988 resultados para Glacial epoch.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pollen from the upper 2.75 m of a core taken 200 km west of the Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador (Trident 163-13, 3° S, 84° W, 3,000 m water depth) documents changes in Andean vegetation and climate of the Cordillera Occidental for ~17,000 years before and after the last glacial maximum.


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第三纪晚期和第四纪全球变冷对植物类群现在的分布式样有着重要的影响。植物特有现象出现的地区或中心一般都和一些适宜植物生存的避难所相联系,在这些避难所,众多植物类群得以保存、同时不断多样化形成新的类群。尽管中国区系中包括了丰富的特有类群,对特有类群丰富的地区也开展了一些初步的研究,但迄今我们对中国特有地区的数量、具体位置及其地理式样的了解仍然有限,对特有现象形成的原因更是所知甚少。为此,本研究通过选择555种中国特有植物类群(包括种、亚种和变种)为代表,对中国维管植物的特有中心及其地理式样进行了研究,并在此基础上探究了中国的冰期避难所。我们首先将这些特有类群的分布描绘在1  1纬度/经度的方格里,计算了特有现象的两个基本参数:总特有和加权特有,将那些特有参数值在前5%的单元确定为特有中心。 为了进一步了解中国的特有中心主要是植物的保存地(“植物博物馆”)还是植物新类群发生和物种形成(“植物摇篮”)的场所,或二者兼而有之,我们又根据化石证据、分子和形态系统树,以及生物地理等一系列数据,把555个特有类群分为古特有和新特有两个级别,探讨了这两个特有级别各自的分布式样。结果显示,具有特有现象的地区有20个,这些地区位于华中和华南,大致对应于这些地区的山系。特有中心主要位于青藏高原的东部(横断山和大雪山)、云贵高原、华中山脉、南岭山脉和东南山脉;海南和台湾也具有很多特有种。通过特有种所在的地区界定冰期避难所与第四纪植被重建的结果在很大程度上相一致,后者显示在这些地区在冰期有泛温带和亚热带森林出现。因此,山脉地区可能通过复杂的地形和更新世极端气候条件的局域缓冲为这些特有类群提供稳定生存的生境;这既保存了这些孑遗类群(“植物博物馆”),又使得新的类群得以不断出现(“植物摇篮”)。 中国特有中心既包含孑遗的类群(古特有)也包含近期新形成的类群(新特有)。然而,它们的分布和密度却非常不同,这可能与这些地区的地质分化和构造历史有关。尤其值得注意的是,青藏高原东部边缘是中国最重要的“进化前沿”,这可能与晚第三纪青藏高原的不断隆升有关。相反,在第三纪多数时候,华中和华南(除了海南和台湾)在地质构造上的相对稳定,使得孑遗植物谱系得以最大程度地保存。两种特有级别在全国水平上的比例(古特有为39.1%,新特有为60.9%)说明,尽管不同地区间存在一定的差异,但华中和华南既是晚第三纪和第四纪全球变冷后植物得以保存的避难所,也是植物分化和新类群形成的重要中心。 这些研究结果对特有植物、尤其对具有不同保护要求的孑遗类群和新类群的保护有着重要意义。我们可以针对富有古特有的地区以及有更多新类群产生的“植物摇篮”制定不同的保护策略和措施。


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A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using standardized National Status and Trends Bioeffects Program methods. Three sites near the village of Port Graham were also sampled for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (e.g. depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. The following is the synopsis of findings • Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. With some exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. • Homer Harbor had elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other areas. • There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input in the confines of the harbor. • The benthic community is very diverse. Specific community assemblages were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. • Significant toxicity was virtually absent. • The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. • Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Organic contaminants were elevated at a site south of the village.


