998 resultados para GEOPHYSICS
Spectrographic analysis of limestones as a possible method of correlation of geologic formations is an altogether new line of investigation. As far as known the only previous work consists of a few analyses made by Fred Lines in his bachelor thesis work at Montana School of mines in the spring of 1942.
At the present time ore bodies being mined are becoming more and more complex in mineral association, thus presenting a more difficult problem in their concentration. Lead-zinc sulphide ores are among the more common ores which present such difficulties.
Many attempts have been made to improve iron and steel and their alloys by the addition of boron. The results obtained were not encouraging for the reason that the amount of boron used, generally from 0.2 to 2.0 per cent is altogether too high. This percentage of boron renders the product hard and brittle and of late the experiments with boron in this connection have been practically abandoned.
The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to find some means of increasing the effective porosity and permeability of the producing sands of the Cut Bank Oil Field, with the hope that thereby the ultimate recovery of petroleum from this field may be increased. Although the percentage increase in production thus effected would undoubtedly be small, it would represent a substantial volume of petroleum in view of the great quantity of oil and gas present in this field.
The enormous number of previous experiments and researches for the improvement of the commercial chromic acid bath, did not succeed even in the partial elimination of any one of the disadvantages of chromic acid bath. This led the author to believe that the poor performance is an inherent quality of the chromic acid bath, and is due to the fact that the deposition occurs from the higher state of oxidation.
Plating of various objects with mirror-like surfaces of chromium, nickel, and other metals has expanded considerably during the past decade, and now ranks as an important enterprise, particularly with respect to the automotive industry.
Various electrolytes were experimented with in an attempt to deposit an iron-manganese alloy. An Alloy was obtained from a solution containing ferrous ammonium sulfate, manganous sulfate, and ammonium sulfate. Further experimentation was done in an effort to determine the optimum conditions of deposition and the highest manganese alloy which could be produced.
The ore investigated in this thesis is a zinc-copper-lead ore. Microscopic analysis of this complex sulphide ore showed it to contain pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and covellite, with quartz as the gangue constituent.
The contents of this paper represent attempts to deposit the metal, manganese from sodium manganate solutions. The source of manganese was limited to the nodulized product from roasting rhodochrosite and was therefore chiefly manganese oxide.
In this thesis the purpose was to obtain a good iron deposit from a relatively simple bath. The deposit was to be of good nature and low in Carbon content. Also included is a summary of the uses to which electrolytic iron can be put as well as a summary of work done by other researchers in depositing iron electrolytically.
Recent demands for petroleum to carry on the war effort have resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. Nearly all oil wells now drilled are of a depth to penetrate the marine Jurassic formations. It is known that these strata differ in thickness from place to place, but information of distribution, thickness, and lithology has not yet been compiled.
An electrodeposition of an iron-manganese alloy was made from the same conditions determined by previous research. Various addition agents were experimented with in an attempt to produce better conditions for electro-deposition. It was found advantageous to add small amounts of sodium lauryl sulfate and ammonium sulfite to the electrolyte.
This thesis is concerned primarily with the production of metal powder compacts of iron and tin. In producing these compacts, the effects of processing variables on some of the essential properties of the pellets made were investigated.
Although powder metallurgical methods have been used for years to fabricate tungsten and platinum, very little scientific data have been recorded until the beginning of this century. A large percentage of all commercial production at present is based upon past practice rather than upon scientific knowledge.
The original objective of this project was to determine the effect of varying current intensity and electrode coating composition upon the spatter losses and porosity of arc welds made by alternating current. This subject was suggested by the Welding Research Council of the Engineering Foundation, which is a clearing house for welding research in order to avoid duplication of work.