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Hypertonic shock of Saccharomyces cerevisiae activates the Hog1p MAP kinase cascade. In contrast, protein kinase C (Pkc1p) and the “cell integrity” MAP kinase cascade are critical for the response to hypotonic shock. We observed that hypertonic shock transiently relocated many, but not all, nuclear and nucleolar proteins to the cytoplasm. We hypothesized that the relocation of nuclear proteins was due to activation of the Hog1p kinase cascade, yet, surprisingly, Hog1p was not required for these effects. In contrast, Pkc1p kinase activity was required, although the Pkc1p MAP kinase cascade and several factors known to lie upstream and downstream of Pkc1p were not. Moreover, sudden induction of a hyperactive form of Pkc1p was sufficient to relocate nuclear proteins. Taken together, these observations show that the scope of involvement of Pkc1p in the organization of the nucleus considerably exceeds what has been characterized previously. The relocation of nuclear proteins is likely to account for the profound inhibition of RNA synthesis that was observed during hypertonic shock.


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In tetrapods, only one gene encoding a somatostatin precursor has been identified so far. The present study reports the characterization of the cDNA clones that encode two distinct somatostatin precursors in the brain of the frog Rana ridibunda. The cDNAs were isolated by using degenerate oligonucleotides based on the sequence of the central region of somatostatin to screen a frog brain cDNA library. One of the cDNAs encodes a 115-amino acid protein (prepro-somatostatin-14; PSS1) that exhibits a high degree of structural similarity with the mammalian somatostatin precursor. The other cDNA encodes a 103-amino acid protein (prepro-[Pro2, Met13]somatostatin-14; PSS2) that contains the sequence of the somatostatin analog (peptide SS2) at its C terminus, but does not exhibit appreciable sequence similarity with PSS1 in the remaining region. In situ hybridization studies indicate differential expression of the PSS1 and PSS2 genes in the septum, the lateral part of the pallium, the amygdaloid complex, the posterior nuclei of the thalamus, the ventral hypothalamic nucleus, the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum. The somatostatin variant SS2 was significantly more potent (4-6 fold) than somatostatin itself in displacing [125I-Tyr0, D-Trp8] somatostatin-14 from its specific binding sites. The present study indicates that the two somatostatin variants could exert different functions in the frog brain and pituitary. These data also suggest that distinct genes encoding somatostatin variants may be expressed in the brain of other tetrapods.


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The junction-associated protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) is a member of a family of membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologues thought to be important in signal transduction at sites of cell-cell contact. We present evidence that under certain conditions of cell growth, ZO-1 can be detected in the nucleus. Two different antibodies against distinct portions of the ZO-1 polypeptide reveal nuclear staining in subconfluent, but not confluent, cell cultures. An exogenously expressed, epitope-tagged ZO-1 can also be detected in the nuclei of transfected cells. Nuclear accumulation can be stimulated at sites of wounding in cultured epithelial cells, and immunoperoxidase detection of ZO-1 in tissue sections of intestinal epithelial cells reveals nuclear labeling only along the outer tip of the villus. These results suggest that the nuclear localization of ZO-1 is inversely related to the extent and/or maturity of cell contact. Since cell-cell contacts are specialized sites for signaling pathways implicated in growth and differentiation, we suggest that the nuclear accumulation of ZO-1 may be relevant for its suggested role in membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue signal transduction.


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The cDNA corresponding to a fourth species of diacylglycerol (DG) kinase (EC was isolated from cDNA libraries of rat retina and brain. This cDNA encoded a 929-aa, 104-kDa polypeptide termed DGK-IV. DGK-IV was different from previously identified mammalian DG kinase species, DGK-I, DGK-II, and DGK-III, in that it contained no EF-hand motifs but did contain four ankyrin-like repeats at the carboxyl terminus. These structural features of DGK-IV closely resemble the recently cloned, eye-specific DG kinase of Drosophila that is encoded by the retinal degeneration A (rdgA) gene. However, DGK-IV was expressed primarily in the thymus and brain with relatively low expression in the eye and intestine. Furthermore, the primary structure of the DGK-IV included a nuclear targeting motif, and immunocytochemical analysis revealed DGK-IV to localize in the nucleus of COS-7 cells transfected with the epitope-tagged cDNA, suggesting an involvement of DGK-IV in intranuclear processes.


