918 resultados para Finch, John B.
Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) present different mechanical properties as compared to metallic platform stents. Therefore, the standard procedural technique to achieve appropriate deployment may differ.
This study sought to investigate in vivo the vascular response at the proximal and distal edges of the second-generation ABSORB everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS).
A tribute to the monumental influence of John Calvin in the 500 years since his birth. / What legacies, still enduring today, have John Calvin and Calvinism given to the church and society in Europe and North America? An international group of scholars tackles that question in this volume honoring Calvin's 500th birthday. These chapters together provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Calvin's life and thought, the history of the Reformation in Switzerland and worldwide, and his continuing relevance for ecclesial, social, and political questions today. / Contributors: Philip Benedict, James D. Bratt, Emidio Campi, Wulfert de Greef, Christopher Elwood, Eva-Maria Faber, Eric Fuchs, Ulrich H. J. Krtner, Christian Link, Christian Moser, Andrew Pettegree, Christoph Strohm, Mario Turchetti./ The essays in this book fit beautifully together to provide a solid, complete work that gives precise insight into the many different facets of Calvin and Calvinism. The high-level research found here clearly shows the great impact that Calvin has had on both church and society. It is a great pleasure to see Calvin here anew. Eberhard Busch / University of Gttingen / That John Calvin made a deep and lasting impact on many aspects of history is common knowledge but the character of the man and the nature of his influence are perhaps as controversial as any that can be named. It is thus a challenge to examine even a fraction of the many ways that Calvins life and thought have contributed to the shaping of later ages in both church and society. This volume offers essays on key points from an appropriately international group of authors appreciative but critical, drawing on a rich range of recent scholarship, presented in a pleasing and accessible form. It is a fine place for the new reader of Calvin to get a glimpse of his impact, while offering a fresh summary of some significant issues for more advanced students of the Reformer. Elsie Anne McKee / Princeton Theological Seminary / Hirzel and Sallmann have succeeded in gathering essays by an illustrious circle of experts both historians and theologians on important areas of Calvins thought and impact. Ranging from an insignificant city at the edge of the Swiss Confederation in the 1530s to the Accra Confession of 2004, these essays will serve to correct popular misconceptions. A fine introduction for a broader readership that wants more than mere armchair theology. Peter Opitz / University of Zurich
AIMS To assess serially the edge vascular response (EVR) of a bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) compared to a metallic everolimus-eluting stent (EES). METHODS AND RESULTS Non-serial evaluations of the Absorb BVS at one year have previously demonstrated proximal edge constrictive remodelling and distal edge changes in plaque composition with increase of the percent fibro-fatty (FF) tissue component. The 5 mm proximal and distal segments adjacent to the implanted devices were investigated serially with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), post procedure, at six months and at two years, from the ABSORB Cohort B1 (n=45) and the SPIRIT II (n=113) trials. Twenty-two proximal and twenty-four distal edge segments were available for analysis in the ABSORB Cohort B1 trial. In the SPIRIT II trial, thirty-three proximal and forty-six distal edge segments were analysed. At the 5-mm proximal edge, the vessels treated with an Absorb BVS from post procedure to two years demonstrated a lumen loss (LL) of 6.68% (-17.33; 2.08) (p=0.027) with a trend toward plaque area increase of 7.55% (-4.68; 27.11) (p=0.06). At the 5-mm distal edge no major changes were evident at either time point. At the 5-mm proximal edge the vessels treated with a XIENCE V EES from post procedure to two years did not show any signs of LL, only plaque area decrease of 6.90% (-17.86; 4.23) (p=0.035). At the distal edge no major changes were evident with regard to either lumen area or vessel remodelling at the same time point. CONCLUSIONS The IVUS-based serial evaluation of the EVR up to two years following implantation of a bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold shows a statistically significant proximal edge LL; however, this finding did not seem to have any clinical implications in the serial assessment. The upcoming imaging follow-up of the Absorb BVS at three years is anticipated to provide further information regarding the vessel wall behaviour at the edges.
