1000 resultados para Edgren, A. W
Telegraph to S.D. Woodruff from W. Johnson of Alpena, Michigan stating that he has sent a New York draft for $2,500.00, May 27, 1881.
Voucher #7 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to W.G. Thompson accompanied by an abstract of vouchers and summaries of account paid by W.G. Thompson for surveys, Jan. 31, 1857.
Voucher #9 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to W. G. Thompson accompanied by an abstract of vouchers for surveys, Feb. 28, 1857
Pay roll voucher #13 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension for the Northern Division for the month of April, 1857 approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W.G. Thompson, assistant engineer, April 27, 1857.
Pay roll voucher # 17 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension, for the Northern Division for the month of May, 1857, approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W.G. Thompson, assistant engineer, May 27, 1857.
Voucher from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension for W.G. Thompson for the Northern Division. There are attached notes from the Welland Railway Company to John Mitchell for putting up shelves; to William Waud, staff; and to William Martin to repair the office (copy), June 10, 1857.
Pay roll voucher #20 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension, for the Northern Division approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W.G. Thompson, assistant engineer (copy) June 1857.
Voucher from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension to W.G. Thompson regarding horse hire (copy), Jul. 30, 1857.
Pay roll voucher #25 from the Engineer Department of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway Extension, for the Northern Division, for the month of July, 1857 approved by F. Shanly, chief engineer and W. G. Thompson (copy), July 30, 1857.
Letter on Long Point Company letterhead addressed to W.D. Woodruff of Lincoln Paper Mills, Merritton, Ontario in which Frank Reid, secretary of Long Point Company encloses a copy of the by-laws and the dates of incorporation, as requested (1 page, typed) [by-laws are not included here], Jan. 18, 1916.
Envelope with a laurel wreath containing the initials W.N. on the back side. The envelope has a 2 cent stamp on it, but it is not addressed, n.d.
Engineer services in the marsh lands drainage to the 29th day of August inclusive to Frederick Holmes, Thomas Baird and Thomas Gilleland, signed by S.W. Woodruff. This copy contains a note to Fred Holmes from S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 11, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from J.W. Harper of the Department of Public Works, Toronto. He is sending a copy of an order in Council on the subject of certain charges made by Joshua Manly of Port Colborne against Mr. Woodruff and other persons connected with the Welland Canal, May 12, 1859.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from W. Pring at Port Colborne stating that Mr. Turner has had possession of the Welland Canal information and he is requesting that Mr. Turner send you the information. Jan.24, 1862.
Receipt from J.W. Fiske of New York, Manufacturer of Ornamental Iron and Zinc Work for brackets, sponge racks and saddle brackets. There are 2 copies of this receipt; one has an extra set of brackets (for the home) marked on it, Aug. 11, 1876.