826 resultados para Enteric neuropathy


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of respiratory infection in infants and children that can result in bronchiolitis or pneumonia. Each year in the United States, it causes up to 400 deaths and 125,000 hospitalizations among children less than one year of age. RSV is transmitted by direct or close contact with contaminated secretions, which may involve droplets and fomites. Monthly administration of a monoclonal RSV antibody, palivizumab (Synagis™, MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD), in premature infants, infants with chronic lung disease, or congenital heart disease has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of severe RSV infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) is a laboratory based passive reporting system that collects state, regional, and national RSV data. The CDC defines the RSV season onset as “the first of 2 consecutive weeks during which the mean percentage of specimens testing positive for RSV antigen is 10%.” RSV season offset is defined as the last of 2 consecutive weeks during which the percentage of positive specimens is less than or equal to 10%. Annual RSV epidemics generally occur during the winter and early spring months, but the RSV season is known to vary by national regions. Precise delineation of the RSV epidemiology by region could maximize protection from RSV and minimize the cost of RSV immune prophylaxis. ^ The purpose of this thesis is to define the RSV season in Texas over time; compare the RSV season of the state of Texas and its regions with the national norms; and to compare RSV seasonality between the various regions in Texas. ^ This study was a retrospective analysis of data reported to NREVSS to evaluate potential disparities in the onset weeks, offset weeks, and duration of the annual RSV season in Texas. Data were collected from 70 reporting sites, and includes information from the 2004–2005 to 2009–2010 RSV seasons. ^ The observed median onset (week 44) and offset week (week 8) for the Texas were consistent with national estimates for the South. Regional estimates and statistical analysis suggested that the RSV season in Texas would be better represented by regions. Regional seasonal comparisons revealed considerable variation in season offset and duration between many of the geographic regions within Texas. This trend should be studied further.^


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The Estudio Comunitario sobre la Salud del Niño cohort study followed 326 3- to 8-year-old Colombian children for 4 years to observe the natural history of Helicobacter pylori infection and identify risk factors for acquisition, recurrence and persistence. Acute H. pylori infection during childhood may predispose to other enteric infections and therefore increase the risk of diarrheal disease. This dissertation aimed to estimate the effect of H. pylori infection on the occurrence of diarrhea and parasitic co-infections. The analysis used Generalized Estimating Equations to obtain odds ratios to estimate relative risks for diarrhea and the Zhang-Yu algorithm to estimate relative risks for on parasitic infections. Andersen-Gill models were used to estimate rate ratios for the effect of H. pylori status on the recurrence of parasitic infections. H. pylori status was classified for the entire follow-up duration in 1 of 3 categories: persistently positive, intermittently positive, and persistently negative. Multivariable models included child’s sex, age, symptoms, medication use, and socio-environmental factors. H. pylori infection was weakly and imprecisely associated with diarrheal disease, which occurred at an unexpectedly low frequency in this study. Persistently H. pylori-positive children had a somewhat higher incidence of reported diarrhea than intermittently positive or persistently negative children. Stratified analysis revealed that the presence of specific helminthes modified the effect of persistent H. pylori infection on diarrhea. The incidence of any parasitic infections was higher in children with persistent H. pylori infection relative to those with intermittent or persistently negative status, but this association did not hold when adjusted for the full set of selected covariates. The effects of H. pylori persistent status were similar for the occurrence or recurrence of Giardia duodenalis, Entamoeba histolytica, and Ascaris lumbricoides. These results show that H. pylori frequently co-exists with other parasites in Andean children and suggest that intermittently H. pylori–positive children might be at a lower risk of parasitic infections than persistently positive children. The relationship of H. pylori infection, helminthic infection and diarrheal disease should be further explored in studies that devote more intensive resources to accurate ascertainment of diarrhea.^


