963 resultados para Executive cognitive functions
Objective. Increased GSK3B activity has been reported as a state marker of major affective episodes in patients with depression and bipolar disorder. No study so far has addressed GSK3B activity in late-life depression. The aims of the present study were to determine GSK3B activity in platelets of elderly patients with major depression, and the association between GSK3B activity and the severity of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment. Methods. Forty drug-free elderly patients with major depressive episode were compared to healthy older adults (n == 13). Severity of the depressive episode and current cognitive state were determined by the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) and the Cambridge Cognitive Test (CAMCOG), respectively. Total- and ser-9-phosphorylated GSK3B (tGSK3B and pGSK3B) were determined in platelets by enzyme immunometric assays (EIA). GSK3B activity was indirectly inferred by the GSK3B ratio (i.e. pGSK3B/tGSK3B). Results. Elderly depressed patients had significantly lower pGSK3B levels (P == 0.03) and GSK3B ratio (P == 0.03), indicating higher GSK3B activity. Higher GSK3B activity were observed in patients with severe depressive episode (HAM-D scores > 22, P == 0.03) and with cognitive impairment (CAMCOG scores < 86, P == 0.01). Conclusion. The present findings provide additional evidence of the involvement of GSK3B in the pathophysiology of late-life major depression. Higher GSK3B activity may be more relevant in those patients with more severe depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment.
Objective: To identify the CAMCOG sub-items that best contribute for the identification of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and incipient Alzheimer`s disease (AD) in clinical practice. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of 272 older adults (98 MCI, 82 AD, and 92 controls) with a standardized neuropsychological battery and the CAMCOG schedule. Backward logistic regression analysis with diagnosis (MCI and controls) as dependent variable and the sub-items of the CAMCOG as independent variable was carried out to determine the CAMCOG sub-items that predicted the diagnosis of MCI. Results: Lower scores on Language, Memory, Praxis, and Calculation CAMCOG sub-items were significantly associated with the diagnosis of MCI. A composite score obtained by the sum of these scores significantly discriminated MCI patients from comparison groups. This reduced version of the CAMCOG showed similar diagnostic accuracy than the original schedule for the identification of patients with MCI as compared to controls (AUC = 0.80 +/- 0.03 for the reduced CAMCOG; AUC = 0.79 +/- 0.03 for the original CAMCOG). Conclusion: This reduced version of the CAMCOG had similar diagnostic properties as the original CAMCOG and was faster and easier to administer, rendering it more suitable for the screening of subtle cognitive deficits in general clinical practice. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of adjunctive cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) to prevent recurrence of episodes in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: A randomized controlled single-blind trial was conducted with 50 patients with bipolar disorder types I and II followed up for at least 12 months in an outpatient service and whose disease was in remission. An experimental CBGT manual was developed and added to treatment as usual (TAU), and results were compared with TAU alone. Results: Intention-to-treat analysis showed that there was no difference between groups in terms of time until any relapse (Wilcoxon = 0.667; p = 0.414). When considering type of relapse, there was still no difference in either depressive (Wilcoxon = 3.328; p = 0.068) or manic episodes (Wilcoxon = 1.498; p = 0.221). Although occurrence of episodes also did not differ between groups (chi(2) = 0.28; p = 0.59), median time to relapse was longer for patients treated with CBGT compared to TAU (Mann-Whitney = -2.554; p = 0.011). Conclusions:Time to recurrence and number of episodes were not different in the group of patients treated with CBGT. However, median time to relapse was shorter in the TAU group. Studies with larger samples may help to clarify whether our CBGT approach prevents new episodes of bipolar disorder. Our findings also indicated that CBGT is feasible in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder and should be investigated in future studies. To our knowledge, this is the first publication of a controlled trial of CBGT for euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Cognitive deficits are a key feature of recent-onset psychosis, but there is no consensus on whether such deficits are generalized or confined to specific domains. Besides, it is unclear whether cognitive deficits: a) are found in psychotic patients in samples from outside high-income countries; and b) whether they progress uniformly over time in schizophrenia and affective psychoses. We applied 12 tests organized into eight cognitive domains, comparing psychosis patients (n = 56, time from initial contact = 677.95+/-183.27 days) versus healthy controls (n = 70) recruited from the same area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Longitudinal comparisons (digit span and verbal fluency) were conducted between a previous assessment of the subjects carried out at their psychosis onset, and the current follow-up evaluation. Psychosis patients differed significantly from controls on five domains, most prominently on verbal memory. Cognitive deficits remained detectable in separate comparisons of the schizophrenia subgroup and, to a lesser extent, the affective psychosis subjects against controls. Longitudinal comparisons indicated significant improvement in schizophrenia, affective psychoses, and control subjects, with no significant group-by-time interactions. Our results reinforce the view that there are generalized cognitive deficits in association with recent-onset psychoses, particularly of non-affective nature, which persist over time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) assesses everyday memory by means of tasks which mimic daily challenges. The objective was to examine the validity of the Brazilian version of the RBMT to detect cognitive decline. Methods: 195 older adults were diagnosed as normal controls (NC) or with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer`s disease (AD) by a multidisciplinary team, after participants completed clinical and neuropsychological protocols. Results: Cronbach`s alpha was high for the total sample for the RBMT profile (PS) and screening scores (SS) (PS=0.91, SS=0.87) and for the AD group (PS=0.84, SS=0.85), and moderate for the MCI (PS=0.62, SS=0.55)and NC (PS=0.62, SS=0.60) groups. RBMT total scores, Appointment, Pictures, Immediate and Delayed Story, Immediate and Delayed Route, Delayed Message and Date contributed to differentiate NC from MCI. ROC curve analyses indicated high accuracy to differentiate NC from AD patients, and, moderate accuracy to differentiate NC from MCI. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of the RBMT seems to be an appropriate instrument to identify memory decline in Brazilian older adults.
