835 resultados para Food diet
A crise econ??mica que atravess??vamos foi a mola propulsora para desenvolvermos o projeto Racionaliza????o/Manuten????o da Qualidade Alimentar do Servi??o de Nutri????o e Diet??tica -SND do Hospital Escola. A dificuldade era tanta que nos obrigava a "cortar"os custos de um setor (que fornece uma m??dia mensal de 7.192 refei????es para os plantonistas de servi??o e, principalmente 54.764 refei????es para os pacientes do Hospital) envolvido diretamente, na recupera????o da sa??de dos pacientes. Portanto, era de fundamental import??ncia n??o diminuir a qualidade nutritiva dos alimentos fornecidos. Ent??o, o grande desafio seria: reduzir os custos, sem prejudicar o pronto restabelecimento dos pacientes. Ap??s amplo estudo, conclu??mos que seria necess??rio: simplificar e padronizar os procedimentos operacionais do Servi??o de Nutri????o e Diet??tica (SND); criar mecanismos de controle de acesso aos refeit??rios e encontrar formas alternativas de alimenta????o. Os resultados das medidas implantadas foram surpreendentes. Conseguimos uma redu????o nos custos na ordem de 20% (anexo 1). A mensagem final que gostar??amos de deixar para os nossos colegas Funcion??rios P??blicos ?? que as adversidades s??o essenciais para podermos "mexer" e este ato s?? ocorrer?? se, de fato, precisarmos faz??-lo em nosso benef??cio ou de nossos semelhantes ( o contribuinte que paga seus impostos)
Neste trabalho nós estudamos a dieta da tartaruga verde, Chelonia mydas, e os fatores envolvidos na variação de sua ecologia alimentar. Avaliamos também o impacto da ingestão de lixo, e os fatores que podem explicar a elevada ingestão destes resíduos entre os animais marinhos. No estudo da ecologia alimentar, nós avaliamos mais de 400 indivíduos, entre dados originais e da literatura, distribuídos ao longo de um gradiente latitudinal e diversos ambientes. As tartarugas se alimentaram majoritariamente de macroalgas, porém apresentaram uma grande plasticidade alimentar, tanto em relação à estratégia de forrageamento quanto à dieta. Nas regiões mais frias e com menor disponibilidade de algas, as tartarugas mudaram de uma dieta herbívora, para uma dieta baseada em matéria animal. Esta mudança de dieta acarretou também em uma mudança de estratégia de forrageamento, saindo da alimentação bentônica para uma alimentação pelágica. Estratégia esta que também foi encontrada nas áreas estuarinas. A plasticidade alimentar se deve à interação de fatores intrínsecos (restrições fisiológicas) e extrínsecos (regionais e locais). As diferenças nas estratégias de forragenamento acarretam também em diferenças na exposição a ameaças. Um exemplo disso é a ingestão de lixo, que apesar de ter sido registrada em mais de 70% das tartarugas (N = 265), representou uma ameaça maior aos animais com estratégia de forrageamento pelágica. O plástico foi o material mais ingerido, tendo como principal fonte itens relacionados à alimentação e sacolas plásticas. O estudo também mostrou que uma quantidade pequena de lixo (0,5 g) é suficiente para causar a morte. Este resultado revelou que o potencial de letalidade por ingestão de lixo é muito maior que a mortalidade observada. A verdadeira ameaça da ingestão de lixo está sendo mascarada pela elevada mortalidade relacionada às atividades pesqueiras. A ingestão de lixo é normalmente atribuída à confusão de um item alimentar específico com o resíduo, como águas-vivas e sacolas plásticas. Porém, nós mostramos que se trata de uma questão mais ampla, e usamos a tartaruga verde, aves marinhas e peixes para ressaltar a importância de outros fatores como: abundância do lixo no ambiente, estratégia de forrageamento, capacidade de detecção do resíduo e amplitude da dieta. Nós acreditamos que a ingestão de lixo ocorre devido a uma armadilha evolutiva muito mais ampla do que a previamente sugerida, e que deve afetar muito mais espécies que as que foram até hoje reportadas. Desarmar esta armadilha será particularmente difícil devido ao contínuo e crescente despejo de plástico no ambiente marinho e sua alta persistência no ambiente.