BACKGROUND The long-term results after second generation everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) placement in small vessels are unknown. Therefore, we investigated the impact of vessel size on long-term outcomes, after Absorb BVS implantation. METHODS In ABSORB Cohort B Trial, out of the total study population (101 patients), 45 patients were assigned to undergo 6-month and 2-year angiographic follow-up (Cohort B1) and 56 patients to have angiographic follow-up at 1-year (Cohort B2). The pre-reference vessel diameter (RVD) was <2.5 mm (small-vessel group) in 41 patients (41 lesions) and ≥2.5 mm (large-vessel group) in 60 patients (61 lesions). Outcomes were compared according to pre-RVD. RESULTS At 2-year angiographic follow-up no differences in late lumen loss (0.29±0.16 mm vs 0.25±0.22 mm, p=0.4391), and in-segment binary restenosis (5.3% vs 5.3% p=1.0000) were demonstrated between groups. In the small-vessel group, intravascular ultrasound analysis showed a significant increase in vessel area (12.25±3.47 mm(2) vs 13.09±3.38 mm(2) p=0.0015), scaffold area (5.76±0.96 mm(2) vs 6.41±1.30 mm(2) p=0.0008) and lumen area (5.71±0.98 mm(2) vs 6.20±1.27 mm(2) p=0.0155) between 6-months and 2-year follow-up. No differences in plaque composition were reported between groups at either time point. At 2-year clinical follow-up, no differences in ischaemia-driven major adverse cardiac events (7.3% vs 10.2%, p=0.7335), myocardial infarction (4.9% vs 1.7%, p=0.5662) or ischaemia-driven target lesion revascularisation (2.4% vs 8.5%, p=0.3962) were reported between small and large vessels. No deaths or scaffold thrombosis were observed. CONCLUSIONS Similar clinical and angiographic outcomes at 2-year follow-up were reported in small and large vessel groups. A significant late lumen enlargement and positive vessel remodelling were observed in small vessels.
Background & Aims: HLA-B27 is associated with spontaneous HCV genotype 1 clearance. HLA-B27-restricted CD8+ T cells target three NS5B epitopes. Two of these epitopes are dominantly targeted in the majority of HLA-B27+ patients. In chronic infection, viral escape occurs consistently in these two epitopes. The third epitope (NS5B2820) was dominantly targeted in an acutely infected patient. This was in contrast, however, to the lack of recognition and viral escape in the large majority of HLA-B27+ patients. Here, we set out to determine the host factors contributing to selective targeting of this epitope. Methods: Four-digit HLA class I typing and viral sequence analyses were performed in 78 HLA-B27+ patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection. CD8+ T cell analyses were performed in a subset of patients. In addition, HLA/peptide affinity was compared for HLA-B27:02 and 05. Results: The NS5B2820 epitope is only restricted by the HLA-B27 subtype HLA-B27:02 (that is frequent in Mediterranean populations), but not by the prototype HLA-B27 subtype B27:05. Indeed, the epitope is very dominant in HLA-B27:02+ patients and is associated with viral escape mutations at the anchor position for HLA-binding in 12 out of 13 HLA-B27:02+ chronically infected patients. Conclusions: The NS5B2820 epitope is immunodominant in the context of HLA-B27:02, but is not restricted by other HLA-B27 subtypes. This finding suggests an important role of HLA subtypes in the restriction of HCV-specific CD8+ responses. With minor HLA subtypes covering up to 39% of specific populations, these findings may have important implications for the selection of epitopes for global vaccines.
