999 resultados para Dispersal stages


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Mortality factors that act sequentially through the demographic transitions from seed to sapling may have critical effects on recruitment success. Understanding how habitat heterogeneity influences the causal factors that limit propagule establishment in natural populations is central to assess these demographic bottlenecks and their consequences. Bamboos often influence forest structure and dynamics and are a major factor in generating landscape complexity and habitat heterogeneity in tropical forests. To understand how patch heterogeneity influences plant recruitment we studied critical establishment stages during early recruitment of Euterpe edulis, Sloanea guianensis and Virola bicuhyba in bamboo and non-bamboo stands in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. We combined observational studies of seed rain and seedling emergence with seed addition experiments to evaluate the transition probabilities among regeneration stages within bamboo and non-bamboo stands. The relative importance of each mortality factor was evaluated by determining how the loss of propagules affected stage-specific recruitment success. Our results revealed that the seed addition treatment significantly increased seedling survivorship for all three species. E. edulis seedling survival probability increased in the addition treatment in the two stand types. However, for S. guianensis and V. bicuhyba this effect depended strongly on artificially protecting the seeds, as both species experienced increased seed and seedling losses due to post-dispersal seed predators and herbivores. Propagules of all three species had a greater probability of reaching subsequent recruitment stages when protected. The recruitment of large-seeded V. bicuhyba and E. edulis appears to be much more limited by post-dispersal factors than by dispersal limitation, whereas the small-seeded S. guianensis showed an even stronger effect of post-dispersal factors causing recruitment collapse in some situations. We demonstrated that E. edulis, S. guianensis and V. bicuhyba are especially susceptible to predation during early compared with later establishment stages and this early stage mortality can be more crucial than stand differences as determinants of successful regeneration. Among-species differences in the relative importance of dispersal vs. establishment limitation are mediated by variability in species responses to patch heterogeneity. Thus, bamboo effects on the early recruitment of non-bamboo species are patchy and species-specific, with successional bamboo patches exerting a far-reaching influence on the heterogeneity of plant species composition and abundance. © 2012 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.


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Mistletoes represent the best example of specialization in seed dispersal, with a reduced assemblage of dispersal agents. Specific dispersal requirements mediated by the specificity of seed deposition site have apparently led to the evolution of such close relationships between mistletoes and certain frugivores. Here, we provide evidences for another case of specialization involving epiphytic cacti in the genus Rhipsalis, and small Neotropical passerines Euphonia spp., which also act as the main seed dispersers of mistletoes in the family Viscaceae. With field observations, literature search, and observations on captive birds, we demonstrated that Rhipsalis have specific establishment requirements, and euphonias are the most effective dispersers of Rhipsalis seeds in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, potentially depositing seeds onto branches of host plants. We interpret the similar dispersal systems of Rhipsalis and Viscaceae mistletoes, which involve the same dispersal agents, similar fruit morphologies, and fruit chemistry as convergent adaptive strategies that enable seeds of both groups to reach adequate microsites for establishment in host branches. © 2013 by The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation.


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Phylogeographic studies provide an important framework for investigating the mechanisms operating during the earliest stages of speciation, as reproductive barriers can be examined among divergent lineages in a geographic context. We investigated the evolution of early stages of intrinsic postmating isolation among different populations and lineages of Epidendrum denticulatum, a Neotropical orchid distributed across different biomes in South America. We estimated genetic diversity and structure for both nuclear and plastid markers, using a haplotype network, differentiation tests, Bayesian assignment analysis, and divergence time estimates of the main lineages. Reproductive barriers among divergent lineages were examined by analyzing seed viability following reciprocal crossing experiments. Strong plastid phylogeographic structure was found, indicating that E. denticulatum was restricted to multiple refuges during South American forest expansion events. In contrast, significant phylogeographic structure was not found for nuclear markers, suggesting higher gene flow by pollen than by seeds. Large asymmetries in seed set were observed among different plastid genetic groups, suggesting the presence of polymorphic genic incompatibilities associated with cytonuclear interactions. Our results confirm the importance of phylogeographic studies associated with reproductive isolation experiments and suggest an important role for outbreeding depression during the early stages of lineage diversification. © 2013 The Society for the Study of Evolution.


