819 resultados para Ethnography with children


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El artículo expone algunas experiencias y resultados del proyecto "Lectura y escritura en la Unidad 33. Madres, niños e instituciones educativas" que se inició como proyecto de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en el año 2010. El proyecto implementa con mujeres y niños que viven en situación de encierro un conjunto de acciones con diferentes grados de formalización en torno a las culturas de lo escrito y otras formas de expresión, en tanto prácticas culturales que tienen derecho de ejercer y ampliar en diversas situaciones de interacción social. Se presentan los distintos espacios de trabajo y se sintetizan algunos resultados de un un taller denominado "la ronda: historia, poesías y canciones" Del análisis de las situaciones propuestas y los datos recogidos de un corpus de entrevistas semiestructuradas a un grupo de mujeres participantes, con edades entre 19 y 33 años, se destaca el sentido y valor de las lecturas e intercambios entre lectores literarios en la vida cotidiana del encierro


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-04


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This paper outlines a multiprofessional education workshop piloted and subsequently conducted with a cohort of 81 graduate entry students of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology and audiology. The rationale for, and format of, the workshop is outlined, followed by comparisons between students' knowledge about teamwork prior to and after the four-hour workshop. The workshop was based on a real case scenario of a child with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Students completed pre- and post-workshop questionnaires about their knowledge of DCD, teamwork and the roles of various professionals and parents; and a post-workshop questionnaire about their views regarding the utility of the workshop, its strengths, and learning outcomes. The evaluation indicated that the workshop was overwhelmingly successful from the students' perspective in: (1) enhancing their understanding about DCD and its multifaceted impact on school age children; (2) developing a deeper appreciation of the importance of teamwork itself; (3) refining their understanding of their own profession's role and (4) developing an appreciation of the role of other professions and parents in working with children with complex needs, and their families. Limitations of this study and directions for future research are discussed.


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Background: The purpose of the present study was to describe a profile of Australian paediatric occupational therapy practice in terms of theories, assessments and interventions used with the most frequently seen client groups. Methods: An ex post facto survey design was utilised. A purpose-designed survey was mailed to 600 occupational therapists identified by OT Australia as working in paediatrics. Results: The response rate was 55% (n = 330). Respondents in the sample worked chiefly with children with developmental delays, learning disabilities, neurological impairments, and infants/toddlers. Theoretical models used by paediatric clinicians that were common to the most frequently seen client groups focused on sensory integration/multisensory approaches, occupational performance, and client-centred practice. Assessment tools most frequently used were the Test of Visual Motor Integration, Sensory Profile, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Handwriting Speed Test, and Motor-Free Visual Perception Test. The most often used treatment methods across the four most frequently seen client groups were parent/caregiver education, sensory integration/stimulation techniques, and managing activities of daily living. Conclusions: Paediatric occupational therapists appeared to draw on a range of theoretical models. With the exception of the Sensory Profile, the assessment and treatment methods most frequently used are not congruent with the most commonly used theoretical models. It is critical that the assessment and treatment methods used are conceptually consistent with the theoretical models that guide practice. Occupational therapists need to examine the evidence and determine whether their clinical practice is grounded in the best contemporary theoretical models, assessments and interventions.


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The transition from adolescence to young adulthood is associated with a sharp decline in physical activity, particularly for women. This article explores the relations between physical activity status and change and status and change in four life domains: residential independence, employment status, relationship status, and motherhood. Two waves of survey data from a representative sample of 8,545 Australian women, aged 18-23 at Survey 1 and 22-27 at Survey 2, were analyzed. Cross-sectionally, physical inactivity was most strongly related to being a mother married, and not being in the labor force. Longitudinally, decreases in physical activity were most strongly associated with moving into a live-in relationship, with getting married, and with becoming a mother When considered in combination, women who were married with children and not employed outside the home were the most likely to be physically inactive. The data suggest that adoption of adult statuses, particularly traditional roles involving family relationships and motherhood, is associated with reductions in physical activity for these women, although it is possible that the effect is driven by socioeconomic factors associated with early transitions. The data suggest a need for interventions to promote continued physical activity among young women who cohabit or marry and among those not in the workforce, in addition to those supporting young mothers to be physically active.


