991 resultados para Free speech


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A new stabilization scheme, based on a stochastic representation of the discretized field variables, is proposed with a view to reduce or even eliminate unphysical oscillations in the mesh-free numerical simulations of systems developing shocks or exhibiting localized bands of extreme deformation in the response. The origin of the stabilization scheme may be traced to nonlinear stochastic filtering and, consistent with a class of such filters, gain-based additive correction terms are applied to the simulated solution of the system, herein achieved through the element-free Galerkin method, in order to impose a set of constraints that help arresting the spurious oscillations. The method is numerically illustrated through its Applications to inviscid Burgers' equations, wherein shocks may develop as a result of intersections of the characteristics, and to a gradient plasticity model whose response is often characterized by a developing shear band as the external load is gradually increased. The potential of the method in stabilized yet accurate numerical simulations of such systems involving extreme gradient variations in the response is thus brought forth. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper explores phase formation and phase stability in free nanoparticles of binary alloys. A procedure for estimating the size and composition dependent free energies incorporating the contributions from the interfaces has been presented. Both single phase solid solution and two phase morphology containing interphase interfaces have been considered. A free energy scenario has been evaluated for two binary alloy systems Ag-Ni and Ag-Cu to predict the microstructure of the alloy nanoparticles at different size ranges as a function of composition. Both Ag-Cu and Ag-Ni systems exhibit wide bulk immiscibility. Ag-Ni nanoparticles were synthesized using the wet chemical synthesis technique whereas Ag-Cu nanoparticles were synthesized using laser ablation of a Ag-Cu target immersed in distilled water. Microstructural and compositional characterization of Ag-Ni and Ag-Cu nanoparticles on a single nanoparticle level was conducted using transmission electron microscopy. Nanoparticle microstructures observed from the microscopic investigation have been correlated with thermodynamic calculation results. It is shown that the observed two phase microstructure consisting of Ag-Ni solid solution in partial decomposed state coexisting with pure Ag phases in the case of Ag-Ni nanoparticles can be only be rationalized by invoking the tendency for phase separation of an initial solid solution with increase in nanoparticle size. Smaller sized Ag-Ni nanoparticles prefer a single phase solid solution microstructure. Due to an increase in particle size during the synthesis process the initial solid solution decomposes into an ultrafine scale phase separated microstructure. We have shown that it is necessary to invoke critical point phenomenon and wetting transition in systems showing a critical point that leads to phase separated Ag-Ni nanoparticles providing a catalytic substrate for the nucleation of equilibrium Ag over it. In the case of the Ag-Cu system, we report the experimental observation of a core shell structure at small sizes. This can be rationalized in terms of a metastable solid solution. It is argued that the nucleation barrier can prevent the formation of biphasic morphology with an internal interface. In such a situation, demixing of the solid solution can bring the system to a lower energy configuration. This has lead to the observed core-shell morphology in the Ag-Cu system during room temperature synthesis.


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Conditions for the existence of heterochromatic Hamiltonian paths and cycles in edge colored graphs are well investigated in literature. A related problem in this domain is to obtain good lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in an edge colored graph G. This problem is also well explored by now and the lower bounds are often specified as functions of the minimum color degree of G - the minimum number of distinct colors occurring at edges incident to any vertex of G - denoted by v(G). Initially, it was conjectured that the lower bound for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path for an edge colored graph G would be 2v(G)/3]. Chen and Li (2005) showed that the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in an edge colored graph G is at least v(G) - 1, if 1 <= v(G) <= 7, and at least 3v(G)/5] + 1 if v(G) >= 8. They conjectured that the tight lower bound would be v(G) - 1 and demonstrated some examples which achieve this bound. An unpublished manuscript from the same authors (Chen, Li) reported to show that if v(G) >= 8, then G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least 120 + 1. In this paper, we give lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in edge colored graphs without small cycles. We show that if G has no four cycles, then it contains a heterochromatic path of length at least v(G) - o(v(G)) and if the girth of G is at least 4 log(2)(v(G)) + 2, then it contains a heterochromatic path of length at least v(G) - 2, which is only one less than the bound conjectured by Chen and Li (2005). Other special cases considered include lower bounds for the length of a maximum heterochromatic path in edge colored bipartite graphs and triangle-free graphs: for triangle-free graphs we obtain a lower bound of 5v(G)/6] and for bipartite graphs we obtain a lower bound of 6v(G)-3/7]. In this paper, it is also shown that if the coloring is such that G has no heterochromatic triangles, then G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least 13v(G)/17)]. This improves the previously known 3v(G)/4] bound obtained by Chen and Li (2011). We also give a relatively shorter and simpler proof showing that any edge colored graph G contains a heterochromatic path of length at least (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Current paper reports synthesis of chemical free graphene by unzipping of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using high strain rate deformation at 150K. A specially designed cryomill operating at 150 K was used for the experiments. The mechanism of unzipping was further explored using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Both experimental and simulation results reveal two modes of unzipping through radial and shear loading. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The highly complex structure-property interrelationship in the lead-free piezoelectric (x) Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 - (1 - x) BaTiO3 is a subject of considerable contemporary debate. Using comprehensive x-ray, neutron diffraction, dielectric, and ferroelectric studies, we have shown the existence of a new criticality in this system at x = 0.80, i.e., well within the conventional tetragonal phase field. This criticality manifests as a nonmonotonic variation of the tetragonality and coercivity and is shown to be associated with a crossover from a nonmodulated tetragonal phase (for x < 0.8) to a long-period modulated tetragonal phase (for x > 0.80). It is shown that the stabilization of long-period modulation introduces a characteristic depolarization temperature in the system. While differing qualitatively from the two-phase model often suggested for the critical compositions of this system, our results support the view with regard to the tendency in perovskites to stabilize long-period modulated structures as a result of complex interplay of antiferrodistortive modes Bellaiche and Iniguez, Phys. Rev. B 88, 014104 ( 2013); Prosandeev, Wang, Ren, Iniguez, ands Bellaiche, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 234 (2013)].


