1000 resultados para Formulações farmaceuticas


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The chemical investigation of the leaves of Sorocea bomplandii Baillon (Moraceae) led to the identification of pentacyclic triterpenes, fatty acid ester and isoprenoids. Chromatographyc comparison between the infusion S. bomplandii with that of Maytenus aquifolium - a Celastraceae with proved antiulcer activity - has shown that they have different compositions: the first one is based on sugars and the last one is based on flavonoid glycosides.


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This work intends to evaluate the effects of oral vanadyl treatment (VOSO 4, 1 mg/mL) in young streptozotocin-diabetic rats during 19 and 29 days. In several times of treatment the rats were monitored to determine body weight, food and water intakes, glycemia, and the urinary excretion of glucose and urea. The animals were killed in the 19(th) and 29(th) days, and the glycemia level was determined again, as well as the weight of pancreas, muscles (Soleus and Extensor digitorum longus - EDL) and adipose tissues (epididymal and retroperitoneal). The results showed that the treatment of young diabetic rats with VOSO 4 promotes the reduction of hyperglycemia (p < 0.01), food (p < 0.01) and water intakes (p < 0.05) and body weight (p < 0.05). Neither the tissues and pancreas weights nor the urinary urea level of the treatment group varied in comparison to the control group. In conclusion, the vanadyl treatment in the studied period is able to reduce the main metabolic alterations often found in diabetes. These data are very useful and important for the future experiments to verify the effects of vanadyl sulfate on muscle protein metabolism in diabetic rats.


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A historical chronology of smallpox vaccination in Brazil is presented, with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo. We also present the scientific and philosophical concepts that influenced the regulation and practice of vaccination in Sao Paulo based on the historiographic bibliography, legislation about vaccination, and the debates in the state legislative body. Discovered by Jenner in 1796, the vaccine reached in Brazil in 1804 and was only used in the colonial capital, the city of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1890 decade, smallpox, side by side with yellow fever, typhoid fever and other pestilential diseases, was the major health problem in the State of Sao Paulo. There was also the fear that the vaccine might transmit syphilis, an Unfounded attitude since the product used in Sao Paulo (the 'animal vaccine') was elaborated from bovine serum. The immediate necessity to fight a highly lethal disease that threatened the State population and the coffee-growing business led to the abandonment of the fears and of the liberal principles in favor of the sanitary needs. The vaccine became compulsory in 1891 in the State of Sao Paulo and its application met no resistance on the part of the population, in contrast to the so-called 'Vaccine Revolt' that would occur in Rio de Janeiro in 1904.


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Actions to overcome a disease are dependant, essentially, on what is known about it. Procedures followed in the past were sometimes bizarre, but justified because of how little was known about the disease. The tuberculosis prechemotherapeutic age was somber due to the high levels of fatalities and morbidity. With the arrival of the chemotherapeutic treatment its prognosis has changed. Tuberculosis declined in the 50's and stabilized in the 80's. Nevertheless, it is back increasing alarming its numbers more than ever; probably because of some factors, among them, the public health system lack of attention and the government's policies, increasing in the migration to and from the endemic areas, development of drug multi-resistant cepa and also to the HIV infection. An universal antimycobacteria chemotherapy treatment is not accepted, maybe because of the number of drugs that are available. Modern chemotherapy, however, has an attack and a maintenance phases with the aim to eliminate the bacillus of fast and slow multiplication, respectively. The treatment period is long, when compared with other infectious diseases, that leads to the lack of compliance. In spite of the available resources in the fight against tuberculosis they seem insufficient to restrain the disease. This has forced the search for new chemotherapy alternatives to avoid strong come back of tuberculosis to the point of being called the 'white plague' well into the 21'st century.


