993 resultados para Flame throwers


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In this study, mechanochemical processing has been used to manufacture a nanoparticulate powder of ZnO with a controlled particle size and minimal hard agglomeration. The suitability of this ZnO powder for use as either a photocatalyst or an optically transparent UV-filter was evaluated by comparing its optical and photocatalytic properties with those of three commercially available powders that were synthesised by chemical precipitation and flame pyrolysis. The ZnO powder synthesised by mechanochemical processing was found to exhibit high optical transparency and low photocatalytic activity per unit of surface area, which indicates that it is suitable for use in optically transparent UV-filters.


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A central composite rotatable design (CCRD) method was used to investigate the performance of the accelerated thermomolecular adhesion process (ATmaP), at different operating conditions. ATmaP is a modified flame-treatment process that features the injection of a coupling agent into the flame to impart a tailored molecular surface chemistry on the work piece. In this study, the surface properties of treated polypropylene were evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). All samples showed a significant increase in the relative concentration of oxygen (up to 12.2%) and nitrogen (up to 2.4%) at the surface in comparison with the untreated sample (0.7% oxygen and no detectable nitrogen) as measured by XPS. ToF-SIMS and principal components analysis (PCA) showed that ATmaP induced multiple reactions at the polypropylene surface such as chain scission, oxidation, nitration, condensation, and molecular loss, as indicated by changes in the relative intensities of the hydrocarbon (C3H7+ , C3H5+ , C4H7+, and C5H9+), nitrogen and oxygen-containing secondary ions (C2H3O+, C3H8N+, C2H5NO+, C3H6NO+, and C3H7NO+). The increase in relative intensity of the nitrogen oxide ions (C2H5NO+ and C3H7NO+) correlates with the process of incorporating oxides of nitrogen into the surface as a result of the injection of the ATmaP coupling agent.


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The main challenges in the manufacture of composite materials are low surface energy and the presence of silicon-containing contaminants, both of which greatly reduce surface adhesive strength. In this study, carbon fiber (CF) and E-glass epoxy resin composites were surface treated with the Accelerated Thermo-molecular adhesion Process (ATmaP). ATmaP is a multiaction surface treatment process where tailored nitrogen and oxygen functionalities are generated on the surface of the sample through the vaporization and atomization of n-methylpyrrolidone solution, injected via specially designed flame-treatment equipment. The treated surfaces of the polymer composites were analyzed using XPS, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), contact angle (CA) analysis and direct adhesion measurements. ATmaP treatment increased the surface concentration of polar functional groups while reducing surface contamination, resulting in increased adhesion strength. XPS and ToF-SIMS showed a significant decrease in silicon-containing species on the surface after ATmaP treatment. E-glass composite showed higher adhesion strength than CF composite, correlating with higher surface energy, higher concentrations of nitrogen and CO functional groups (from XPS) and higher concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen-containing functional groups (particularly C2H3O+ and C2H5NO+ molecular ions, from ToF-SIMS).


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For those too few of us who carry a flame for an idea or shape of community and if necessary law to come Deleuze provides us with some useful signposts and overall a working toolbox with which to tackle both the micro and macro of our daily encounters. The whole package of Deleuzian machines and assemblages can be taken up as an abstract discourse which too outsiders might appear devoid of any linkage to reality. The whole notion of Deleuzian lawyers is one that can easily raise a chuckle, but nevertheless some of us seem to persevere with playing with the law with this toolbox.


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A fictocritical piece based on a fire in New York.
A girl jumps from the ninth floor of the Asch Building. People on the sidewalk are screaming for her not to jump. But she has to jump. As she stands on the ledge, her back against the open window, the fire is burning the clothes off her back. She has her head bent forward so her hair doesn't catch alight as she waves a handkerchief at the crowd. The windows on the floor beneath her start to explode. Tongues of flame lick at her feet. So she jumps. It's a definite jump, as she bends her knees before she leaps over the edge. It's not a graceful jump. Her arms begin to flail as she struggles to stay upright. There are gasps from the crowd, a few screams. Some people turn away. Others are transfixed, watching her as she falls. Suddenly, her dress catches on a hook jutting out of wall below and she is suspended in the air, mid-fall. But the ladders still can't reach her and so it is just a cruel pause in her inevitable death. She hangs there like a ragdoll until her dress burns itself free from her body and she resumes her fall. She lands on the pavement on the west - ward side of New York University building. Thud-dead...