The feasibility of establishment of continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal B lymphocytes prepared from peripheral venous blood were stimulated with a variety of known polyclonal B cell activators, in the continuous presence of various cytokine preparations. Continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent B cell populations were obtained from cultures activated with either insoluble anti-IgM ((mu)-chain specific), soluble anti-IgM, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus Cowen I (SAC), or dextran sulphate (DxS), in the continuous presence of exogenously added growth factor preparations containing either IL-1, IL-2 and BCGF, or BCGF alone. Although growth factor-dependent B cell lines were obtained via all three methods of activation, the correlation of mode of activation and growth factor preparation proved to be critical. B cell lines could not be established with anti-(mu) activation in the presence of only BCGF; however, B cell lines were successfully obtained with SAC or DxS activation from those cultures continuously replenished with only BCGF. These cultured B lymphocyte populations were routinely maintained in logarithmic-phase growth in the presence of exogenously added growth factor, and exhibited a population doubling time of approximately 36 hours. They were shown to specifically absorb BCGF, suggesting the presence of membrane receptors for it. Also, these cultured B cells have been utilized for the development of a microassay for the assessment of a M(,r) 12,000-14,000 B cell growth factor activity that is accurate, sensitive, and precise. The pronounced sensitivity of this bioassay beyond that of the conventional peripheral blood B cell assay has aided in the purification to homogeneity of natural product extracellular BCGF (EC-BCGF), and in the determination of the nucleotide sequence for a gene coding for a protein exhibiting BCGF activity. Additionally, these B cell lines specifically absorb, and proliferate in the presence of, an affinity-purified M(,r) 60,000 trypsin-sensitive intracellular protein derived from freshly isolated human T lymphocytes, providing evidence for a putative intracellular precursor of EC-BCGF, or a novel high molecular weight BCGF species. ^
transl. out of High Dutch into English
OBJECTIVES This study sought to describe the frequency and clinical impact of acute scaffold disruption and late strut discontinuity of the second-generation Absorb bioresorbable polymeric vascular scaffolds (Absorb BVS, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California) in the ABSORB (A Clinical Evaluation of the Bioabsorbable Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent System in the Treatment of Patients With De Novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions) cohort B study by optical coherence tomography (OCT) post-procedure and at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months. BACKGROUND Fully bioresorbable scaffolds are a novel approach to treatment for coronary narrowing that provides transient vessel support with drug delivery capability without the long-term limitations of metallic drug-eluting stents. However, a potential drawback of the bioresorbable scaffold is the potential for disruption of the strut network when overexpanded. Conversely, the structural discontinuity of the polymeric struts at a late stage is a biologically programmed fate of the scaffold during the course of bioresorption. METHODS The ABSORB cohort B trial is a multicenter single-arm trial assessing the safety and performance of the Absorb BVS in the treatment of 101 patients with de novo native coronary artery lesions. The current analysis included 51 patients with 143 OCT pullbacks who underwent OCT at baseline and follow-up. The presence of acute disruption or late discontinuities was diagnosed by the presence on OCT of stacked, overhung struts or isolated intraluminal struts disconnected from the expected circularity of the device. RESULTS Of 51 patients with OCT imaging post-procedure, acute scaffold disruption was observed in 2 patients (3.9%), which could be related to overexpansion of the scaffold at the time of implantation. One patient had a target lesion revascularization that was presumably related to the disruption. Of 49 patients without acute disruption, late discontinuities were observed in 21 patients. There were no major adverse cardiac events associated with this finding except for 1 patient who had a non-ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization. CONCLUSIONS Acute scaffold disruption is a rare iatrogenic phenomenon that has been anecdotally associated with anginal symptoms, whereas late strut discontinuity is observed in approximately 40% of patients and could be viewed as a serendipitous OCT finding of a normal bioresorption process without clinical implications. (ABSORB Clinical Investigation, Cohort B [ABSORB B]; NCT00856856).