A lagarta Duponchelia fovealis Zeller (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) foi relatada em plantios comerciais do morangueiro no estado do Espírito Santo ocasionando grandes problemas à cultura. Porém, por ser uma praga recente, não há registro de produtos para o seu controle. A cada dia aumenta a demanda por alimentos e outros produtos livres de resíduos, além da necessidade de uma agricultura mais desenvolvida e sustentável. Pesquisas com agentes de controle biológico e extratos vegetais surgem como alternativa para o manejo desse inseto-praga. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de formulados comerciais à base de Bacillus thuringiensis e a atividade do uso dos extratos aquosos de alho e fumo, visando sua adoção como métodos alternativos de controle de D. fovealis. Nos bioensaios para avaliar a patogenicidade e virulência de duas formulações comerciais à base de B. thuringiensis, Agree® e Dipel WP®, sobre a dieta artificial adaptada à base de farelo de soja, germe de trigo e açúcar, proposta por King e Hartley (1985) para Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), foram inoculados 70 μL de cada formulado comercial, na concentração 1 x 108 esporos·mL-1. Em seguida, avaliou-se a virulência dos respectivos formulados, isso através da estimativa da concentração letal (CL50) para o estádio de maior suscetibilidade. Em virtude dos resultados encontrados, observou-se que o estágio 1 de desenvolvimento apresentou 95,88% e 86,76% de mortalidades para os produtos Agree® e Dipel WP®, respectivamente, demonstrando patogenicidade e virulência à D. fovealis. No bioensaio para avaliar a atividade dos extratos aquosos de alho e fumo, estes foram aplicados na concentração 10% (m/v). Todos os tratamentos foram pulverizados com Torre de Potter, calibrada a pressão de 15 lb/pol². Posteriormente estimou-se a concentração letal (CL50) do extrato aquoso de fumo, o qual apresentou 95% de mortalidade no teste de suscetibilidade. Desta forma, com os resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa, concluiu-se que a utilização de formulados comerciais à base de B. thuringiensis e extrato de fumo podem ser uma alternativa no manejo fitossanitário de D. fovealis.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is the most commonly consumed leaf vegetable in the Brazilian diet, and it is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It is widely grown in the conventional farming system. However, the hydroponic farming system has been gaining importance in the market, wining confidence from consumers, who are becoming increasingly more demanding on food quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of two lettuce cultivars on hydroponic and conventional farming systems for the production of fresh mass (FM) and dry mass (DM), photosynthesis, contents of chlorophyll and anthocyanin. The following two experiments were carried out: hydroponics farming (HF) and conventional farming (CF), performed in protect and unprotect environments, respectively, in Florianópolis, SC. Mimosa Verde cultivar (MV) showed greater fresh mass than Mimosa Roxa (MR), in both farming systems and the two cultivars presented better performance in the hydroponic system (287.7 g MV and 139.1 g MR) than the conventional system (129.7 g MV and 111.8 g MR). Mimosa Verde cultivar presented lower average contents of total chlorophyll (7.7 mg g-¹ FM) than Mimosa Roxa (11.8 mg g-¹FM), and both cultivars displayed higher means for this variable in the hydroponic farming system. Mimosa Roxa presented higher contents of anthocyanin in the conventional system (88.24 mg g-¹ FM) than the ones in the hydroponic system (36.89 mg g-¹ FM). The best results for CO2 net assimilation rate regarded to photosyntheticaly active photon flux density were found in the hydroponic system, for both lettuce cultivars. Variation in the contents of chlorophyll were also found. Those variations were higher in the protected system than in the hydroponic system and contents of anthocyanin were higher in the conventional system.
Phenolic compounds have been extensively studied in recent years. The presence of these compounds in various foods has been associated with sensory and health promoting properties. These products from the secondary metabolism of plants act as defense mechanisms against environmental stress and attack by other organisms. They are divided into different classes according to their chemical structures. The objective of this study was to describe the different classes of phenolic compounds, the main food sources and factors of variation, besides methods for the identification and quantification commonly used to analyze these compounds. Moreover, the role of phenolic compounds in scavenging oxidative stress and the techniques of in vitro antioxidant evaluation are discussed. In vivo studies to evaluate the biological effects of these compounds and their impact on chronic disease prevention are presented as well. Finally, it was discussed the role of these compounds on the sensory quality of foods.
O presente trabalho analisa a estratégia de entrada de firmas da indústria de fast-food brasileira em novos mercados. Investigamos quais os atributos de uma cidade que atrai firmas dessa indústria e como firmas de diferentes cadeias interagem nas suas decisões de entrada. Os resultados indicam que as firmas adotam uma estratégia do tipo me-too: uma vez que uma firma entra em um mercado inexplorado, as demais tendem a também entrar nesse mercado. A hipótese do artigo é que há uma incerteza quanto ao potencial de um mercado, e a entrada de uma firma sinaliza para as demais que esse potencial é elevado Os ganhos da descoberta e da entrada em um novo mercado com alto potencial dissipam-se rapidamente com a entrada das firmas seguidoras, concedendo uma vantagem temporária para a firma pioneira.
Nutritional surveys (food consumption, clinical and biochemichal) were conducted in a small institution for homeless children. Results showed that only 30% of the children presented adequate calorie intake. Most of the children presented adequate protein intake, but almost half consumed less than 2/3 of the calcium RDA considered necessary. Food handling, processing, and distribution also proved inadequate and wastage, high. Skinfold measurement showed up one case of obesity. Furthermore, most of the children presented clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency, mostly skin lesions; while about half presented clinical signs of riboflavin deficiency. Biochemical data showed that 63.6% had deficient plasma levels of vitamin A, none showed abnormal results for riboflavin excretion, four showed packed blood cell volume below normal, and all had normal hemoglobin levels. Stool examinations revealed a high rate of pathogenic protozoa (Hymenolepis nana), in fact, one of the highest in Brazilian literature.