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 A review of Susie Utting's poetry collection, Flame in the Fire, 2012.


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The vast majority of novels and periodicals read by colonial Australian girls were written and published in Britain. ‘Daughters of the Southern Cross’ were more likely to have access to the Girl’s Own Paper by subscription or to imported fictions that had proven popular with British girl readers than any locally produced depictions of girlhood. From the 1880s, however, Australian authors produced several milestone fictions of girlhood for both adult and juvenile audiences. Rosa Praed's An Australian Heroine (1880) and Catherine Martin’s An Australian Girl (1890)  gave voice to the lived experience of Australia for young women, and their publication in Britain contributed to an emergent reciprocal transpacific flow of literary culture.

Two canonical Australian novels that focus on the maturation of girl protagonists who live on bush homesteads were also published in this period. Ethel Turner’s Seven Little Australians (1894) and Miles Franklin’s My Brilliant Career (1901) feature intelligent girls who are not able to be effectively socialised to embrace domesticity. Turner’s Judy Woolcot is distinct among her six siblings as a plucky girl who instigates trouble, while Franklin’s aspiring writer Sybylla Melvyn is informed that ‘girls are the helplessest, uselessest, troublesomest little creatures in the world.’

The 1890s saw an agricultural depression in Australia that only fuelled the urban perpet-uation of the idealised and nationalistic bushman myth in literary and popular culture. The ubiquity of the myth problematised any attempt to situate women heroically within the nation outside of the home. British fictional imaginings of Australian girls lauded their lack of conformity and physical abilities and often showed them bravely defending the family property with firearms. In contrast, Australian domestic fiction, this chapter argues, is unable to accommodate bracing female heroism, postulating ambiguous outcomes at best for heroines who deviate from the feminine ideal.

Judy’s grandmother describes her ‘restless fire’ as something that ‘would either make a noble, daring, brilliant woman of her’, or ‘would flame up higher and higher and consume her’. Turner does not allow Judy’s unconventionality to prosper. Instead, she is killed by a falling gum tree while saving the life of her brother, leaving the future fulfilment of the domestic ideal to her sister, Meg, whose subsequent story occupies Little Mother Meg (1902). Franklin’s Sybylla expresses her inability to be content with the simple pleasures of keeping a home, and this informs her decision to reject a marriage proposal from a wealthy suitor. The novel’s indeterminate conclusion does not allow fulfilment of Sybylla’s writing aspirations, situating her outside the feminine ideal yet not affirming the merits of her desire to reject married life.

While Sharyn Pearce suggests that Judy’s tragic end follows a narrative pattern that sup-ports the glorification of male heroes and renders ‘over-reaching women’ as ‘noble failures’, the novel might also productively be read within the context of other fictions featuring girl protagonists of the period, such as Praed and Martin's novels. This chapter makes the case that Turner and Franklin’s thwarted heroines critique the containment of Australian girls to the banalities of the home by exposing the negative and uncertain outcomes for those who desire the freedoms and aspirations permitted to boys and men. Unlike British fictions that champion adventurous girls, these Australian fictions critique the continuation of gendered restrictions in the colonies by proposing that girls who desire excitement and independence ‘should have been…boy[s]’ (as Sybylla’s mother remarks).


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In 2004, the discourse of ‘legacy’ was woven into the constitutional fabric of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Bidding for Olympic events is now premised on procuring post-event legacies that will resonate through local communities and host countries long after the flame is extinguished. Given vast expenditures in security, policing, and emergency management operations at major sporting events, it is notable that the IOC and its official partners have disproportionately under-represented security and policing legacies. This paper addresses research into security and policing legacies of major events by turning much needed empirical attention towards institutional level geographies of security and policing – particularly on legacies of policing and militarisation in Olympic host cities. Accordingly, the paper traces the institutional trajectory of the Military Liaison Unit (MLU) in the Vancouver Police Department who were heavily involved in coordinating the joint civilian–military effort throughout the lifecycle of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games. Theoretically, the paper furthers Stephen Graham’s (2010) New Military Urbanism that considers the circulation of military expertise between neo-colonial frontiers of military intervention with Western urban spaces. In doing so, this paper unpacks an empirically guided temporal approach that discerns key drivers of militarisation as localised, empirical-based ‘trajectories’ of development of security and policing institutions, which are linked to, and circumscribed by, critical juncture episodes in the context of mega event security. The paper traces processes of the MLU to explain how conditions underpinning the civil–military divide in urban policing, as a series of jurisdictional, institutional, and by extension, geographical configurations have continued, changed or been abandoned in the context of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. As such, this paper contributes to much needed debate on the controversies and opportunities inherent in security legacies and major events, which implicate the wider securitisation and militarisation of Western cities.


