956 resultados para HYDROCARBON
Presently non-commercial occurrences of Mississippi Valley-type ore assemblages in the Middle Silurian strata of the Niagara Peninsula have been studied. Based on this detailed study, a new poly-stage genetic model is proposed which relates ore mineralization in carbonate environments to the evolution of the sedimentary basin. Sulphide ore mineralization occurred during two episodes: 1. During the late diagenesis stage, which is characterized by compaction-maturation of the sediments, the initial mineralization took place by upward and outward movement of connate waters. Metals were probably supplied from all the sediments regardless of their specific lithologies. However, clay minerals were possibly the main contributors. The possible source of sulphur was from petroleum-type hydrocarbons presently mixed with the sediments at the site of ore deposition. Evidence for this is the fact that the greatest abundance of ore minerals is in petroliferous carbonates. The hydrocarbons probably represent liquids remaining after upward migration to the overlying Guelph-Salina reservoirs. The majority of sphalerite and galena formed during this period, as well as accessory pyrite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite; and secondary dolomite, calcite, celestite, and gypsum. 2. During the presently ongoing surface erosion and weathering phase, which is marked by the downward movement of groundwater, preexisting sulphides were probably remobilized, and trace amounts of lead and zinc were leached from the host material, by groundwaters. Metal sulphides precipitated at, or below, the water table, or where atmospheric oxygen could raise the Eh of groundwaters to the point where soluble metal complexes are unstable and native sulphur co-precipitates with sphalerite and galena. This process, which can be observed today, also results in the transport and deposition of the host rock material. Breakdown of pre-existing sulphide and sulphate, as well as hydrocarbon present in the host rock, provided sulphur necessary for sulphide precipitation. The galena and sphalerite are accompanied by dolomite, calcite, gypsum, anglesite, native sulphur and possibly zincite.
The fragmentation processes in the mass spectra of a series of organophosphorus, organochlorine, thio and dithiocarbamate as well as a number of miscellaneous pesticides have been studied i n detail by using the Bendix timeof- flight, MS-12 single-focussing and MS-30 double-focussing mass spectrometers. Interpretation of all the spectra have been presented; their mode s of dissociation elucidated, aided by metastable transitions wherever possible and the structures of the various f ragmentation species postulated wherever f easible. The fragmentation mechanisms are based on the concepts of inductive, resonance and steric ef~ects. Multiple bond cleavages accompanied by simultaneous bond formation and rearrangement reactions involving cycli c t r ansition states have clarified t he formation of various ions . Due emphasis has been placed on the effect of the functional groups or substituents in altering the mass spectral behaviour of the pesticides as they form the basis for the identifi cation of the otherwise identical pesticides. The organophosphorus pesticides which have been studied include i) the phosphates (eg: DDVP and Phosdrin ); ii) phosphorothionates (eg: Parathion, 0-2, 4 dichloro phenyl 0, O-diethyl thionophosphate); iii) phosphorothioites (eg: Tributyl phosphorotrithioite); i V) phosphorothioates (eg: Ethion) and v) phosphorodithioates (eg: Carbophenolthion). Cleavages and rearrangements of the ester moiety dominate the spectrum of phosdrin while that of DDVP is + dominated by t he fragmentation modes of the (OH30)2P=0 + moiety. Fragmentation §f the (CH30)2P=S characterises the spectrum of (OH30)2"P -Cl while cleavages of the + (C2H50 )2P=S species mark the spectra of parathion and 0-2, 4- di chlorophenyl O, O-diethyl thiophosphate. The 0(, cl eavages of the thioether f unction rather than + cleavages of the (C2H50)2P=S signify the spectrum of carbophenolthion. Tributyl phosphorotrithioite behaves more like an aliphatic hydrocarbon than like the corresponding phosphites. The isopropyl and butyl esters of 2, 4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid show cleavage and rearrangement ions typical of an ester. In spite of its structural similari ty to pp' - DDT and pp' - DDD, Kalthane has a completely different mass spectral behaviour due to the influence of its hydroxyl function. The thiocarbamate pesticides studied include Eptam and Perbulate. Both are structurally similar but having different alkyl substituents on nitrogen and sulphur. This structurQlsimilarity leads to similar types of (N-C), (O-S) and (S-alkyl cleavages). However, perbulate differs from Eptam in showing a rearrangement ion at mle 161 and in forming an isocyanate ion as the base peak. In Eptam the base peak i s the alkyl ion. The dithiocarbamate, Vegadex, resembles the thiocarbamates in undergoing simple cleavages but it differs from them in having a weak parent ion; in the formation of its base peak and in undergoing a series of rearrangement reactions. The miscellaneous pesticides studied include 1-Naphthalene acetic aCid- methyl ester, Fiperonyl butoxide and Allethrin. The ester i s stable to electron impact and shows only fewer ions. Piper onyl butoxide, a polyether, shows characteristics of an et her, alcohol and aldehyde . Allethrin is regarded as an ester of the type R-C-O-R1 with n R being a substituted cyclopr opane moiety and o Rt, a substituted cyclopentenone mOiety. Accordingly it shows cleavage ions typical of an aliphatic ester and undergoes bond ruptures of the cyclic moieties to give unusual ions. Its base peak is an odd electron ion, quite contrary to expectations.
