988 resultados para FF Summer School
This study presents estimates of returns to post-secondary educationand wage differentials among graduates fromdifferent secondary schoolsin Germany. I use an empirical model that captures the basic features ofthe German education system. It controls for selection into post-secondaryeducation and treats latter as endogenous in the wage equation. Myresults show that OLS estimates are severely biased. The direction ofthe bias depends on the secondary school type. Annual returns topost-secondary education differ significantly: they are eight timeshigher for graduates from the highest secondary school than for graduatesfrom the lowest secondary school.
Audit report on Sheldon Community School District in Sheldon, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008
Audit report on Clarke Community School District in Osceola, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008
O objectivo desta comunicação é demonstrar a importância da relação entre modelos de aprendizagem dinâmicos e a criação do conhecimento como mecanismo de transferência e disseminação na sociedade em Cabo Verde, através de práticas pedagógicas utlizadas no ISCEE, como demonstra a utilização dos simuladores. Esta nova abordagem, com a utilização de simuladores em contexto de sala de aula, potencia a interacção entre os estudantes e permite uma rápida troca de informação entre as partes e ao mesmo tempo melhora o processo de tomada de decisão. O processo de aprendizagem através dos simuladores potencia a aquisição e construção do conhecimento e a dinâmica do grupo, em especial a memória transactiva e relacional. Este artigo, demonstra que as novas práticas pedagógicas, com base nas novas tecnologias da comunicação e informação, devem ter o foco no grupo e não no aluno como entidade isolada.
Audit report on Perry Community School District in Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008
Special report on the Dunkerton Community School District for the period July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2008
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2007
The Orientation Center newsletter is produced three times a year, and includes articles written by students, staff, and former students. It also contains news about what is happening to other students who have been in the Center.
Audit report on Mid-Iowa School Improvement Consortium, Carlisle, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.