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Streamwise streaks, their lift-up and streak instability are integral to the bypass transition process. An experimental study has been carried out to find the effect of a mesh placed normal to the flow and at different wall-normal locations in the late stages of two transitional flows induced by free-stream turbulence (FST) and an isolated roughness element. The mesh causes an approximately 30% reduction in the free-stream velocity, and mild acceleration, irrespective of its wall-normal location. Interestingly, when located near the wall, the mesh suppresses several transitional events leading to transition delay over a large downstream distance. The transition delay is found to be mainly caused by suppression of the lift-up of the high-shear layer and its distortion, along with modification of the spanwise streaky structure to an orderly one. However, with the mesh well away from the wall, the lifted-up shear layer remains largely unaffected, and the downstream boundary layer velocity profile develops an overshoot which is found to follow a plane mixing layer type profile up to the free stream. Reynolds stresses, and the size and strength of vortices increase in this mixing layer region. This high-intensity disturbance can possibly enhance transition of the accelerated flow far downstream, although a reduction in streamwise turbulence intensity occurs over a short distance downstream of the mesh. However, the shape of the large-scale streamwise structure in the wall-normal plane is found to be more or less the same as that without the mesh.


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Eu+3 was incorporated into the lattice of a lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) as per the nominal formula Na0.5Bi0.5-xEuxTiO3. This system was investigated with regard to the Eu+3 photoluminescence (PL) and structural behaviour as a function of composition and electric field. Electric field was found to irreversibly change the features in the PL spectra and also in the x-ray diffraction patterns below the critical composition x = 0.025. Detailed analysis revealed that below the critical composition, electric field irreversibly suppresses the structural heterogeneity inherent of the host matrix NBT and brings about a long range ferroelectric state with rhombohedral (R3c) distortion. It is shown that the structural disorder on the nano-scale opens a new channel for radiative transition which manifests as a new emission line branching off from the main D-5(0)-> F-7(0) line along with a concomitant change in the relative intensity of the other crystal field induced Stark lines with different J values. The study suggests that Eu+3 luminescence can be used to probe the relative degree of field induced structural ordering in relaxor ferroelectrics and also in high performance piezoelectric alloys where electric field couples very strongly with the lattice and structural degrees of freedom. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A unique strategy for scavenging free radicals in situ on exposure to gamma irradiation in polyethylene (PE) nanocomposites is presented. Blends of ultra-high molecular weight PE and linear low-density PE (PEB) and their nanocomposites with graphene (GPEB) were prepared by melt mixing to develop materials for biomedical implants. The effect of gamma irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties was systematically investigated. The neat blend and the nanocomposite were subjected to gamma-ray irradiation in order to improve the interfacial adhesion between PE and graphene sheets. Structural and thermal characterization revealed that irradiation induced crosslinking and increased the crystallinity of the polymer blend. The presence of graphene further enhanced the crystallinity via crosslinks between the polymer matrix and the filler on irradiation. Graphene was found to scavenge free radicals as confirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Irradiation of graphene-containing polymer composites resulted in the largest increase in modulus and hardness compared to either irradiation or addition of graphene to PEB alone. This study provides new insight into the role of graphene in polymer matrices during irradiation and suggests that irradiated graphene-polymer composites could emerge as promising materials for use as articulating surfaces in biomedical implants.


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We propose a two-dimensional (2-D) multicomponent amplitude-modulation, frequency-modulation (AM-FM) model for a spectrogram patch corresponding to voiced speech, and develop a new demodulation algorithm to effectively separate the AM, which is related to the vocal tract response, and the carrier, which is related to the excitation. The demodulation algorithm is based on the Riesz transform and is developed along the lines of Hilbert-transform-based demodulation for 1-D AM-FM signals. We compare the performance of the Riesz transform technique with that of the sinusoidal demodulation technique on real speech data. Experimental results show that the Riesz-transform-based demodulation technique represents spectrogram patches accurately. The spectrograms reconstructed from the demodulated AM and carrier are inverted and the corresponding speech signal is synthesized. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the reconstructed speech signal, with respect to clean speech, was found to be 2 to 4 dB higher in case of the Riesz transform technique than the sinusoidal demodulation technique.