The original objective of this work was to provide a simple generator w.hich would produce hydrogen torLfuel-cell feed and which could be operated under remote or northern conditions. A secondary objective was to maximize the yield of hydrogen and carbon monoxide from available feed-stocks. A search of the patent literature has indicated that the concept of a small Wulff-type generator is essentially sound and that hydrogen may be recovered from a wide variety of hydrocarbon feed-stocks. A simple experimental set-up has been devised, patterned after ~~t originally used by R. G. Wulff for producing acetylene. This provides a supply of feed-stock, with or Without a carrier gas, which may be passed directly through a heated tube, which may contain a catalyst. A suitable procedure has been devised for analysi~ effluent gases for hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide by gas chromatography with the column packed with .Molecular .:>ieve .5 4. Athanol with air a.s carrier gas and at the same time as oxidant o was thermolyzed at temperatures in the ra~e 700-1100 C, with or Wi~lout catalyst. Methanol with or without nitrogen as a carrier gas was also cracked with • the same type of reactor refractory tube, but the temperature range was lower t down to ,300 " C when a catalyst was used. The problems of converting methane to hydrogen and carbon monoxide effiCiently, using air and/or water as oxidants were also studied.
Geochemical examination of the rock matrix and cements from core material extracted from four oil wells within southwestern Ontario suggest various stages of diagenetic alteration and preservation of the Trenton Group carbonates. The geochemical compositions of Middle Ordovician (LMC) brachiopods reflect the physicochemical water conditions of the ambient depositional environment. The sediments appear to have been altered in the presence of mixed waters during burial in a relatively open diagenetic microenvironment. Conodont CAl determination suggests that the maturation levels of the Trenton Group carbonates are low and proceeded at temperatures of about 30 - 50°C within the shallow burial environment. The Trenton Group carbonates are characterized by two distinct stages of dolomitization which proceeded at elevated temperatures. Preexisting fracture patterns, and block faulting controlled the initial dolomitization of the precursor carbonate matrix. Dolomitization progressed In the presence of warm fluids (60 75°C) with physicochemical conditions characteristic of a progressively depleted basinal water. The matrix is mostly Idiotopic-S and Idiotopic-E dolomite, with Xenotopic-A dolomite dominating the matrix where fractures occur. The second stage of dolomitization involved hydrothermal basinal fluid(s) with temperatures of about 60 - 70°C. These are the postulated source for the saddle dolomite and blocky calcite cements occurring in pore space and fractures. Rock porosity was partly occluded by Idiotopic-E type dolomite. Late stage saddle dolomite, calcite, anhydrite, pyrite, marcasite and minor sphalerite and celestite cements effectively fill any remaining porosity within specific horizons. Based on cathode luminescence, precipitation of the different diagenetic phases probably proceeded in open diagenetic systems from chemically homogeneous fluids. Ultraviolet fluorescence of 11 the matrix and cements demonstrated that hydrocarbons were present during the earliest formation of saddle dolomite. Oxygen isotope values of -7.6 to -8.5 %0 (PDB), and carbon isotope values of - 0.5 and -3.0 %0 (PDB) from the latest stage dog-tooth calcite cement suggest that meteoric water was introduced into the system during their formation. This is estimated to have occurred at temperatures of about 25 - 40°C. Specific facies associations within the Trenton Group carbonates exhibit good hydrocarbon generating potential based on organic carbon preservation (1-3.5%). Thermal maturation and Lopatin burial-history evaluations suggest that hydrocarbons were generated within the Trenton Group carbonates some time after 300 Ma . Progressively depleted vanadium trends measured from hydrocarbon samples within southwestern Ontario suggests its potential use as a hydrocarbon migration indicator on local (within an oilfield) and on regional scales.
