942 resultados para Electric energy systems


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Il Test di Risposta Termica (Thermal Response Test-TRT) (Mogenson,1983) è il test esistente con il più alto grado di accuratezza per la caratterizzazione del reservoir geotermico superficiale. Il test consiste in una simulazione in situ del funzionamento di un sistema a circuito chiuso di sfruttamento dell’energia geotermica, per un periodo limitato di tempo, attraverso l’iniezione o estrazione di calore a potenza costante all’interno del geo-scambiatore (Borehole Heat Exchanger-BHE). Dall’analisi della variazione delle temperature del fluido circolante, è possibile avere una stima delle proprietà termiche medie del volume del reservoir geotermico interessato dal test. Le grandezze principali per la caratterizzazione di un serbatoio geotermico sono la conduttività termica (λ), la capacità termica volumetrica (c), la temperatura indisturbata del suolo (Tg) e la resistenza termica del pozzo (Rb); la loro determinazione è necessaria per il corretto progettazione degli geo-scambiatori. I risultati del TRT sono tuttavia sensibili alle condizioni al contorno spazio-temporali quali ad es.: variazione della temperatura del terreno, movimento d’acqua di falda, condizioni metereologiche, eventi stagionali, ecc. Questo lavoro vuole: i) introdurre uno studio sui problemi di caratterizzazione del reservoir geotermico superficiale, in particolare analizzando l’effetto che il movimento d’acqua di falda ha sui parametri termici; ii) analizzare la sensitività dei risultati del test alle variabilità dei parametri caratteristici del funzionamento delle attrezzature. Parte del lavoro della mia tesi è stata svolta in azienda per un periodo di 4 mesi presso la “Groenholland Geo Energy systems” che ha sede ad Amsterdam in Olanda. Tre diversi esperimenti sono stati realizzati sullo stesso sito (stratigrafia nota del terreno: argilla, sabbia fine e sabbia grossa) usando una sonda profonda 30 metri e diversi pozzi per l’estrazione d’acqua e per monitorare gli effetti in prossimità del geo scambiatore. I risultati degli esperimenti sono stati molto diversi tra di loro, non solo in termini di dati registrati (temperature del fluido termovettore), ma in termini dei valori dei parametri ottenuti elaborando i dati. In particolare non è sufficiente adottare il modello classico della sorgente lineare infinita (Infinite Line Source Solution- ILS) (Ingersoll and Plass, 1948), il quale descrive il trasferimento di calore per conduzione in un mezzo omogeneo indefinito a temperatura costante. Infatti, lo scambio di calore avviene anche tramite convezione causata dal movimento d’acqua di falda, non identificabile mediante gli approcci classici tipo CUSUM test (Cumulative Sum test) (Brown e altri,1975) Lo studio della tesi vuole dare un quadro di riferimento per correlare la variabilità dei risultati con la variabilità delle condizioni al contorno. L’analisi integra le metodologie classiche (ILS) con un approccio geostatistico utile a comprendere i fenomeni e fluttuazioni che caratterizzano il test. Lo studio delle principali variabili e parametri del test, quali temperatura in ingresso e uscita del fluido termovettore, portata del fluido e potenza iniettata o estratta, è stato sviluppato mediante: il variogramma temporale, ovvero la semivarianza dell’accrescimento, che esprime il tipo di autocorrelazione temporale della variabile in esame; la covarianza incrociata temporale, ovvero la covarianza fra due variabili del sistema, che ne definisce quantitativamente il grado di correlazione in funzionamento del loro sfasamento temporale. L’approccio geostatistico proposto considera la temperatura del fluido Tf come una funzione aleatoria (FA) non stazionaria nel tempo (Chiles, 1999), il cui trend è formalmente definito, ma deve essere identificato numericamente. Si considera quindi un classico modello a residuo; in cui la FA è modellizzata come la somma di un termine deterministico, la media (il valore atteso) m(t),coincidente col modello descritto dalla teoria della sorgente lineare infinità, e di un termine aleatorio, la fluttuazione, Y(t). Le variabili portata e potenza sono invece considerate delle funzioni aleatorie stazionarie nel tempo, ovvero a media costante. Da questo studio di Tesi si sono raggiunte delle conclusioni molto importanti per lo studio del TRT: Confronto tra gli esperimenti in estrazione di calore, con e senza movimento d’acqua di falda: si studia l’effetto indotto dalla falda sul TRT. E’ possibile caratterizzare quantitativamente l’incremento della conducibilità termica equivalente legata a fenomeni convettivi dovuti al movimento d’acqua di falda. Inoltre, i variogrammi sperimentali evidenziano periodicità simili nei due casi e legate al funzionamento della pompa di calore e della componentistica associata ed alla circolazione del fluido termovettore all’interno della sonda. Tuttavia, la componente advettiva ha un effetto di smorzamento sulle piccole periodicità dei variogrammi, ma di aumento dell’ampiezza delle periodicità maggiori a causa del funzionamento della pompa di calore che deve fornire maggiore energia al sistema per bilanciare le dispersioni dovute al movimento d’acqua di falda. Confronto fra estrazione ed iniezione di calore, con movimento d’acqua di falda: si studia la significatività dei risultati nei due casi. L’analisi delle variografie evidenzia significative differenze nella struttura dei variogrammi sperimentali. In particolare, nel test con iniezione di calore i variogrammi sperimentali delle temperature hanno valori sistematicamente inferiori, circostanza che assicura una migliore precisione nella stima dei parametri termici. Quindi eseguire il TRT in iniezione di calore risulta più preciso. Dall’analisi dei variogrammi sperimentali delle singole variabili quali temperatura del fluido in ingresso e uscita all’interno del geoscambiatore è stato confermato il fenomeno di smorzamento delle oscillazioni da parte del terreno. Dall’analisi delle singole variabili del test (temperature, potenza, portata) è stata confermata l’indipendenza temporale fra portate e temperature. Ciò è evidenziato dalle diverse strutture dei variogrammi diretti e dalle covarianze incrociate prossime a zero. Mediante correlogrami è stato dimostrato la possibilità di calcolare il tempo impiegato dal fluido termovettore per circolare all’interno della sonda. L’analisi geostatistica ha permesso quindi di studiare in dettaglio la sensitività dei risultati del TRT alle diverse condizioni al contorno, quelle legate al reservoir e quelle legate al funzionamento delle attrezzature


