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Sea surface temperature and salinity estimates reconstructed using planktonic foraminiferal abundance and delta18O records from core SU90-03 (40°N, 32°W, 2475 m water depth) reveal large climatic fluctuations linked to major instabilities in Northern Hemisphere ice sheets over the last 150 000 years. Episodes of enhanced ice rafted detritus (IRD) input were accompanied by discrete temperature minima, representing coolings of between 4 and 8°C, and reductions in surface salinity of up to 2.5-3.5 per mil. Several additional cooling episodes of a similar magnitude were documented during intervals of low IRD input that appear to be synchronous, within the limits of dating, with ice rafting events spatially confined to higher latitudes. Accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dates for Heinrich events (H1 - 14.2 ka, H2 - 21.4 ka, H3 - 26.7 ka, H4 - 34.8 ka, H5 - 47.2 ka) obtained from core SU90-03 agree well with other published age estimates and suggest a contemporaneous pattern of climate change throughout the North Atlantic during the last glacial period. This interpretation is supported by a comparison of IRD and palaeotemperature records from DSDP site 609 and core SU90-03, which clearly shows that the major climatic fluctuations identified at high latitudes were transmitted toward the subtropics. However, 14C dates suggest that ice rafting episodes may be diachronous to some extent. The northward migration of the polar front after the H1 event at 40°N in the mid-Atlantic occurred at 14 ka, approximately 500 years earlier than along the Portuguese margin, where the southerly advection of polar waters persisted within eastern boundary current system.
High-resolution records of opal, carbonate, and terrigenous fluxes have been obtained from a high-sedimentation rate core (MD84-527: 43°50'S; 51°19'E; 3269 m) by normalization to 230Th. This method estimates paleofluxes to the seafloor on a point-by-point basis and distinguishes changes in sediment accumulation due to variations in vertical rain rates from those due to changes in syndepositional sediment redistribution by bottom currents. We also measured sediment delta15N to evaluate the changes in nitrate utilization in the overlying surface waters associated with paleoflux variations. Our results show that opal accumulation rates on the seafloor during the Holocene and stage 3, based on 14C dating, were respectively tenfold and fivefold higher than the vertical rain rates, At this particular location, changes in opal accumulation on the seafloor appear to be mainly controlled by sediment redistribution by bottom currents rather than variations in opal fluxes from the overlying water column. Correction for syndepositional sediment redistribution and the improved time resolution that can be achieved by normalization to 230Th disclose important variations in opal rain rates. We found relatively high but variable opal paleoflux during stage 3, with two maxima centered at 36 and 30 kyr B.P., low opal paleoflux during stage 2 and deglaciation and a pronounced maximum during the early Holocene, We interpret this record as reflecting variations in opal production rates associated with climate-induced latitudinal migration of the southern ocean frontal system. Sediments deposited during periods of high opal paleoflux also have high authigenic U concentrations, suggesting more reducing conditions in the sediment, and high Pa-231/Th-230 ratios, suggesting increased scavenging from the water column. Sediment delta15N is circa 1.5 per mil higher during isotopic stage 2 and deglaciation. The low opal rain rates recorded during that period appear to have been associated with increased nitrate depletion. This suggests that opal paleofluxes do not simply reflect latitudinal migration of the frontal system but also changes in the structure of the upper water column. Increased stratification during isotopic stage 2 and deglaciation could have been produced by a meltwater lid, leading to lower nitrate supply rates to surface waters.