This work contains the results of a series of reduction studies on polyhalogenated aromatic compounds and related ethers using alkali metals in liquid ammonia. In general, polychlorobenzenes were reduced to t he parent aromatic hydrocarbon or to 1 ,4-cyc1ohexadiene, and dipheny1ethers were cleaved to the aroma tic hydrocarbon and a phenol. Chlorinated dipheny1ethers were r eductive1y dechlorinated in the process. For example, 4-chlorodipheny1- ether gave benzene and phenol. Pentach1orobenzene and certain tetrachlorobenzenes disproportionated to a fair degree during the reduction process if no added proton source was present. The disproportionation was attributed to a build-up of amide ion. Addition of ethanol completely suppressed the formation of any disproportionation products. In the reductions of certain dipheny1ethers , the reduction of one or both of the dipheny1ether rings occurred, along with the normal cleavage. This was more prevalent when lithium was the metal used . As a Sidelight, certain chloropheno1s were readily dechlorinated. In light of these results, the reductive detoxification of the chlorinated dibenzo-1,4-dioxins seems possible with alkali metals in l iquid ammonia.
I present evidence of an antioxidant mechanism for vitamin E that correlates strongly with its physical location in a model lipid bilayer. These data address the overlooked problem of the physical distance between the vitamin's reducing hydrogen and lipid acyl chain radicals. The combined data from neutron diffraction, NMR and UV spectroscopy experiments, all suggest that reduction of reactive oxygen species and lipid radicals occurs specifically at the membrane's hydrophobic-hydrophilic interface. The latter is possible when the acyl chain adopts conformations in which they snorkel to the interface from the hydrocarbon matrix. Moreover, not all model lipids are equal in this regard, as indicated by the small differences in the vitamin's location. The present result is a clear example of the importance of lipid diversity in controlling the dynamic structural properties of biological membranes. Importantly, these results suggest that measurements of alpha-tocopherol oxidation kinetics, and its products, should be revisited by taking into consideration the physical properties of the membrane in which the vitamin resides.
Le benzo-a-pyrène (BaP) est un hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique (HAP) cancérogène pour l’homme, qui contamine toutes les sphères de notre environnement. Son métabolite, le BaP-7,8-diol-9,10-époxyde (BPDE) est considéré comme son cancérogène ultime. Le BPDE se lie à l’ADN, formant des adduits qui doivent être réparés et qui seraient responsables des dommages à l’ADN et de la cancérogenèse induite par le BaP. Les adduits BPDE-ADN et les dommages à l’ADN (bris simple-brin [BSB] à l’ADN, aberrations chromosomiques [AC], échanges entre chromatides-sœurs [ÉCS] et micronoyaux [MN]) ont été mesurés dans les lymphocytes humains exposés à de faibles concentrations de BaP, provenant de jeunes volontaires non-fumeurs et en santé. Suite à l’exposition au BaP, le niveau d’adduits BPDE-ADN et la fréquence des AC et des MN augmentent significativement, puis diminuent aux concentrations les plus élevées de BaP testées, suggérant une induction du métabolisme de phase II du BaP. Lors de la mesure des ÉCS, nous obtenons une courbe dose-réponse linéaire, indiquant la production d’un autre type de lésions devant être réparées par le système de réparation par recombinaison homologue. Ces lésions pourraient être des bris à l’ADN ou des bases oxydées (8-OH-dG), ce qui est suggéré par l’analyse des corrélations existant entre nos biomarqueurs. Par ailleurs, la comparaison de la courbe dose-réponse des hommes et des femmes montre que des différences existent entre les sexes. Ainsi, les ÉCS, les AC et les MN sont significativement augmentés chez les hommes à la plus faible concentration de BaP, alors que chez les femmes cette augmentation, quoique présente, est non significative. Des différences interindividuelles sont également observées et sont plus importantes pour les