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This study investigated the role of a permanently manned Australian Antarctic research station (Casey Station) as a source of contemporary persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to the local environment. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and poly- and perfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) were found in indoor dust and treated wastewater effluent of the station. PBDE (e.g., BDE-209 26-820 ng g(-1) dry weight (dw)) and PFAS levels (e.g., PFOS 3.8-2400 ng g(-1) (dw)) in dust were consistent with those previously reported in homes and offices from Australia, reflecting consumer products and materials of the host nation. The levels of PBDEs and PFASs in wastewater (e.g., BDE-209 71-400 ng L(-1)) were in the upper range of concentrations reported for secondary treatment plants in other parts of the world. The chemical profiles of some PFAS samples were, however, different from domestic profiles. Dispersal of chemicals into the immediate marine and terrestrial environments was investigated by analysis of abiotic and biotic matrices. Analytes showed decreasing concentrations with increasing distance from the station. This study provides the first evidence of PFAS input to Polar regions via local research stations and demonstrates the introduction of POPs recently listed under the Stockholm Convention into the Antarctic environment through local human activities.


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The lipid profile, in vitro digestion and oxidative stability of mutton bird oil were investigated. Wax ester, triacylglycerol and sterol were the major lipids present as determined using capillary chromatography with flame ionisation detector (Iatroscan). Fatty acid analysis by gas chromatography (GC) showed that wax esters had a higher total omega-3 fatty acids content including EPA, DPA and DHA than TAGs (31 % and 24 %, respectively). In TAGs, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data showed that EPA was statistically positioned at sn-1,3 and sn-2, while DHA was preferentially at sn-2. In vitro digestion using porcine pancreatic lipase resulted in 75 % of TAG and 10 % wax ester hydrolysis in 120 min. As reflected in the measured conjugated dienes (CD) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values during accelerated oxidation at 60 °C for 5 days, the oil was relatively stable against oxidation considering its high omega-3 content.


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Pixel color has proven to be a useful and robust cue for detection of most objects of interest like fire. In this paper, a hybrid intelligent algorithm is proposed to detect fire pixels in the background of an image. The proposed algorithm is introduced by the combination of a computational search method based on a swarm intelligence technique and the Kemdoids clustering method in order to form a Fire-based Color Space (FCS), in fact, the new technique converts RGB color system to FCS through a 3*3 matrix. This algorithm consists of five main stages:(1) extracting fire and non-fire pixels manually from the original image. (2) using K-medoids clustering to find a Cost function to minimize the error value. (3) applying Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to search and find the best W components in order to minimize the fitness function. (4) reporting the best matrix including feature weights, and utilizing this matrix to convert the all original images in the database to the new color space. (5) using Otsu threshold technique to binarize the final images. As compared with some state-of-the-art techniques, the experimental results show the ability and efficiency of the new method to detect fire pixels in color images.


