957 resultados para Glomerular filtration rate


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.


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The composites consisting of amorphous matrix reinforced with crystalline dendrites offer extraordinary combinations of strength, stiffness, and toughness and can be processed in bulk. Hence, they have been receiving intense research interest, with a primary focus to study their mechanical properties. In this paper, the temperature and strain rate effects on the uniaxial compression response of a tailored bulk metallic glass (BMG) composite has been investigated. Experimental results show that at temperatures ranging between ambient to 500 K and at all strain rates; the onset of plastic deformation in the composite is controlled by that in the dendrites. As the temperature is increased to the glass transition temperature of the matrix and beyond, flow in the amorphous matrix occurs readily and hence it dictates the composite's response. The role of the constituent phases in controlling the deformation mechanism of the composite has been verified by assessing the strain rate sensitivity and the activation volume for deformation. The composite is rate sensitive at room temperature with values of strain rate sensitivity and activation volume being similar to that of the dendrites. At test temperatures near to the glass transition temperature, the composite however becomes rate-insensitive corresponding to that of the matrix phase. At low strain rates, serrated flow akin to that of dynamic strain ageing in crystalline alloys was observed and the serration magnitude decreases with increasing temperature. Initiation of the shear bands at the dendrite/matrix interface and propagation of them through the matrix ligaments until their arrest at another interface is the responsible mechanism for this. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The maximal rate of a nonsquare complex orthogonal design for transmit antennas is 1/2 + 1/n if is even and 1/2 + 1/n+1 if is odd and the codes have been constructed for all by Liang (2003) and Lu et al. (2005) to achieve this rate. A lower bound on the decoding delay of maximal-rate complex orthogonal designs has been obtained by Adams et al. (2007) and it is observed that Liang's construction achieves the bound on delay for equal to 1 and 3 modulo 4 while Lu et al.'s construction achieves the bound for n = 0, 1, 3 mod 4. For n = 2 mod 4, Adams et al. (2010) have shown that the minimal decoding delay is twice the lower bound, in which case, both Liang's and Lu et al.'s construction achieve the minimum decoding delay. For large value of, it is observed that the rate is close to half and the decoding delay is very large. A class of rate-1/2 codes with low decoding delay for all has been constructed by Tarokh et al. (1999). In this paper, another class of rate-1/2 codes is constructed for all in which case the decoding delay is half the decoding delay of the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. This is achieved by giving first a general construction of square real orthogonal designs which includes as special cases the well-known constructions of Adams, Lax, and Phillips and the construction of Geramita and Pullman, and then making use of it to obtain the desired rate-1/2 codes. For the case of nine transmit antennas, the proposed rate-1/2 code is shown to be of minimal delay. The proposed construction results in designs with zero entries which may have high peak-to-average power ratio and it is shown that by appropriate postmultiplication, a design with no zero entry can be obtained with no change in the code parameters.


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In this work, the effects of loading rate, material rate sensitivity and constraint level on quasi-static crack tip fields in a FCC single crystal are studied. Finite element simulations are performed within a mode I, plane strain modified boundary layer framework by prescribing the two term (K-T) elastic crack tip field as remote boundary conditions. The material is assumed to obey a rate-dependent crystal plasticity theory. The orientation of the single crystal is chosen so that the crack surface coincides with the crystallographic (010) plane and the crack front lies along 101] direction. Solutions corresponding to different stress intensity rates K., T-stress values and strain rate exponents m are obtained. The results show that the stress levels ahead of the crack tip increase with K. which is accompanied by gradual shrinking of the plastic zone size. However, the nature of the shear band patterns around the crack tip is not affected by the loading rate. Further, it is found that while positive T-stress enhances the opening and hydrostatic stress levels ahead of crack tip, they are considerably reduced with imposition of negative T-stress. Also, negative T-stress promotes formation of shear bands in the forward sector ahead of the crack tip and suppresses them behind the tip.