adduits BPDE-ADN, les MN et les AC, alors que pour les ÉCS elles sont minimes. Les analyses statistiques effectuées ont permis d’établir que quatre facteurs (niveau d’exposition au BaP, adduits BPDE-ADN, fréquence des AC et nombre de MN par cellule micronucléée) expliquent jusqu’à 59 % de la variabilité observée dans le test des ÉCS, alors qu’aucun facteur significatif n’a pu être identifié dans le test des AC et des MN. L’analyse du mécanisme de formation de nos biomarqueurs précoces permet de suggérer que les bris à l’ADN et les bases oxydées devraient être classées comme biomarqueurs de dose biologique efficace, au sein des biomarqueurs d’exposition, dans le continuum exposition-maladie du BaP, étant donné qu’ils causent la formation des biomarqueurs de génotoxicité (ÉCS, AC et MN). Par ailleurs, le test des AC et des MN ont permis de confirmer l’action clastogénique du BaP en plus de mettre en évidence des effets aneugènes affectant surtout la ségrégation des chromosomes lors de la division cellulaire. Ces effets aneugènes, reliés à l’étape de progression dans la cancérogenèse, pourraient être particulièrement importants puisque l’exposition au BaP et aux HAP est chronique et dure plusieurs années, voire des décennies. La compréhension des mécanismes régissant la formation des biomarqueurs étudiés dans cette étude, ainsi que des relations existant entre eux, peut être appliquée à de nombreux contaminants connus et émergents de notre environnement et contribuer à en évaluer le mode d’action.
Le benzo[a]pyrène (BaP) est un contaminant environnemental de la famille des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques ayant été classé cancérogène chez l’humain. Cependant, la relation entre l’exposition et les effets est toujours mal documentée. L’objectif de cette thèse était de mieux documenter la relation quantitative entre l’exposition au BaP, l’évolution temporelle des biomarqueurs d’exposition et l’apparition d’altérations biologiques précoces, à partir d’études expérimentales chez le rat. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé l’effet de 4 doses de BaP (0.4, 4, 10 et 40 µmol/kg) sur plusieurs biomarqueurs d’exposition (3- et 7-OHBaP, 4,5- et 7,8-diolBaP, BaPtétrol et 1,6-, 3,6- et 7,8-diones-BaP), les adduits à l’ADN et l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme du BaP, la réparation de l’ADN et le stress oxydatif. Le BaP et ses métabolites ont été mesurés dans le sang, les tissus et les excrétas, 8 h et 24 h après l’administration intraveineuse de BaP par chromatographie liquide à ultra haute performance (UHPLC) couplée à la fluorescence. Les adduits à l’ADN ont été quantifiés dans les poumons par immuno-essai en chémoluminescence. L’expression des gènes dans les poumons a été réalisée par PCR quantitative en temps réel (qRT-PCR). Les résultats ont révélé une bonne relation dose-excrétion pour le 3-OHBaP, le 4,5-diolBaP et le 7,8-diolBaP et ils ont également renforcé l’utilité du 4,5-diolBaP comme potentiel biomarqueur du BaP en plus du 3-OHBaP. De plus, l’augmentation dose-dépendante de la formation des adduits et de l’expression de certains gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme et le stress oxydatif a suggéré l’intérêt de ces derniers comme biomarqueurs d’effet précoce. Dans un second temps, nous avons évaluer le profil cinétique des biomarqueurs en lien avec la modulation temporelle de la formation des adduits à l’ADN et de l’expression génique, en utilisant la dose de 40 µmol/kg de BaP telle qu’établie dans l’étude précédente, avec une série de mesures sur une durée de 72 h après l’injection intraveineuse de BaP. Il est apparu que le 3- et le 7-OHBaP ainsi que le 4,5- et le 7,8-diolBaP semblaient être de bons biomarqueurs d'exposition; les hydroxyBaP et diolBaP présentaient des cinétiques différentes, mais tous ces métabolites étaient corrélés de façon significative aux adduits BaPDE dans les poumons. L’expression de certains gènes et l’étude de leur profil cinétique a également permis de faire des liens avec la formation des adduits et de mieux comprendre le métabolisme du BaP. Après ces résultats, il semblait