Concentrations and compositions of rare earth elements (REE) in three micronodule fractions (50-250, 250-500, and >500 ?m), coexisting macronodules, and host sediments were studied. Samples were collected at three sites (Guatemala Basin, Peru Basin, and northern equatorial Pacific) located in elevated bioproductivity zones of surface waters. Influence of micronodule size is dominant for REE compositions and subordinate for REE concentrations. For example, Ce concentration inversely correlates with micronodule size and drops to the lowest value in macronodules and host sediments. Decrease of Ce concentration is generally accompanied by Mn/Fe increase in micro- and macronodules. Hence, the role of diagenetic source of material directly correlates with micronodule sizes. Contribution of the diagenetic source is maximal for macronodules. REE composition distinctions for micronodules and macronodules can be attributed to variations of hydrogenic iron oxyhydroxides and diagenetic (hydrothermal) iron hydroxophosphates that are the major REE carriers in ferromanganese ore deposits. Relationship and general trend in chemistry of coexisting macronodules suggest that they can represent products of the initial stage of nodule formation.
The <63-µm fractions of serpentinite muds from two seamounts on the Mariana and Izu-Bonin forearcs were analyzed for mineral composition by X-ray diffraction and for chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence. The silt fraction of the muds consists predominantly of chrysotile, brucite, and ample amorphous constituents. Chlorite and smectite are less abundant components. Of special interest is the occurrence of iowaite, a brucite-like, Cl-bearing mineral with a layered structure. Iowaite was not found in the samples from the summit site of one of the seamounts drilled; however, it is scattered throughout the strata, composing the flanks of both seamounts investigated. No systematic change of the iowaite abundance with depth was observed. The distribution of iowaite is confined to the surface of the flanks of the seamount. Based on the distribution on the mineral and its chemical composition, we suggest that the iowaite formed by oxidation of some of the ferrous iron in brucite contained in the serpentine mud as it contacted abyssal seawater during protrusion onto the seafloor. The resulting positive charge imparted to the brucite was compensated by the uptake of seawater chloride. Consequently, the formation of iowaite is restricted to the seafloor where oxygen and chloride are available for these reactions. The availability of oxygen is considered the limiting factor. We conclude that iowaite formation cannot be a major cause for the low chlorinity of pore fluids inside the seamounts.
In the East Indian Ocean direct contribution of land volcanism to sedimentation appears as interlayers of tephra and tuffaceous sediments, pumice fragments, and dispersed volcanoclastic materials of silty grain size. Similarity of distribution of tephra, tuffaceous sediments, Ethmodiscus ooze, and turbidites in the Pleistocene section results from deposition of all these materials under controll of a single factor, namely synchronous redistribution owing to seismic activity on the ocean floor and on the Sunda Islands. Burial of layers of oxidized deposits and formation of iron-manganese nodules is at least partly related to global climate cooling and to circulation of ocean waters.
Four volcanic ash-bearing marine sediment cores and one ash-free reference core were examined during research cruise RV Meteor 54/2 offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica to investigate the chemical composition of pore waters related to volcanic ash alteration. Sediments were composed of terrigenous matter derived from the adjacent continent and contained several distinct ash layers. Biogenic opal and carbonate were only minor components. The terrigenous fraction was mainly composed of smectite and other clay minerals while the pore water composition was strongly affected by the anaerobic degradation of particulate organic matter via microbial sulphate reduction. The alteration of volcanic matter showed only a minor effect on major element concentrations in pore waters. This is in contrast to prior studies based on long sediment cores taken during the DSDP, where deep sediments always showed distinct signs of volcanic ash alteration. The missing signal of ash alteration is probably caused by low reaction rates and the high background concentration of major dissolved ions in the seawater-derived pore fluids. Dissolved silica concentrations were, however, significantly enriched in ash-bearing cores and showed no relation to the low but variable contents of biogenic opal. Hence, the data suggest that silica concentrations were enhanced by ash dissolution. Thus, the dissolved silica profile measured in one of the sediment cores was used to derive the in-situ dissolution rate of volcanic glass particles in marine sediments. A non-steady state model was run over a period of 43 kyr applying a constant pH of 7.30 and a dissolved Al concentration of 0.05 ?M. The kinetic constant (AA) was varied systematically to fit the model to the measured dissolved silica-depth profile. The best fit to the data was obtained applying AA = 1.3 * 10**-U9 mol of Si/cm**2/ s. This in-situ rate of ash dissolution at the seafloor is three orders of magnitude smaller than the rate of ash dissolution determined in previous laboratory experiments. Our results therefore imply that field investigations are necessary to accurately predict natural dissolution rates of volcanic glasses in marine sediments.