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Tangara da Serra is located on southwestern Mato Grosso and is found to be on the route of pollutants dispersion originated in the Legal Amazon s deforestation area. This region has also a wide area of sugarcane culture, setting this site quite exposed to atmospheric pollutants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotoxicity of three different concentrations of organic particulate matter which was collected from August through December / 2008 in Tangara da Serra, using micronucleus test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). The levels of particulate matter less than 10μm (MP10) and black carbon (BC) collected on the Teflon and polycarbonate filters were determined as well. Also, the alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified on the samples from the burning period by gas chromatography detector with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The results from the analyzing of alkanes indicate an antropic influence. Among the PAHs, the retene was the one found on the higher quantity and it is an indicator of biomass burning. The compounds indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were identified on the samples and are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic. By using Trad-MCN, it was observed a significant increase on the micronucleus frequency during the burning period, and this fact can be related to the mutagenic PAHs which were found on such extracts. When the period of less burnings is analyzed and compared to the negative control group, it was noted that there was no significant difference on the micronuclei rate. On the other hand, when the higher burning period is analyzed, statistically significant differences were evident. This study showed that the Trad-MCN was sensible and efficient on evaluating the genotoxicity potencial of organic matter from biomass burning, and also, emphasizes the importance of performing a chemical composition analysis in order to achieve a complete diagnosis on environmental risk control


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The natural gas is an alternative source of energy which is found underground in porous and permeable rocks and being associated or not to the oil. Its basic composition includes methane, other hydrocarbon and compounds such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphidric gas, mercaptans, water and solid particles. In this work, the dolomite mineral, a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium whose the chemical formula is CaMg(CO3)2, was evaluated as adsorbent material. The material was characterized by granulometric analysis, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, specific surface area, porosity, scanning electronic microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Then the material was functionalized with diethanolamine (dolomite+diethanolamine) and diisopropylamine (dolomite+diisopropylamine). The results indicated that the adsorbents presented appropriate physiochemical characteristics for H2S adsorption. The adsorption tests were accomplished in a system coupled to a gas chromatograph and the H2S monitoring in the output of the system was accomplished by a pulsed flame photometric detector (PFPD). The adsorbents presented a significant adsorption capacity. Among the analyzed adsorbents, the dolomite+diethanolamine presented the best capacity of adsorption. The breakthrough curves obtained proved the efficiency of this process


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Poly(methyl methacrylate)/clay nanocomposites were prepared by melt mixing using a montmorillonite-rich clay (MMT). The clay in natura was treated with acrylic acid to facilitate the dispersion in the polymer matrix. A masterbatch of PMMA/clay was prepared and combined with the pure PMMA and then subjected to extrusion process using singlescrew and twin-screw extruders followed by injection. Nanocomposites were processed with clay contents of 1, 3, 5 and 8 wt.%. The effect of shear processing on the morphology of the nanocomposites was evaluated by XRD, SEM and TEM. Thermal and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were investigated through TGA, DSC, HDT, VICAT, tensile and impact tests, to evaluate the effect of the addition of clay to the PMMA matrix. Flammability tests were also conducted to investigate the effect of the addition of clay on the flame retardation properties. SEM images of the nanocomposites indicated the presence of clay agglomerates, which resulted in the reduction of properties such as thermal stability, mechanical strength and impact resistance, and increased the rate of burning for materials processed by both extrusion routes


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Continuous Synthesis by Solution Combustion was employed in this work aiming to obtain tin dioxide nanostructured. Basically, a precursor solution is prepared and then be atomized and sprayed into the flame, where its combustion occurs, leading to the formation of particles. This is a recent technique that shows an enormous potential in oxides deposition, mainly by the low cost of equipment and precursors employed. The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanostructured has been widely used in various applications, especially as gas sensors and varistors. In the case of sensors based on semiconducting ceramics, where surface reactions are responsible for the detection of gases, the importance of surface area and particle size is even greater. The preference for a nanostructured material is based on its significant increase in surface area compared to conventional microcrystalline powders and small particle size, which may benefit certain properties such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal stability, mechanical and chemical. In this work, were employed as precursor solution tin chloride dehydrate diluted in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Were utilized molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 with the purpose of investigate its influence in the microstructure of produced powder. The solution precursor flux was 3 mL/min. Analysis with X-ray diffraction appointed that a solution precursor with molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 leads to crystalline powder with single phase and all peaks are attributed to phase SnO2. Parameters as distance from the flame with atomizer distance from the capture system with the pilot, molar ratio and solution flux doesn t affect the presence of tin dioxide in the produced powder. In the characterization of the obtained powder techniques were used as thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodiferential analysis (DTA), particle size by laser diffraction (GDL), crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET) and electrical conductivity analysis. The techniques used revealed that the SnO2 exhibits behavior of a semiconductor material, and a potentially promising material for application as varistor and sensor systems for gas