816 resultados para Flash fiction
The aim of this monograph is the attempt of reading the poem Moscow-Petushki by Venedikt Erofeev and the film Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino using the comparative approach, in which we go beyond the range of factual relationships, historical influences or similarities functioning in the structure of the presented world. The purpose of the book is to see both works of art from the angle of the montage theory of Sergei Eisenstein – the outstanding and highly regarded Russian director and film philosopher – which means studying cultural phenomena in their mutual intertextual relationships. The book focuses on the interpretation of the selected Tarantino’s and Erofeev’s texts of culture, in which the subject of the city, the search for the concept of the body at the end of 20th century and the problem of addictions constitute the dominant thematic issues. The monograph also offers the insight into the nature of the phenomenon of postmodernism and treats Eisenstein’s philosophy as the specific type of anticipation of postmodern tendencies in cinematography.
Il s’agit ici d’explorer le plaisir pris à la lecture des romans policiers, lecture qui implique la participation du lecteur à des représentations violentes et cruelles. Dans son récit autobiographique Les Mots, Jean-Paul Sartre déclare en conclusion d’un passage consacré à ce qu’il appelle les «vraies lectures de son enfance» – ces lectures lui sont données par les livres d’aventures et les magazines pour enfants, il les oppose aux lectures savantes –: «Cette double vie n’a jamais cessé: aujourd’hui encore, je lis plus volontiers les “Série Noire” que Wittgenstein».
Imagen tomada de noche, con luz de flash, donde se puede apreciar la textura de una reja de color blanco, que permite ver a través de ella algunas bicicletas colgadas.
Contemporary Central American fiction has become a vital project of revision of the tragic events and the social conditions in the recent history of the countries from which they emerge. The literary projects of Sergio Ramirez (Nicaragua), Dante Liano (Guatemala), Horacio Castellanos Moya (El Salvador), and Ramon Fonseca Mora (Panama), are representative of the latest trends in Central American narrative. These trends conform to a new literary paradigm that consists of an amalgam of styles and discourses, which combine the testimonial, the historical, and the political with the mystery and suspense of noir thrillers. Contemporary Central American noir narrative depicts the persistent war against social injustice, violence, criminal activities, as well as the new technological advances and economic challenges of the post-war neo-liberal order that still prevails throughout the region. Drawing on postmodernism theory proposed by Ihab Hassan, Linda Hutcheon and Brian MacHale, I argued that the new Central American literary paradigm exemplified by Sergio Ramirez’s El cielo llora por mí, Dante Liano’s El hombre de Montserrat, Horacio Castellanos Moya’s El arma en el hombre and La diabla en el espejo, and Ramon Fonseca Mora’s El desenterrador, are highly structured novels that display the characteristic marks of postmodern cultural expression through their ambivalence, which results from the coexistence of multiple styles and conflicting ideologies and narrative trends. The novels analyzed in this dissertation make use of a noir sensitivity in which corruption, decay and disillusionment are at their core to portray the events that shaped the modern history of the countries from which they emerge. The revolutionary armed struggle, the state of terror imposed by military regimes and the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, are among the major themes of these contemporary works of fiction, which I have categorized as perfect examples of the post-revolutionary post-modernism Central American detective fiction at the turn of the 21st century.
Suggesting that the political diversity of American science fiction during the 1960s and early 1970s constitutes a response to the dominance of social liberalism throughout the 1940s and 1950s, I argue in Making the Men of Tomorrow that the development of new hegemonic masculinities in science fiction is a consequence of political speculation. Focusing on four representative and influential texts from the 1960s and early 1970s, Philip K. Dick’s The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and Ubik, Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, and Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, this thesis explores the relationship between different conceptions of hegemonic masculinity and three separate but related political ideologies: the social ethic, market libertarianism, and socialist libertarianism. In the first two chapters in which I discuss Dick’s novels, I argue that Dick interrogates organizational masculinity as part of a larger project that suggests the inevitable infeasibility of both the social ethic and its predecessor, social liberalism. In the next chapter, I shift my attention to Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress as a way of showing how, unlike Dick, other authors of the 1960s and early 1970s sought to move beyond social liberalism by imagining how new political ideologies, in this case market libertarianism, might change the way men see themselves. Having demonstrated how the libertarian potential of Heinlein’s novel is ultimately undermined by its insistent and uncompromising biological determinism, I then discuss how Le Guin’s The Dispossessed uses the socialist libertarianism of the moon Anarres to suggest a more egalitarian form of masculinity, one that makes possible, to some extent at least, a future in which men might embrace not only the mutual aid of socialism, but also the primacy of individual rights that is at the heart of all forms of libertarianism and liberalism.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.
No Brasil, a viticultura ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 71 mil hectares, com vinhedos estabelecidos desde o extremo sul do País, em latitude de 31 o Sul, até regiões situadas muito próximas ao equador, em latitude de 5 o Sul. Em função da diversidade ambiental, existem no País pólos vitícolas típicos de regiões temperadas, caracterizadas por um período de repouso hibernal; pólos em áreas subtropicais, onde a videira é cultivada com dois ciclos anuais, definidos em função de um período de temperaturas mais baixas, nos quais há risco de geadas; e pólos de viticultura tropical, onde é possível a realização de podas sucessivas, com a realização de dois e meio a três ciclos vegetativos por ano. Nos últimos anos, as estatísticas oficiais registram uma produção de uvas que varia em torno de 1,2 milhão de toneladas por ano. Deste volume, cerca de 45% é destinado ao processamento para a elaboração de vinhos, sucos e outros derivados, e 55% comercializado para o consumo in natura no mercado interno e exportação.
