1000 resultados para Gran Bretaña-Economia política


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RESUMOA Petrobrás foi severamente afetada pela política de preços de combustível do governo. Ao atender a crescente demanda de GLP, diesel e gasolina, cujos preços estavam abaixo de referência internacional, a empresa perdeu R 98.000 milhões dólares em renda, de 2011 a 2014. Em um período de altos investimentos devido a exploração do pré-sal, este perda aumentou a dívida da Petrobrás e deteriorou sua situação financeira. Se o alinhamento com o preço internacional não é politicamente viável, a experiência internacional sugere que se adote um fundo de estabilização como mecanismo de preços. Interferências políticas em sua gestão, no entanto, devem ser evitadas.


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ABSTRACTThe term "energy nationalism" is frequently used by academic literature and media, but usually without adequate conceptual accuracy. Despite this, a set of papers deepens the discussion on the relationship between nation states and the energy industry, especially the oil sector. These papers allow identifying fundamental elements to understand the energy nationalism, either complementary or divergent between each other. Thus, this study aims at presenting an interpretation of the concept that fills the gaps left by the above mentioned literature based on a global analysis of the oil industry structure and its historical evolution since the mid-19thcentury.


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ABSTRACTParliaments and audit agencies have critical and complementary roles in the oversight of the budget and the enforcement of government accountability. Yet, the nexus between parliaments and audit agencies is one of the weakest links in the accountability chain, generating an accountability gap in the budget process. This articles analyses the interactions between parliaments and audit agencies in the oversight of government finances during the latter stages of the budget process. Using proxies to evaluate the quality of those linkages, such as the follow-up to audit findings and the discharge of government, it shows important dysfunctions in the interactions between parliaments and audit agencies due to a combination of technical capacity constraints and political economy disincentives. It suggests that the effective functioning of the system of checks and balances in public budgeting critically hinges on the agility of the linkages between accountability institutions. As such, the failure of budget accountability is due to systemic dysfunctions in the systems of accountability, rather than the failure of an individual accountability institution acting in isolation. In addition, the effectiveness of the horizontal accountability architecture depends on the political economy incentives shaping the budget process, which are generated by the interactions between the choice of institutional design and budget rules, with the degree of political competition and electoral rules.


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RESUMOO objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a real inserção do Mercosul no comércio internacional de manufaturas de alta tecnologia e o grau de evolução ao longo da cadeia tecnológica. A principal contribuição deste artigo é a construção de um indicador de valor adicionado, resultado da diferença entre as exportações de bens finais e as importações de partes e componentes. Tal indicador permite uma análise mais adequada, em termos de saldo comercial, de setores cada vez mais inseridos em processos de fragmentação produtiva. A principal conclusão é de que não há evidências fortes de que tais países estejam avançando para etapas mais a jusante das cadeias de valor nos setores de alta tecnologia, com exceção do setor de aeronaves (especialmente do Brasil).


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RESUMOEste artigo examina a análise de David Hume realizada em seu livro História da Inglaterra, da luta entre o parlamento e o rei James I sobre as finanças da coroa durante o primeiro trimestre do século XVII. Inicialmente, são apresentados os principais elementos políticos por trás da briga no coração do poder político da Inglaterra, seguidos por comentários do escritor escocês sobre as finanças reais, com ênfase nos seus pontos de vista sobre as receitas e despesas da Coroa durante o reinado de James I. No final são recuperados os fatores de longo prazo elencados como determinantes da nova postura parlamentar.


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ABSTRACTThis paper analyzes Joan Robinson's growth model, and then adapted in order to provide an exploratory taxonomy of Growth Eras. The Growth Eras or Ages were for Robinson a way to provide logical connections among output growth, capital accumulation, the degree of thriftiness, the real wage and illustrate a catalogue of growth possibilities. This modified taxonomy follows the spirit of Robinson's work, but it takes different theoretical approaches, which imply that some of her classifications do not fit perfectly the ones here suggested. Latin America has moved from a Golden Age in the 1950s and 1960s, to a Leaden Age in the 1980s, having two traverse periods, one in which the process of growth and industrialization accelerated in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is here referred to as a Galloping Platinum Age, and one in which a process of deindustrialization, and reprimarization and maquilization of the productive structure took place, starting in the 1990s, which could be referred to as a Creeping Platinum Age.