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In a world focused on the need to produce energy for a growing population, while reducing atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide, organic Rankine cycles represent a solution to fulfil this goal. This study focuses on the design and optimization of axial-flow turbines for organic Rankine cycles. From the turbine designer point of view, most of this fluids exhibit some peculiar characteristics, such as small enthalpy drop, low speed of sound, large expansion ratio. A computational model for the prediction of axial-flow turbine performance is developed and validated against experimental data. The model allows to calculate turbine performance within a range of accuracy of ±3%. The design procedure is coupled with an optimization process, performed using a genetic algorithm where the turbine total-to-static efficiency represents the objective function. The computational model is integrated in a wider analysis of thermodynamic cycle units, by providing the turbine optimal design. First, the calculation routine is applied in the context of the Draugen offshore platform, where three heat recovery systems are compared. The turbine performance is investigated for three competing bottoming cycles: organic Rankine cycle (operating cyclopentane), steam Rankine cycle and air bottoming cycle. Findings indicate the air turbine as the most efficient solution (total-to-static efficiency = 0.89), while the cyclopentane turbine results as the most flexible and compact technology (2.45 ton/MW and 0.63 m3/MW). Furthermore, the study shows that, for organic and steam Rankine cycles, the optimal design configurations for the expanders do not coincide with those of the thermodynamic cycles. This suggests the possibility to obtain a more accurate analysis by including the computational model in the simulations of the thermodynamic cycles. Afterwards, the performance analysis is carried out by comparing three organic fluids: cyclopentane, MDM and R245fa. Results suggest MDM as the most effective fluid from the turbine performance viewpoint (total-to-total efficiency = 0.89). On the other hand, cyclopentane guarantees a greater net power output of the organic Rankine cycle (P = 5.35 MW), while R245fa represents the most compact solution (1.63 ton/MW and 0.20 m3/MW). Finally, the influence of the composition of an isopentane/isobutane mixture on both the thermodynamic cycle performance and the expander isentropic efficiency is investigated. Findings show how the mixture composition affects the turbine efficiency and so the cycle performance. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates that the use of binary mixtures leads to an enhancement of the thermodynamic cycle performance.