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the central nerve system and Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an inflammatory neuropathy involving the peripheral nerves. Anti-myelin immunoglobins may play a role in the demyelination processes of the both diseases. Sulfatide is an abundant glycolipid on myelin and is a candidate target antigen for disease related autoantibodies. The objective of this study was to characterize anti-sulfatide antibodies and compare antibodies from GBS and MS patients with fetal antibodies. Our hypothesis is that some B cells producing disease-associated autoantibodies are derived from or related to B cells of the fetal repertoire. Here we report that reactivity of plasma IgM against sulfatide was elevated in twelve MS patients compared with twelve normal subjects. This result implies that anti-sulfatide antibodies are disease-related. A total of sixteen human B lymphocyte clones producing anti-sulfatide autoantibodies were isolated from MS patients, GBS patients and a human fetus. Seven of the clones were from three MS patients, four of the clones were from three GBS patients and five were from the spleen of a twenty-week human fetus. Sequences have been obtained for the heavy and light chain variable regions (VDJ and VJ regions) of all of the anti-sulfatide immunoglobulins. Seven of the sixteen antibodies used VH3 for the variable region gene of the heavy chain consistent with the rate of VH3 usage in randomly selected B cells. Somatic mutations were significantly more frequent in the patient antibodies than in the fetus and somatic mutations in CDR's (Complementarity Determining Region) were significantly more frequent than in framework regions. No significant difference was found between patients and fetus in length of VH CDRIII. However, it is reported that antibodies from randomly selected normal adult B cells have longer CDRIII lengths than those of the fetus (Sanz I, 1991 Journal of Immunology Sep 1;147(5):1720-9). Our results are consistent with derivation of the precursors of B cells producing these autoantibodies from B cells related to those of the fetal repertoire. These findings are consistent with a model in which quiescent B cells from clones produced early in development undergo proliferation in dysregulated disease states, accumulating somatic mutations and increasing in reactivity toward self-antigens. ^ Epitope mapping and molecular modeling were done to elucidate the relationships between antibody structure and binding characteristics. The autoantibodies were tested for binding activity to three different antigens: sulfatide, galactoceramide and ceramide. Molecular modeling suggests that antibodies with positive charge surrounded by or adjacent to hydrophobic groups in the binding pocket bind to the head of sulfatide via the sulfate group through electrostatic interactions. However, the antibodies with hydrophobic groups separated from positive charges appear to bind to the hydrophobic tail of sulfatide. This observation was supported by a study of the effect of NaCl concentration on antigen binding. The result suggested that electrostatic interactions played a major role in sulfate group binding and that hydrophobic interactions were of greater importance for binding to the ceramide group. Our three-dimensional structure data indicated that epitope specificity of these antibodies is more predictable at the level of tertiary than primary structure and suggested positive selection based on structure occurred in the. formation of those autoantibodies. ^


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Few studies have been conducted on the epidemiology of enteric infectious diseases of public health importance in communities along the United States-Mexico border, and these studies typically focus on bacterial and viral diseases. The epidemiology of intestinal helminth infections along the border has not recently been explored, and there are no published reports for El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, both of which are high traffic urban areas along the Texas-Mexico border. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a cross-sectional epidemiologic survey for enteric helminths of medical importance along the Texas-Mexico border region of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez and to evaluate risk factors for exposure to these parasites. In addition, an emphasis was placed on the zoonotic tapeworm, Taenia solium. This tapeworm is especially important in this region because of the increasing incidence of neurocysticercosis, a severe disease spread by carriers of intestinal T. solium. Fecal samples were collected from individuals of all ages in a population-based cross-sectional household survey and evaluated for the presence of helminth parasites using fecal flotations. In addition, a Taenia coproantigen enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed on each stool sample to identify tapeworm carriers. A standardized questionnaire was administered to identify risk factors and routes of exposure for enteric helminth infections with additional questions to assess risk factors specific for taeniasis. The actual prevalence of taeniasis along the Texas-Mexico border was unknown, and this is the first population-based study performed in this region. Flotations were performed on 395 samples and four (1%) were positive for helminths including Ascaris, hookworms and Taenia species. Immunodiagnostic testing demonstrated a prevalence of 2.9% (11/378) for taeniasis. Based on the case definition, a 3% (12/395) prevalence of taeniasis was detected in this area. In addition, statistical analyses indicate that residents of El Paso are 8.5 times more likely to be a tapeworm carrier compared to residents of Juarez (PR=8.5, 95% CI=2.35, 30.81). This finding has important implications in terms of planning effective health education campaigns to decrease the prevalence of enteric helminths in populations along the Texas-Mexico border. ^