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A growing proportion of women reach older age without having married or having children. Assumptions that these older women are lonely, impoverished, and high users of social and health services are based on little evidence. This paper uses data from the Older cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health to describe self-reported demographics, physical and emotional health, and use of services among 10,108 women aged 73-78, of whom 2.7% are never-married and childless. The most striking characteristic of this group is their high levels of education, which are associated with fewer reported financial difficulties and higher rates of private health insurance. There are few differences in self-reported physical or emotional health or use of health services between these and other groups of older women. Compared with older married women with children, they make higher use of formal services such as home maintenance and meal services, and are also more likely to provide volunteer services and belong to social groups. Overall, there is no evidence to suggest that these women are a problem group. Rather, it seems that their life experiences and opportunities prepare them for a successful and productive older age. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To survey the use, cost, beliefs and quality of life of users of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Design: A representative population survey conducted in 2004 with longitudinal comparison to similar 1993 and 2000 surveys. Participants: 3015 South Australian respondents over the age of 15 years (71.7% participation). Results: In 2004, CAMs were used by 52.2% of the population. Greatest use was in women aged 25-34 years, with higher income and education levels. CAM therapists had been visited by 26.5% of the population. In those with children, 29.9% administered CAMs to them and 17.5% of the children had visited CAM therapists. The total extrapolated cost in Australia of CAMs and CAM therapists in 2004 was AUD$1.8 billion, which was a decrease from AUD$2.3 billion in 2000. CAMs were used mostly to maintain general health. The users of CAM had lower quality-of-life scores than non-users. Among CAM users, 49.7% used conventional medicines on the same day and 57.2% did not report the use of CAMs to their doctor. About half of the respondents assumed that CAMs were independently tested by a government agency; of these, 74.8% believed they were tested for quality and safety, 21.8% for what they claimed, and 17.9% for efficacy. Conclusions: Australians continue to use high levels of CAMs and CAM therapists. The public is often unaware that CAMs are not tested by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for efficacy or safety.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo observar o casamento inter-religioso. O encontro de duas culturas religiosas pode e, provavelmente, constituirá fonte de conflito. Os conflitos emergentes podem ocorrer, não por uma visão diferente de mundo, mas essencialmente porque o outro, por ser diferente, ameaça a identidade do indivíduo. Frente à ameaça, é necessário fortalecer a própria identidade. A partir de entrevistas com seis casais em casamentos inter-religiosos, mais especificamente, entre cristãos e judeus, e com filhos com idade entre zero e cinco anos e entre quatorze e vinte e quatro anos de idade, residentes em São Paulo, Capital, pretendi analisar como os casais lidam com os desafios que surgem quando um cônjuge pertence a uma tradição religiosa diferente da do outro. Dentre os desafios, está o de lidar com a educação religiosa ou a formação espiritual de seus filhos. Utilizando-se como referencial a Terapia Sistêmica Familiar, principalmente o trabalho de Paul Watzlawick sobre a comunicação e o de Murray Bowen sobre o funcionamento humano dentro dos sistemas familiares, além de outros referenciais auxiliares para trabalhar a questão intercultural no casamento, pretendi discutir as implicações para a práxis religiosa e oferecer contribuições à clínica psicológica e às ciências da religião. A psicologia necessita repensar sua prática, deixando o preconceito em relação à religião de lado e incluindo essa em seus estudos, de modo a aproximar o discurso e a prática do terapeuta, uma vez que pode tomar consciência de seus próprios valores religiosos quando buscar compreender a religião e a espiritualidade de sua clientela. Por sua vez, as instituições religiosas necessitam refletir sobre sua práxis, de modo a alcançar as famílias que se encontram na periferia das religiões. Famílias que solicitam uma orientação, uma formação religiosa, mas que, sendo inter-religiosas, necessitam ser reconhecidas e respeitadas como tal. Portanto, as igrejas precisam abrir-se, deixar de olhar para dentro de si mesmas e servir ao mundo, mesmo que parte desse mundo nunca venha a se tornar formalmente membro da comunidade.(AU)