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A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using the sediment quality triad approach based on sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, and benthic invertebrate community structure. The study area was subdivided into 5 strata based on geophysical and hydrodynamic patterns in the bay (eastern and western intertidal mud flats, eastern and western subtidal, and Homer Harbor). Three to seven locations were synoptically sampled within each stratum using a stratified random statistical design approach. Three sites near the village of Port Graham and two sites in the footprint of a proposed Homer Harbor expansion were also collected for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two amphipod bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand; characteristic of high energy habitats, with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, cyclodienes, cyclohexanes) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other strata. With a few exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. Relative to other sites, Homer Harbor sites were shown to have elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. The Homer Harbor stratum however, is a deep, low energy depositional environment with fine grained sediment. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Concentration of PAHs is of a particular interest because of the legacy of oil spills in the region. There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input, beyond the confines of the harbor. Concentrations were one to ten times below NOAA sediment quality guidelines. Selected metal concentrations were found to be relatively elevated compared to other data collected in the region. However, levels are still very low in the scale of NOAA’s sediment quality guidelines, and therefore appear to pose little or no ecotoxicity threat to biota. Infaunal assessment showed a diverse assemblage with more than 240 taxa recorded and abundances greater than 3,000 animals m-22 in all but a few locations. Annelid worms, crustaceans, snails, and clams were the dominant taxa accounting for 63 %, 19%, 5%, and 7 % respectively of total individuals. Specific benthic community assemblages were identified that were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. Significant toxicity was virtually absent. Conditions at the sites immediately outside the existing Homer Harbor facility did not differ significantly from other subtidal locations in the open Kachemak Bay. The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. Contaminant conditions were variable depending on specific location. Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham and some were lower relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Some organic contaminants were accumulating at a depositional site.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Recent analyses of terrestrial (pollen) and marine microfossils (foraminifera and radiolaria) in cores V28-204 and RC14-99 from the northwest Pacific Ocean extend the continuous, chronostratigraphically-controlled records of the regional vegetation of the Pacific coast of Japan and offshore marine environments through three full glacial cycles. The high-resolution pollen time series show systematic relationships between fluctuations in Japanese vegetation and global ice volume over the last 350 kyr. ... Comparison with solar insolation at 30°N and with an index of orbital parameters suggests that variation in northeast Asian summer monsoon intensity is related to orbital forcing.


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Comparison between past changes in pollen assemblages and stable isotope ratios (deuterium and carbon) analyzed in the same peat core from Tierra del Fuego at latitude 55°S permitted identification of the relative contribution of precipitation versus temperature responsible for the respective change. Major steps in the sequence of paleoenvironmental changes, such as at 12700, 9000, 5000, and 4000 years ago are apparently related only to increase in precipitation, reflecting the latitudinal location and intensity of the westerly storm tracks. On the other hand, high paleoenvironmental variability, which is characteristic for the late-glacial and the latest Holocene, is related to temperature variability, which affects the relative moisture content. Comparison with other paleoenvironmental records suggests that the late-glacial temperature variability is probably related to variability in the extent of Antarctic sea-ice, which in turn appears to be related to the intensity of Atlantic deep-water circulation. Temperature variability during the latest Holocene, on the other hand, is probably related to the dynamics of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation.


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Evidence for vigorous coastal upwelling and enhanced diatom productivity during the latter part of Oxygen-Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3) is suggested by changes in diatom assemblages in laminated sediment from the northern California margin and in bioturbated and laminated sediment from Santa Barbara Basin. These conditions require strong along-shore or off-shore wind stress off California preceding the onset of global glacial conditions.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): During the past hundred years, mountain glaciers throughout the world have retreated significantly from moraines built during the previous several centuries. In the 1930s, Francois Matthes of the U.S. Geological Survey concluded that the moraines represent the greatest advances of glaciers since the end of the last glacial age, some 10,000 years earlier, and informally referred to this late Holocene interval of expanded ice cover as the Little Ice Age.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Pluvial Lake Estancia in central New Mexico experienced large and rapid fluctuations in surface area and elevation during the build-up to and termination of the last glacial maximum (LGM). Due to continuous groundwater discharge, a minimum pool covering about 400 square kilometers was maintained in the central basin until about 12,000 years ago, ensuring a continuous depositional sequence even during low stands of the lake. ... The sensitive response to fluctuations in climate by several independent proxies at Estancia show that transport of Pacific moisture over western North America changed dramatically during the last Ice Age, perhaps comparable to the large and rapid changes in climate documented from high-latitude ice and North Atlantic marine sediments for the LCM and its transitions.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Analyses of the modern summer synoptic climatology of Beringia illustrate that the region cannot be treated as a homogenous climatic unit as a result of different circulation controls that operate over the region. GCM (general circulation model) simulations and information from the modern synoptic climatology were used to infer the summer paleosynoptic climatology of the region since the last glacial maximum. ... Variations in these climatic controls offer important implications in assessing the vegetation histories of western Beringia versus eastern Beringia.