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Model based calibration has gained popularity in recent years as a method to optimize increasingly complex engine systems. However virtually all model based techniques are applied to steady state calibration. Transient calibration is by and large an emerging technology. An important piece of any transient calibration process is the ability to constrain the optimizer to treat the problem as a dynamic one and not as a quasi-static process. The optimized air-handling parameters corresponding to any instant of time must be achievable in a transient sense; this in turn depends on the trajectory of the same parameters over previous time instances. In this work dynamic constraint models have been proposed to translate commanded to actually achieved air-handling parameters. These models enable the optimization to be realistic in a transient sense. The air handling system has been treated as a linear second order system with PD control. Parameters for this second order system have been extracted from real transient data. The model has been shown to be the best choice relative to a list of appropriate candidates such as neural networks and first order models. The selected second order model was used in conjunction with transient emission models to predict emissions over the FTP cycle. It has been shown that emission predictions based on air-handing parameters predicted by the dynamic constraint model do not differ significantly from corresponding emissions based on measured air-handling parameters.


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This is the first part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The motivation is to populate hundreds of parameters (which can be calibrated) in a methodical and optimum manner by using model-based optimization in conjunction with the manual process so that, relative to the manual process used by itself, a significant improvement in transient emissions and fuel consumption and a sizable reduction in calibration time and test cell requirements is achieved. Empirical transient modelling and optimization has been addressed in the second part of this work, while the required data for model training and generalization are the focus of the current work. Transient and steady-state data from a turbocharged multicylinder diesel engine have been examined from a model training perspective. A single-cylinder engine with external air-handling has been used to expand the steady-state data to encompass transient parameter space. Based on comparative model performance and differences in the non-parametric space, primarily driven by a high engine difference between exhaust and intake manifold pressures (ΔP) during transients, it has been recommended that transient emission models should be trained with transient training data. It has been shown that electronic control module (ECM) estimates of transient charge flow and the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction cannot be accurate at the high engine ΔP frequently encountered during transient operation, and that such estimates do not account for cylinder-to-cylinder variation. The effects of high engine ΔP must therefore be incorporated empirically by using transient data generated from a spectrum of transient calibrations. Specific recommendations on how to choose such calibrations, how many data to acquire, and how to specify transient segments for data acquisition have been made. Methods to process transient data to account for transport delays and sensor lags have been developed. The processed data have then been visualized using statistical means to understand transient emission formation. Two modes of transient opacity formation have been observed and described. The first mode is driven by high engine ΔP and low fresh air flowrates, while the second mode is driven by high engine ΔP and high EGR flowrates. The EGR fraction is inaccurately estimated at both modes, while EGR distribution has been shown to be present but unaccounted for by the ECM. The two modes and associated phenomena are essential to understanding why transient emission models are calibration dependent and furthermore how to choose training data that will result in good model generalization.


