994 resultados para François-Marsal, Frédéric (1874-1958)
"With an emblematical frontespiece." Inscribed on front free endpaper: A. Graham Barrie 30th Sep 1881.
Items include: 13 small poems clipped from newspapers. None of the poems list authors. Most of the poems are based on life lessons. Clippings of short stories which appear to have come from a St. Catharines newspaper. The stories include anecdotes, humour and medical advice. There is no author listed on any of the stories. 2 coloured sewing machine advertisements each measuring 9 cm. x 13 cm. and 9 cm. x 14 cm. 1 broadside measuring 27 cm. x 37 cm. and posted by the Peninsular Game Club of St. Catharines. The broadside is a copy of the game laws of 1874 with a warning that breach of these laws will bring rigorous prosecution.
The Bank of Canada first introduced Canada Savings Bonds during the First and Second World Wars. At the time, they were known as War Savings Certificates and Victory Bonds and were used to fund the war effort. In 1946, Canada Savings Bonds were used as part of Canada’s Postwar Financing Program. At that time, the government also introduced the sale of bonds through payroll deduction. Canada Savings Bonds proved to be very popular, providing investors with a convenient, flexible and safe investment. Over time the bonds failed to remain competitive with other low-risk investment options, and the high cost of administering the program called into question its relevance. An independent report commissioned by the government in 2004 recommended that the bonds be phased out, however, the government decided to keep the program and make some revisions. As of 2012, Canada Savings Bonds are available exclusively through the payroll savings program, while Canada Premium Bonds (introduced in 1998) are available through financial institutions, dealers and by phone.
An article about Dorothy Rungeling in her third Derby competition in 1958. She will be co-piloted by Miss Susan Koch and the route will take them from San Diego, California to Charleston, South Carolina.
A Citation from the Grand Bahama Club that reads, "This Citation is awarded to Dorothy Rungeling for having flown a single engine plane across the waters of the Gulf Stream to Grand Bahama Island. In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 19th day of August 1958."
A certificate from The Confederate Air Corps that reads, "To all who shall see these presents, greeting: Know yes, that in recognition of his having manifested an unusually high regard for black-eyed peas, turnip greens, hog jowl, sow belly, pot likkers, grits, chittlins, and good old corn squeezins, Dorothy Rungeling is, as of this date, hereby appointed to the rank of Colonel in the Confederate Air Corps. This officer will, by virtue of this appointment, therefore, be obliged to carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the office to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. As evidence of his good faith in accepting this commission, the officer named herein will continue to praise the glories of the Deep South, consume a true gentleman's share of the fares mentioned above, pay respectful homage to our lovely Southern Belles, save his Confederate money, harass the carpetbaggers, and always remember that damnyankee is one word. As Secretary of this Corps, I strictly charge and require all officers of the air militia of the South to render such obedience and courtesies as are due an Officer of this distinguished rank and honored position. Done at the City of Montgomery, Alabama, the Cradle of the Confederacy, this Seventh day of July in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Eight." It is stamped with the name Thadeus P. Throckmorton - Secretary, Confederate Air Corps.
An article in The Evening Tribune that discusses a second place win in an aviation writing competition. She had also won previously in 1953. The article states that the "newest award comes on the heels of the granting of an airline transport licence to Mrs. Rungeling." Dorothy Rungeling has written a small note next to the article that reads: "Getting an Airline transport Licence was my proudest achievement. I was number 1 woman in Canada."
A paperback "List of Voters for the Town of St. Catharines, 1874" by Journal Steam Print. Richard Woodruff is listed as an owner on St. Paul Street in St. Thomas' Ward (p.8) and Samuel D. Woodruff is also listed as an owner in St. Thomas' Ward (p.8). Richard Woodruff is listed as an owner in St. George's War (p.16). There is an extra front cover included which is badly wrinkled and stained. There is a handwritten list within the back of the book which tallies the number of people in each ward.
License no. 11 of season 1874/75 made out to S.D. Woodruff for 35 ¾ square miles in berth no. 198, May 20, 1874.