We present late Quaternary records of aragonite preservation determined for sediment cores recovered on the Brazilian Continental Slope (1790-2585 m water depth) where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) dominates at present. We have used various indirect dissolution proxies (carbonate content, aragonite/calcite contents, and sand percentages) as well as gastropodal abundances and fragmentation of Limacina inflata to determine the state of aragonite preservation. In addition, microscopic investigations of the dissolution susceptibility of three Limacina species yielded the Limacina Dissolution Index which correlates well with most of the other proxies. Excellent preservation of aragonite was found in the Holocene section, whereas aragonite dissolution gradually increases downcore. This general pattern is attributed to an overall increase in aragonite corrosiveness of pore waters. Overprinted on this early diagenetic trend are high-frequency fluctuations of aragonite preservation, which may be related to climatically induced variations of intermediate water masses.
To investigate late Quaternary paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change in the sedimentary record, preserved on the Australian Continental Margin during the late Quaternary, core material was collected from Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 133, Site 819. An expanded sequence of late Quaternary, rhythmically bedded, predominantly hemipelagic sediments were recovered from Hole 819A. The foraminiferal d18O record preserved at Hole 819A suggests that the late Quaternary section is incomplete. Both benthic and planktonic d18O stratigraphies can be traced tentatively downcore to stage 6 at about 32.5 mbsf, where a major hiatus occurs. At this level, a slump detachment surface has been identified (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1991). This slump has removed marine oxygen isotope stages 7 to 13. Below 32.5 mbsf, continuous correlation can be achieved in the planktonic d18O curve, with existing deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphies from stage 14 through stage 28. The major hiatus at 32.5 mbsf marks the position of a significant change in the character of the sedimentation at Site 819. Sediments below 32.5 mbsf, relative to those above 32.5 mbsf, are characterized by less variation in mean particle size; lower percentages of carbonate content in the coarse fraction (>63 µm); a stronger relationship between the percentage of fine fraction and magnetic mineral concentration, and lower foraminiferal abundances. Above the hiatus, large fluctuations in mean particle size occurred, which have been interpreted to be the result of high foraminiferal abundances. Early highstands show high terrigenous influx in the fine fraction above the hiatus. This is the opposite of the general idea of high terrigenous influx during lowstands of sea level on siliciclastic dominated continental margins. We are far from understanding the origin of this material and further investigation will be required (see also Glenn et al., this volume). All our records, except the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record, indicate that the major hiatus marks the position of a significant change in the environment at Site 819. The planktonic foraminiferal d18O record suggests that environmental change occurred prior to the formation of the hiatus (i.e., near the Brunhes/Matuyama [B/M] boundary). The interval between the B/M boundary and the hiatus represents a transitional period between two different patterns of ocean circulation. Throughout most of the lower part of the sequence, Site 819 was at a shallow-water depth and local oceanographic conditions were dominated by sluggish Subtropical Central Water (SCW) flow. However, near the B/M boundary, ocean circulation patterns intensified, reflecting a worldwide change in paleoenvironment. Enhanced ocean circulation patterns were possibly aided by tectonic subsidence. During this period Site 819 became progressively more under the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), than SCW. In the upper part of the sequence at Hole 819 A, we see a continuation of the pattern of oceanographic reorganization suggested during stages 21 through 14. Intensification of the subsurface oceanographic circulation was also accompanied by the progressive wedging southward of surface waters associated with the East Australian Current (EAC). The change in the nature of the records in the lower and upper parts of the sequence at Site 819 are thought to reflect perturbations by the orbital eccentricity cycle.