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Auditory cortical receptive field plasticity produced during behavioral learning may be considered to constitute "physiological memory" because it has major characteristics of behavioral memory: associativity, specificity, rapid acquisition, and long-term retention. To investigate basal forebrain mechanisms in receptive field plasticity, we paired a tone with stimulation of the nucleus basalis, the main subcortical source of cortical acetylcholine, in the adult guinea pig. Nucleus basalis stimulation produced electroencephalogram desynchronization that was blocked by systemic and cortical atropine. Paired tone/nucleus basalis stimulation, but not unpaired stimulation, induced receptive field plasticity similar to that produced by behavioral learning. Thus paired activation of the nucleus basalis is sufficient to induce receptive field plasticity, possibly via cholinergic actions in the cortex.


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Effects of environmental stresses on the subcellular localization of PKN were investigated in NIH 3T3, BALB/c 3T3, and Rat-1 cells. The immunofluorescence of PKN resided prominently in the cytoplasmic region in nonstressed cells. When these cells were treated at 42 degrees C, there was a time-dependent decrease of the immunofluorescence of PKN in the cytoplasmic region that correlated with an increase within the nucleus as observed by confocal microscope. After incubation at 37 degrees C following beat shock, the immunofluorescence of PKN returned to the perinuclear and cytoplasmic regions from the nucleus. The nuclear translocation of PKN by heat shock was supported by the biochemical subcellular fractionation and immunoblotting. The nuclear localization of PKN was also observed when the cells were exposed to other stresses such as sodium arsenite and serum starvation. These results raise the possibility that there is a pathway mediating stress signals from the cytosol to the nucleus through PKN.


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Short- and long-term ethanol exposures have been shown to alter cellular levels of cAMP, but little is known about the effects of ethanol on cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). When cAMP levels increase, the catalytic subunit of PKA (C alpha) is released from the regulatory subunit, phosphorylates nearby proteins, and then translocates to the nucleus, where it regulates gene expression. Altered localization of C alpha would have profound effects on multiple cellular functions. Therefore, we investigated whether ethanol alters intracellular localization of C alpha. NG108-15 cells were incubated in the presence or absence of ethanol for as long as 48 h, and localization of PKA subunits was determined by immunocytochemistry. We found that ethanol exposure produced a significant translocation of C alpha from the Golgi area to the nucleus. C alpha remained in the nucleus as long as ethanol was present. There was no effect of ethanol on localization of the type I regulatory subunit of PKA. Ethanol also caused a 43% decrease in the amount of type I regulatory subunit but had no effect on the amount of C alpha as determined by Western blot. These data suggest that ethanol-induced translocation of C alpha to the nucleus may account, in part, for diverse changes in cellular function and gene expression produced by alcohol.


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A new means of direct visualization of the early events of viral infection by selective fluorescence labeling of viral proteins coupled with digital imaging microscopy is reported. The early phases of viral infection have great importance for understanding viral replication and pathogenesis. Vesicular stomatitis virus, the best-studied rhabdovirus, is composed of an RNA genome of negative sense, five viral proteins, and membrane lipids derived from the host cell. The glycoprotein of vesicular stomatitis virus was labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate, and the labeled virus was incubated with baby hamster kidney cells. After initiation of infection, the fluorescence of the labeled glycoprotein was first seen inside the cells in endocytic vesicles. The fluorescence progressively migrated to the nucleus of infected cells. After 1 h of infection, the virus glycoprotein was concentrated in the nucleus and could be recovered intact in a preparation of purified nuclei. These results suggest that uncoating of the viral RNA occurs close to the nuclear membrane, which would precede transcription of the leader RNA that enters the nucleus to shut off cellular RNA synthesis and DNA replication.