Aims: To investigate the extent and the circumferential distribution of the neointima tissue developed following an Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) implantation. Methods and results: Twenty-three patients who were treated with the Absorb BVS and had optical coherence tomographic examination after scaffold implantation, at six-month and at two-year follow-up, were included in the current analysis. The lumen and the scaffold borders were detected and the circumferential thickness of the neointima was measured at one degree intervals. The symmetry of the neointima was defined as: minimum/maximum thickness. The lumen area was decreased at six months compared to baseline but it did not change between six-month and two-year follow-up (baseline: 7.49 [6.13-8.00] mm2, six months: 6.31 (4.75-7.06) mm2, two years: 6.01 [4.67-7.11] mm2, p=0.373). However, the mean neointima thickness (six months: 189 [173-229] μm, two years: 258 [222-283] μm, p<0.0001) and the symmetry index of the neointima (six months: 0.06 [0.02-0.09], two years: 0.27 [0.24-0.36], p<0.0001) were increased at two years. Full circumferential coverage of the vessel wall by neointima tissue was seen in 91% of the studied frames at two years. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that after an Absorb BVS implantation neointima tissue develops that covers almost the whole circumference of the vessel wall. In contrast to the metallic stents, the neointima tissue does not compromise the luminal dimensions. Further research is required to evaluate the neointimal characteristics and assess the potential value of the device in passivating high-risk plaques.
BCL2 is a target of somatic hypermutation in t(14;18) positive and also in a small fraction of t(14;18) negative diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), suggesting an aberrant role of somatic hypermutation (ASHM). To elucidate the prevalence of BCL2 mutations in lymphomas other than DLBCL, we Sanger-sequenced the hypermutable region of the BCL2 gene in a panel of 69 mature B-cell lymphomas, including Richter's syndrome DLBCL, marginal-zone lymphomas, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders, HIV-associated and common-variable immunodeficiency-associated DLBCL, all known to harbour ASHM-dependent mutations in other genes, as well as 16 t(14,18) negative and 21 t(14;18) positive follicular lymphomas (FLs). We also investigated the pattern of BCL2 mutations in longitudinal samples from 10 FL patients relapsing to FL or transforming to DLBCL (tFL). By direct sequencing, we found clonally represented BCL2 mutations in 2/16 (13%) of t(14;18) negative FLs, 2/16 (13%) HIV-DLBCLs, 1/9 (11%) of Richter's syndrome DLBCL, 1/17 (6%) of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders and 1/2 (50%) common-variable immunodeficiency-associated DLBCL. The proportion of mutated cases was significantly lower than in FLs carrying the t(14;18) translocation (15/21, 71%). However, the absence of t(14;18) by FISH or PCR and the molecular features of the mutations strongly suggest that BCL2 represents an additional target of ASHM in these entities. Analysis of the BCL2 mutation pattern in clonally related FL/FL and FL/tFL samples revealed two distinct scenarios of genomic evolution: (i) direct evolution from the antecedent FL clone, with few novel clonal mutations acquired by the tFL major clone, and (ii) evolution from a common mutated long-lived progenitor cell, which subsequently acquired distinct mutations in the FL and in the relapsed or transformed counterpart. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
AIM The local delivery of growth factors via gene therapy has gained tremendous awareness in recent years due to their sustained growth factor delivery to target tissues. The aim of this study was to fabricate and investigate a scaffold able to release growth factors via gene therapy for the repair of periodontal tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS Novel mesoporous bioglass (MBG)/silk fibrin scaffold combined with BMP7 and/or PDGF-B adenovirus was fabricated and tested in vitro for cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, acute-type buccal dehiscence periodontal defects (mesiodistal width × depth: 5 × 5 mm) were created on the buccal portion of the maxillary premolars in five normal male beagle dogs (12 months old, 15.0 ± 2.0 kg) and histologically examined for periodontal regeneration following implantation of the following five groups: (1) no scaffold, (2) MBG/silk scaffold alone, (3) scaffold + adPDGF-B, (4) scaffold + adBMP7, (5) scaffold + adPDGF-b + adBMP7. RESULTS In vitro findings demonstrated that adPDGF-B was able to rapidly recruit periodontal ligament (PDL) cells over sixfold more effectively than adBMP7, whereas adBMP7 was more able to induce osteoblast differentiation of PDL cells. In vivo findings demonstrate that scaffolds loaded with adPDGF-B were able to partially regenerate the periodontal ligament while adBMP7 scaffolds primarily improved new bone formation. The combination of both adPDGF-B and adBMP7 synergistically promoted periodontal regeneration by allowing up to two times greater regeneration of the periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and cementum when compared to each adenovirus used alone. CONCLUSIONS Although both PDGF-B and BMP7 are individually capable of promoting periodontal regeneration to some degree, their combination synergistically promotes wound healing in acute-type buccal dehiscence periodontal defects when delivered simultaneously. This study demonstrates the promise for successful delivery of low-cost, effective growth factor delivery via gene therapy for the treatment of periodontal defects.