The activation of inflammatory cascades has been consistently demonstrated in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer`s disease (AD). Among several putative neuroinflammatory mechanisms, the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) signaling system has a central role in this process. Recent evidence indicates that the abnormal production of inflammatory factors may accompany the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to dementia. We aimed to examine serum levels of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) in patients with MCI and AD as compared to cognitively unimpaired elderly subjects. We further aimed to investigate whether abnormal levels of these cytokines predict the progression from MCI to AD upon follow-up. We utilized cross-sectional determination of serum levels of TNF-alpha, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 (ELISA method) in a test group comprising 167 older adults (31 AD, 72 MCI, and 64 healthy controls), and longitudinal reassessment of clinical status after 18.9 +/- 10.0 months. At baseline, there were no statistically significant differences in serum TNF-alpha, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 between patients with MCI and AD as compared to controls. Nevertheless, patients with MCI who progressed to AD had significantly higher serum sTNFR1 levels as opposed to patients who retained the diagnosis of MCI upon follow-up (p = 0.03). Cox regression analysis showed that high serum sTNFR1 levels predicted the conversion from MCI to AD (p = 0.003), whereas no significant differences were found with respect to serum levels of TNF-alpha and sTNFR2. Abnormal activation of TNF-alpha signaling system, represented by increased expression of sTNFR1, is associated with a higher risk of progression from MCI to AD.
Background: Neuropsychological deficits have been reported in association with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Reductions in grey matter (GM) volumes have been documented in FEP subjects compared to healthy controls. However, the possible inter-relationship between the findings of those two lines of research has been scarcely investigated. Objective: To investigate the relationship between neuropsychological deficits and GM volume abnormalities in a population-based sample of FEP patients compared to healthy controls from the same geographical area. Methods: FEP patients (n = 88) and control subjects (n = 86) were evaluated by neuropsychological assessment (Controlled Oral Word Association Test, forward and backward digit span tests) and magnetic resonance imaging using voxel-based morphometry. Results: Single-group analyses showed that prefrontal and temporo-parietal GM volumes correlated significantly (p < 0.05, corrected) with cognitive performance in FEP patients. A similar pattern of direct correlations between neocortical GM volumes and cognitive impairment was seen in the schizophrenia subgroup (n = 48). In the control group, cognitive performance was directly correlated with GM volume in the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and inversely correlated with parahippocampal gyral volumes bilaterally. Interaction analyses with ""group status"" as a predictor variable showed significantly greater positive correlation within the left inferior prefrontal cortex (BA46) in the FEP group relative to controls, and significantly greater negative correlation within the left parahippocampal gyrus in the control group relative to FEP patients. Conclusion: Our results indicate that cognitive deficits are directly related to brain volume abnormalities in frontal and temporo-parietal cortices in FEP subjects, most specifically in inferior portions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Increased platelet GSK3B activity in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer`s disease
The disruption of glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK3B) homeostasis has implications in the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders, namely Alzheimer`s disease (AD). GSK3B activity is increased within the AD brain, favoring the hyperphosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein Tau and the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Such abnormality has also been detected in leukocytes of patients with cognitive disorders. The aim of the present study was to determine the expression of total and phosphorylated GSK3B at protein level in platelets of older adults with varying degrees of cognitive impairment, and to compare GSK3B activity in patients with AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy controls. Sixty-nine older adults were included (24 patients with mild to moderate AD, 22 patients with amnestic MCI and 23 elderly controls). The expression of platelet GSK3B (total- and Ser-9 phosphorylated GSK3B) was determined by Western blot. GSK3B activity was indirectly assessed by means of the proportion between phospho-GSK3B to total GSK3B (GSK3B ratio), the former representing the inactive form of the enzyme. Ser-9 phosphorylated GSK3B was significantly reduced in patients with MCI and AD as compared to controls (p = 0.04). Platelet GSK3B ratio was significantly decreased in patients with MCI and AD (p = 0.04), and positively correlated with scores on memory tests (r = 0.298, p = 0.01). In conclusion, we corroborate previous evidence of increased GSK activity in peripheral tissues of patients with MCI and AD, and further propose that platelet GSK may be an alternative peripheral biomarker of this abnormality, provided samples are adequately handled in order to preclude platelet activation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The Cambridge Cognitive Examination (CAMCOG) is a useful test in screening for Alzheimer`s disease (AD). However, the interpretation of CAMCOG cut-off scores is problematic and reference values are needed for different educational strata. Given the importance of earlier diagnoses of mild dementia, new cut-off values are required which take into account patients with low levels of education. This study aims to evaluate whether the CAMCOG can be used as an accurate screening test among AD patients and normal controls with different educational levels. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment was undertaken of 113 AD and 208 elderly controls with heterogeneous educational levels (group 1: 1-4 years; group 2: 5-8 years; and group 3: >= 9 years) from a geriatric clinic. submitted to a thorough diagnostic evaluation for AD including the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders of the Elderly (CAMDEX). Controls had no cognitive or mood complaints. Sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) for the CAMCOG in each educational group was assessed with receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: CAMCOG mean values were lower when education was reduced in both diagnostic groups (controls - group 1: 87; group 2: 91; group 3: 96; AD - group 1: 63; group 2: 62; group 3: 77). Cutoff scores for the three education groups were 79, 80 and 90, respectively. SE and SP varied among the groups (group 1: 88.1% and 83.5%; group 2: 84.6% and 96%; group 3: 70.8% and 90%). Conclusion: The CAMCOG can be used as a cognitive test for patients with low educational level with good accuracy. Patients with higher education showed lower scores than previously reported.