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Xeroderma pigmentosum type G (XPG) is a human genetic disease exhibiting extreme sensitivity to sunlight. XPG patients are defective XPG endonuclease, which is an enzyme essential for DNA repair of the major kinds of solar ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damages. Here we describe a novel dynamics of this protein within the cell nucleus after UV irradiation of human cells. Using confocal microscopy, we have localized the immunofluorescent, antigenic signal of XPG protein to foci throughout the cell nucleus. Our biochemical studies also established that XPG protein forms a tight association with nuclear structure(s). In human skin fibroblast cells, the number of XPG foci decreased within 2 h after UV irradiation, whereas total nuclear XPG fluorescence intensity remained constant, suggesting redistribution of XPG from a limited number of nuclear foci to the nucleus overall. Within 8 h after UV, most XPG antigenic signal was found as foci. Using beta-galactosidase-XPG fusion constructs (beta-gal-XPG) transfected into HeLa cells, we have identified a single region of XPG that is evidently responsible both for foci formation and for the UV dynamic response. The fusion protein carrying the C terminus of XPG (amino acids 1146-1185) localized beta-gal specific antigenic signal to foci and to the nucleolus regions. After UV irradiation, antigenic beta-gal translocated reversibly from the subnuclear structures to the whole nucleus with kinetics very similar to the movements of XPG protein. These findings lead us to propose a model in which distribution of XPG protein may regulate the rate of DNA repair within transcriptionally active and inactive compartments of the cell nucleus.


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Rna1p is the GTPase activating enzyme for Ran/TC4, a Ras-like GTPase necessary for nuclear/cytosolic exchange. Although most wild-type Rna1p is located in the cytosol, we found that the vast majority of the mutant Rna1-1p and, under appropriate physiological conditions, a small portion of the wild-type Rna1p cofractionate with yeast nuclei. Subnuclear fractionation studies show that most of the Rna1p is tightly associated with nuclear components, and that a portion of the active protein can be solubilized by treatments that fail to solubilize inactive Rna1-1p. To learn the precise nuclear locations of the Rna1 proteins, we studied their subcellular distributions in HeLa cells. By indirect immuno-fluorescence we show that wild-type Rna1p has three subcellular locations. The majority of the protein is distributed throughout the cytosol, but a portion of the protein is nucleus-associated, located at both the cytosolic surface and within the nucleoplasm. Mutant Rna1-1p is found at the outer nuclear surface and in the cytosol. We propose that a small pool of the wild-type Rna1p is located in the nuclear interior, supporting the model that the same components of the Ran/TC4 GTPase cycle exist on both sides of the nuclear membrane.


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Several P2X receptor subunits were recently cloned; of these, one was cloned from the rat vas deferens (P2X1) and another from pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells differentiated with nerve growth factor (P2X2). Peptides corresponding to the C-terminal portions of the predicted receptor proteins (P2X1 391-399 and P2X2 460-472) were used to generate antisera in rabbits. The specificities of antisera were determined by staining human embryonic kidney cells stably transfected with either P2X1 or P2X2 receptors and by absorption controls with the cognate peptides. In the vas deferens and the ileal submucosa, P2X1 immunoreactivity (ir) was restricted to smooth muscle, whereas P2X2-ir was restricted to neurons and their processes. Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla and PC12 cells contained both P2X1- and P2X2-ir. P2X1-ir was also found in smooth muscle cells of the bladder, cardiac myocytes, and nerve fibers and terminals in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In contrast, P2X2-ir was observed in scattered cells of the anterior pituitary, neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate and paraventricular nuclei, and catecholaminergic neurons in the olfactory bulb, the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and locus coeruleus. A plexus of nerve fibers and terminals in the nucleus of the solitary tract contained P2X2-ir. This staining disappeared after nodose ganglionectomy, consistent with a presynaptic function. The location of the P2X1 subunit in smooth muscle is consistent with its role as a postjunctional receptor in autonomic transmission, while in neurons, these receptors appear in both postsynaptic and presynaptic locations.