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ABSTRACTThe paper's central claim is that China's speed and ability to leapfrog its peer-nations in the last three decades stems, largely, from the fact that it is a fully developed Entrepreneurial State (ES). The discussion seeks to dig deeper on ES as a bridging concept that fits well with the Schumpeter-Keynes-Minsky analytical framework and one that is particularly appropriated analyzing contemporary China's development trajectory. Although rooted in a historical perspective and using historical examples, the main purpose of the paper is analytical, not descriptive.


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RESUMOEste artigo examina o desenvolvimentismo, explicando por que certas proposições pós-keynesianos devem ser aceitas a partir de uma perspectiva marxista, e o que deve ser modificado dentro da antiga abordagem, a fim de cumprir um papel transformador na sociedade. Também contrasta criticamente os pontos de vista marxista e pós-keynesianos dos papeis do Estado e do mercado, a fim de justificar políticas alternativas para transformar sociedades capitalistas.


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ABSTRACTAfter more than twenty years of low housing construction output, the housing policy recovered its momentum in the country with the ascent of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers' Party, PT) to the seat of the federal government. This article demonstrates - through the analysis of documents, interviews and research conducted with businessmen - that the impetus of such a state policy is a part of the PT electoral strategy, which is based on economic growth and the expansion of social programs. The research analyses the dovetailing of interests between the Lula (the Brazilian President from 2003 to 2010) administration and the civil construction business - the latter concerned with expanding its business, and the former with increasing the supply of jobs and the level of economic activity. This process culminated in the launching of the largest social housing program to be implemented in the country. Minha Casa, Minha Vida (My House, My Life), is a project in whose planning building companies played a key role, performing feasibility studies and carrying out social housing projects.


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ABSTRACTThis paper presents a measurement of the portion of the Brazilian ground-rent appropriated by agrarian landowners during 1955-2005 and assesses its importance relative to other forms of surplus value appropriated in the Brazilian economy. In pursuing this task, the paper also puts forward original estimations of several time-series that are crucial for the study of Brazilian long-term growth and development. Finally, the paper combines the measurements obtained here with those advanced in (Grinberg, 2008, 2013b) to present an approximation to the evolution of the total Brazilian ground-rent during 1955-2005. The appendix presents the sources and methodology used for the estimations.


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RESUMOEste artigo discute as tentativas de publicar uma edição histórico-crítica das obras de Karl Marx, o Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA): a primeira, que foi liderada por David Riazanov na décadas de 1920 e 1930, e o segundo, a MEGA2, projeto que começou na década de 1970 e ainda está em curso de publicação. O artigo apresenta essas duas edições e discute o seu impacto sobre a interpretação do pensamento econômico e filosófico de Marx.


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ABSTRACTThe international financial system has undergone deep changes since the 1970s and its stability cannot be reached in spite of actor's interests or the existence of countless coordination fora. Analyzing the system's incentive structure, one can note that its stability depends on the control of imbalances, which are not always harmful for States, creating, thus, a disturbing component in the quest for international financial management. Furthermore, non-state actors have acquired a disproportional share of power following financial globalization, escaping the control of States and of the international community.


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RESUMOO debate sobre desindustrialização ganhou destaque especial no Brasil, mas questões metodológicas relativas aos indicadores econômicos utilizados para avaliar esse processo são raramente discutidos. Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação crítica dos dois indicadores comuns na literatura econômica brasileira: a participação da indústria no PIB e a relação VTI/VBPI. Enquanto a primeira medida mostra oscilações bruscas devido a mudanças na metodologia, a segunda parece ser muito sensível a variações de taxa de câmbio e não captura as diferenças interindústria. Assim, os resultados mostram que ambos os indicadores contêm problemas e podem levar a enganosa conclusões sobre a estrutura produtiva nacional.


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ABSTRACTThis study enhances the principal-agent model by incorporating a multilevel perspective and differences among agency situations. A theoretical discussion is developed using a proposed intersection of methodological focuses and a descriptive-exemplificative hypothetical analysis. The analysis is applied to public expenditure social control in representative democracies, and as a result, a principal-agent model unfolds that incorporates a decision-making perspective and focuses on formulation, negotiation, articulation, and implementation competencies. Thus, it is possible to incorporate elements into the principal-agent model to make it more permeable to individual, group, and societal idiosyncrasies with respect to public expenditure social control.


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