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Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) are epitheliotropic viruses, that induce benign and malignant lesions on several body sites. It's a small circular DNA virus, non-enveloped and 75 types have been identified. Frequently HPV 6, 11 (benign lesions) and 16, 18 (malignant lesions) are occurred on mucosa. The infection takes place at the basal layer cells with microlesions, when the virus enters into the cells and looses the capsid. The benign HPV types is associated to cell's genome in epissomal way. In malignant lesions, it integrates into the cell's DNA. HPV viruses are sexually transmitted and responsable for malignant cell transformation. Thus this viruses have an extremely epidemiologic importance. This paper reports a HPV review study about: epidemiology, diagnostic methods and treatment to papillomavirus infection.


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A critical revision of the literature was made regarding the stability of β-lactam antibiotics in the presence of surfactants. The factors involved in the drug decomposition were analyzed in the development of the discussion. The analysis has indicated that some organized systems obtained from surfactants can be used to control rates and mechanisms of antibiotic decomposition. These organized systems can also be used to obtain specific information about the drug reactivity in a microenvironment similar to the site of pharmacological effect.


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The skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet light irradiation as a defense against the carcinogenic action of solar light may lead to early skin aging and to hyperchromia, which treatment requires the use of photo-protective, depigmenting and rejuvenating agents. Recently, there have been used many substances for the prevention and/or treatment of skin aging as well as to lowering the skin pigmentation. Glycolic acid is the alpha-hydroxy acid most commonly used in cosmetic and dermatological prepatations. This use is due to its depigmentating and rejuvenating properties and its efficacy at different concentrations, when incorporated to different kind of excipients.


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Induction of iNOS by bacterial products is considered to be part of the defense mechanism against infection. However, it has been suggested that the bacterial-induced NO-overproduction may be involved in the vascular hyporeactivity and in septic shock. It is well known that glucocorticoids prevent the induction of iNOS by Etx in rats. In the present study, dexamethasone diminished but not abolished Etx-induced vascular hyporeactivity in rats. Our results showed that the inhibition of iNOS protects sham rats against the lethal shock produced by Etx, but, in Adx rats, the NωNLA, an iNOS inhibitor, did not reduce Etx-induced mortality. Interestingly, the lack of glucocorticoid impaired the protective effect of NωNLA against Etx-induced hyporeactivity and shock in rats. A conceivable pharmacological approach to protect tissues against deleterious effect of excessive NO production includes inhibition of the iNOS, because the absence of glucocorticoid may increase the iNOS gene expression, with NO-overproduction induced by Etx, suggesting that the glucocorticoids might be of therapeutic value for the treatment of hyporeactivity and shock triggered by sepsis.


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The microbiological bioassay, the UV-spectrophotometry and the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods for assaying sparfloxacin in tablets were compared. The accuracy, repeatability, and precision of each method was assessed and precise. All methods were reliable within acceptable limits for antibiotic pharmaceutical preparations being accurate and precise. The microbiological bioassay and HPLC are more specific than UV-spectrophotometric analysis. However, the microbiological bioassay requires 20 h to get results, and HPLC is the most expensive analysis. The application of each method as a routine analysis should be investigated considering cost, simplicity, equipment, solvents, speed, and application to large or small workloads.


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Problems related to the systemic administration of drugs, such as biodistribution, difficulty of targeting, necessity of high doses to achieve adequate levels of the drug in specific sites, toxicity, and undesirable side effects have lead to the development of systems able to direct the drug to specific sites in the body. Among the possible organs to the targeting of drugs, the colon can be used for local and systemic therapies. By developing such systems some models have been tested, using pH dependent release, release controlled by enzymatic degradation, time controlled release systems and pressure controlled release systems. This review presents an overview of the colonic release of drugs and the strategies used to achieve such targeting.