Modeling and proxy studies indicate that a reduction of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) strength profoundly impacts temperatures and salinities in the (sub)tropical Atlantic, especially on subsurface levels. While previous studies focused on prominent periods of AMOC reduction during the last deglaciation, we aim to test whether similar reconfigurations of the subtropical hydrography occurred during the moderate climatic alterations punctuating the last interglacial, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. Here, we present temperature and salinity records from a Florida Straits core by combining d18O and Mg/Ca analyses on surface (Globigerinoides ruber, white) and deep-dwelling (Globorotalia crassaformis) foraminifera, covering MIS 5 in high resolution. The data reveal increasing salinities at intermediate depths during interglacial cooling episodes, decoupled from relatively stable surface conditions. This probably indicates the spatial expansion of saline Subtropical Gyre waters due to enhanced Ekman downwelling and might also point to a changed density structure and altered geostrophic balance in Florida Straits. Notably, these oceanographic alterations are not consistently occurring during periods of AMOC reduction. The data suggest that the expansion of gyre waters into Florida Straits was impeded by the increasing influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) from MIS 5.5 to ~107 kyr BP. Afterwards, increasingly positive benthic d13C values imply a recession of AAIW, allowing the temporary expansion of Gyre waters into Florida Straits. We argue that the inferred transient subtropical salt accumulation and warm pool expansion might have played a pivotal role in reinvigorating meridional overturning and dampen the severity of interglacial cold phases.
Temporal and regional changes in paleoproductivity and paleoceanography in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the past 12 kyr were reconstructed on the basis of the stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of the epibenthic Planulina ariminensis and the shallow endobenthic Uvigerina mediterranea from three sediment cores of the Aegean Sea and Levantine Basin. The Younger Dryas is characterized by high d18O values, indicating enhanced salinities and low temperatures of deep water masses at all investigated sites. With the onset of the Holocene, d18O records show a continuous decrease towards the onset of sapropel S1 formation, mainly caused by a freshening and warming of surface waters at deep water formation sites. In the middle and late Holocene, the similarity of d18O values from the southern Aegean Sea and Levantine Basin suggests the influence of isotopically identical deep water masses. By contrast, slightly higher d18O values are observed the northern Aegean Sea, which probably point to lower temperatures of North Aegean deep waters. The epifaunal d13C records reveal clear changes in sources and residence times of eastern Mediterranean deep waters associated with period of S1 formation. Available data for the early and late phase of sapropel S1 formation and for the interruption around 8.2 kyr display drops by 0.5 and 1.5 per mil, indicating the slow-down of deep water circulation and enhanced riverine input of isotopically light dissolved inorganic carbon from terrestrial sources into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The decrease in epifaunal d13C signals is particularly expressed in the southern Aegean Sea and Levantine Basin, while it is less pronounced in the northern Aegean Sea. This points to a strong reduction in deep water exchange rates in the southern areas, but the persistence of local deep water formation in the northern Aegean Sea. The d13C values of U. mediterranea records reveal temporal and regional differences in paleoproductivity during the past 12 kyr, with rather eutrophic and mesotrophic conditions in the North Aegean Sea and southeast Levantine Basin, respectively, while the South Aegean Sea is characterized by rather oligotrophic conditions. After S1 formation, increasing d13C values reflect a progressive decrease in surface water productivity in the eastern Mediterranean Sea during the middle and late Holocene. In the northern Aegean Sea, this time interval is marked by repetitive changes in organic matter fluxes documented by significant fluctuations in the d13C signal of U. mediterranea on millennial- to multi-centennial time scales. These fluctuations can be linked to short-term changes in river runoff driven by northern hemisphere climatic variability.