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The dataset provides detailed information on the study that was conducted in Lahore's 7 major towns. The sample was taken from 472 tubewells and analyzed for major cations and anions using APHA 2012 techniques as explained herein. Besides, E.coli determination was done to check for microbial contamination. The data includes results from PHREEQC modeling of As(III)/ As(V) species and saturation indices as well as Aquachem's computed hydrochemical water facies. The WHO (2011) and EPA standards included in Aquachem identified the parameters that where in violation. Bicarbonates dominated the groundwater types with 50.21% of the samples exceeding the EPA maximum permissible limit of 250 mg/L in drinking water. Similarly, 30.51% of the samples had TDS values greater than 500 mg/L while 85.38 % of the samples exceed 10 µg/L threshold limit value of arsenic. Also, instances of high magnesium hazard values were observed which requires constant assessment if the groundwater is used for irrigation. Higher than 50% MH values are detrimental to crops which may reduce the expected yields. The membrane filtration technique using m-Endo Agar indicated that 3.59% samples had TNC (too numerous to count) values for E.coli while 5.06% showed values higher than 0 cfu/ 100 ml acceptable value in drinking water. Any traces of E-coli in a groundwater sample indicate recent fecal contamination. Such outcomes signify presence of enteric pathogens. If the groundwater is not properly dosed with disinfectants it may cause harm to human health. It is concluded that more studies are needed and proper groundwater management implement to safeguard the lives of communities that depend solely on groundwater in the city.


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The growing demand for sustainable animal production is compelling researchers to explore the potential approaches to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from livestock that are mainly produced by enteric fermentation. Some potential solutions, for instance, the use of chemical inhibitors to reduce methanogenesis, are not feasible in routine use due to their toxicity to ruminants, inhibition of efficient rumen function or other transitory effects. Strategies, such as use of plant secondary metabolites and dietary manipulations have emerged to reduce the methane emission, but these still require extensive research before these can be recommended and deployed in the livestock industry sector. Furthermore, immunization vaccines for methanogens and phages are also under investigation for mitigation of enteric methanogenesis. The increasing knowledge of methanogenic diversity in rumen, DNA sequencing technologies and bioinformatics have paved the way for chemogenomic strategies by targeting methane producers. Chemogenomics will help in finding target enzymes and proteins, which will further assist in the screening of natural as well chemical inhibitors. The construction of a methanogenic gene catalogue through these approaches is an attainable objective. This will lead to understand the microbiome function, its relation with the host and feeds, and therefore, will form the basis of practically viable and eco-friendly methane mitigation approaches, while improving the ruminant productivity.


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Salt and water secretion from intestinal epithelia requires enhancement of anion permeability across the apical membrane of Cl− secreting cells lining the crypt, the secretory gland of the intestine. Paneth cells located at the base of the small intestinal crypt release enteric defensins (cryptdins) apically into the lumen. Because cryptdins are homologs of molecules known to form anion conductive pores in phospholipid bilayers, we tested whether these endogenous antimicrobial peptides could act as soluble inducers of channel-like activity when applied to apical membranes of intestinal Cl− secreting epithelial cells in culture. Of the six peptides tested, cryptdins 2 and 3 stimulated Cl− secretion from polarized monolayers of human intestinal T84 cells. The response was reversible and dose dependent. In contrast, cryptdins 1, 4, 5, and 6 lacked this activity, demonstrating that Paneth cell defensins with very similar primary structures may exhibit a high degree of specificity in their capacity to elicit Cl− secretion. The secretory response was not inhibited by pretreatment with 8-phenyltheophyline (1 μM), or dependent on a concomitant rise in intracellular cAMP or cGMP, indicating that the apically located adenosine and guanylin receptors were not involved. On the other hand, cryptdin 3 elicited a secretory response that correlated with the establishment of an apically located anion conductive channel permeable to carboxyfluorescein. Thus cryptdins 2 and 3 can selectively permeabilize the apical cell membrane of epithelial cells in culture to elicit a physiologic Cl− secretory response. These data define the capability of cryptdins 2 and 3 to function as novel intestinal secretagogues, and suggest a previously undescribed mechanism of paracrine signaling that in vivo may involve the reversible formation of ion conductive channels by peptides released into the crypt microenvironment.


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Cessation of transcription at specific terminator DNA sequences is used by viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes to regulate the expression of downstream genes, but the mechanisms of transcription termination are poorly characterized. To elucidate the kinetic mechanism of termination at the intrinsic terminators of enteric bacteria, we observed, by using single-molecule light microscopy techniques, the behavior of surface-immobilized Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) molecules in vitro. An RNAP molecule remains at a canonical intrinsic terminator for ≈64 s before releasing DNA, implying the formation of an elongation-incompetent (paused) intermediate by transcription complexes that terminate but not by those that read through the terminator. Analysis of pause lifetimes establishes a complete minimal mechanism of termination in which paused intermediate formation is both necessary and sufficient to induce release of RNAP at the terminator. The data suggest that intrinsic terminators function by a nonequilibrium process in which terminator effectiveness is determined by the relative rates of nucleotide addition and paused state entry by the transcription complex.