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In steel refining process, an increase of interfacial area between the metal and slag through the metal droplets emulsified into the slag, so-called ``metal emulsion'', is one prevailing view for improving the reaction rate. The formation of metal emulsion was experimentally evaluated using Al-Cu alloy as metal phase and chloride salt as slag phase under the bottom bubbling condition. Samples were collected from the center of the salt phase in the container. Large number of metal droplets were separated from the salt by dissolving it into water. The number, surface area, and weight of the droplets increased with the gas flow rate and have local maximum values. The formation and sedimentation rates of metal droplets were estimated using a mathematical model. The formation rate increased with the gas flow rate and has a local maximum value as a function of gas flow rate, while the sedimentation rate is independent of the gas flow rate under the bottom bubbling condition. Three types of formation mode of metal emulsion, which occurred by the rupture of metal film around the bubble, were observed using high speed camera. During the process, an elongated column covered with metal film was observed with the increasing gas flow rate. This elongated column sometimes reached to the top surface of the salt phase. In this case, it is considered that fine droplets were not formed and in consequence, the weight of metal emulsion decreased at higher gas flow rate.


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Nano sized copper chromite, which is used as a burn rate accelerator for solid propellants, was synthesized by the solution combustion process using citric acid and glycine as fuel. Pure spinel phase copper chromite (CuCr2O4) was synthesized, and the effect of different ratios of Cu-Cr ions in the initial reactant and various calcination temperatures on the final properties of the material were examined. The reaction time for the synthesis with glycine was lower compared to that with citric acid. The synthesized samples from both fuel cycles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), BET surface area analysis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Commercial copper chromite that is currently used in solid propellant formulation was also characterized by the same techniques. XRD analysis shows that the pure spinel phase compound is formed by calcination at 700 degrees C for glycine fuel cycle and between 750 and 800 degrees C for citric acid cycle. XPS results indicate the variation of the oxidation state of copper in the final compound with a change in the Cu-Cr mole ratio. SEM images confirm the formation of nano size spherical shape particles. The variation of BET surface area with calcination temperature was studied for the solution combusted catalyst. Burn rate evaluation of synthesized catalyst was carried out and compared with the commercial catalyst. The comparison between BET surface area and the burn rate depicts that surface area difference caused the variation in burn rate between samples. The reason behind the reduction in surface area and the required modifications in the process are also described.


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We study a State Dependent Attempt Rate (SDAR) approximation to model M queues (one queue per node) served by the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol as standardized in the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). The approximation is that, when n of the M queues are non-empty, the (transmission) attempt probability of each of the n non-empty nodes is given by the long-term (transmission) attempt probability of n saturated nodes. With the arrival of packets into the M queues according to independent Poisson processes, the SDAR approximation reduces a single cell with non-saturated nodes to a Markovian coupled queueing system. We provide a sufficient condition under which the joint queue length Markov chain is positive recurrent. For the symmetric case of equal arrival rates and finite and equal buffers, we develop an iterative method which leads to accurate predictions for important performance measures such as collision probability, throughput and mean packet delay. We replace the MAC layer with the SDAR model of contention by modifying the NS-2 source code pertaining to the MAC layer, keeping all other layers unchanged. By this model-based simulation technique at the MAC layer, we achieve speed-ups (w.r.t. MAC layer operations) up to 5.4. Through extensive model-based simulations and numerical results, we show that the SDAR model is an accurate model for the DCF MAC protocol in single cells. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High strain rate deformation behavior of Cu-10Zn alloy was studied. A weak texture with fine grain size was observed at high strain rate. The weak texture has been attributed to activity of higher number of slip systems under dynamic loading conditions. Twinning has minimal role on texture. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hot deformation behavior of a hypoeutectic Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy in (alpha + beta) phase field is investigated in the present study with special reference to flow response, kinetics and microstructural evolution. For a comparison, the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V was also studied under identical conditions. Dynamic recovery of alpha phase occurs at low temperatures while softening due to globularization and/or dynamic recrystallization dominates at high temperatures irrespective of boron addition. Microstructural features for both the alloys display bending and kinking of alpha lamellae for near alpha test temperatures. Unlike Ti-6Al-4V, no sign of instability formation was observed in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B for any deformation condition except for cavitation around TiB particles, due to deformation incompatibility and strain accumulation at the particle-matrix interface. The absence of macroscopic instabilities and early initiation of softening mechanisms as a result of boron addition has been attributed to microstructural features (e.g. refined prior beta grain and alpha colony size, absence of grain boundary alpha layer, presence of TiB particles at prior beta boundaries, etc.) of the respective alloys prior to deformation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In an effort to study the role of strain rate response on the tribological behavior of metals, room temperature experiments were conducted by sliding commercially pure titanium and a-iron pins against an H-11 die steel flats of various surface textures. The steel flat surface textures were specifically prepared to allow for imposing varying amounts of strain rates at the contacting interface during sliding motion. In the experiments, it was observed that titanium (a harder material than iron) formed a transfer layer on H-11 steel surface textures that produced higher strain rates. In contrast, the titanium pins abraded the steel surfaces that produced lower strain rates. The iron pins were found to abrade the H-11 steel surface regardless of the surface texture characteristics. This unique tribological behavior of titanium is likely due to the fact that titanium undergoes adiabatic shear banding at high strain rates, which creates pathways for lower resistance shear planes. These shear planes lead to fracture and transfer layer formation on the surface of the steel flat, which ultimately promotes a higher strain rate of deformation at the asperity level. Iron does not undergo adiabatic shear banding and thus more naturally abrades the surfaces. Overall, the results clear indicated that a materials strain rate response can be an important factor in controlling the tribological behavior of a plastically deforming material at the asperity level. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007675]