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The progression of animal life from the paleozoic ocean to rivers and diverse econiches on the planet's surface, as well as the subsequent reinvasion of the ocean, involved many different stresses on ionic pattern, osmotic pressure, and volume of the extracellular fluid bathing body cells. The relatively constant ionic pattern of vertebrates reflects a genetic "set" of many regulatory mechanisms--particularly renal regulation. Renal regulation of ionic pattern when loss of fluid from the body is disproportionate relative to the extracellular fluid composition (e.g., gastric juice with vomiting and pancreatic secretion with diarrhea) makes manifest that a mechanism to produce a biologically relatively inactive extracellular anion HCO3- exists, whereas no comparable mechanism to produce a biologically inactive cation has evolved. Life in the ocean, which has three times the sodium concentration of extracellular fluid, involves quite different osmoregulatory stress to that in freshwater. Terrestrial life involves risk of desiccation and, in large areas of the planet, salt deficiency. Mechanisms integrated in the hypothalamus (the evolutionary ancient midbrain) control water retention and facilitate excretion of sodium, and also control the secretion of renin by the kidney. Over and above the multifactorial processes of excretion, hypothalamic sensors reacting to sodium concentration, as well as circumventricular organs sensors reacting to osmotic pressure and angiotensin II, subserve genesis of sodium hunger and thirst. These behaviors spectacularly augment the adaptive capacities of animals. Instinct (genotypic memory) and learning (phenotypic memory) are melded to give specific behavior apt to the metabolic status of the animal. The sensations, compelling emotions, and intentions generated by these vegetative systems focus the issue of the phylogenetic emergence of consciousness and whether primal awareness initially came from the interoreceptors and vegetative systems rather than the distance receptors.


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Release of luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH), the hypothalamic peptide that controls release of LH from the adenohypophysis, is controlled by NO. There is a rich plexus of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons and fibers in the lateral median eminence, intermingled with terminals of the LHRH neurons. To study relations between NOS and LHRH in this brain region, we measured NOS activity in incubated medial basal hypothalamus (MBH). NOS converts [14C]arginine to equimolar quantities of [14C]citrulline plus NO, which rapidly decomposes. The [14C]citrulline serves as an index of the NO produced. NOS basal activity was suppressed by incubation of the tissue with an inhibitor of NOS, nitroarginine methyl ester (NAME) (10(-5) M). Furthermore, incubation of MBH explants for 30 min with norepinephrine (NE) increased NOS activity and the increase was prevented by prazosine (10(-5) M), an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor blocker; however, direct addition of NE to the tissue homogenate or to a preparation of MBH synaptosomes did not alter enzyme activity, which suggested that NE increased the content of NOS during incubation with the tissue. After purification of NOS, the increase in enzyme content induced by NE was still measurable. This indicates that within 30 min NE increased the synthesis of NOS in vitro. Incubation of MBH or the MBH homogenate with various concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (NP), a releaser of NO, reduced NOS activity at high concentrations (> or = 0.9 mM), which were associated with either a reduction of stimulation or a plateau of LHRH release. Finally, incubation of either MBH or the homogenate with cGMP, a major mediatior of NO action, at concentrations that increased LHRH release also reduced NOS activity. These results indicate that NO at high concentrations can inactivate NOS and that cGMP can also inhibit the enzyme directly. Therefore, the increased NOS activity induced by activation of alpha 1 receptors by NE is inhibited by NO itself and a principal product of its activity, cGMP, providing negative feedback on NOS. In central nervous system (CNS) infections with high concentrations of inducible NOS produced by glial elements, the high concentrations of NO and cGMP produced may suppress LHRH release, resulting in decreased gonadotropin and gonadal steroid release.


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The nucleus accumbens is considered a critical target of the action of drugs of abuse. In this nucleus a "shell" and a "core" have been distinguished on the basis of anatomical and histochemical criteria. The present study investigated the effect in freely moving rats of intravenous cocaine, amphetamine, and morphine on extracellular dopamine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens shell and core by means of microdialysis with vertically implanted concentric probes. Doses selected were in the range of those known to sustain drug self-administration in rats. Morphine, at 0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg, and cocaine, at 0.5 mg/kg, increased extracellular dopamine selectivity in the shell. Higher doses of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg) and the lowest dose of amphetamine tested (0.125 mg/kg) increased extracellular dopamine both in the shell and in the core, but the effect was significantly more pronounced in the shell compared with the core. Only the highest dose of amphetamine (0.250 mg/kg) increased extracellular dopamine in the shell and in the core to a similar extent. The present results provide in vivo neurochemical evidence for a functional compartmentation within the nucleus accumbens and for a preferential effect of psychostimulants and morphine in the shell of the nucleus accumbens at doses known to sustain intravenous drug self-administration.