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This is the second part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The first part addressed the data requirements and data processing required for empirical transient emission and torque models. The current work focuses on modelling and optimization. The unexpected result of this investigation is that when trained on transient data, simple regression models perform better than more powerful methods such as neural networks or localized regression. This result has been attributed to extrapolation over data that have estimated rather than measured transient air-handling parameters. The challenges of detecting and preventing extrapolation using statistical methods that work well with steady-state data have been explained. The concept of constraining the distribution of statistical leverage relative to the distribution of the starting solution to prevent extrapolation during the optimization process has been proposed and demonstrated. Separate from the issue of extrapolation is preventing the search from being quasi-static. Second-order linear dynamic constraint models have been proposed to prevent the search from returning solutions that are feasible if each point were run at steady state, but which are unrealistic in a transient sense. Dynamic constraint models translate commanded parameters to actually achieved parameters that then feed into the transient emission and torque models. Combined model inaccuracies have been used to adjust the optimized solutions. To frame the optimization problem within reasonable dimensionality, the coefficients of commanded surfaces that approximate engine tables are adjusted during search iterations, each of which involves simulating the entire transient cycle. The resulting strategy, different from the corresponding manual calibration strategy and resulting in lower emissions and efficiency, is intended to improve rather than replace the manual calibration process.


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We describe and analyze the efficiency of a new solar-thermochemical reactor concept, which employs a moving packed bed of reactive particles produce of H2 or CO from solar energy and H2O or CO2. The packed bed reactor incorporates several features essential to achieving high efficiency: spatial separation of pressures, temperature, and reaction products in the reactor; solid–solid sensible heat recovery between reaction steps; continuous on-sun operation; and direct solar illumination of the working material. Our efficiency analysis includes material thermodynamics and a detailed accounting of energy losses, and demonstrates that vacuum pumping, made possible by the innovative pressure separation approach in our reactor, has a decisive efficiency advantage over inert gas sweeping. We show that in a fully developed system, using CeO2 as a reactive material, the conversion efficiency of solar energy into H2 and CO at the design point can exceed 30%. The reactor operational flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of operating conditions, allowing for high efficiency on an annual average basis. The mixture of H2 and CO, known as synthesis gas, is not only usable as a fuel but is also a universal starting point for the production of synthetic fuels compatible with the existing energy infrastructure. This would make it possible to replace petroleum derivatives used in transportation in the U.S., by using less than 0.7% of the U.S. land area, a roughly two orders of magnitude improvement over mature biofuel approaches. In addition, the packed bed reactor design is flexible and can be adapted to new, better performing reactive materials.


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Der Umbau der durch den Einsatz fossiler Energieträger dominierten Energiesysteme steht weit oben auf der politischen Agenda. Angesichts des fortschreitenden Klimawandels, der Ressourcenverknappung und des ökonomischen Aufholens der Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer wird diese Frage immer dringlicher. Zahlreiche politische, gesellschaftliche, ökonomische und ökologische Herausforderungen sind mit diesem Umbau verbunden. Angesichts der Langlebigkeit der heute gebauten Infrastrukturen ergibt sich hieraus ein zentrales Feld für die wissenschaftliche Zukunftsforschung. Der Einsatz von Energieszenarios ist über Jahre erprobt und trotz zahlreicher methodischer und inhaltlicher Unsicherheiten bei der Erarbeitung der Szenariostudien bleiben sie unersetzlich – sofern sie wissenschaftliche Standards hinsichtlich der Wertneutralität und Überprüfbarkeit erfüllen. Auch in der geographischen Forschung findet sich das Thema „Energie“ wieder verstärkt auf der Agenda. Bereits vor dem Hintergrund der Ölpreiskrisen in den 1970er-Jahren setzten sich Geographinnen und Geographen mit Energiethemen auseinander – angesichts des anstehenden Umbaus der Energiesysteme wird auch wieder die Frage aktuell, inwiefern sich die Transformation des Energiesystems und die Raumstruktur gegenseitig beeinflussen. Dabei werden nicht nur inhaltliche Fragen aufgeworfen, vielmehr ist auch zu klären, wie sich das Thema „Energie“ in die etablierten geographischen Forschungsdisziplinen von der Klimageographie über die Wirtschafts- und Bevölkerungsgeographie bis hin zur Siedlungsgeographie eingliedern lässt. Die Ausführungen im vorliegenden Artikel gehen noch einen Schritt weiter und werfen die Frage auf, inwiefern sich durch die Verbindung geographischer Forschung und Energiethemen auch ein neues methodisches Experimentierfeld auftut. Konkret wird aufgezeigt, dass die Geographie verstärkt den Blick in die Zukunft wagen und sich von der Analyse rezenter Strukturen lösen sollte. Die Frage der zukünftigen Raumstrukturen angesichts des Umbaus der Energiesysteme ist von zentraler Bedeutung, unter Anwendung von Methoden der wissenschaftlichen Zukunftsforschung muss die Geographie hier antworten liefern.