Twelve people became ill with vomiting and diarrhoea approximately four hours after eating cake with a cream filling at a birthday party and on the day following. The cake had been prepared by a food handler who had long experience in preparing foods for such functions. Staphylococcus aureus that produced enterotoxin A was isolated from the nose, the fingernails, and a healed infection on the neck of the food handler, and from the cake. Enterotoxin A was detected in the remaining portion of the cake. The cake, while still warm, had been refrigerated for one hour after it was prepared before it was removed for the party; it was refrigerated after the party. The cake was large (6 kg) and hence it was not adequately cooled in the hour during wich it was refrigerated before the party. The conclusion is that the cake was accidentally contaminated by the food handler and inadequately cooled before it was eaten.
A descriptive study was developed to compare air and surfaces fungal contamination in ten hospitals’ food units and two food units from companies. Fifty air samples of 250 litres through impaction method were collected from hospitals’ food units and 41 swab samples from surfaces were also collected, using a 10 by 10 cm square stencil. Regarding the two companies, ten air samples and eight surface samples were collected. Air and surface samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating and canteen. Outdoor air was also collected since this is the place regarded as a reference. Simultaneously, temperature, relative humidity and meal numbers were registered. Concerning air from hospitals’ food units, 32 fungal species were identified, being the two most commonly isolated genera Penicillium sp.
Moulds may produce a diversity of toxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins and others. Although toxicological, environmental and epidemiological studies have addressed the problem of these toxins one by one, more than one mycotoxin are found usually in the same contaminated food. Risk assessment for humans potentially exposed to multimycotoxins suffers very much from the lack of adequate food consumption data. Furthermore, for a given mycotoxin, synergism and antagonism with other mycotoxins, found in the same food commodities, are not taken into account. Aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A belong to the most frequently occurring mycotoxins. This has repeatedly been demonstrated, however, normally, the risk resulting from their simultaneous occurrence is not considered. A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in one hospital food unit.
A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in ten food units from hospitals. Fifty air samples of 250 litres were collected through impaction method. Samples were collected in food storage facilities, kitchen, food plating, canteen and also, outside premises, since this is the place regarded as reference. Simultaneously, environmental parameters were also monitored, including temperature and relative humidity through the equipment Babouc, LSI Sistems and according to the International Standard ISO 7726.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the association between food group consumption frequency and serum lipoprotein levels among adults. METHODS: The observations were made during a cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of men and women over 20 years old living in Cotia county, S. Paulo, Brazil. Data on food frequency consumption, serum lipids, and other covariates were available for 1,045 adults. Multivariate analyses adjusted by age, gender, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, educational level, family income, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption were performed. RESULTS: Consumption of processed meat, chicken, red meat, eggs and dairy foods were each positively and significantly correlated with LDL-C, whereas the intake of vegetables and fruits showed an inverse correlation. Daily consumption of processed meat, chicken, red meat, eggs, and dairy foods were associated with 16.6 mg/dl, 14.5 mg/dl, 11.1 mg/dl, 5.8 mg/dl, and 4.6 mg/dl increase in blood LDL-C, respectively. Increases of daily consumption of fruit and vegetables were associated with 5.2 mg/dl and 5.5 mg/dl decreases in LDL-C, respectively. Alcohol beverage consumption showed a significant positive correlation with HDL-C. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary habits in the study population seem to contribute substantially to the variation in blood LDL and HDL concentrations. Substantially CHD risk reduction could be achieved with dietary changes.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between dietary intake and central obesity among people living with HIV/AIDS and receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 223 adult individuals in the city of São Paulo city in 2002. The study population was classified according to central obesity, defined as waist-to-hip ratio >0.95 for men and >0.85 for women. The dietary variables studied were energy consumption (in calories and calories/kilo of body weight), macronutrients (in grams and % of energy intake), total fiber (grams) and fruit and vegetables intake (grams). The potential confounders examined were sex, skin color, age, schooling, income, body mass index, physical activity, smoking habits, peripheral CD4+ T lymphocyte count and length of protease inhibitor use. The multiple logistic regression model was performed in order to evaluate the association between central obesity and dietary intake. RESULTS: The prevalence of central obesity was 45.7% and it was associated with greater consumption of lipids: for every increase of 10g of lipid intake the odds of central obesity increased 1.28 times. Carbohydrate consumption showed negative association (OR=0.93) with central obesity after adjustment for control variables. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the amount of carbohydrates and lipids in the diet, regardless of total energy intake, may modify the chance of developing central obesity in the studied population. Nutritional interventions may be beneficial for preventing central obesity among HIV/AIDS patients.
AICMA 2012 (BIT's 1st Annual International Congress of Marine Algae), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, 20-23 de Setembro.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)