The Howard B. Hamilton, MD, papers, MS 66, includes material from 1945-1997 related to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) and the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF). Hamilton was the Chief of Clinical Laboratories for the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission from 1956 until its dissolution in 1975. He served in the same capacity for the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, which succeeded the ABCC, until 1984. This collection encompasses this period of time in Dr. Hamilton's career, as well as his related scholarly work after his retirement from RERF. Dr. Hamilton donated his collection of letters, reprints, newspaper articles, photographs, memos, and ephemera to the John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center between 1985 and 2002. The collection is in good condition and consists of 3.75 cubic feet (10 boxes).
The aberrant activation of signal transduction pathways has long been linked to uncontrolled cell proliferation and the development of cancer. The activity of one such signaling module, the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) pathway, has been implicated in several cancer types including pancreatic, breast, colon, and lymphoid malignancies. Interestingly, the activation of MAP-Kinase-Kinase-Kinase proteins often leads to the additional activation of NF-κB, a transcription factor that acts as a cell survival signal through its control of antiapoptotic genes. We have investigated the role of a specific dimer form of the NF-κB transcription factor family, NF-κB1 (p50) homodimers, in its control of the proto-oncogene, Bcl-2, and we have identified the MEK/ERK (MAPK) signaling cascade as a mediator of NF-κB1 activity. ^ Two murine B cell lymphoma cell lines were used for these studies: LY-as, an apoptosis proficient line with low Bcl-2 protein expression and no nuclear NF-κB activity, and LY-ar, a nonapoptotic line with constitutive p50 homodimer activity and 30 times more Bcl-2 protein expression than LY-as. Experiments modulating p50 activity correlated the activation of p50 homodimers with Bcl-2 expression and additional gel shift experiments demonstrated that the Bcl-2 P1 promoter had NF-κB sites with which recombinant p50 was able to interact. In vitro transcription revealed that p50 enhanced the production of transcripts derived from the Bcl-2 P1 promoter. These data strongly suggest that Bcl-2 is a target gene for p50-mediated transcription and suggest that the activation of p50 homodimers contributes to the expression of Bcl-2 observed in LY-ar cells. ^ Studies of upstream MAPK pathways that could influence NF-κB activity demonstrated that LY-ar cells had phosphorylated ERK proteins while LY-as cells did not. Treatment of LY-ar cells with the MEK inhibitors PD 98059, U0126, and PD 184352 led to a loss of phosphorylated ERK, a reversal of nuclear p50 homodimer DNA binding, and a decrease in the amount of Bcl-2 protein expression. Similarly, the activation of the MEK/ERK pathway in LY-as cells by phorbol ester led to Bcl-2 expression that could be blocked by PD 98059. Furthermore, treatment of LY-ar cells with TNFα, an IKK activator, did not change the suppressive effect of PD 98059 on p50 homodimer activity, suggesting an IKK-independent pathway for p50 homodimer activation. Lastly, all three MEK inhibitors sensitized LY-ar cells to radiation-induced apoptosis. ^ These data indicate that the activation of the MEK/ERK MAP-Kinase signaling pathway acts upstream of p50 homodimer activation and Bcl-2 expression in this B cell lymphoma cell system and suggest that the activation of MEK/ERK may be a key step in the progression of lymphoma to advanced-staged disease. Other researchers have used MEK inhibitors to inhibit cell growth and sensitize a number of tumors to chemotherapies. In light of our data, MEK inhibitors may additionally be useful clinically to radiosensitize cancers of lymphoid origin. ^