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O presente estudo consiste em uma pesquisa sobre o ingresso das crianças de seis anos no Ensino Fundamental com duração de nove anos, em quatro escolas públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Como fundamento para as análises desta política educacional, o referencial teórico adotado pauta-se em estudos sobre a legislação, a concepção de infância, os conhecimentos sobre os processos de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita, a formação e a prática dos professores. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, estruturada na análise das proposições dos documentos oficiais, na aplicação de um questionário (para 25 professoras) e realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento com cinco professoras dentre aquelas que responderam o questionário. O propósito da aplicação do questionário e da realização de entrevistas apresentou como objetivos: traçar o perfil e conhecer aspectos da vida profissional das professoras (sujeitos da pesquisa); analisar as ideias que norteiam suas práticas de alfabetização; analisar como foram preparadas para esta nova realidade; discutir sobre os avanços e/ou as dificuldades encontradas para desenvolverem o trabalho pedagógico com as crianças do 1º ano e analisar sobre o que acreditam que deve ser garantido para o sucesso da escolaridade destas crianças. A pesquisa revela que incluir as crianças de seis anos no ensino fundamental foi, para as entrevistadas, uma medida positiva, no entanto, a implantação ocorreu sem o preparo das escolas e dos professores. Aos docentes que assumiram as classes de 1º ano coube o desafio de, mesmo sem as condições estruturais e a devida formação, organizarem o tempo e os espaços escolares. Ficou evidente nas análises, acerca do relato das práticas das professoras entrevistadas, a preocupação dada à alfabetização e o letramento, entretanto, todas reconhecem a importância da dimensão lúdica nas atividades pedagógicas da sala de aula. Esta preocupação decorre das interpretações que fazem das determinações da Secretaria Estadual de Educação e das pressões indiretas percebidas por elas quanto ao compromisso com a alfabetização neste 1º ano da escolaridade obrigatória, entre elas, a expectativa da comunidade escolar pais e professoras dos anos seguintes do Ensino Fundamental. Por fim, os dados revelam, ainda, a necessidade de se garantir a formação dos educadores, bem como de discussões sobre o currículo das turmas de seis anos.


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Este estudo buscou estudar qualidade de vida em indivíduos que trabalhavam em cooperativas com a filosofia da Economia Solidária. Mais especificamente procurou: levantar o perfil sócio econômico cultural e demográfico de indivíduos adultos integrantes de programas de Economia Solidária; avaliar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos integrantes de programas; descrever a compreensão desses trabalhadores sobre o conceito de qualidade de vida. Participaram desse estudo 69 pessoas, trabalhadores de três cooperativas distintas de catadores de lixo reciclável. Foi aplicado um questionário elaborado especialmente para esse estudo contendo dados de identificação dos participantes, com o propósito de fazer um levantamento relativo aos dados sócioeconômicos, culturais e demográficos e, nesse questionário foi agregado o critério de classificação de renda e classe social da Associação Brasileira dos Institutos de Pesquisa - ABIPEME e utilizou-se a Escala de Qualidade de vida Whoqol Bref . Verificou-se, que os trabalhadores apresentaram um bom nível de qualidade de vida. Em relação aos dados sócio-econômicos culturais, observou-se um predomínio da presença de mulheres, solteiras ou com parceiros, mas com filhos. Com relação aos domínios que compõem Qualidade de Vida, houve uma correlação significativa entre os domínios físico e psicológico e também uma correlação entre os domínios: psicológico e de relações sociais. Por outro lado, o domínio meio ambiente foi o que apresentou um índice menor de qualidade de vida em relação aos demais. Levanta-se a hipótese de que o fato dos cooperados estarem insatisfeitos com seus ganhos, por os considerarem insuficientes, acrescido de suas condições de moradia serem precárias, além da maioria ser oriunda de um sistema econômico competitivo e individualista e não terem ainda a devida adaptação que esse novo sistema exige, interferiram no domínio meio ambiente de forma negativa..(AU)


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A paralisia cerebral, doença não progressiva, compromete movimentos e postura. A fisioterapia atual volta-se para um tratamento holístico. Brincar proporciona desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. O presente estudo tem como objetivos investigar a opinião de fisioterapeutas que atuam em neuropediatria sobre a utilização do brinquedo em sua prática clínica e verificar sua possível utilização em intervenções junto a crianças com paralisia cerebral. Utiliza-se inicialmente de questionário de opinião junto a 50 fisioterapeutas das diversas clínicas da Associação de Apoio a Criança com Deficiência, AACD - SP, verificando a utilização de brinquedos face aos diversos objetivos fisioterapeuticos; a seguir, realiza observação de 60 atendimentos, em fisioterapia aquática e de solo, de crianças com paralisia cerebral, identificando a utilização de cada categoria de brinquedo relativo ao objetivo terapêutico. Os dados obtidos no questionário revelaram em ordem decrescente utilização de: brinquedos sensório-motores 57,4%, para ganho de equilíbrio (E); 22,2% para coordenação motora (CM); 18,5% para aquisições posturais (AP) e 2% para relaxamento muscular (RM). Em relação aos jogos de faz-de-conta: 37% (E); 39% (AP) e 24% (CM).Para os jogos de regras: 54% (E); 35% (CM); 11% (AP). Com os jogos de montagem: 52% (CM); 24% (E); 24% (AP). Os dados da observação revelaram que os principais objetivos terapêuticos visados com utilização de brinquedos foram: alongamento, primeiro 10 ; fortalecimento muscular, equilíbrio e treino de marcha de 10 a 40 . Quanto à modalidade de brinquedo observada houve predomínio do faz de conta no início e no fim da sessão e das demais categorias no meio, de forma intercalada. Os dados da observação coincidiram com os do questionário revelando utilização sistemática de brinquedos com objetivos fisioterapeuticos.(AU)