Several bog manganese deposits were discovered in the Riding Mountain area in Manitoba during the spring and summer of 1940. A study was made of the known deposits to determine the grade of the occurrences, a possible source of the manganese oxides in the bog deposits and the possibilities of locating other manganese occurrences. Samples of the bog manganese, of spring waters from which the manganese oxides have apparently been precipitated, of the Odanah shale in which the deposits occur, and of "ironstone" nodules found in the Odanah and Riding Mountain shales were gathered in the field and later analyzed. In addition to chemical analyses of the above-mentioned samples, several polished sections of the manganese oxides were prepared and studied under the microscope, thin-sections of nodules were examined, and spectrographic analyses of both nodules and bog manganese were made. ...
In order to monitor the evolution of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and its influence in surface ocean structure during marine isotopic stages (MIS) 2 and 3, we have analyzed the sediments recovered in core MD04-2829CQ (Rosemary Bank, north Rockall Trough, northeast Atlantic) dated between ~41 and ~18 ka B.P. Ice-rafted debris flux and composition, 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains, multispecies planktonic stable isotope records, planktonic foraminifera assemblage data and faunal-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) demonstrate a close interaction between BIIS dynamics and surface ocean structure and water properties in this region. The core location lies beneath the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and is ideal for monitoring the shifts in the position of its associated oceanic fronts, as recorded by faunal changes. These data reveal a succession of BIIS-sourced iceberg calving events related to low SST, usually synchronous with dramatic changes in the composition of the planktonic foraminifera assemblage and with variations in the stable isotope records of the taxa Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling) and Globigerina bulloides. The pacing of the calving events, from typically Dansgaard-Oeschger millennial timescales during late MIS 3 to multicentennial cyclicity from ~28 ka B.P., represents the build-up of the BIIS and its growing instability toward Heinrich Event (HE) 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data confirm the strong coupling between BIIS instabilities and the temperature and salinity of surface waters in the adjacent northeast Atlantic and demonstrate the BIIS's ability to modify the NAC on its flow toward the Nordic Seas. In contrast, subsurface water masses were less affected except during the Greenland stadials that contain HEs, when most intense water column reorganizations occurred simultaneously with the deposition of cream-colored carbonate sourced from the Laurentide Ice Sheet.
Late Oligocene to late Pliocene vertical water-mass stratification along depth traverses in the northern Indian Ocean is depicted in this paper by benthic foraminifer index faunas. During most of this time, benthic faunas indicate well-oxygenated, bottom-water conditions at all depths except under the southern Indian upwelling and in the Pliocene in the southern Arabian Sea. Faunas suggest the initiation of lower oxygen conditions at intermediate depths in the northern Indian Ocean beginning in Oligocene Zone P21a. Lower oxygen conditions intensified during primary productivity pulses, possibly related to increased upwelling vigor, in the latest Oligocene and throughout most of the late middle through late Miocene. During times of elevated primary production, there may be more oxygen flux into sedimentary pore waters and the shallow infaunal habitat may become more oxygenated. One criterion for locating the source of "new" water masses is vertical homogeneity of benthic foraminifer indexes for well-oxygenated water masses from intermediate through abyssal depths. In the northern Mascarene Basin, this type of faunal homogeneity with depth corroborates the proposal that the northern Indian Ocean was an area of sinking well-oxygenated waters through most of the Miocene before Zone N17. Oxygenated, possibly "new" intermediate-water masses in the low- to middle-latitude Mascarene and Central Indian basins first developed in the late Oligocene. These well-oxygenated waters were probably more fertile than the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) that cover intermediate depths in these areas today. Production of intermediate waters more similar to modern AAIW is indicated by the sparse benthic population of epifaunal rotaloid species in the northern Mascarene Basin during middle Miocene Zone N9 and from early through late Pliocene time. Deep-water characteristics are more difficult to interpret because of the extensive redeposition at the