This article examines how Nélida Piñon builds a feminist reader in the novel A força do destino (1978). This work highlights the role of the contemporary writer to read the classics from the post-modern and feminist places. Post-modern because it decentralizes the structural elements of the text, feminist because it opposes to any kind of women oppression. In this novel, the narrator reconstructs the trajectory of the characters Alvaro and Leonora, homonym protagonists of the opera by Giuseppe Verdi, based on her devotion by them, because of this, it becomes a passionate and original reporting. The narrative of Piñon is built from a parodist and irreverent place that updates the plot of Verdi. This is a metanarrative in which the narrator dialogues with her characters and reader. In this case, the reference to the opera by Verdi is, actually, the exploration of artistic and cultural archives in accordance with the interests of the narrator. Methodologically, this paper is guided by the exploitation of intertextuality present in this work and in gender studies to enhance the speaking place of the writer as a real part of contemporary feminist culture.
This paper analyzes two works of the canadian writer Nancy Huston: Marcas de nascença and A espécie fabuladora. The main idea is to support the reading of the former work based on the reflections raised by the latter, especially regarding the aspect concerning issues such as the Meaning and the (re) invention of the self. The relevance of these concepts will be effective in an immersion in the universe of the four main characters of the novel Marcas de nascença: Sun, Randall, Sadie and Kristina. The paper focuses on seeking the essence of Meaning in the life of each one of these characters, always considering two vital and non-discernible aspects: time and space in each of them. Therefore, literature and culture concepts will be considered such as the concept of Americanness as well as the Americanization, Identity, Fiction and Recognition. Thus, this assay is divided into two parts. The first one envisions the idea matter expressed by Huston in A espécie fabuladora - the ceaseless quest for Meaning culminating in identity shaping – in order to seek understanding from this point of view the occurrence of certain cultural phenomena of which some characters from Marcas de nascença are an expression. The second part observes each of the four main characters and strengthens the suggested initial idea (that the book's characters are constituent parts of a behavioral matrix vital to human existence), then filling the gaps of the two themes developed: the birthmarks transmitted throughout four generations and how these marks are recorded over fifty-six years of history.
This exegesis examines how a writer can effectively negotiate the relationship between author, character, fact and truth, in a work of Creative Nonfiction. It was found that individual truths, in a work of Creative Nonfiction, are not necessarily universal truths due to individual, cultural, historical and religious circumstances. What was also identified, through the examination of published Creative Nonfiction, is a necessity to ensure there are clear demarcation lines between authorial truth and fiction. The Creative Nonfiction works examined, which established this framework for the reader, ensured an ethical relationship between author and audience. These strategies and frameworks were then applied to my own Creative Nonfiction.
President’s Message Hello fellow AITPM members, Due to three colliding forces of nature I find myself writing this month’s message from home – today, I am still getting over a persistent virus that seemed to set in just after returning from Singapore a couple of weeks ago, which my diabetes won’t let me get away with too easily (no Kermit the Frog swine flu jokes please). Combine this with a very wet day in Brisbane – in fact the wettest for 20 years (how can we complain, except for flash flooding?). And in Queensland today is a state school teachers’ strike, so one half of our brood is over watching TV. Family snapshots aside, the biggest news for our industry of late is the $8.5 billion announced in the Federal Budget for transport infrastructure projects; many “shovel ready”, but some – and fortunate for our profession – desktop ready. This newsletter provides nationwide coverage on the transport infrastructure aspects of the Federal Budget. We’ll need a bit more time to carefully look at the ensuing State Budgets’ announcements. Regarding the federal budget announcements, I am pleased to see serious attention being paid to upgrading the M1 system – I hope to see a motorway standard facility connecting Adelaide to at least Rockhampton in my lifetime. But some other important roads are of course missing out in this particular budget. Various levels of commitment are being made to urban passenger rail – some project significant while others planning significant. Enhancement of suburban rail is important across the capitals and Australia’s medium sized cities such as the Gold Coast and Newcastle. Not much on road safety initiatives jumped out at me, but I believe it is implied in the large road projects and in some of the detail elsewhere. I do believe it’s about time a ‘Vision Zero’ style policy is adopted at the National level, since any death is unacceptable on the road, just as it is in any other workplace. So, overall some good news on building transport infrastructure to keep the economy purring during this recession, and strongly supporting it during future boom times. The other edge to the sword, of course, is that we tax payers will be paying a considerable amount for borrowings for these projects over a long period of time. I close again in reminding everyone again that AITPM’s flagship event, the 2009 AITPM National Conference, Traffic Beyond Tomorrow, is being held in Adelaide from 5 to 7 August. www.aitpm.com has all of the details about how to register, sponsor a booth, session, etc. Best regards all, Jon Bunker