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BACKGROUND: In the light of sub-optimal uptake of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination, we investigated the factors that influence the intentions of mothers to vaccinate. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of 300 mothers in Birmingham with children approaching a routine MMR vaccination was conducted using a postal questionnaire to measure: intention to vaccinate, psychological variables, knowledge of the vaccine, and socioeconomic status. The vaccination status of the children was obtained from South Birmingham Child Health Surveillance Unit. RESULTS: The response rate was 59%. Fewer mothers approaching the second MMR vaccination (Group 2) intended to take their children for this vaccination than Group 1 (mothers approaching the first MMR vaccination) (Mann-Whitney U = 2180, P < 0.0001). Group 2 expressed more negative beliefs about the outcome of having the MMR vaccine ('vaccine outcome beliefs') (Mann-Whitney U = 2155, P < 0.0001), were more likely to believe it was 'unsafe' (chi 2 = 9.114, P = 0.004) and that it rarely protected (chi 2 = 6.882, P = 0.014) than Group 1. The commonest side-effect cited was general malaise, but 29.8% cited autism. The most trusted source of information was the general practitioner but the most common source of information on side-effects was television (34.6%). Multiple linear regression revealed that, in Group 1, only 'vaccine outcome beliefs' significantly predicted intention (77.1% of the variance). In Group 2 'vaccine outcome beliefs', attitude to the MMR vaccine, and prior MMR status all predicted intention (93% of the variance). CONCLUSION: A major reason for the low uptake of the MMR vaccination is that it is not perceived to be important for children's health, particularly the second dose. Health education from GPs is likely to have a considerable impact.


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The Aston Eye Study (AES) was instigated in October 2005 to determine the distribution of refractive error and associated ocular biometry in a sample of UK urban school children. The AES is the first study to compare outcome measures separately in White, South Asian and Black children. Children were selected from two age groups (Year 2 children aged 6/7 years, Year8 children aged 12/13 years of age) using random cluster sampling of schools in Birmingham, West Midlands UK. To date, the AES has examined 598 children (302 Year 2,296 Year 8). Using open-field cycloplegic autorefraction, the overall prevalence of myopia (=-0.50D SER in either eye) determined was 19.6%, with a higher prevalence in older (29.4%) compared to younger (9.9%) children (p<0.001). Using multiple logistic regression models, the risk of myopia was higher in Year 8 South Asian compared to White children and higher in children attending grammar schools relative to comprehensive schools. In addition, the prevalence of uncorrected ametropia was found to be high (Year 8: 12.84%, Year 2: 15.23%), which will be of concern to bodies responsible for the implementation of school vision screening strategies. Biometric data using non-contact partial coherence interferometry revealed a contributory effect of axial length (AL) and central corneal radius (CR) on myopic refraction, resulting in a strong coefficient of determination of the AL/CR ratio on refractive error. Ocular biometric measures did not vary significantly as a function of ethnicity, suggesting a greater miscorrelation of components in susceptible ethnic groups to account for their higher myopia prevalence. Corneal radius was found to be steeper in myopes in both age groups, but was found to flatten with increasing axial length. Due to the inextricable link between myopia and axial elongation, the paradoxical finding of the cornea demands further longitudinal investigation, particularly in relation to myopia onset. Questionnaire analysis revealed a history of myopia in parents and siblings to be significantly associated with myopia in Year 8 children, with a dose-dependent rise in the odds ratio of myopia evident with increasing number of myopic parents. By classifying socioeconomic status (SES) using Index of Multiple Deprivation values, it was found that Year 8 children from moderately deprived backgrounds were more at risk of myopia compared with children located at both extremities of the deprivation spectrum. However, the main effect of SES weakened following multivariate analysis, with South Asian ethnicity and grammar schooling remaining associated with Year 8 myopia after adjustment.