deeper sites. Redeposited intermediate, rather than shallow, water fossils and erosion from north to south in the Mascarene Basin are incompatible with the sluggish circulation from south to north through the western Indian Ocean basins today. Such erosion could result from the vigorous sinking of an intermediate-depth water mass of northern origin. Before late Oligocene Zone P22, benthic faunas indicate a twofold subdivision of the troposphere, with the boundary between upper and lower well-oxygenated water masses located from 2500-3000 mbsl. No characteristic bottom-water fauna developed before the end of late Oligocene Zone P22. Deep and abyssal benthic indexes suggest the development of water masses similar to those of the present day in the latest Miocene. Faunas containing deep-water benthic indexes, including the uvigerinids, suggestive of a water mass similar to modern Indian Deep Water (IDW), appeared during the late Miocene in the northern Mascarene and Central Indian basins. In the early Pliocene, this deep-water fauna was found only in the Central Indian Basin, whereas a fauna typical of modern Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) spread through deep waters at 2800 mbsl in the Mascarene Basin. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, deep-water faunas similar to their modern analogs were developed in both the eastern and western basins. Abyssal faunas, studied only in the Mascarene Basin, show more or less similarity to those under modern AABW. Bottom-water faunas containing Nuttallides umbonifera or Epistominella exiguua were first differentiated at the end of Zone P22, then appeared episodically during the early Miocene. These AABW-type faunas reappeared and migrated updepth into deep waters during the glacial episodes at the end of the Miocene and at the beginning of the Pliocene. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, a bottom-water fauna similar to that under eastern Indian Bottom Water (IBW) developed in the Mascarene Basin. Modern bottom-water characteristics of the Mascarene Basin must have developed after ZoneN21.
Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate complexes from deposits of the Kronotsky Bay are presented. Pro tempore they are the most ancient finds of fossil phytoplankton with silica skeletons in the Northwest Pacific. More than 130 diatom species belonging to 59 genera and 24 silicoflagellate species belonging to 5 genera have been determined. Three Middle Eocene complexes (of the Lisitzinia kanayai, Lisitzinia inconspicua var. trilobata, and Praecymatosira monomembranaceae zones) and one presumably Middle-Late Eocene complex (of the zone with Rylandsia conniventa) of diatoms have been identified. For the first time a large silicoflagellate complex attributable to the Dictyocha hexacantha zone is presented. It is assumed that the complexes formed mainly in bathyal conditions at relatively high (close to sub-tropical) temperatures of surface waters.
Benthic foraminifera, stable isotope record and sedimentology of Holocene sediments in the Skagerrak
A high-resolution multi-proxy study of core MD99-2286 reveals a highly variable hydrographic environment in the Skagerrak from 9300 cal. yr BP to the present. The study includes foraminiferal faunas, stable isotopes and sedimentary parameters, as well as temperature and salinity reconstructions of a ca. 29 m long radiocarbon-dated core record. The multivariate technique fuzzy c-means was applied to the foraminiferal counts, and it was extremely valuable in defining subtle heterogeneities in the foraminiferal fauna data corresponding to hydrographic changes. The major mid-Holocene (Littorina) transgression, led to flooding of large former land areas in the North Sea, the opening of the English Channel and Danish straits and initiation of the modern circulation system. This is reflected by fluctuating C/N values and an explosive bloom of Hyalinea balthica. A slight indication of ameliorated conditions between 8000-5750 cal. yr BP is related to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. A subsequent increase in fresh water/Baltic water influence between 5750-4350 cal. yr BP is reflected by dominance of Bulimina marginata and depleted d18O-values. The Neoglacial cooling (after 4350 cal. yr BP) is seen in the Skagerrak as enhanced turbidity, increasing TOC-values and short-term changes in an overall Cassidulina laevigata dominated fauna suggesting a prevailing influence of Atlantic waters. This is in agreement with increased strength of westerly winds, as recorded for this period. The last 2000 years were also dominated by Atlantic Water conditions with generally abundant nutrient supply. However, during warm periods, particularly the Medieval Warm Period and the modern warming, the area was subject to a restriction in the supply of nutrients and/or the nutrient supply had a more refractory character.