alors logique de s’intéresser à l’effet de la voie d’exposition dans un context d’exposition multiple de la population. Les données mesurées dans le sang et les excréta, après administration de 40 µmol/kg de BaP par voie intraveineuse, intratrachéale, orale, et cutanée, ont encore une fois montré l'intérêt de mesurer plusieurs métabolites pour l’évaluation de l’exposition en raison des différences en fonction de la voie d’administration du composé et des différences dans la cinétique de plusieurs biomarqueurs, notamment entre les hydroxy (3- et 7-OHBaP) et les diols-BaP (4,5- et 7,8-diolBaP). Les résultats suggèrent aussi que la mesure de ratios de concentrations de différents métabolites pourrait aider à indiquer le moment et la principale voie d’exposition. Ces données ont permis une meilleure compréhension du continuum entre l’exposition et les effets.
Les champignons endophytes sont des organismes qui vivent à l’intérieur de plantes sans causer de symptômes de maladie apparents. Ils sont trouvés dans virtuellement toutes plante, et la nature des interactions peut aller de mutualiste à pathogène dépendant des conditions. La diversité et la structure des communautés des champignons endophytes dans les plantes poussant en milieu extrêmement pollué, ainsi que leur rôle potentiel pour améliorer la phytorémédiation, demeurent peu compris. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés aux communautés de champignons endophytes de racines de deux espèces de plantes (Eleocharis erythropoda et Populus sp.). Ces espèces poussaient de manière spontanée dans trois bassins de sédimentation d’un ancienne usine pétro-chimique ayant des niveaux de contaminations différents, en utilisant à la fois une approche d’isolation d’organisme ainsi que des analyses de pyroséquençage de l’ITS d’ADN ribosomal. Nos résultats indiquent que les niveaux de contamination ont un effet significatif sur la composition taxonomique des champignons endophytes des racines de E. erythropoda. Une majorité des données de séquences appartiennent à la classe des Dothideomycetes dans les échantillons de forte concentration en hydrocarbures pétroliers, dont une majorité appartient au genre Alternaria. La comparaison des données d’isolation et de pyroséquençage suggère que l’isolation de souches ne permet pas l’obtention des souches les plus représentées dans les données de pyroséquençage. Ces résultats pourront potentiellement aider à l’élaboration de stratégies pour améliorer la phytorémédiation en utilisant les champignons endophytes.
L'oxydoréduction des monocouches auto-assemblées («Self-assembled monolayers ou SAMs) de ferrocenyldodecanethiolates sur une surface d'or (Fc(CH2)12SAu) dans des solutions aqueuses de n-alkyle sulfate de sodium (6, 8, 10 et 12 atomes de carbone) est étudiée par spectroscopie de résonance des plasmons de surface («Surface Plasmons Resonance ou SPR) couplée avec de la voltampérométrie cyclique (VC). La technique SPR est utilisée pour suivre en temps réel l'adsorption des tensioactifs en fonction du potentiel appliqué. Elle permet de quantifier l'épaisseur et le recouvrement des molécules adsorbées pour déterminer l'organisation des tensioactifs anioniques sur la SAM. La VC est utilisée afin de caractériser l'oxydation du groupement ferrocène en présence des n-alkyle sulfate de sodium qui s'associent à la SAM grâce à l'appariement entre le ferrocénium et le groupement sulfate. Des mélanges binaires d'alkylesulfates de différentes compositions sont utilisés dans le but de déterminer l'organisation induite par une réaction d'oxydoréduction. L'effet de la longueur de la chaîne d'hydrocarbures sur la quantité de tensioactifs anioniques adsorbés ainsi que les affinités relatives d'appariement des anions alkyle sulfate aux ferrocéniums sont rapportés dans ce mémoire. Ces surfaces électrosensibles permettront la détection de molécules amphiphiles et la compréhension du comportement de mélanges binaires de tensioactifs. Ainsi, ces travaux apporteront une avancée sur la modulation électrochimique de l'organisation de matériaux sur des substrats solides basée sur l'appariement d'ions.