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DNA methylation plays an important role in the epigenetic control of developmental and behavioral plasticity, with connections to the generation of striking phenotypic differences between castes (larger, reproductive queens and smaller, non-reproductive workers) in honeybees and ants. Here, we provide the first comparative investigation of caste- and life stage-associated DNA methylation in several species of bees and vespid wasps displaying different levels of social organization. Our results reveal moderate levels of DNA methylation in most bees and wasps, with no clear relationship to the level of sociality. Strikingly, primitively social Polistes dominula paper wasps show unusually high overall DNA methylation and caste-related differences in site-specific methylation. These results suggest DNA methylation may play a role in the regulation of behavioral and physiological differences in primitively social species with more flexible caste differences. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a human systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The mechanisms involved in innate immune response to this fungus are not fully elucidated. Leukotrienes are known to be critical for the clearance of various microorganisms, mainly by mediating the microbicidal function of phagocytes. We investigated the involvement of leukotriene B4 in the early stages of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis, which was induced by intratracheal inoculation of the fungus in selected mouse lines. The mouse lines utilized were produced through bi-directional phenotypic selection, endowed with maximal or minimal acute inflammatory reactivity, and designated AIRmax and AIRmin, respectively. AIRmax mice were more resistant to the infection, which was demonstrated by reduced lung fungal loads. However, the two lines produced similar amounts of leukotriene B4, and pharmacological inhibition of this mediator provoked similar fungal load increases in the two lines. The lower fungal load in the AIRmax mice was associated with a more effective inflammatory response, which was characterized by enhanced recruitment and activation of phagocytic cells and an increased production of activator cytokines. This process resulted in an increased release of fungicidal molecules and a diminution of fungal load. In both lines, leukotriene production was associated with a protective response in the lung that was consequent to the effect of this eicosanoid on the influx and activation of phagocytes. © 2013 ISHAM.


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The movement patterns of males, females and juveniles of lekking species often differ due to differences in the commitment to lek activities, which may lead to differences in the spatial distribution and dispersal distances of seeds they eat. By sampling seeds in three lek and non-lek areas of the white-bearded manakin (Manacus manacus), we tested whether this lekking species increased the abundance and species richness of seeds in lek areas and, at a finer scale, in 21 displaying courts within lek areas. Combining data on seed defecation or regurgitation rates by free-ranging individuals, the number of seeds in droppings or regurgitations of mist-netted birds, and the distances travelled by birds equipped with radio-transmitters, we estimated the potential spatial distribution of seeds generated by six resident males and six females or juveniles during the morning peak of lek activity and when lek activity decreased in the afternoon. There was no difference in the species richness (46 and 44 morphospecies, respectively) and abundance of seeds (15.4 ± 7.3 seeds and 14.0 ± 1.1 seeds, respectively) between lek and non-lek areas. Within leks both parameters increased in courts (45 spp., 17.6 ± 14 seeds) compared with non-court sites (22 spp., 1.9 ± 1.8 seeds), likely as a consequence of the longer time spent by resident males in perches in or near display courts. Distances moved by juveniles and females per 60-min period (183 ± 272 m) were greater than resident males (42.6 ± 22.0 m) in the mornings, while the opposite happened in the afternoons (55.2 ± 40.7 m and 157 ± 105 m, respectively). We conclude that the spatial aggregation of seeds in lek areas of M. manacus occurs at the court level, and the spatial distribution of deposited seeds varies with manakin lekking status and the daily period of foraging. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Os estágios iniciais de lagosta tropical Panulirus echinatus eclodiram e foram cultivados em laboratório. Fêmeas ovígeras foram capturadas em seu habitat e cuidadosamente transportadas para o laboratório. As larvas foram cultivadas em tanques de recirculação de água e alimentadas com náuplios de Artemia e gônadas mexilhão Brachydonts sp. Microalga Dunaliella viridis foi adicionada em cada tanque de cultivo na concentração de 150 x 104 cel.mL–1. Os filosomas mudaram oito vezes e o período de intermuda de cada instar foi de cerca de 7 a 10 dias. As principais mudanças morfológicas de cada apêndice foram descritas, ilustradas e comparadas com trabalhos anteriores.


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Os quirópteros representam 25 % da mastofauna mundial. São os mamíferos neotropicais mais diversificados e abundantes. A Amazônia brasileira apresenta cerca de 128 espécies de morcegos registradas. Eles possuem uma grande variabilidade morfológica, a qual os permite ocupar diferentes nichos tráficos no ecossistema. São muito importantes para a manutenção e regeneração dos ecossistemas em que vivem. São eficientes na dispersão de sementes, polinização e no controle biológico de insetos e constituem ótimos bioindicadores do estado e das dinâmicas sofridas por esses ecossistemas. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar a quiropterofauna de uma região da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, Pará, Brasil, em áreas de floresta primária, capoeira e de um experimento de corte seletivo de madeira. O nível de impacto sobre a comunidade de morcegos desse manejo e da área de capoeira foi comparado aos testemunhos de mata primária em cada habitat e em seus micro-habitats, ou fisionomias: matrizes de sub-bosques, clareiras e pátios de armazenamento de madeira. A comparação se deu através de análises de distribuição, diversidade, abundância, número de espécies e densidade das guildas. Foram amostradas 55 espécies, a maioria frugívoras, representantes de seis famílias. Ao comparar o número de espécies e a diversidade, as áreas de exploração exibem algum impacto, mas não tão acentuado como as áreas de capoeira. As amostras sugerem que a vegetação secundária proporciona uma maior densidade de quirópteros na comparação entre habitats. Mas poucas espécies são favorecidas por esta estrutura de vegetação. As guildas mais favorecidas nesta vegetação são de morcegos frugívoros/onívoros e insetívoros aéreos. A comparação entre fisionomias sugere que os quirópteros de sub-bosque evitam espaços abertos na vegetação. Os processos de sucessão aqui observados apresentam dinâmicas que necessitam de acompanhamento periódico, para a formulação de um modelo mais próximo da realidade.