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The paper deals with the method of preparation of an edible fish protein concentrate from cheap miscellaneous fish. The method consists in cooking the fish with 0.5% glacial acetic acid, and extracting batch—wise, using ethyl alcohol followed by an azeotropic mixture of hexane and alcohol (B. Pt. 58-68°C). The product is finally vacuum dried during which the residual solvent is also removed. The concentrate prepared by this method contains 85% protein of which 96% is pepsin digestible. The product is practically odorless and almost white in color.


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In this study, a detailed analysis of both previously published and new data was performed to determine whether complete, or almost complete, mtDNA sequences can resolve the long-debated issue of which Asian mtDNAs were founder sequences for the Native American mtDNA pool. Unfortunately, we now know that coding region data and their analysis are not without problems. To obtain and report reasonably correct sequences does not seem to be a trivial task, and to discriminate between Asian-and Native American mtDNA ancestries may be more complex than previously believed. It is essential to take into account the effects of mutational hot spots in both the control and coding regions, so that the number of apparent Native American mtDNA founder sequences is not erroneously inflated. As we report here, a careful analysis of all available data indicates that there is very little evidence that more than five founder mtDNA sequences entered Beringia before the Last Glacial Maximum and left their traces in the current Native American mtDNA pool.


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In spite of several classification attempts among taxa of the genus Lepus, phylogenetic relationships still remain poorly understood. Here, we present molecular genetic evidence that may resolve some of the current incongruities in the phylogeny of the leporids. The complete mitochondrial cytb, 12S genes, and parts of ND4 and control region fragments were sequenced to examine phylogenetic relationships among Chinese hare taxa and other leporids throughout the World using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. Using reconstructed phylogenies, we observed that the Chinese hare is not a single monophyletic group as originally thought. Instead, the data infers that the genus Lepus is monophyletic with three unique species groups: North American, Eurasian, and African. Ancestral area analysis indicated that ancestral Lepus arose in North America and then dispersed into Eurasia via the Bering Land Bridge eventually extending to Africa. Brooks Parsimony analysis showed that dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas as well and resulted in the rapid radiation and speciation of Lepus. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on the continuous autocorrelation of evolutionary rates along branches estimated the divergence time between the three major groups within Lepus. The genus appears to have arisen approximately 10.76 MYA (+/- 0.86 MYA), with most speciation events occurring during the Pliocene epoch (5.65 +/- 1.15 MYA similar to 1.12 +/- 10.47 MYA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Leptobrachium ailaonicum is a vulnerable anuran restricted to a patchy distribution associated with small mountain streams surrounded by forested slopes at mid-elevations (approximately 2000-2600 m) in the subtropical Mount Wuliang and Mount Ailao ranges in southwest China (Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam. Given high habitat specificity and lack of suitable habitat in lower elevations between these ranges, we hypothesized limited gene flow between populations throughout its range. We used two mitochondrial genes to construct a phylogeographic pattern within this species in order to test our hypothesis. We also examined whether this phylogeographic pattern is a response to past geological events and/or climatic oscillations. A total of 1989 base pairs were obtained from 81 individuals of nine populations yielding 51 unique haplotypes. Both Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses revealed four deeply divergent and reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages that approximately correspond to four geographical regions separated by deep river valleys. These results suggest a long history of allopatric separation by vicariance. The distinct geographic distributions of four major clades and the estimated divergence time suggest spatial and temporal separations that coincide with climatic and paleogeographic changes following the orogeny and uplift of Mount Ailao during the late Miocene to mid Pliocene in southwest China. At the southern distribution, the presence of two sympatric yet differentiated clades in two areas are interpreted as a result of secondary contact between previously allopatric populations during cooler Pleistocene glacial cycles. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the observed genetic variation occurs among the four regions implying long-term interruption of maternal gene flow, suggesting that L ailaonicum may represent more than one distinct species and should at least be separated into four management units corresponding to these four geographic lineages for conservation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Interbedded layers of glacial deposits and marine or glacimarine clay layers are a common feature of offshore sediment. Typically, offshore marine clays are lightly overconsolidated sensitive clay. Some case histories on submarine landslides show that the slip surface passes through these marine clay layers. In this paper a model is proposed for post-peak strain softening behavior of marine sensitive clay. The slope failure mechanism is examined using the concept of shear band propagation. It is shown that shear band propagation and post-peak stress-strain behavior of clay layers are two major factors in submarine slope stability analysis. Copyright © 2012 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).