Science and technology of rubber reclamation with special attention to NR-based waste latex products
A comprehensive overview of reclamation of cured rubber with special emphasis on latex reclamation is depicted in this paper. The latex industry has expanded over the years to meet the world demands for gloves, condoms, latex thread, etc. Due to the strict specifications for the products and the unstable nature of the latex as high as 15% of the final latex products are rejected. As waste latex rubber (WLR) represents a source of high-quality rubber hydrocarbon, it is a potential candidate for generating reclaimed rubber of superior quality. The role of the different components in the reclamation recipe is explained and the reaction mechanism and chemistry during reclamation are discussed in detail. Different types of reclaiming processes are described with special reference to processes, which selectively cleave the cross links in the vulcanized rubber. The state-of-the-art techniques of reclamation with special attention on latex treatment are reviewed. An overview of the latest development concerning the fundamental studies in the field of rubber recycling by means of low-molecular weight compounds is described. A mathematical model description of main-chain and crosslink scission during devulcanization of a rubber vulcanizate is also given.
The latex industry has expanded over the years to meet the world demands for gloves, condoms, latex thread etc. Because of the strict specifications for the products and the unstable nature of the latex, as high as 15%, of the final latex products are rejected. Since waste latex rubber (WLR) represents a source of high quality rubber hydrocarbon, it is a potential candidate for generating reclaimed rubber of superior quality. Two types of WLR with different amounts of polysulfidic bridges are used in these experiments, which are reclaimed with variation of the concentration of the reclaiming agents, the reclamation temperature and time, Di phenyldisultide, 2-aminophenyldisulfide and 2,2'-dibenzamidodiphenyldisulfide (DBADPDS) are used as reclaiming agents, and the effect of diphenyldisulfides (DPDS) with different substituents, on the reclamation efficiency of WLR is investigated. A kinetic study of the reclamation reaction with the three reclaiming agents is done. The reaction rates and activation energies are calculated and compared with literature values. The comparative study of the three different reclaiming agents shows that (DBADPDS) is able to break the crosslinks at temperature levels 20'C below the temperature levels normally used with DPDS. Another advantage of this reclaiming agent is the reduced smell during the reclamation process and of the final reclaims, one of the most important shortcomings of other disulfides used for this purpose.
Scrap latex products contain rubber hydrocarbon of very high quality, that is only slightly crosslinked. A novel economic technique for converting such latex waste into a processible material is developed. This paper reports the effect of adding this latex reclaim to natural rubber. It is shown that latex reclaim can replace raw natural rubber up to about 50 wt.% without affecting mechanical properties.
Waste latex products are converted to a processabto material by a novel economical process developed in our laboratory , It contains rubber hydrocarbon of very high quality and Is lightly cross -linked. Styrene-butadlene rubber is mixed with latex reclaim In different proportions . The mechanical properties are found to be improved up to 60 percent replacement of styrene-butadlene rubber by latex reclaim . The curing of styrene-butadiene rubber Is found to be accelerated by the addition of latex reclaim. The processablllty study shows that the blends can be processed similar to SBRINR blends.
Latex waste products contain rubber hydrocarbon of very high quality, which is only lightly cross linked. Selected wastes such as thread waste and glove waste were modified into processable materials by a novel economic process and thermoplastic elastomers were prepared by blending these modified waste materials with high density polyethylene in various proportions. The mechanical properties as well as the rheological behaviour of these blends were evaluated and compared with those of the natural rubber-high density polyethylene blends.