982 resultados para Dirichlet heat kernel estimates


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In 1972, Maschler, Peleg and Shapley proved that in the class of convex the nucleolus and the kernel coincide. The only aim of this note is to provide a shorter, alternative proof of this result.


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Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of supercritical CO2 turbulent channel flow has been performed to investigate the heat transfer mechanism of supercritical fluid. In the present DNS, full compressible Navier-Stokes equations and Peng-Robison state equation are solved. Due to effects of the mean density variation in the wall normal direction, mean velocity in the cooling region becomes high compared with that in the heating region. The mean width between high-and low-speed streaks near the wall decreases in the cooling region, which means that turbulence in the cooling region is enhanced and lots of fine scale eddies are created due to the local high Reynolds number effects. From the turbulent kinetic energy budget, it is found that compressibility effects related with pressure fluctuation and dilatation of velocity fluctuation can be ignored even for supercritical condition. However, the effect of density fluctuation on turbulent kinetic energy cannot be ignored. In the cooling region, low kinematic viscosity and high thermal conductivity in the low speed streaks modify fine scale structure and turbulent transport of temperature, which results in high Nusselt number in the cooling condition of the supercritical CO2.


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In this paper, torsion fracture behavior of drawn pearlitic steel wires with different heat treatments was investigated. Samples with different heat treatments was investigated. Samples with different heat treatment conditions were subjected to torsion and tensile tests. The shear strain along the torsion sample after fracture was measured. Fracture surface of wires was examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy. In addition, the method of Differential Scanning Calorimetry was used to characterize the thermodynamic process in the heat treatment. A numerical simulation via finite element method on temperature field evolution for the wire during heat treatment process was performed. The results show that both strain aging and recovery process occur in the material within the temperature range between room temperature and 435 degrees C. It was shown that the ductility measured by the number of twists drops at short heating times and recovers after further heating in the lead bath of 435 degrees C. On the other hand, the strenght of the wire increases at short heating times and decreases after further heating. The microstructure inhomogeneity due to short period of heat treatment, coupled with the gradient characteristics of shear deformation during torsion results in localized shear deformation of the wire. In this situation, shear cracks nucleate between lamella and the wire breaks with low number of twists.


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Jarraian, hainbat hilabetetan zehar garatutako proiektuaren deskribapena biltzen duen memoria dugu eskuragarri. Proiektu hau, sistema konkurrenteen simulazioan zentratzen da eta horretarako, mota honetako sistemen arloan hain erabiliak diren Petri Sareak lantzeaz gain, simulatzaile bat programatzeko informazio nahikoa ere barneratzen ditu. Gertaera diskretuko simulatzaile estatistiko batean oinarrituko da proiektuaren garapena, helburua izanik Petri Sareen bidez formalizatzen diren sistemak simulatzeko softwarea osatzea. Proiektuaren helburua da objektuetara zuzendutako hizkuntzaren bidez, Java hizkuntzaren bidez alegia, simulatzailearen programazioa erraztea eta ingurune honen baliabideak erabiltzea, bereziki XML teknologiari lotutakoak. Proiektu hau, bi zati nagusitan banatzen dela esan daiteke. Lehenengo zatiari dagokionez, konputazio munduan simulazioa aurkeztu eta honi buruzko behar adina informazio emango da. Hau, oso erabilgarria izango da programatuko den simulatzailearen nondik norakoak ulertu eta klase desberdinen inplementazioa egin ahal izateko. Horrez gain, zorizko aldagaiak eta hauen simulazioa ere islatzen dira, simulazio prozesu hori ahalik eta era errealean gauzatzeko helburuarekin. Ondoren, Petri Sareak aurkeztuko dira, hauen ezaugarri eta sailkapen desberdinak goraipatuz. Gainera, Petri Sareak definitzeko XML lengoaia erabiliko denez, mota honetako dokumentu eta eskemak aztertuko dira, hauek, garatuko den aplikazioaren oinarri izango direlarik. Bestalde, aplikazioaren muin izango diren klaseen diseinu eta inplementazioak bildu dira azken aurreko kapituluan. Alde batetik, erabili den DOM egituraren inguruko informazioa islatzen da eta bestetik, XML-tik habiatuz lortuko diren PetriNet instantziak maneiatzeko ezinbestekoak diren Java klaseen kodeak erakusten dira. Amaitzeko, egileak ateratako ondorioez gain, proiektuaren garapen prozesuan erabili den bibliografiaren berri ere ematen da.