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We consider a complex, additive, white Gaussian noise channel with flat fading. We study its diversity order vs transmission rate for some known power allocation schemes. The capacity region is divided into three regions. For one power allocation scheme, the diversity order is exponential throughout the capacity region. For selective channel inversion (SCI) scheme, the diversity order is exponential in low and high rate region but polynomial in mid rate region. For fast fading case we also provide a new upper bound on block error probability and a power allocation scheme that minimizes it. The diversity order behaviour of this scheme is same as for SCI but provides lower BER than the other policies.


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We consider the design of a linear equalizer with a finite number of coefficients in the context of a classical linear intersymbol-interference channel with additive Gaussian noise for channel estimation. Previous literature has shown that Minimum Bit Error Rate(MBER) based detection has outperformed Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) based detection. We pose the channel estimation problem as a detection problem and propose a novel algorithm to estimate the channel based on the MBER framework for BPSK signals. It is shown that the proposed algorithm reduces BER compared to an MMSE based channel estimation when used in MMSE or MBER detection.


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In this paper, we consider a slow-fading nt ×nr multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel subjected to block fading. Reliability (in terms of achieved diversity order) and rate (in number of symbols transmitted per channel use) are of interest in such channels. We propose a new precoding scheme which achieves both full diversity (nt ×nrth order diversity) as well as full rate (nt symbols per channel use) using partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). The proposed scheme achieves full diversity and improved coding gain through an optimization over the choice of constellation sets. The optimization maximizes dmin2 for our precoding scheme subject to an energy constraint. The scheme requires feedback of nt - 1 angle parameter values, compared to 2ntnr real coefficients in case of full CSIT. Further, for the case of nt × 1 system, we prove that the capacity achieved by the proposed scheme is same as that achieved with full CSIT. Error rate performance results for nt = 3,4,8 show that the proposed scheme performs better than other precoding schemes in the literature; the better performance is due to the choice of the signal sets and the feedback angles in the proposed scheme.


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We consider the speech production mechanism and the asso- ciated linear source-filter model. For voiced speech sounds in particular, the source/glottal excitation is modeled as a stream of impulses and the filter as a cascade of second-order resonators. We show that the process of sampling speech signals can be modeled as filtering a stream of Dirac impulses (a model for the excitation) with a kernel function (the vocal tract response),and then sampling uniformly. We show that the problem of esti- mating the excitation is equivalent to the problem of recovering a stream of Dirac impulses from samples of a filtered version. We present associated algorithms based on the annihilating filter and also make a comparison with the classical linear prediction technique, which is well known in speech analysis. Results on synthesized as well as natural speech data are presented.


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Size independent fracture energy and size effect on fracture energy are the key concerns for characterization of concrete fracture. Although there have been inconsistencies in results, a consensual fact is that the fracture energy from a large specimen is size independent. The fracture energy is proportional to the size of the fracture process zone (FPZ). FPZ size increases with size of the specimen, but the rate of increase of FPZ size decreases with increase in specimen size 1] implying that rate of increase of fracture energy decreases with increase in specimen size, more appropriately with increase in un-cracked ligament length. The ratio of fracture energy to the un-cracked ligament length almost becomes a constant at larger un-cracked ligament lengths. In the present study an attempt is made to obtain size independent fracture energy from fracture energy release rate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.