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In the last years some natural products has been described as supressors of the mutagenic process in bacteria, the antimutagenics. The literature reference that in most of the countries, the population makes use of medicinal plants. The plant Momordica charantia (Cucurbitaceae) is original from Africa being used popularly as purgative, antirheumatic and for skin problems, burns and hemorrhoids. The present work had as objective to evaluate the mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of the ethanolic extract of M. charantia in Salmonella/microsome assays using TA100, TA98 and TA102 strains. It was verified that the extract did not present mutagenic activity when evaluated in different concentrations (0.64, 1.27, 2.55 and 3.84 mg/plate) but acted as antimutagenic agent against the mutations induced by the sodium azide (TA100,-S9), 4-nitro-phenylenediamine (TA98, -S9), daunomycin (TA102, +S9) 2-anthramine (TA100 and TA98, +S9) and 2-aminofluorene (TA102, +S9). When the metabolic activation (+S9) was used, the percentage of inhibition of the mutagenicity varied in the range of 31%-96%, while in absence of metabolizing system (-S9), the maximum percentage of inhibition of the mutagenicity was 44%. In that way, we can conclude that the metabolites found in the extract has potential to protect the genetic material against the damages induced by different chemical agents.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a very important hospital and community pathogen. This species is related to supurative disease, systemic and widespread metastatic lesions. The ability of S. aureus to develop resistance to antibiotics, more recently to methicillin, associates this bacteria with epidemic outbreaks of severe nosocomial infection. The source of staphylococcal infection is a patient with a staphylococcal lesion or a career member of the hospital staff. We aimed to detect the frequency of S. aureus isolated from anterior nares and oral cavities among the hospital staff in Bauru - SP, and to determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates. Within 213 of the staff members analyzed. S. aureus was found in 94 (44.13%) of careers, with 47 (50%) of nasal carriers, 23 (24.4%) of oral carriers and 24 (25.5%) of both carriers. The biochemical characteristics analyzed for the species identification were similar to S. aureus ATCC 29213. All strains identified as S. aureus showed varied sensibility to the antimicrobial agents tested. No vancomicin resistant strains and only 8 (8.5%) strains with oxacilin resistance were found.


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The immune responses are mediated by a variety cells and molecules that cells secreted. Macrophages are the first cells that participate in the immune response, and, when are activated, release more than hundred compounds at the extracelular medium, such as cytokine (TNF-α) and the intermediate compounds of the nitrogen (NO). In this paper the release of nitric oxide (NO) and necrose tumoral factor (TNF-α) were determined in peritoneal macrophage cultures of mice in the presence of the 70% ethanolic extract obtained from the flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum (Asteraceae) in the concentrations of 20, 10 and 5 mg/mL. The 70% ethanolic extracts from flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum presented higher liberation of NO and TNF-α in the concentration of the 20 mg/mL when compared with LPS. We conclude that this extract is a potente stimulator of macrophage, could be immunomodulatory activity.


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Floating multiparticles for oral administration with different compositions were studied from a matricial polymeric system to obtain sustained release. The polymers used in the multiparticles constitution were methylceullose (MC) and hydroxypropylmethylcelullose phthalate (HPMCP) in several proportions. Spherical and isolated structures were obtained using HPMCP/MC in the range from 1:3 to 1: 13. The diameters of the floating multiparticles were in the range from 3 to 3.25 mm, while the non-floating particles were between 1.75 and 2.1 mm. The morphological analysis by confocal microscopy showed that the probable mechanism of drug release was the diffusion from the inner of particles to external media. The encapsulation of hydrophilic model substances (tartrazin and bordeaux S), showed that the maximum incorporation was about 38%, while for the lipophilic model substances (rifampicin) was 45%. The in vitro release of rifampicin in acid medium was dependent on the ratio HPMCP/MC. In alkaline medium the release followed a two-step profile, with slow release in the initial times and subsequent increase in the higher times The initial drug delivery profile was not dependent on the MC/HPMCP ratio and can be related with the release of the antibiotic from multiparticle inner caused by the swelling of polymers by the presence of water in the system. However, afterwards the release proceeds with typical profile of process involving hydrogels systems.


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The PDC-70 polymeric prodrug derived from the diclofenac has shown antiedema activity when administered through intramuscular route in rats. Besides that it has produced superior activity when compared to the diclofenac sodium. These promising results indicate antiinflammatory activity for the PDC-70 polymeric prodrug.