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En nuestro país, las cooperativas eléctricas surgieron a partir de la década de 1920 como reacción popular frente a las elevadas tarifas y al deficiente servicio proporcionado por las empresas de capital extranjero que tenían a su cargo la generación y la distribución de energía. La provincia de Córdoba no fue ajena a este fenómeno, en este artículo nos proponemos mostrar las circunstancias en que surgió la Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza de Río Tercero en 1933, la que a diferencia de otras de la provincia de Córdoba no generaba la energía que distribuía sino que la compraba a la usina hidráulica del dique Río Tercero, y al mismo tiempo resaltar también su evolución y las repercusiones de su gestión durante las dos primeras décadas de vida en las que prestó el servicio de energía eléctrica y comenzó con las gestiones encaminadas a concretar la provisión de agua corriente a la población de Río Tercero, convirtiéndose en la Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza y Agua Potable de Río Tercero Limitada inaugurando ese servicio en 1953.


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El rubro de la electricidad fue uno de los sectores más dinámicos para la transformación económica que experimentó la Argentina en la década del 40. Al mismo tiempo fue una de las ramas en las que se desarrolló más fuertemente el cooperativismo, que jugó un papel esencial en la provisión de energía eléctrica, fuera de los grandes centros urbanos. En este trabajo se estudia el desenvolvimiento de la Cooperativa Eléctrica de Las Flores destinada al suministro de energía del partido homónimo, en el interior de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre 1946 y 1951. Finalmente el trabajo analiza la política energética primero en la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante al Gobierno de Domingo Mercante y segundo en el ámbito nacional, durante la primera presidencia de Juan Perón.


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En nuestro país, las cooperativas eléctricas surgieron a partir de la década de 1920 como reacción popular frente a las elevadas tarifas y al deficiente servicio proporcionado por las empresas de capital extranjero que tenían a su cargo la generación y la distribución de energía. La provincia de Córdoba no fue ajena a este fenómeno, en este artículo nos proponemos mostrar las circunstancias en que surgió la Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza de Río Tercero en 1933, la que a diferencia de otras de la provincia de Córdoba no generaba la energía que distribuía sino que la compraba a la usina hidráulica del dique Río Tercero, y al mismo tiempo resaltar también su evolución y las repercusiones de su gestión durante las dos primeras décadas de vida en las que prestó el servicio de energía eléctrica y comenzó con las gestiones encaminadas a concretar la provisión de agua corriente a la población de Río Tercero, convirtiéndose en la Cooperativa de Luz y Fuerza y Agua Potable de Río Tercero Limitada inaugurando ese servicio en 1953.


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El rubro de la electricidad fue uno de los sectores más dinámicos para la transformación económica que experimentó la Argentina en la década del 40. Al mismo tiempo fue una de las ramas en las que se desarrolló más fuertemente el cooperativismo, que jugó un papel esencial en la provisión de energía eléctrica, fuera de los grandes centros urbanos. En este trabajo se estudia el desenvolvimiento de la Cooperativa Eléctrica de Las Flores destinada al suministro de energía del partido homónimo, en el interior de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre 1946 y 1951. Finalmente el trabajo analiza la política energética primero en la Provincia de Buenos Aires durante al Gobierno de Domingo Mercante y segundo en el ámbito nacional, durante la primera presidencia de Juan Perón.