of 73% and 57% and a specificity of 84-95% and 100%. However, the specificity of ELISA was greatly increased by using ovine serum and phosphorylcholine in the diluent buffer. The hydatic antigen obtained from ovine cyst fluid showed three main protein bands of 64,58 and 30 KDa using SDS PAGE and immunoblotting. Sera from patients with onchocerciasis, cysticercosis, toxocariasis and Strongyloides infection cross-reacted with the 64 and 58 KDa bands by immunoblotting. However, none of the analyzed sera recognized the 30 KDa band, that seems to be specific in this assay. The immunoblotting showed a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100% when used to recognize the 30 KDa band.
Several reports have related Legionella pneumophila with pneumonia in renal transplant patients, however this association has not been systematically documented in Brazil. Therefore this paper reports the incidence, by serologycal assays, of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in these patients during a five year period. For this purpose sera from blood samples of 70 hospitalized patients with pneumonia from the Renal Transplant Unit of Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP collected at the acute and convalescent phase of infection were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) to demonstrate anti-Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antibodies. Of these 70 patients studied during the period of 1988 to 1993,18 (25.71 %) had significant rises in specific antibody titers for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Incidence was interrupted following Hospital water decontamination procedures, with recurrence of infections after treatment interruption. In this study, the high susceptibility (25.71%) of immunodepressed renal transplant patients to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 nosocomial infections is documented. The importance of the implementation and maintenance of water decontamination measures for prophylaxis of the infection is also clearly evident.
At least eighteen species of triatominae have been found in the Brazilian Amazon, nine of them naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or "cruzi-like" trypanosomes and associated with numerous wild reservoirs. Despite the small number of human cases of Chagas' disease described to date in the Brazilian Amazon the risk that the disease will become endemic in this area is increasing for the following reasons: a) uncontrolled deforestation and colonization altering the ecological balance between reservoir hosts and wild vectors; b) the adaptation of reservoir hosts of T.cruzi and wild vectors to peripheral and intradomiciliary areas, as the sole feeding alternative; c) migration of infected human population from endemic areas, accompanied by domestic reservoir hosts (dogs and cats) or accidentally carrying in their baggage vectors already adapted to the domestic habitat. In short, risks that Chagas' disease will become endemic to the Amazon appear to be linked to the transposition of the wild cycle to the domestic cycle in that area or to transfer of the domestic cycle from endemic areas to the Amazon.
A serological survey, involving indirect immunofluorescence testing of blood sera samples, was carried out on the residents of one in every five dwellings in the town of Barcelos (in the northern part of the State of Amazonas, on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 490 Km from Manaus by river) and on the rural populations of the villages of Piloto and Marará (also on the right bank of the Rio Negro, 30 minutes by boat from Barcelos). A total of 710 sera samples were tested, 628 from the resident population in the town of Barcelos, 35 from Piloto and 47 from Marará. The tests were carried out using human anti-gammaglobulin type IgG (Biolab) and antigen from formolized culture of T.cruzi Y strain. The sera were serially diluted from 1:40 to 1:320 in PBS 7.2. Of the 710 samples examined 89(12.5%) were positive for anti-T.cruzi antibodies: 2 of these (2.2%) at a dilution of 1:320; 12(13.4%) at 1:160; 38 (42.6%) at 1:80; and the remainder at 1:40, giving a median serological dilution of 1:80. The following questions are discussed: the high serological prevalence for Chagas'infection found in our survey; the possibility of serological cross-reactions; the need for confirmatory tests for the positives reactions; and the strong correlation between our results and preliminary epidemiological data (such as the level of human contact with wild triatominae, know locally as "Piacava's lice". We draw attention to the isolation by xenodiagnosis of one strain of T.cruzi from a patient with positive serology for Chagas' infection.
With the aim of determining the prevalence, immunological profile, and knowing the electrocardiographic alterations, a clinical and Seroepidemiological study of Chagas' disease was performed in three rural settlements located at the North, East and West of Nicaragua. Anti T. cruzi antibodies were searched by indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) and hemagglutination (IHA) in a total of 803 subjects. Seropositives and the same number of seronegatives, matched by age and sex, were included in a case-control design for the electrocardiographic assessment. Antibody prevalence was 13.1, 4.3 and 3.2% in the respective settlements. In the first two the immunological profile corresponds to that of an endemic zone of long standing, were transmission has decreased, and in the third the pattern is of a zone under control. Electrocardiographic changes compatible with Chagas' disease were found in seropositive individuals, but difference with control group was not statistically significant. It is concluded that the disease is endemic in the three settlements and the clinical aspect requires further evaluation, including additional cardiologic techniques.