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We address the problem of separating a speech signal into its excitation and vocal-tract filter components, which falls within the framework of blind deconvolution. Typically, the excitation in case of voiced speech is assumed to be sparse and the vocal-tract filter stable. We develop an alternating l(p) - l(2) projections algorithm (ALPA) to perform deconvolution taking into account these constraints. The algorithm is iterative, and alternates between two solution spaces. The initialization is based on the standard linear prediction decomposition of a speech signal into an autoregressive filter and prediction residue. In every iteration, a sparse excitation is estimated by optimizing an l(p)-norm-based cost and the vocal-tract filter is derived as a solution to a standard least-squares minimization problem. We validate the algorithm on voiced segments of natural speech signals and show applications to epoch estimation. We also present comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques and show that ALPA gives a sparser impulse-like excitation, where the impulses directly denote the epochs or instants of significant excitation.


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During service and/or storage, Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solder alloys are subjected to temperatures ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 Tm (where Tm is the melting temperature of SAC alloys), making them highly prone to significant microstructural coarsening. The microstructures of these low melting point alloys continuously evolve during service. This results in evolution of creep properties of the joint over time, thereby influencing the long-term reliability of microelectronic packages. Here, we study microstructure evolution and creep behavior of two Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) alloys, namely Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-1.0Cu-0.5Cu, isothermally aged at 150 degrees C for various lengths of time. Creep behavior of the two SAC solders after different aging durations was systematically studied using impression creep technique. The key microstructural features that evolve during aging are Ag3Sn particle size and inter-particle spacing. Creep results indicate that the creep rate increases considerably with increasing inter-particle spacing although the creep stress exponent and creep activation energy are independent of the aging history.


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Heterophase structures in lead-free perovskite-type ferroelectric solid solutions of (1 - z)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 - zBaTiO(3) are analysed for a few critical compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (z = 0.05-0.07). Examples of the phase coexistence and elastic matching of the phases from different symmetry groups are considered to find optimum volume fractions of specific domain types and coexisting phases at the complete stress relief in two-phase samples. Some interrelations between these volume fractions are described using variants of the domain arrangement at changes in the composition and unit-cell parameters. The evaluated room-temperature volume fractions of the ferroelectric monoclinic (Cm symmetry) and tetragonal (P4mm symmetry) phases near the morphotropic phase boundary are in agreement with experimental data.


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Speech polarity detection is a crucial first step in many speech processing techniques. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed that improvises the existing technique using the skewness of the voice source (VS) signal. Here, the integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) is used as the VS estimate, which is obtained using linear prediction on long-term frames of the low-pass filtered speech signal. This excludes the unvoiced regions from analysis and also reduces the computation. Further, a modified skewness measure is proposed for decision, which also considers the magnitude of the skewness of the ILPR along with its sign. With the detection error rate (DER) as the performance metric, the algorithm is tested on 8 large databases and its performance (DER=0.20%) is found to be comparable to that of the best technique (DER=0.06%) on both clean and noisy speech. Further, the proposed method is found to be ten times faster than the best technique.


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Coordination-driven self-assembly of dinuclear half-sandwich p-cymene ruthenium(II) complexes Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1a) and Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C6H2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1b) separately with imidazole-based tritopic donors (L-1-L-2) in methanol yielded a series of hexanuclear 3+2] trigonal prismatic cages (2-5), respectively L-1 = 1,3,5-tris(imidazole-1-yl) benzene; L-2 = 4,4',4 `'-tris(imidazole-1-yl) triphenylamine]. All the self-assembled cages 2-5 were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques (multinuclear NMR, Infra-red and ESI-MS) and their sizes, shapes were obtained through geometry optimization using molecular mechanics universal force field (MMUFF) computation. Despite the possibility due to the free rotation of donor sites of imidazole ligands, of two different atropoisomeric prismatic cages (C-3h or C-s) and polymeric product, the self-selection of single (C(3)h) conformational isomeric cages as the only product is a noteworthy observation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The double perovskite Y2NiMnO6 displays ferromagnetic transition at T-c approximate to 81 K. The ferromagnetic order at low temperature is confirmed by the saturation value of magnetization (Ms) and also validated by the refined ordered magnetic moment values extracted from neutron powder diffraction data at 10 K. This way, the dominant Mn4+ and Ni2+ cationic ordering is confirmed. The cation-ordered P2(1)/n nuclear structure is revealed by neutron powder diffraction studies at 300 and 10 K. Analysis of the frequency-dependent dielectric constant and equivalent circuit analysis of impedance data take into account the bulk contribution to the total dielectric constant. This reveals an anomaly which coincides with the ferromagnetic transition temperature (T-c). Pyrocurrent measurements register a current flow with onset near T-c and a peak at 57 K that shifts with temperature ramp rate. The extrinsic nature of the observed pyrocurrent is established by employing a special protocol measurement. It is realized that the origin is due to reorientation of electric dipoles created by the free charge carriers and not by spontaneous electric polarization at variance with recently reported magnetism-driven ferroelectricity in this material.