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The piebald locus on mouse chromosome 14 encodes the endothelin-B receptor (EDNRB), a G protein-coupled, seven-transmembrane domain protein, which is required for neural crest-derived melanocyte and enteric neuron development. A spontaneous null allele of Ednrb results in homozygous mice that are predominantly white and die as juveniles from megacolon. To identify the important domains for EDNRB function, four recessive juvenile lethal alleles created by either radiation or chemical mutagens (Ednrb27Pub, Ednrb17FrS, Ednrb1Chlc, and Ednrb3Chlo) were examined at the molecular level. Ednrb27Pub mice harbor a mutation at a critical proline residue in the fifth transmembrane domain of the EDNRB protein. A gross genomic alteration within the Ednrb gene in Ednrb3Chlo results in the production of aberrantly sized transcripts and no authentic Ednrb mRNA. Ednrb17FrS mice exhibited a decreased level of Ednrb mRNA, supporting previous observations that the degree of spotting in piebald mice is dependent on the amount of EDNRB expressed. Finally, no molecular defect was detected in Ednrb1Chlc mice, which produce normal levels of Ednrb mRNA in adult brain, suggesting that the mutation affects important regulatory elements that mediate the expression of the gene during development.


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Several proteins secreted by enteric bacteria are thought to contribute to virulence by disturbing the signal transduction of infected cells. Here, we report that SopB, a protein secreted by Salmonella dublin, has sequence homology to mammalian inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatases and that recombinant SopB has inositol phosphate phosphatase activity in vitro. SopB hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, an inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent chloride secretion. In addition, SopB hydrolyzes inositol 1,3,4,5,6 pentakisphosphate to yield inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate, a signaling molecule that increases chloride secretion indirectly by antagonizing the inhibition of chloride secretion by phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate [Eckmann, L., Rudolf, M. T., Ptasznik, A., Schultz, C., Jiang, T., Wolfson, N., Tsien, R., Fierer, J., Shears, S. B., Kagnoff, M. F., et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 14456–14460]. Mutation of a conserved cysteine that abolishes phosphatase activity of SopB results in a mutant strain, S. dublin SB c/s, with decreased ability to induce fluid secretion in infected calf intestine loops. Moreover, HeLa cells infected with S. dublin SB c/s do not accumulate high levels of inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate that are characteristic of wild-type S. dublin-infected cells. Therefore, SopB mediates virulence by interdicting inositol phosphate signaling pathways.


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Genetic data in the mouse have shown that endothelin 3 (ET3) and its receptor B (ETRB) are essential for the development of two neural crest (NC) derivatives, the melanocytes and the enteric nervous system. We report here the effects of ET3 in vitro on the differentiation of quail trunk NC cells (NCC) in mass and clonal cultures. Treatment with ET3 is highly mitogenic to the undifferentiated NCC population, which leads to expansion of the population of cells in the melanocytic, and to a lesser extent, the glial lineages. The effect of ET3 on these two NC derivatives was confirmed by the quantitative analysis of clones derived from individual NCC subjected to ET3: we found a large increase in the survival and proliferation of unipotent and bipotent precursors for glial cells and melanocytes, with no significant effect on multipotent cells generating neurons. ET3 first stimulates expression of both ETRB and ETRB2 by cultured NCC. Then, under prolonged exposure to ET3, ETRB expression decreases and switches toward an ETRB2-positive melanogenic cell population. We therefore propose that the present in vitro experiments (long-lasting exposure to a high concentration of ET3) mimic the environment encountered by NCC in vivo when they migrate to the skin under the ectoderm that expresses ET3.


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The hsd genes of Mycoplasma pulmonis encode restriction and modification enzymes exhibiting a high degree of sequence similarity to the type I enzymes of enteric bacteria. The S subunits of type I systems dictate the DNA sequence specificity of the holoenzyme and are required for both the restriction and the modification reactions. The M. pulmonis chromosome has two hsd loci, both of which contain two hsdS genes each and are complex, site-specific DNA inversion systems. Embedded within the coding region of each hsdS gene are a minimum of three sites at which DNA inversions occur to generate extensive amino acid sequence variations in the predicted S subunits. We show that the polymorphic hsdS genes produced by gene rearrangement encode a family of functional S subunits with differing DNA sequence specificities. In addition to creating polymorphisms in hsdS sequences, DNA inversions regulate the phase-variable production of restriction activity because the other genes required for restriction activity (hsdR and hsdM) are expressed only from loci that are oriented appropriately in the chromosome relative to the hsd promoter. These data cast doubt on the prevailing paradigms that restriction systems are either selfish or function to confer protection from invasion by foreign DNA.


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Several inositol-containing compounds play key roles in receptor-mediated cell signaling events. Here, we describe a function for a specific inositol polyphosphate, d-myo-inositol 1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5,6)P4], that is produced acutely in response to a receptor-independent process. Thus, infection of intestinal epithelial cells with the enteric pathogen Salmonella, but not with other invasive bacteria, induced a multifold increase in Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 levels. To define a specific function of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4, a membrane-permeant, hydrolyzable ester was used to deliver it to the intracellular compartment, where it antagonized epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced inhibition of calcium-mediated chloride (Cl−) secretion (CaMCS) in intestinal epithelia. This EGF function is likely mediated through a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PtdIns3K)-dependent mechanism because the EGF effects are abolished by wortmannin, and three different membrane-permeant esters of the PtdIns3K product phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate mimicked the EGF effect on CaMCS. We further demonstrate that Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 antagonized EGF signaling downstream of PtdIns3K because Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 interfered with the PtdInsP3 effect on CaMCS without affecting PtdIns3K activity. Thus, elevation of Ins(1,4,5,6)P4 in Salmonella-infected epithelia may promote Cl− flux by antagonizing EGF inhibition mediated through PtdIns3K and PtdInsP3.


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The expression of the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPc) gene is required for prion replication and neuroinvasion in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The identification of the cell types expressing PrPc is necessary to understanding how the agent replicates and spreads from peripheral sites to the central nervous system. To determine the nature of the cell types expressing PrPc, a green fluorescent protein reporter gene was expressed in transgenic mice under the control of 6.9 kb of the bovine PrP gene regulatory sequences. It was shown that the bovine PrP gene is expressed as two populations of mRNA differing by alternative splicing of one 115-bp 5′ untranslated exon in 17 different bovine tissues. The analysis of transgenic mice showed reporter gene expression in some cells that have been identified as expressing PrP, such as cerebellar Purkinje cells, lymphocytes, and keratinocytes. In addition, expression of green fluorescent protein was observed in the plexus of the enteric nervous system and in a restricted subset of cells not yet clearly identified as expressing PrP: the epithelial cells of the thymic medullary and the endothelial cells of both the mucosal capillaries of the intestine and the renal capillaries. These data provide valuable information on the distribution of PrPc at the cellular level and argue for roles of the epithelial and endothelial cells in the spread of infection from the periphery to the brain. Moreover, the transgenic mice described in this paper provide a model that will allow for the study of the transcriptional activity of the PrP gene promoter in response to scrapie infection.


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The construction of cDNA clones encoding large-size RNA molecules of biological interest, like coronavirus genomes, which are among the largest mature RNA molecules known to biology, has been hampered by the instability of those cDNAs in bacteria. Herein, we show that the application of two strategies, cloning of the cDNAs into a bacterial artificial chromosome and nuclear expression of RNAs that are typically produced within the cytoplasm, is useful for the engineering of large RNA molecules. A cDNA encoding an infectious coronavirus RNA genome has been cloned as a bacterial artificial chromosome. The rescued coronavirus conserved all of the genetic markers introduced throughout the sequence and showed a standard mRNA pattern and the antigenic characteristics expected for the synthetic virus. The cDNA was transcribed within the nucleus, and the RNA translocated to the cytoplasm. Interestingly, the recovered virus had essentially the same sequence as the original one, and no splicing was observed. The cDNA was derived from an attenuated isolate that replicates exclusively in the respiratory tract of swine. During the engineering of the infectious cDNA, the spike gene of the virus was replaced by the spike gene of an enteric isolate. The synthetic virus replicated abundantly in the enteric tract and was fully virulent, demonstrating that the tropism and virulence of the recovered coronavirus can be modified. This demonstration opens up the possibility of employing this infectious cDNA as a vector for vaccine development in human, porcine, canine, and feline species susceptible to group 1 coronaviruses.